sum; to be upon; to be upon, be set upon; to be attached; was taken; was attached; to be at hand, be present; accidents; characteristics; to be in; possession; to be imminent; to be hereafter, remain; to be at hand; to come; to be set over; to be added, be over and above; plus; to be added; belong in addition
ibo; come upon; come upon, approach; come against, attack; invaders, assailants; by assault; first comer; get on the; come on; approach, attack; over; overtake; come near; threatening; threatens; come into; head, occur; occurred; what occurs to one; after; following, succeeding, instant; coming; future; consequences; come after, succeed; successor; which follow; pass, elapse; go over; traverse, vi
sum; to be upon; to be upon, be set upon; to be attached; was taken; was attached; to be at hand, be present; accidents; characteristics; to be in; possession; to be imminent; to be hereafter, remain; to be at hand; to come; to be set over; to be added, be over and above; plus; to be added; belong in addition
ibo; come upon; come upon, approach; come against, attack; invaders, assailants; by assault; first comer; get on the; come on; approach, attack; over; overtake; come near; threatening; threatens; come into; head, occur; occurred; what occurs to one; after; following, succeeding, instant; coming; future; consequences; come after, succeed; successor; which follow; pass, elapse; go over; traverse, vi