The Gospel According to John Chapter 8

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δέ δέ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: δέ; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
δέ but; nay; then; well
ἐπορεύθη ἐφορεύω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. pass. indic. stem: ἐπί:ὁρευθ; stemtype: aor_pass; suff: η; dial: Ionic; morph: comp_only unaugmented unasp_preverb; derivtype: euw.
ἐφορ-εύω to be ephor
ἐπορεύθη πορεύω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. pass. indic. stem: ἐ:πορευθ; stemtype: aor_pass; suff: η; derivtype: euw.
πορ-εύω make to go, carry, convey; carry; ferry over; bring, carry; furnish, bestow; set in motion; conduct a search; to be driven; carried; go, walk, march; go by land; cross, pass over; crossing; enter; march; come; go in; go over, traverse; pass; traverse, move along; fall; enter into possession of; walk; live; proceed; go on oneʼs way; die
εἰς εἰς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: εἰς; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰς into; to; into the territory of; in; before; facing; rest in; there; upon; for; up to, until; till; towards; near; up to; against; until; within; throughout; at; on; with; as far as; as much as; so far as; to the number of; deep; abreast; thrice; about; by; towards, in regard to; in regard to; in respect of; to cause; pertinent, to the purpose
τό article neut., nom., sing. stem: τό; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τό article neut., voc., sing. stem: τό; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τό article neut., acc., sing. stem: τό; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
Ὄρος ὄρος noun neut., nom., sing. stem: ὀρ; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: ος; decl: 3rd.
ὄρος mountain, hill; canton, parish; desert
Ὄρος ὄρος noun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὀρ; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: ος; decl: 3rd.
ὄρος mountain, hill; canton, parish; desert
Ὄρος ὄρος noun neut., voc., sing. stem: ὀρ; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: ος; decl: 3rd.
ὄρος mountain, hill; canton, parish; desert
τῶν article fem., gen., pl. stem: τῶν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῶν article masc., gen., pl. stem: τῶν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῶν article neut., gen., pl. stem: τῶν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
Ἐλαιῶν ἐλαία noun fem., gen., pl. stem: ἐλαι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ῶν; decl: 1st.
ἐλαία olive-tree; the olives; Olea cuspidata; olive; naevus on the skin
Ἐλαιῶν ἐλαιόω infinitive pres. act. stem: ἐλαι; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ῶν; dial: Doric; derivtype: ow_denom.
ἐλαιόω oil; to be oiled; bring to an oily consistency; gather olives
Ἐλαιῶν ἐλαιάω participle pres. act. participle, neut. voc. sing. stem: ἐλαι; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ῶν; morph: contr; derivtype: iaw_denom.
ἐλαιάω ἐλαιάω
Ἐλαιῶν ἐλαιάω participle pres. act. participle, neut. nom. sing. stem: ἐλαι; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ῶν; morph: contr; derivtype: iaw_denom.
ἐλαιάω ἐλαιάω
Ἐλαιῶν ἐλαιόω participle pres. act. participle, masc. voc. sing. stem: ἐλαι; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ῶν; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: contr; derivtype: ow_denom.
ἐλαιόω oil; to be oiled; bring to an oily consistency; gather olives
Ἐλαιῶν ἐλαιόω participle pres. act. participle, neut. acc. sing. stem: ἐλαι; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ῶν; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: contr; derivtype: ow_denom.
ἐλαιόω oil; to be oiled; bring to an oily consistency; gather olives
Ἐλαιῶν ἐλαιόω participle pres. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: ἐλαι; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ῶν; morph: contr; derivtype: ow_denom.
ἐλαιόω oil; to be oiled; bring to an oily consistency; gather olives
Ἐλαιῶν ἐλαιάω participle pres. act. participle, masc. voc. sing. stem: ἐλαι; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ῶν; morph: contr; derivtype: iaw_denom.
ἐλαιάω ἐλαιάω
Ἐλαιῶν ἐλαιόω participle pres. act. participle, neut. nom. sing. stem: ἐλαι; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ῶν; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: contr; derivtype: ow_denom.
ἐλαιόω oil; to be oiled; bring to an oily consistency; gather olives
Ἐλαιῶν ἐλαιάω participle pres. act. participle, masc. voc. sing. stem: ἐλαϊ; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ῶν; morph: contr; derivtype: iaw_denom.
ἐλαιάω ἐλαιάω
Ἐλαιῶν ἐλαιάω participle pres. act. participle, neut. nom. sing. stem: ἐλαϊ; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ῶν; morph: contr; derivtype: iaw_denom.
ἐλαιάω ἐλαιάω
Ἐλαιῶν ἐλαιάω participle pres. act. participle, neut. acc. sing. stem: ἐλαϊ; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ῶν; morph: contr; derivtype: iaw_denom.
ἐλαιάω ἐλαιάω
Ἐλαιῶν ἐλαίζω participle fut. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: ἐλαι; stemtype: ew_fut; suff: ῶν; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: izw.
Ἐλαιῶν ἐλαιάω participle pres. act. participle, neut. acc. sing. stem: ἐλαι; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ῶν; morph: contr; derivtype: iaw_denom.
ἐλαιάω ἐλαιάω
Ἐλαιῶν ἐλαιάω participle pres. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: ἐλαι; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ῶν; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: iaw_denom.
ἐλαιάω ἐλαιάω
Ἐλαιῶν ἐλαιάω participle pres. act. participle, neut. voc. sing. stem: ἐλαϊ; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ῶν; morph: contr; derivtype: iaw_denom.
ἐλαιάω ἐλαιάω
Ἐλαιῶν ἐλαιάω participle pres. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: ἐλαϊ; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ῶν; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: iaw_denom.
ἐλαιάω ἐλαιάω
Ἐλαιῶν ἐλαιόω participle pres. act. participle, neut. voc. sing. stem: ἐλαι; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ῶν; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: contr; derivtype: ow_denom.
ἐλαιόω oil; to be oiled; bring to an oily consistency; gather olives
Ὄρθρου ὀρθρόω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. imper. stem: ὀρθρ; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ου; morph: contr; derivtype: ow_denom.
ὀρθρόω ὀρθρόω
Ὄρθρου ὀρθρόω finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ὀρθρ; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ου; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: contr unaugmented; derivtype: ow_denom.
ὀρθρόω ὀρθρόω
Ὄρθρου ὄρθρος noun masc., gen., sing. stem: ὀρθρ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ου; decl: 2nd.
ὄρθρος the time just before; about daybreak, dawn, cock-crow; at dawn; dawn; in the morning; morning early; morning twilight
δέ δέ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: δέ; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
δέ but; nay; then; well
πάλιν πάλιν adverb pos. degree stem: πάλιν; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
πάλῐν back, backwards; back, restore; back; back from; contradiction; gain; unsaid; contrariwise; opposite; the change; again, once more; in turn; again; doubly
παρεγένετο παραγίγνομαι finite verb 3rd sing., aor. mid. indic. stem: παρά:ἐ:γεν; stemtype: aor2; suff: ετο.
παραγίγνομαι to be beside, by; near; attended; at; was by; to be present at; come to oneʼs side, stand by, second; support; to be at hand, accrue; to be descended; to have a right to attend a sacrifice through descent; come to; arrive, come up; come to maturity; to be fully grown; have recourse to
εἰς εἰς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: εἰς; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰς into; to; into the territory of; in; before; facing; rest in; there; upon; for; up to, until; till; towards; near; up to; against; until; within; throughout; at; on; with; as far as; as much as; so far as; to the number of; deep; abreast; thrice; about; by; towards, in regard to; in regard to; in respect of; to cause; pertinent, to the purpose
τό article neut., nom., sing. stem: τό; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τό article neut., voc., sing. stem: τό; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τό article neut., acc., sing. stem: τό; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἱερόν ἱερόν noun neut., nom., sing. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
ἱερόν ἱερόν
ἱερόν ἱερόν noun neut., voc., sing. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
ἱερόν ἱερόν
ἱερόν ἱερόν noun neut., acc., sing. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
ἱερόν ἱερόν
ἱερόν ἱερός adjective neut., acc., sing. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἱερός filled with; manifesting divine power, supernatural; great; holy; of God; crusade; hallowed, consecrated; hieroglyphics; Holy; 2 Ep.Tim.; sacrosanctus; of sacrifice; legend; mystical; sacred; profane; under divine protection; under the protection of Zeus; initiated; deuoted, dedicated; sacer, imperial; praefectus Aegypti; worshipful; offerings, victims; omens afforded by sacrifice; sacred objects;
ἱερόν ἱερός adjective neut., voc., sing. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἱερός filled with; manifesting divine power, supernatural; great; holy; of God; crusade; hallowed, consecrated; hieroglyphics; Holy; 2 Ep.Tim.; sacrosanctus; of sacrifice; legend; mystical; sacred; profane; under divine protection; under the protection of Zeus; initiated; deuoted, dedicated; sacer, imperial; praefectus Aegypti; worshipful; offerings, victims; omens afforded by sacrifice; sacred objects;
ἱερόν ἱερός adjective masc., acc., sing. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἱερός filled with; manifesting divine power, supernatural; great; holy; of God; crusade; hallowed, consecrated; hieroglyphics; Holy; 2 Ep.Tim.; sacrosanctus; of sacrifice; legend; mystical; sacred; profane; under divine protection; under the protection of Zeus; initiated; deuoted, dedicated; sacer, imperial; praefectus Aegypti; worshipful; offerings, victims; omens afforded by sacrifice; sacred objects;
ἱερόν ἱερός adjective neut., acc., sing. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἱερός filled with; manifesting divine power, supernatural; great; holy; of God; crusade; hallowed, consecrated; hieroglyphics; Holy; 2 Ep.Tim.; sacrosanctus; of sacrifice; legend; mystical; sacred; profane; under divine protection; under the protection of Zeus; initiated; deuoted, dedicated; sacer, imperial; praefectus Aegypti; worshipful; offerings, victims; omens afforded by sacrifice; sacred objects;
ἱερόν ἱερός adjective neut., voc., sing. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἱερός filled with; manifesting divine power, supernatural; great; holy; of God; crusade; hallowed, consecrated; hieroglyphics; Holy; 2 Ep.Tim.; sacrosanctus; of sacrifice; legend; mystical; sacred; profane; under divine protection; under the protection of Zeus; initiated; deuoted, dedicated; sacer, imperial; praefectus Aegypti; worshipful; offerings, victims; omens afforded by sacrifice; sacred objects;
ἱερόν ἱερός adjective masc., acc., sing. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἱερός filled with; manifesting divine power, supernatural; great; holy; of God; crusade; hallowed, consecrated; hieroglyphics; Holy; 2 Ep.Tim.; sacrosanctus; of sacrifice; legend; mystical; sacred; profane; under divine protection; under the protection of Zeus; initiated; deuoted, dedicated; sacer, imperial; praefectus Aegypti; worshipful; offerings, victims; omens afforded by sacrifice; sacred objects;
ἱερόν ἱερός adjective neut., nom., sing. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἱερός filled with; manifesting divine power, supernatural; great; holy; of God; crusade; hallowed, consecrated; hieroglyphics; Holy; 2 Ep.Tim.; sacrosanctus; of sacrifice; legend; mystical; sacred; profane; under divine protection; under the protection of Zeus; initiated; deuoted, dedicated; sacer, imperial; praefectus Aegypti; worshipful; offerings, victims; omens afforded by sacrifice; sacred objects;
ἱερόν ἱερός adjective neut., nom., sing. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἱερός filled with; manifesting divine power, supernatural; great; holy; of God; crusade; hallowed, consecrated; hieroglyphics; Holy; 2 Ep.Tim.; sacrosanctus; of sacrifice; legend; mystical; sacred; profane; under divine protection; under the protection of Zeus; initiated; deuoted, dedicated; sacer, imperial; praefectus Aegypti; worshipful; offerings, victims; omens afforded by sacrifice; sacred objects;
ἱερόν ἱερός adjective fem., acc., sing. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἱερός filled with; manifesting divine power, supernatural; great; holy; of God; crusade; hallowed, consecrated; hieroglyphics; Holy; 2 Ep.Tim.; sacrosanctus; of sacrifice; legend; mystical; sacred; profane; under divine protection; under the protection of Zeus; initiated; deuoted, dedicated; sacer, imperial; praefectus Aegypti; worshipful; offerings, victims; omens afforded by sacrifice; sacred objects;
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
πᾶς πᾶς adjective masc., nom., sing. stem: πᾶς; stemtype: irreg_adj3; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr indeclform; decl: 3rd.
πᾶς all; the whole; every.; all the; consisting; composed wholly of; nothing but, only; all, the whole; sovereign; whole; wide; quite; nought but; every; every single; any one; any; anything; all his; absolutely all; in all points; all of them; the community; all things; integral sum; full; of all kinds; in all; with; in the judgement of all; unanimously; all kinds of things; everything; all in all; i
πᾶς πᾶς
πᾶς πᾶς
πᾶς πᾶς adjective masc., voc., sing. stem: πᾶς; stemtype: irreg_adj3; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr indeclform; decl: 3rd.
πᾶς all; the whole; every.; all the; consisting; composed wholly of; nothing but, only; all, the whole; sovereign; whole; wide; quite; nought but; every; every single; any one; any; anything; all his; absolutely all; in all points; all of them; the community; all things; integral sum; full; of all kinds; in all; with; in the judgement of all; unanimously; all kinds of things; everything; all in all; i
πᾶς πᾶς
πᾶς πᾶς
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
λαός λαός noun masc., nom., sing. stem: λᾱ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ος; decl: 2nd.
λᾱός men; foot and horse; foot; a land army; the common men; people; subjects; folk; work-people; sailors; slave; man; civil population; people assembled; O people; Oyez; the multitude; the; Jews; Christians; a people; stone
ἤρχετο ἔρχομαι finite verb 3rd sing., impf. mid-pass. indic. stem: ἐρχ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετο.
ἔρχομαι ibo; start, set out; was setting out; was; starting; walk; walking; come; go; art come; to go; come to, arrive at; traverse; through; across; from; come to; come to aid; relieve; go to; am going to; came; come thither; go and; come and; to rise; have come; rise; came to; ears; was about to happen; comes; passes; pass, fall; pass; falls; arrived; come within a little of, be near; who have gone; go
ἤρχετο ἄρχω finite verb 3rd sing., impf. mid-pass. indic. stem: ἀρχ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετο; dial: Attic epic Ionic; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἄρχω to be first; begin, make a beginning; to be the aggressor; to begin oneʼs; to open; make a beginning of; strike the first; beginning with; begin from; with; even; including; begin; show; lead; take the lead!; at first; at the beginning; rule, govern, command; rule, be leader of; held command; led; on; rule; hold a magistracy; to be archon; to be ruled, governed; subjects
πρός πρός indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: πρός; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
πρός on the side of, in the direction of; from, at, to; práti; protivǔ; pret; pretium; from; on the side of, towards; towards; on the frontier towards; on the; side; ward side; before, in presence of; in the eyes of; in the sight of; before; in the name of; in; name; from, on the side of; by; line; proceeding from; from, at the hand of; by..; at the hand of; at; hands; by reason of..; dependent on; und
αὐτόν αὐτός pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ον.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
καθίσας καθίζω participle aor. act. participle, masc. voc. sing. stem: καθις; stemtype: aor1; suff: ᾱς; dial: Attic epic Ionic; derivtype: izw.
καθίζω aB; make to sit down, seat; set, place; encamp; post; set; set up; cause; to take their seats, convene; appoint; constitute, establish; put into a certain condition; to make; marry; take oneʼs seat, sit; sit, recline at meals; sit as judge; hold a session; reside; settle, sink down; run aground, be stranded; to take their seats; settle, alight; leave goods purchased
καθίσας καθίζω participle aor. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: καθις; stemtype: aor1; suff: ᾱς; dial: Attic epic Ionic; derivtype: izw.
καθίζω aB; make to sit down, seat; set, place; encamp; post; set; set up; cause; to take their seats, convene; appoint; constitute, establish; put into a certain condition; to make; marry; take oneʼs seat, sit; sit, recline at meals; sit as judge; hold a session; reside; settle, sink down; run aground, be stranded; to take their seats; settle, alight; leave goods purchased
καθίσας καθίζω participle aor. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: κατά:ἱς; stemtype: aor1; suff: ᾱς; dial: Attic epic Ionic.
καθίζω aB; make to sit down, seat; set, place; encamp; post; set; set up; cause; to take their seats, convene; appoint; constitute, establish; put into a certain condition; to make; marry; take oneʼs seat, sit; sit, recline at meals; sit as judge; hold a session; reside; settle, sink down; run aground, be stranded; to take their seats; settle, alight; leave goods purchased
καθίσας καθίζω participle aor. act. participle, masc. voc. sing. stem: κατά:ἱς; stemtype: aor1; suff: ᾱς; dial: Attic epic Ionic.
καθίζω aB; make to sit down, seat; set, place; encamp; post; set; set up; cause; to take their seats, convene; appoint; constitute, establish; put into a certain condition; to make; marry; take oneʼs seat, sit; sit, recline at meals; sit as judge; hold a session; reside; settle, sink down; run aground, be stranded; to take their seats; settle, alight; leave goods purchased
ἐδίδασκεν διδάσκω finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:διδασκ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable pres_redupl; derivtype: skw.
δῐδάσκω instruct; teach; taught; taught how; teach oneself, learn; have; educated; to be taught, learn; trained, skilled; wert taught; indicate, give sign of; explain; show by argument, prove; produce; train oneʼs own
αὐτούς αὐτός pronoun masc., acc., pl. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ους.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
Ἄγουσιν ἄγω finite verb 3rd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: ἀγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ουσιν; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic Aeolic; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἄγω lead, carry, fetch, bring; taking; take with one; carry off; to lead; forcibly away; harry, ravage; ravage; bear and carry, bring together; bring; into; to carry; to be confiscated; carry; import; draw on, bring on; bear up; carry far and wide, spread abroad; remove; lead towards; lead on; leads; tend; lead, guide; march; go; guide; manage; conduct; to be led, guided; refer, attribute; bring up, t
Ἄγουσιν ἄγω participle pres. act. participle, neut. dat. pl. stem: ἀγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ουσιν; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἄγω lead, carry, fetch, bring; taking; take with one; carry off; to lead; forcibly away; harry, ravage; ravage; bear and carry, bring together; bring; into; to carry; to be confiscated; carry; import; draw on, bring on; bear up; carry far and wide, spread abroad; remove; lead towards; lead on; leads; tend; lead, guide; march; go; guide; manage; conduct; to be led, guided; refer, attribute; bring up, t
Ἄγουσιν ἄγω participle pres. act. participle, masc. dat. pl. stem: ἀγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ουσιν; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἄγω lead, carry, fetch, bring; taking; take with one; carry off; to lead; forcibly away; harry, ravage; ravage; bear and carry, bring together; bring; into; to carry; to be confiscated; carry; import; draw on, bring on; bear up; carry far and wide, spread abroad; remove; lead towards; lead on; leads; tend; lead, guide; march; go; guide; manage; conduct; to be led, guided; refer, attribute; bring up, t
δέ δέ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: δέ; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
δέ but; nay; then; well
οἱ pronoun masc., dat., sing. stem: οἱ; stemtype: pron3; dial: epic Ionic; morph: enclitic indeclform.
οἱ pronoun fem., dat., sing. stem: οἱ; stemtype: pron3; dial: epic Ionic; morph: enclitic indeclform.
οἱ article masc., voc., pl. stem: οἱ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
οἱ article masc., nom., pl. stem: οἱ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
γραμματεῖς γραμματεύς noun masc., acc., pl. stem: γραμματ; stemtype: eus_ews; suff: εις; morph: contr late; decl: 3rd.
γραμμᾰτ-εύς secretary, registrar; clerk; recorder; scholar; one who traces; marks out
γραμματεῖς γραμματεύς noun masc., nom., pl. stem: γραμματ; stemtype: eus_ews; suff: εις; dial: paradigm form; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
γραμμᾰτ-εύς secretary, registrar; clerk; recorder; scholar; one who traces; marks out
γραμματεῖς γραμματεύς noun masc., voc., pl. stem: γραμματ; stemtype: eus_ews; suff: εις; dial: paradigm form; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
γραμμᾰτ-εύς secretary, registrar; clerk; recorder; scholar; one who traces; marks out
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
οἱ pronoun masc., dat., sing. stem: οἱ; stemtype: pron3; dial: epic Ionic; morph: enclitic indeclform.
οἱ pronoun fem., dat., sing. stem: οἱ; stemtype: pron3; dial: epic Ionic; morph: enclitic indeclform.
οἱ article masc., voc., pl. stem: οἱ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
οἱ article masc., nom., pl. stem: οἱ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
Φαρισαῖοι Φαρισαῖος noun masc., nom., pl. stem: Φαρισαῑ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: οι; decl: 2nd.
Φαρισαῖοι Φαρισαῖος noun masc., voc., pl. stem: Φαρισαῑ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: οι; decl: 2nd.
γυναῖκα γυνή noun fem., acc., sing. stem: γυναῖκα; stemtype: irreg_decl3; morph: indeclform; decl: 3rd.
γῠνή woman; man; mistress, lady; the lasses; a woman; wife, spouse; concubine; mortal woman; goddess; female, mate; gnā-; janis.
ἐπί ἐπί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐπί; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
ἐπί being upon; supported upon a surface; point.; upon; on; support; in; at; near; off; ward; in the passage concerning; by; in..; in dependence upon an; dependent upon; interest; depth; deep; in file; line; file; length; under; wide; before, in presence of; before; in the case of; and left it there; to; and leave there; towards; wards; leading to; to meet; with a view to..; in the time of; time; in t
μοιχείᾳ μοιχεία noun fem., dat., sing. stem: μοιχει; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ|; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st.
μοιχ-εία adultery
κατειλημμένην καταλαμβάνω participle perf. mid-pass. participle, fem. acc. sing. stem: κατά:εἰλη; stemtype: perfp_p; suff: μμένην; dial: Attic epic Ionic.
καταλαμβάνω seize, lay hold of; arrive at; seize for oneself; had; preoccupied; possessed; befall, overtake; to befall; seize with the mind, comprehend; overcome; accept; catch, overtake, come up with; find on arrival; detect; to be taken by surprise; it happens to; it is; fortune; that had befallen; what had happened, the circumstances; was coming on; hold down, cover; fasten down; to; be compressed; keep un
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
στήσαντες ἵστημι participle aor. act. participle, masc. nom. pl. stem: στης; stemtype: aor1; suff: αντες; morph: causal; derivtype: a_stem.
ἵστημι make to stand; stand; a; sthā-; á-sthā-t; stare; si-sthā-, se-sthā-.; make to stand, set up; he set; set up; raise; to have; set; up; set, place; fix; in order; array; bring to a standstill, stay, check; to stop; halt; compose; set on foot, stir up; stir up; is on foot; arises; set up, appoint; establish, institute; setting up; statuere, determine; fix by agreement; bring about, cause; make; place
στήσαντες ἵστημι participle aor. act. participle, masc. voc. pl. stem: στης; stemtype: aor1; suff: αντες; morph: causal; derivtype: a_stem.
ἵστημι make to stand; stand; a; sthā-; á-sthā-t; stare; si-sthā-, se-sthā-.; make to stand, set up; he set; set up; raise; to have; set; up; set, place; fix; in order; array; bring to a standstill, stay, check; to stop; halt; compose; set on foot, stir up; stir up; is on foot; arises; set up, appoint; establish, institute; setting up; statuere, determine; fix by agreement; bring about, cause; make; place
αὐτήν αὐτός pronoun fem., acc., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ην; dial: Attic epic Ionic.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
ἐν εἰς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰς into; to; into the territory of; in; before; facing; rest in; there; upon; for; up to, until; till; towards; near; up to; against; until; within; throughout; at; on; with; as far as; as much as; so far as; to the number of; deep; abreast; thrice; about; by; towards, in regard to; in regard to; in respect of; to cause; pertinent, to the purpose
ἐν ἐν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐν in, into.; in; in the district of; at the school of; in, within, surrounded by; under; equipped with; on, at; by; on; at; in the number of, amongst; in the presence of; in oneʼs hands, within oneʼs reach; power; with; in the eyes of; in respect of; in point of; towards; into; motion to; position in; fell; coming; going; from; in the form of; as; in the practice of; before; during the time; in the
μέσῳ μέσος adjective masc., dat., sing. stem: μες; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ῳ; decl: 1st & 2nd.
μέσος b; middle, in the middle; middle; zenith; mid; middle point; midmost, central; central; centre; by the middle, by the waist; midway between; impartial; inter-mediate; indeterminate; things indifferent; mediae; semi-vowels; circumflex; middling, moderate; of middle height; a; of middle rank; mediocre; fairly; midst, intervening space; in the midst; went between; intervening; between; offered for co
μέσῳ μέσος adjective neut., dat., sing. stem: μες; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ῳ; decl: 1st & 2nd.
μέσος b; middle, in the middle; middle; zenith; mid; middle point; midmost, central; central; centre; by the middle, by the waist; midway between; impartial; inter-mediate; indeterminate; things indifferent; mediae; semi-vowels; circumflex; middling, moderate; of middle height; a; of middle rank; mediocre; fairly; midst, intervening space; in the midst; went between; intervening; between; offered for co
λέγουσιν λέγω1 finite verb 3rd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ουσιν; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγουσιν λέγω2 finite verb 3rd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ουσιν; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγουσιν λέγω3 finite verb 3rd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ουσιν; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγουσιν λέγω2 participle pres. act. participle, masc. dat. pl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ουσιν; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγουσιν λέγω2 participle pres. act. participle, neut. dat. pl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ουσιν; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγουσιν λέγω3 participle pres. act. participle, masc. dat. pl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ουσιν; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγουσιν λέγω1 participle pres. act. participle, masc. dat. pl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ουσιν; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγουσιν λέγω1 participle pres. act. participle, neut. dat. pl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ουσιν; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγουσιν λέγω3 participle pres. act. participle, neut. dat. pl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ουσιν; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
αὐτῷ αὐτός pronoun masc., dat., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ῳ.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτῷ αὐτός pronoun neut., dat., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ῳ.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
Διδάσκαλε διδάσκαλος noun fem., voc., sing. stem: διδασκαλ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ε; decl: 2nd.
δῐδάσκᾰλ-ος teacher, master; a master; school; trainer; producer
Διδάσκαλε διδάσκαλος noun masc., voc., sing. stem: διδασκαλ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ε; decl: 2nd.
δῐδάσκᾰλ-ος teacher, master; a master; school; trainer; producer
αὕτη οὗτος pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: αὕτη; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
αὕτη οὗτος pronoun fem., voc., sing. stem: αὕτη; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
article fem., nom., sing. stem: ἡ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
article fem., voc., sing. stem: ἡ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
γυνή γυνή noun fem., nom., sing. stem: γυνή; stemtype: irreg_decl3; morph: indeclform; decl: 3rd.
γῠνή woman; man; mistress, lady; the lasses; a woman; wife, spouse; concubine; mortal woman; goddess; female, mate; gnā-; janis.
κατείληπται καταλαμβάνω finite verb 3rd sing., perf. mid-pass. indic. stem: κατά:εἰλη; stemtype: perfp_p; suff: πται.
καταλαμβάνω seize, lay hold of; arrive at; seize for oneself; had; preoccupied; possessed; befall, overtake; to befall; seize with the mind, comprehend; overcome; accept; catch, overtake, come up with; find on arrival; detect; to be taken by surprise; it happens to; it is; fortune; that had befallen; what had happened, the circumstances; was coming on; hold down, cover; fasten down; to; be compressed; keep un
ἐπ' ἐπί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐπί; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
ἐπί being upon; supported upon a surface; point.; upon; on; support; in; at; near; off; ward; in the passage concerning; by; in..; in dependence upon an; dependent upon; interest; depth; deep; in file; line; file; length; under; wide; before, in presence of; before; in the case of; and left it there; to; and leave there; towards; wards; leading to; to meet; with a view to..; in the time of; time; in t
αὐτοφώρῳ αὐτόφωρος adjective fem., dat., sing. stem: αὐτοφωρ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ῳ; decl: 1st & 2nd.
αὐτό-φωρος self-detected; in the act; notoriously, manifestly
αὐτοφώρῳ αὐτόφωρος adjective masc., dat., sing. stem: αὐτοφωρ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ῳ; decl: 1st & 2nd.
αὐτό-φωρος self-detected; in the act; notoriously, manifestly
αὐτοφώρῳ αὐτόφωρος adjective neut., dat., sing. stem: αὐτοφωρ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ῳ; decl: 1st & 2nd.
αὐτό-φωρος self-detected; in the act; notoriously, manifestly
μοιχευομένη: μοιχεύω participle pres. mid-pass. participle, fem. voc. sing. stem: μοιχευ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ομένη; dial: Attic epic Ionic; derivtype: euw.
μοιχ-εύω commit adultery with; debauch; worship idolatrously; commit adultery; shall; be adulterously stolen
μοιχευομένη: μοιχεύω participle pres. mid-pass. participle, fem. nom. sing. stem: μοιχευ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ομένη; dial: Attic epic Ionic; derivtype: euw.
μοιχ-εύω commit adultery with; debauch; worship idolatrously; commit adultery; shall; be adulterously stolen
ἐν εἰς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰς into; to; into the territory of; in; before; facing; rest in; there; upon; for; up to, until; till; towards; near; up to; against; until; within; throughout; at; on; with; as far as; as much as; so far as; to the number of; deep; abreast; thrice; about; by; towards, in regard to; in regard to; in respect of; to cause; pertinent, to the purpose
ἐν ἐν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐν in, into.; in; in the district of; at the school of; in, within, surrounded by; under; equipped with; on, at; by; on; at; in the number of, amongst; in the presence of; in oneʼs hands, within oneʼs reach; power; with; in the eyes of; in respect of; in point of; towards; into; motion to; position in; fell; coming; going; from; in the form of; as; in the practice of; before; during the time; in the
δέ δέ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: δέ; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
δέ but; nay; then; well
τῷ τίς lang: grc; stem: τῷ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τῷ τις lang: grc; stem: τῷ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic epic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τῷ article neut., dat., sing. stem: τῷ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῷ article masc., dat., sing. stem: τῷ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῷ τῷ adverb pos. degree stem: τῷ; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
τῷ therefore, in this wise, then; who?; some one.
νόμῳ νόμος noun masc., dat., sing. stem: νομ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ῳ; decl: 2nd.
νόμος that which is in habitual practice, use; possession; usage, custom; the custom; custom; law, ordinance; VT; law; NT; established; the law; by custom, conventionally; formʼs; statute, ordinance made by authority; general laws; to blows, into action; in action; action’; under martial law; melody, strain; melody; composition including both words and melody; nummi sestertii; course
ἡμῖν ἐγώ pronoun masc., dat., pl. stem: ἡμῖν; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἡμῖν ἐγώ pronoun fem., dat., pl. stem: ἡμῖν; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐνετείλατο ἐντέλλω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. mid. indic. stem: ἐν:ἐ:τειλ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ατο; derivtype: ellw.
ἐντέλλω enjoin, command; command; commands; invest with legal powers, authorize to act
τάς article fem., acc., pl. stem: τᾱ ́ς; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τοιαύτας τοιοῦτος pronoun fem., gen., sing. stem: τοιαυτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ᾱς; dial: Doric Aeolic.
τοιοῦτος such as this; so good, so noble, so bad; so great a thing; such a wretch; such a condition; just as; so disposed; such; such a; in this wise; such a proceeding; such a reason; such a case; such a place; such a state; just so, even so; and suchlike; in such wise
τοιαύτας τοιοῦτος pronoun fem., acc., pl. stem: τοιαυτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ᾱς.
τοιοῦτος such as this; so good, so noble, so bad; so great a thing; such a wretch; such a condition; just as; so disposed; such; such a; in this wise; such a proceeding; such a reason; such a case; such a place; such a state; just so, even so; and suchlike; in such wise
λιθάζειν: λιθάζω infinitive pres. act. stem: λιθαζ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ειν; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; derivtype: azw.
λῐθ-άζω fling stones; throw like stones; stone
σύ σύ lang: grc; stem: σύ; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: singular; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: nominative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
οὖν οὖν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: οὖν; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
οὖν certainly, in fact; really; very; at all events; did; at least; I grant you; when once; as soon as; actually; neither.. nor; even; just; in fact; cunque; whoever; whosoever; how; howsoever; be he who he may; so, then; then; well, as I was saying; then, therefore; therefore
τί τίς pronoun neut., voc., sing. stem: τί; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τί τις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: τί; stemtype: indef; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τί τις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: τί; stemtype: indef; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τί τις pronoun neut., voc., sing. stem: τί; stemtype: indef; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τί τίς pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: τί; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τί τίς pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: τί; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
λέγεις λέγω2 finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εις; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγεις λέγω3 finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εις; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγεις λέγω1 finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εις; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
τοῦτο οὗτος pronoun neut., voc., sing. stem: τοῦτο; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
τοῦτο οὗτος pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: τοῦτο; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
τοῦτο οὗτος pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: τοῦτο; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
δέ δέ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: δέ; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
δέ but; nay; then; well
ἔλεγον λέγω2 finite verb 1st sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγον λέγω2 finite verb 3rd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγον λέγω3 finite verb 1st sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγον λέγω1 finite verb 3rd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγον λέγω1 finite verb 1st sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγον λέγω3 finite verb 3rd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγον ἔλεγος noun masc., acc., sing. stem: ἐλεγ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
ἔλεγος song, melody; song; lament, song of mourning; poem in elegiac distichs
πειράζοντες πειράζω participle pres. act. participle, masc. nom. pl. stem: πειραζ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: οντες; derivtype: azw.
πειράζω make proof; trial of; attempt; make trial of; make an attempt; are tried, proved; to be experienced; try, tempt; put; to the test; seek to seduce, tempt; the Tempter; to be sorely tried; to be attacked; to be tempted to sin
πειράζοντες πειράζω participle pres. act. participle, masc. voc. pl. stem: πειραζ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: οντες; derivtype: azw.
πειράζω make proof; trial of; attempt; make trial of; make an attempt; are tried, proved; to be experienced; try, tempt; put; to the test; seek to seduce, tempt; the Tempter; to be sorely tried; to be attacked; to be tempted to sin
αὐτόν αὐτός pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ον.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
ἵνα ἵνα indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἵνα; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ἵνα in that place, there; in which place, where; wherever; in what; whither; at which, when; when; that, in order that; that not; because; that; granted that..; order; to what end?; to think that.. !
ἵνα ἵνα adverb pos. degree stem: ἵνα; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ἵνα in that place, there; in which place, where; wherever; in what; whither; at which, when; when; that, in order that; that not; because; that; granted that..; order; to what end?; to think that.. !
ἔχωσιν ἔχω finite verb 3rd pl., pres. act. subj. stem: ἐχ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ωσιν; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἔχω check; seĝh; sáhate; sigis; sĝh; si-sĝh-o; have, hold; possess; propertied class; wealthy man; poor; to have; due to one; to have received; acquire, get; to be possessed; keep, have charge of; having control of; to be engaged in; kept; for; is; himself; inhabit; haunt; ruled; occupiest; have to wife; as husband; have in oneʼs house, entertain; with; keep; get; indulge in; will; for a moment; to be
ἔχω bear, carry, bring; brought as an offering; váhati; veho
κατηγορεῖν κατηγορέω infinitive pres. act. stem: κατά:ἠγορ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖν; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: comp_only contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
κατηγορ-έω speak against; accuse; denounce; accused; bring as a charge against; of; allege in accusation; to be brought as an accusation against; charges brought against; a charge had been brought against; a charge being brought against; to be accused; to be an accuser, appear as prosecutor; signify, indicate, prove; display; declare, assert; make a definite assertion; predicate of; to be predicated of; the
κατηγορεῖν κατηγορέω infinitive pres. act. stem: κατηγορ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖν; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
κατηγορ-έω speak against; accuse; denounce; accused; bring as a charge against; of; allege in accusation; to be brought as an accusation against; charges brought against; a charge had been brought against; a charge being brought against; to be accused; to be an accuser, appear as prosecutor; signify, indicate, prove; display; declare, assert; make a definite assertion; predicate of; to be predicated of; the
αὐτοῦ αὐτός pronoun neut., gen., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ου.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτοῦ αὐτός pronoun masc., gen., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ου.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτοῦ αὐτοῦ adverb pos. degree stem: αὐτοῦ; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
αὐτοῦ just there; just here; there!; here in; there; very; exactly
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
δέ δέ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: δέ; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
δέ but; nay; then; well
κάτω κατόω finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: κατ; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: contr unaugmented poetic; derivtype: ow_denom.
κάτω κατόω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. imper. stem: κατ; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: contr; derivtype: ow_denom.
κάτω κάτος adjective masc., nom., dl. stem: κατ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κάτω κάτος adjective neut., voc., dl. stem: κατ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κάτω κάτος adjective fem., voc., dl. stem: κατ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κάτω κάτος adjective neut., acc., dl. stem: κατ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κάτω κάτος adjective neut., gen., sing. stem: κατ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κάτω κάτος adjective fem., acc., dl. stem: κατ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κάτω κάτος adjective masc., gen., sing. stem: κατ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κάτω κάτος adjective masc., voc., dl. stem: κατ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κάτω κάτος adjective fem., gen., sing. stem: κατ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κάτω κάτος adjective masc., acc., dl. stem: κατ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κάτω κάτος adjective neut., nom., dl. stem: κατ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κάτω κάτος adjective fem., nom., dl. stem: κατ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κάτω κάτω adverb pos. degree stem: κάτω; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
κάτω downwards; down; down from; beneath, below; in the world below; the dead; below, southward; on the coast; lower; the starting-place; the lower; miscarry, fail; afterwards, later; later; the lower members; under, below; lower, downwards; lower than, below; at the lowest part
κύψας κύπτω finite verb 2nd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: κυψ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ας; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: ptw.
κύπτω bend forward, stoop; with the head down; at full speed; stooping; greedily; hang the head from shame; bow down under a burden; to be bowed forward; bent
κύψας κύπτω participle aor. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: κυψ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ᾱς; dial: Attic epic Ionic; derivtype: ptw.
κύπτω bend forward, stoop; with the head down; at full speed; stooping; greedily; hang the head from shame; bow down under a burden; to be bowed forward; bent
κύψας κύπτω participle aor. act. participle, masc. voc. sing. stem: κυψ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ᾱς; dial: Attic epic Ionic; derivtype: ptw.
κύπτω bend forward, stoop; with the head down; at full speed; stooping; greedily; hang the head from shame; bow down under a burden; to be bowed forward; bent
τῷ τίς lang: grc; stem: τῷ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τῷ τις lang: grc; stem: τῷ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic epic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τῷ article neut., dat., sing. stem: τῷ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῷ article masc., dat., sing. stem: τῷ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῷ τῷ adverb pos. degree stem: τῷ; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
τῷ therefore, in this wise, then; who?; some one.
δακτύλῳ δάκτυλος noun masc., dat., sing. stem: δακτυλ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ῳ; decl: 2nd.
δάκτῠλος finger; the fingers; the thumb; the toes; toe; fingerʼs breadth; digit; dactyl; diiambus; dance; date; grape; wizards; craftsmen; hand; dṇt; a-datkas
κατέγραφεν καταγράφω finite verb 3rd pl., aor. pass. indic. stem: κατά:ἐ:γραφ; stemtype: aor2_pass; suff: εν; dial: epic.
κατέγραφεν καταγράφω finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: κατά:ἐ:γραφ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: reg_conj.
εἰς εἰς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: εἰς; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰς into; to; into the territory of; in; before; facing; rest in; there; upon; for; up to, until; till; towards; near; up to; against; until; within; throughout; at; on; with; as far as; as much as; so far as; to the number of; deep; abreast; thrice; about; by; towards, in regard to; in regard to; in respect of; to cause; pertinent, to the purpose
τήν article fem., acc., sing. stem: τήν; stemtype: article; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
γῆν Γαῖα noun fem., acc., sing. stem: γ; stemtype: eh_ehs; suff: ῆν; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; decl: 1st.
γαῖα land, country; land; earth; the earth; Earth
γῆν γῆ noun fem., acc., sing. stem: γ; stemtype: eh_ehs; suff: ῆν; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; decl: 1st.
γῆ earth; heaven; land; sea; the earth; land, country; land to land; native land; city; ground; the ground; estate, farm; kinds of earth; minerals; fullerʼs earth.
ὡς ὡς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὡς; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ὡς so, thus.; as.; how.; when.; where; so, thus; a.; so, nevertheless; so; so.. as; as.. so; as.. thus; thus, for instance; as; like as, just as; as much as; according as; compared with; than; so far as; for; truly; in the other way; as much as can be; as possible; how; at what price; that; however; in whatever way; when; whenever; as..; as soon as ever; while; until; that.; so that, in order that.;
δέ δέ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: δέ; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
δέ but; nay; then; well
ἐπέμενον ἐπιμένω finite verb 3rd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐπί:ἐ:μεν; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον.
ἐπιμένω stay on, tarry; wait; remain in; remain in place, continue as they are; keep oneʼs seat; stay behind; continue; persist in; cleave; to; spend time over; abide by; endure; await, be; in store for; to wait
ἐπέμενον ἐπιμένω finite verb 1st sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐπί:ἐ:μεν; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον.
ἐπιμένω stay on, tarry; wait; remain in; remain in place, continue as they are; keep oneʼs seat; stay behind; continue; persist in; cleave; to; spend time over; abide by; endure; await, be; in store for; to wait
ἐπέμενον ἐφίημι participle aor. mid. participle, neut. nom. sing. stem: ἐπί:ἕμενον; stemtype: irreg_mi; dial: Ionic; morph: unasp_preverb.
ἐφίημι send to; sent; set on, incite; throw; launch at; to lay; on; send upon; hath laid upon; send against; let in; didʼst let loose; throw into; let go, loosen; give up, yield; allow; permit, allow; command; give up, leave as a prey; give oneself up to; put; to; leave; refer; appeal; Bis Acc.; lay oneʼs command; behest upon; bid; send orders to; permit; aim at; long for, desire
ἐπέμενον ἐφίημι participle aor. mid. participle, masc. acc. sing. stem: ἐπί:ἕμενον; stemtype: irreg_mi; dial: Ionic; morph: unasp_preverb.
ἐφίημι send to; sent; set on, incite; throw; launch at; to lay; on; send upon; hath laid upon; send against; let in; didʼst let loose; throw into; let go, loosen; give up, yield; allow; permit, allow; command; give up, leave as a prey; give oneself up to; put; to; leave; refer; appeal; Bis Acc.; lay oneʼs command; behest upon; bid; send orders to; permit; aim at; long for, desire
ἐπέμενον ἐφίημι participle aor. mid. participle, neut. acc. sing. stem: ἐπί:ἕμενον; stemtype: irreg_mi; dial: Ionic; morph: unasp_preverb.
ἐφίημι send to; sent; set on, incite; throw; launch at; to lay; on; send upon; hath laid upon; send against; let in; didʼst let loose; throw into; let go, loosen; give up, yield; allow; permit, allow; command; give up, leave as a prey; give oneself up to; put; to; leave; refer; appeal; Bis Acc.; lay oneʼs command; behest upon; bid; send orders to; permit; aim at; long for, desire
ἐπέμενον ἐφίημι participle aor. mid. participle, neut. voc. sing. stem: ἐπί:ἕμενον; stemtype: irreg_mi; dial: Ionic; morph: unasp_preverb.
ἐφίημι send to; sent; set on, incite; throw; launch at; to lay; on; send upon; hath laid upon; send against; let in; didʼst let loose; throw into; let go, loosen; give up, yield; allow; permit, allow; command; give up, leave as a prey; give oneself up to; put; to; leave; refer; appeal; Bis Acc.; lay oneʼs command; behest upon; bid; send orders to; permit; aim at; long for, desire
ἐρωτῶντες ἐρωτάω participle pres. act. participle, masc. nom. pl. stem: ἐρωτ; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ῶντες; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
ἐρωτ-άω ask; of; to be asked; ask about; to ask; putting; question; asked about; to be questioned; challenge; password; in order to refute him from his answers; submit, set forth, propound; beg, entreat
ἐρωτῶντες ἐρωτάω participle pres. act. participle, masc. voc. pl. stem: ἐρωτ; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ῶντες; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
ἐρωτ-άω ask; of; to be asked; ask about; to ask; putting; question; asked about; to be questioned; challenge; password; in order to refute him from his answers; submit, set forth, propound; beg, entreat
αὐτόν αὐτός pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ον.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
ἀνέκυψεν ἀνακύπτω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: ἀνά:ἐ:κυψ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: ptw.
ἀνακύπτω lift up the head; with the head high; your head up; throwing his head back; come up out of the water, pop up; emerge, crop up; rise out of difficulties, breathe again
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: εν; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; dial: epic Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; dial: epic Ionic; morph: nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
αὐτοῖς αὐτός pronoun neut., dat., pl. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: οις.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτοῖς αὐτός pronoun masc., dat., pl. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: οις.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἀναμάρτητος ἀναμάρτητος adjective fem., nom., sing. stem: ἀναμαρτητ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ος; morph: a_priv; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἀναμάρτ-ητος making no mistake, unerring; blameless; sinless; faultless; having done no wrong to; guiltless of; to preserve from error; without fail, unerringly; without making a mistake; inoffensively; not done by fault, done unavoidably; unfailing
ἀναμάρτητος ἀναμάρτητος adjective masc., nom., sing. stem: ἀναμαρτητ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ος; morph: a_priv; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἀναμάρτ-ητος making no mistake, unerring; blameless; sinless; faultless; having done no wrong to; guiltless of; to preserve from error; without fail, unerringly; without making a mistake; inoffensively; not done by fault, done unavoidably; unfailing
ὑμῶν σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμῶν; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective masc., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective neut., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective fem., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
πρῶτος πρότερος adjective masc., nom., sing. stem: πρωτ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ος; morph: irreg_superl; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πρότερος before, in front; fore; in front; former, earlier; men of former times; older; by the first; a former marriage; on the day before; before; preceding; preceded; PCair.Zēn.; before..; superior; superior to; before, earlier; for the first time, Ep. Gal.; foremost; the front; end; outermost; front; first; first-offered; earlier; the first; above all, especially; first in order of existence, primary; p
πρῶτος πρῶτος adjective masc., nom., sing. stem: πρωτ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ος; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πρῶτος πρῶτος
ἐπ' ἐπί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐπί; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
ἐπί being upon; supported upon a surface; point.; upon; on; support; in; at; near; off; ward; in the passage concerning; by; in..; in dependence upon an; dependent upon; interest; depth; deep; in file; line; file; length; under; wide; before, in presence of; before; in the case of; and left it there; to; and leave there; towards; wards; leading to; to meet; with a view to..; in the time of; time; in t
αὐτήν αὐτός pronoun fem., acc., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ην; dial: Attic epic Ionic.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
βαλέτω βάλλω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. imper. stem: βαλ; stemtype: aor2; suff: έτω.
βάλλω throw; throw so as to hit, hit; striking; smote upon; strike; smite; praise; cast, hurl; shoot with; hitting; throw out; cast; manure; on a sick-bed; let fall; cast, shed; aiming at; directing oneʼs gaze; push forward; in front; put, place; lay; pour; may put; putting round; put on; place; on deposit; pay; by its throw; to be lucky, successful; lr.; fall; having run; arrive; enter; lie down and; a
λίθον: λίθος noun masc., acc., sing. stem: λιθ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
λίθος stone; stones; stonequoit; stone, petrified; some special stone; touchstone; a piece of crystal; glass; precious stone; marble; tufa; grave-stone; blocks of stone used for rostra; platforms; altar; piece on a draughtboard; stone in the bladder, calculus; Jovem lapidem jurare
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
πάλιν πάλιν adverb pos. degree stem: πάλιν; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
πάλῐν back, backwards; back, restore; back; back from; contradiction; gain; unsaid; contrariwise; opposite; the change; again, once more; in turn; again; doubly
κατακύψας κατακύπτω participle aor. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: κατά:κυψ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ᾱς; dial: Attic epic Ionic; derivtype: ptw.
κατακύπτω bend down, stoop; to be bowed down; look down; stoop down and look
κατακύψας κατακύπτω participle aor. act. participle, masc. voc. sing. stem: κατά:κυψ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ᾱς; dial: Attic epic Ionic; derivtype: ptw.
κατακύπτω bend down, stoop; to be bowed down; look down; stoop down and look
ἔγραφεν γράφω finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:γραφ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: reg_conj.
γράφω scratch, graze; having marked; drawn; represent by lines, draw, paint; draw; describe; generate; brand, mark; express by written characters, write; it is written; inscribe; to be inscribed with; have my name inscribed; having; branded; write down; set; down; register; invoke a curse upon; institute by a written document; register, enrol; write a letter to; write on; against; address a work; propos
ἔγραφεν γράφω finite verb 3rd pl., aor. pass. indic. stem: ἐ:γραφ; stemtype: aor2_pass; suff: εν; dial: epic.
γράφω scratch, graze; having marked; drawn; represent by lines, draw, paint; draw; describe; generate; brand, mark; express by written characters, write; it is written; inscribe; to be inscribed with; have my name inscribed; having; branded; write down; set; down; register; invoke a curse upon; institute by a written document; register, enrol; write a letter to; write on; against; address a work; propos
εἰς εἰς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: εἰς; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰς into; to; into the territory of; in; before; facing; rest in; there; upon; for; up to, until; till; towards; near; up to; against; until; within; throughout; at; on; with; as far as; as much as; so far as; to the number of; deep; abreast; thrice; about; by; towards, in regard to; in regard to; in respect of; to cause; pertinent, to the purpose
τήν article fem., acc., sing. stem: τήν; stemtype: article; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
γῆν Γαῖα noun fem., acc., sing. stem: γ; stemtype: eh_ehs; suff: ῆν; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; decl: 1st.
γαῖα land, country; land; earth; the earth; Earth
γῆν γῆ noun fem., acc., sing. stem: γ; stemtype: eh_ehs; suff: ῆν; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; decl: 1st.
γῆ earth; heaven; land; sea; the earth; land, country; land to land; native land; city; ground; the ground; estate, farm; kinds of earth; minerals; fullerʼs earth.
οἱ pronoun masc., dat., sing. stem: οἱ; stemtype: pron3; dial: epic Ionic; morph: enclitic indeclform.
οἱ pronoun fem., dat., sing. stem: οἱ; stemtype: pron3; dial: epic Ionic; morph: enclitic indeclform.
οἱ article masc., voc., pl. stem: οἱ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
οἱ article masc., nom., pl. stem: οἱ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
δέ δέ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: δέ; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
δέ but; nay; then; well
ἀκούσαντες ἀκούω participle aor. act. participle, masc. voc. pl. stem: ἀκους; stemtype: aor1; suff: αντες; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἀκούω hear; hear of, hear tell of; hear of; from; should he hear; to hear [generally; what one actually hears; know by hearsay; hearken, give ear; oyez! oyez!; readers of a book; listen to, give ear to; obey; hear and understand; to be a pupil of; hear oneself called, be called; audire; to be ill spoken of by; were said; have; spoken of; hear it; said; at first hearing; understand, take; aspect mutually
ἀκούσαντες ἀκούω participle aor. act. participle, masc. nom. pl. stem: ἀκους; stemtype: aor1; suff: αντες; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἀκούω hear; hear of, hear tell of; hear of; from; should he hear; to hear [generally; what one actually hears; know by hearsay; hearken, give ear; oyez! oyez!; readers of a book; listen to, give ear to; obey; hear and understand; to be a pupil of; hear oneself called, be called; audire; to be ill spoken of by; were said; have; spoken of; hear it; said; at first hearing; understand, take; aspect mutually
ἐξήρχοντο ἐξάρχω finite verb 3rd pl., impf. mid-pass. indic. stem: ἐκ:ἀρχ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: οντο; dial: Attic epic Ionic; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἐξάρχ-ω begin, take the lead in, initiate; teach; dictate..; hold office; rule
ἐξήρχοντο ἐξέρχομαι finite verb 3rd pl., impf. mid-pass. indic. stem: ἐκ:ἐρχ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: οντο.
ἐξέρχομαι go; come out of; come out; come forth; march out, go forth; withdraw from the country; go out on; went through; pursue their advantages; allow oneself to use; pass off; issue from; stand forth and come; stand forth, be proved to be; execute; exceed all bounds; come to an end, expire; go out of office; to be accomplished, come true; was satisfied; turn out; proceed; to be exported
εἷς εἷς lang: grc; stem: εἷς; stemtype: numeral; partOfSpeech: numeral; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: nominative; gend: masculine; morph: indeclform.
εἷς sem; sm; i; is; one, one; single man; single; one; by himself; each; singly; list; united; above all; alternately; one by one, separately; one accord; at once; first; the same; possessing unity; another; a, an; many; once; unity; units; One
εἷς εἷς noun masc., nom., sing. stem: εἷς; stemtype: irreg_decl3; morph: indeclform; decl: 3rd.
εἷς sem; sm; i; is; one, one; single man; single; one; by himself; each; singly; list; united; above all; alternately; one by one, separately; one accord; at once; first; the same; possessing unity; another; a, an; many; once; unity; units; One
καθ' κατά indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: κατά; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
κατά downwards.; down from; downward motion; down upon; over; upon; down over..; along, upon; on..; down into; under; down by; through..; towards; at; by; against; for; in respect of, concerning; bestowed on; of; of.., Int.; of.., Metaph.; downwards; down; with; to leeward; on, over, throughout; to; in; in the region of; opposite, over against; distributively; separately; in separate; to his own; indiv
κατά κατά
καθ' καθά adverb pos. degree stem: καθά; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
κᾰθά according as, just as; so to speak; like as if, exactly as; like
καθ' καθό adverb pos. degree stem: καθό; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
καθό in so far as, according as; in respect of..; wherefore
εἷς εἷς lang: grc; stem: εἷς; stemtype: numeral; partOfSpeech: numeral; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: nominative; gend: masculine; morph: indeclform.
εἷς sem; sm; i; is; one, one; single man; single; one; by himself; each; singly; list; united; above all; alternately; one by one, separately; one accord; at once; first; the same; possessing unity; another; a, an; many; once; unity; units; One
εἷς εἷς noun masc., nom., sing. stem: εἷς; stemtype: irreg_decl3; morph: indeclform; decl: 3rd.
εἷς sem; sm; i; is; one, one; single man; single; one; by himself; each; singly; list; united; above all; alternately; one by one, separately; one accord; at once; first; the same; possessing unity; another; a, an; many; once; unity; units; One
ἀρξάμενοι ἄρχω participle aor. mid. participle, masc. voc. pl. stem: ἀρξ; stemtype: aor1; suff: άμενοι; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἄρχω to be first; begin, make a beginning; to be the aggressor; to begin oneʼs; to open; make a beginning of; strike the first; beginning with; begin from; with; even; including; begin; show; lead; take the lead!; at first; at the beginning; rule, govern, command; rule, be leader of; held command; led; on; rule; hold a magistracy; to be archon; to be ruled, governed; subjects
ἀρξάμενοι ἄρχω participle aor. mid. participle, masc. nom. pl. stem: ἀρξ; stemtype: aor1; suff: άμενοι; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἄρχω to be first; begin, make a beginning; to be the aggressor; to begin oneʼs; to open; make a beginning of; strike the first; beginning with; begin from; with; even; including; begin; show; lead; take the lead!; at first; at the beginning; rule, govern, command; rule, be leader of; held command; led; on; rule; hold a magistracy; to be archon; to be ruled, governed; subjects
ἀπό ἀπό indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἀπό; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
ἀπό ápa; ab; ap-ehtre; af; af, cef, of; from.; from, away from; departure from; from; on; back; away from, far from; apart from; far from; without using; away; away from; alien from; without; off; taken; of; upon; and; from being, instead of; free from, without; from, after; after; onwards; from the beginning of; at; fresh from; beyond; consulares; freedman of..; sprung from; in descent from; springs
τῶν article fem., gen., pl. stem: τῶν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῶν article masc., gen., pl. stem: τῶν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῶν article neut., gen., pl. stem: τῶν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
πρεσβυτέρων πρέσβυς adjective neut., gen., pl. stem: πρεσβυτερ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; morph: irreg_comp; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πρέσβῠς old man; the elder; elders; elder; older; wise beyond thy years; rather old; in my old age, PCair. Zen.; eldest; more; most important, taking precedence; higher, more important; greater than; ambassador; president; elder, alderman; both; elder of the Jewish Sanhedrin; elder of the Christian Church, presbyter; wren; -gu; vanar-gú-; žmogùs; prae, pris-tinus;
πρεσβυτέρων πρέσβυς adjective fem., gen., pl. stem: πρεσβυτερ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; morph: irreg_comp; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πρέσβῠς old man; the elder; elders; elder; older; wise beyond thy years; rather old; in my old age, PCair. Zen.; eldest; more; most important, taking precedence; higher, more important; greater than; ambassador; president; elder, alderman; both; elder of the Jewish Sanhedrin; elder of the Christian Church, presbyter; wren; -gu; vanar-gú-; žmogùs; prae, pris-tinus;
πρεσβυτέρων πρέσβυς adjective masc., gen., pl. stem: πρεσβυτερ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; morph: irreg_comp; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πρέσβῠς old man; the elder; elders; elder; older; wise beyond thy years; rather old; in my old age, PCair. Zen.; eldest; more; most important, taking precedence; higher, more important; greater than; ambassador; president; elder, alderman; both; elder of the Jewish Sanhedrin; elder of the Christian Church, presbyter; wren; -gu; vanar-gú-; žmogùs; prae, pris-tinus;
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
κατελείφθη καταλιμπάνω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. pass. indic. stem: κατά:ἐ:λειφθ; stemtype: aor_pass; suff: η; derivtype: reg_conj.
καταλιμπάνω καταλιμπάνω
μόνος μόνος adjective masc., nom., sing. stem: μον; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ος; decl: 1st & 2nd.
μόνος alone, solitary; bereft of; without; only; single; alone; and no other; unique; one above all others; made in one piece; on one condition only; in one way only; in a unique manner; alone, only; all but, well nigh
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
article fem., nom., sing. stem: ἡ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
article fem., voc., sing. stem: ἡ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
γυνή γυνή noun fem., nom., sing. stem: γυνή; stemtype: irreg_decl3; morph: indeclform; decl: 3rd.
γῠνή woman; man; mistress, lady; the lasses; a woman; wife, spouse; concubine; mortal woman; goddess; female, mate; gnā-; janis.
ἐν εἰς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰς into; to; into the territory of; in; before; facing; rest in; there; upon; for; up to, until; till; towards; near; up to; against; until; within; throughout; at; on; with; as far as; as much as; so far as; to the number of; deep; abreast; thrice; about; by; towards, in regard to; in regard to; in respect of; to cause; pertinent, to the purpose
ἐν ἐν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐν in, into.; in; in the district of; at the school of; in, within, surrounded by; under; equipped with; on, at; by; on; at; in the number of, amongst; in the presence of; in oneʼs hands, within oneʼs reach; power; with; in the eyes of; in respect of; in point of; towards; into; motion to; position in; fell; coming; going; from; in the form of; as; in the practice of; before; during the time; in the
μέσῳ μέσος adjective masc., dat., sing. stem: μες; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ῳ; decl: 1st & 2nd.
μέσος b; middle, in the middle; middle; zenith; mid; middle point; midmost, central; central; centre; by the middle, by the waist; midway between; impartial; inter-mediate; indeterminate; things indifferent; mediae; semi-vowels; circumflex; middling, moderate; of middle height; a; of middle rank; mediocre; fairly; midst, intervening space; in the midst; went between; intervening; between; offered for co
μέσῳ μέσος adjective neut., dat., sing. stem: μες; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ῳ; decl: 1st & 2nd.
μέσος b; middle, in the middle; middle; zenith; mid; middle point; midmost, central; central; centre; by the middle, by the waist; midway between; impartial; inter-mediate; indeterminate; things indifferent; mediae; semi-vowels; circumflex; middling, moderate; of middle height; a; of middle rank; mediocre; fairly; midst, intervening space; in the midst; went between; intervening; between; offered for co
οὖσα οὖσον noun neut., voc., pl. stem: οὐς; stemtype: os_ou; suff: α; decl: 2nd.
οὖσον shipʼs tackle, ropes
οὖσα οὖσον noun neut., nom., pl. stem: οὐς; stemtype: os_ou; suff: α; decl: 2nd.
οὖσον shipʼs tackle, ropes
οὖσα οὖσον noun neut., acc., pl. stem: οὐς; stemtype: os_ou; suff: α; decl: 2nd.
οὖσον shipʼs tackle, ropes
οὖσα εἰμί participle pres. act. participle, fem. voc. sing. stem: οὖσα; stemtype: irreg_mi; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
οὖσα εἰμί participle pres. act. participle, fem. nom. sing. stem: οὖσα; stemtype: irreg_mi; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
ἀνακύψας ἀνακύπτω participle aor. act. participle, masc. voc. sing. stem: ἀνά:κυψ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ᾱς; dial: Attic epic Ionic; derivtype: ptw.
ἀνακύπτω lift up the head; with the head high; your head up; throwing his head back; come up out of the water, pop up; emerge, crop up; rise out of difficulties, breathe again
ἀνακύψας ἀνακύπτω participle aor. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: ἀνά:κυψ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ᾱς; dial: Attic epic Ionic; derivtype: ptw.
ἀνακύπτω lift up the head; with the head high; your head up; throwing his head back; come up out of the water, pop up; emerge, crop up; rise out of difficulties, breathe again
δέ δέ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: δέ; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
δέ but; nay; then; well
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: εν; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; dial: epic Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; dial: epic Ionic; morph: nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
αὐτῇ αὐτός pronoun fem., dat., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ῃ; dial: Attic epic Ionic.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
Γύναι γυνή noun fem., voc., sing. stem: γύναι; stemtype: irreg_decl3; morph: indeclform; decl: 3rd.
γῠνή woman; man; mistress, lady; the lasses; a woman; wife, spouse; concubine; mortal woman; goddess; female, mate; gnā-; janis.
ποῦ ποῦ lang: grc; stem: ποῦ; stemtype: interrog; partOfSpeech: noun; morph: indeclform; decl: 3rd.
ποῦ where?; where; in what part of; at what point; how?; how; how? by what right?
ποῦ πού adverb pos. degree stem: ποῦ; stemtype: adverb; morph: enclitic indeclform.
εἰσίν εἰμί finite verb 3rd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: εἰσιν; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic nu_movable.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
οὐδείς οὐδείς pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: οὐδείς; stemtype: pron_adj3; morph: indeclform.
οὐδείς not one; no one, none; no set; every one; every; nothing; naught, good for naught; naught; nobodies; naught, zero; not at all, naught; nothing, never mind, no matter; not at all; not even one; none whatever
οὐδείς οὐδείς pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: οὐδείς; stemtype: pron_adj3; morph: indeclform.
οὐδείς not one; no one, none; no set; every one; every; nothing; naught, good for naught; naught; nobodies; naught, zero; not at all, naught; nothing, never mind, no matter; not at all; not even one; none whatever
σε σύ lang: grc; stem: σε; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: singular; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: accusative; morph: enclitic indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
κατέκρινεν κατακρίνω finite verb 3rd pl., aor. pass. indic. stem: κατά:ἐ:κρι^ν; stemtype: aor2_pass; suff: εν; dial: epic; derivtype: inw.
κατα-κρίνω give as sentence against; sentence; had been passed upon; when; sentence has been given against; sentence be given against; has condemned; has been condemned; condemn; deem guilty of; to be condemned; to be judged, deemed
κατέκρινεν κατακρίνω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: κατά:ἐ:κρῑν; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: inw.
κατα-κρίνω give as sentence against; sentence; had been passed upon; when; sentence has been given against; sentence be given against; has condemned; has been condemned; condemn; deem guilty of; to be condemned; to be judged, deemed
κατέκρινεν κατακρίνω finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: κατά:ἐ:κρῑν; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: inw.
κατα-κρίνω give as sentence against; sentence; had been passed upon; when; sentence has been given against; sentence be given against; has condemned; has been condemned; condemn; deem guilty of; to be condemned; to be judged, deemed
article fem., nom., sing. stem: ἡ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
article fem., voc., sing. stem: ἡ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
δέ δέ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: δέ; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
δέ but; nay; then; well
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: εν; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; dial: epic Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; dial: epic Ionic; morph: nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
Οὐδείς οὐδείς pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: οὐδείς; stemtype: pron_adj3; morph: indeclform.
οὐδείς not one; no one, none; no set; every one; every; nothing; naught, good for naught; naught; nobodies; naught, zero; not at all, naught; nothing, never mind, no matter; not at all; not even one; none whatever
Οὐδείς οὐδείς pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: οὐδείς; stemtype: pron_adj3; morph: indeclform.
οὐδείς not one; no one, none; no set; every one; every; nothing; naught, good for naught; naught; nobodies; naught, zero; not at all, naught; nothing, never mind, no matter; not at all; not even one; none whatever
κύριε κύριος noun masc., voc., sing. stem: κυρι; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ε; decl: 2nd.
κύριος having power; authority over; in possession of; with power of; have authority; am entitled; better able; having authority, supreme; sovereign power; supreme authorities; sovereign; principal; authoritative, decisive; of more authority; important, principal; most important matters; valid; ordained, appointed; appointed; legitimate, lawful; lawful power; proper, real; real; actual; current, ordinary
κύριε κύριος adjective masc., voc., sing. stem: κῡρι; stemtype: os_on; suff: ε; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κύριος having power; authority over; in possession of; with power of; have authority; am entitled; better able; having authority, supreme; sovereign power; supreme authorities; sovereign; principal; authoritative, decisive; of more authority; important, principal; most important matters; valid; ordained, appointed; appointed; legitimate, lawful; lawful power; proper, real; real; actual; current, ordinary
κύριε κύριος adjective masc., voc., sing. stem: κῡρι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ε; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κύριος having power; authority over; in possession of; with power of; have authority; am entitled; better able; having authority, supreme; sovereign power; supreme authorities; sovereign; principal; authoritative, decisive; of more authority; important, principal; most important matters; valid; ordained, appointed; appointed; legitimate, lawful; lawful power; proper, real; real; actual; current, ordinary
κύριε κύριος adjective fem., voc., sing. stem: κῡρι; stemtype: os_on; suff: ε; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κύριος having power; authority over; in possession of; with power of; have authority; am entitled; better able; having authority, supreme; sovereign power; supreme authorities; sovereign; principal; authoritative, decisive; of more authority; important, principal; most important matters; valid; ordained, appointed; appointed; legitimate, lawful; lawful power; proper, real; real; actual; current, ordinary
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: εν; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; dial: epic Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; dial: epic Ionic; morph: nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
δέ δέ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: δέ; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
δέ but; nay; then; well
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
Οὐδέ οὐδέ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: οὐδέ; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
οὐδέ but not; nor; and not, nor; and not; or; neither.. nor; no; nor yet; not even; no not; not at all; no not even; and not even; also not, not.. either, nor yet
οὐδέ (and) in no wise; in no wise
οὐδέ and not yet, not as yet
Οὐδέ οὐδός1 noun masc., voc., sing. stem: οὐδ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ε; decl: 2nd.
οὐδός threshold; threshold of a house; threshold, entrance; lintel; end
οὐδός way
οὐδός threshold; threshold of a house; threshold, entrance; lintel; end
οὐδός way
Οὐδέ οὐδός2 noun fem., voc., sing. stem: οὐδ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ε; dial: Ionic; decl: 2nd.
οὐδός threshold; threshold of a house; threshold, entrance; lintel; end
οὐδός way
οὐδός threshold; threshold of a house; threshold, entrance; lintel; end
οὐδός way
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
σε σύ lang: grc; stem: σε; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: singular; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: accusative; morph: enclitic indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
κατακρίνω: κατακρίνω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: κατά:κρῑν; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: inw.
κατα-κρίνω give as sentence against; sentence; had been passed upon; when; sentence has been given against; sentence be given against; has condemned; has been condemned; condemn; deem guilty of; to be condemned; to be judged, deemed
κατακρίνω: κατακρίνω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: κατά:κρῑν; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: inw.
κατα-κρίνω give as sentence against; sentence; had been passed upon; when; sentence has been given against; sentence be given against; has condemned; has been condemned; condemn; deem guilty of; to be condemned; to be judged, deemed
κατακρίνω: κατακρίνω finite verb 1st sing., aor. act. subj. stem: κατά:κρῑν; stemtype: aor1; suff: ω; derivtype: inw.
κατα-κρίνω give as sentence against; sentence; had been passed upon; when; sentence has been given against; sentence be given against; has condemned; has been condemned; condemn; deem guilty of; to be condemned; to be judged, deemed
κατακρίνω: κατακρίνω finite verb 2nd sing., aor. mid. indic. stem: κατά:κρῑν; stemtype: aor1; suff: ω; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: inw.
κατα-κρίνω give as sentence against; sentence; had been passed upon; when; sentence has been given against; sentence be given against; has condemned; has been condemned; condemn; deem guilty of; to be condemned; to be judged, deemed
πορεύου πορεύω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. imper. stem: πορευ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ου; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: euw.
πορ-εύω make to go, carry, convey; carry; ferry over; bring, carry; furnish, bestow; set in motion; conduct a search; to be driven; carried; go, walk, march; go by land; cross, pass over; crossing; enter; march; come; go in; go over, traverse; pass; traverse, move along; fall; enter into possession of; walk; live; proceed; go on oneʼs way; die
πορεύου πορεύω finite verb 2nd sing., impf. mid-pass. indic. stem: πορευ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ου; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr unaugmented; derivtype: euw.
πορ-εύω make to go, carry, convey; carry; ferry over; bring, carry; furnish, bestow; set in motion; conduct a search; to be driven; carried; go, walk, march; go by land; cross, pass over; crossing; enter; march; come; go in; go over, traverse; pass; traverse, move along; fall; enter into possession of; walk; live; proceed; go on oneʼs way; die
ἀπό ἀπό indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἀπό; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
ἀπό ápa; ab; ap-ehtre; af; af, cef, of; from.; from, away from; departure from; from; on; back; away from, far from; apart from; far from; without using; away; away from; alien from; without; off; taken; of; upon; and; from being, instead of; free from, without; from, after; after; onwards; from the beginning of; at; fresh from; beyond; consulares; freedman of..; sprung from; in descent from; springs
τοῦ τις lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τοῦ τίς lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τοῦ article masc., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τοῦ article neut., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
νῦν νῦν adverb pos. degree stem: νῦν; stemtype: adverb; morph: enclitic indeclform.
νῦν now; present moment; present time; of our day; of the present day; the present; just now, but now; presently; as it is; was), as the case stands; stood), as a matter of fact; so; henceforth; but now; now !; now?; nú, nú¯, nūnám; nū
νῦν now, even now; just now; now, without further delay
μηκέτι μηκέτι adverb pos. degree stem: μηκέτι; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
μηκέτι no more, no longer, no further
ἁμάρτανε ἁμαρτάνω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. imper. stem: ἁμαρταν; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ε; derivtype: anw.
ἁμαρτάνω Acut. (Sp.); miss the mark; miss; fail of oneʼs purpose, go wrong; failed of good; mistake; fail of having, be deprived of; that I should lose; that I should ask; in vain; fail; fail to do, neglect; do wrong, err, sin; erred; do wrong in; sin; are frustrate; wrong, mistaken; mistaken
ἁμάρτανε ἁμαρτάνω finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἁμαρταν; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ε; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: anw.
ἁμαρτάνω Acut. (Sp.); miss the mark; miss; fail of oneʼs purpose, go wrong; failed of good; mistake; fail of having, be deprived of; that I should lose; that I should ask; in vain; fail; fail to do, neglect; do wrong, err, sin; erred; do wrong in; sin; are frustrate; wrong, mistaken; mistaken
ἁμάρτανε ἁμαρτάνω finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἁμαρταν; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ε; dial: Doric Aeolic; derivtype: anw.
ἁμαρτάνω Acut. (Sp.); miss the mark; miss; fail of oneʼs purpose, go wrong; failed of good; mistake; fail of having, be deprived of; that I should lose; that I should ask; in vain; fail; fail to do, neglect; do wrong, err, sin; erred; do wrong in; sin; are frustrate; wrong, mistaken; mistaken
οὐκ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐκ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
ἐγείρεται ἐγείρω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. mid. subj. stem: ἐγειρ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εται; dial: epic; morph: short_subj; derivtype: eirw.
ἐγείρω awaken, rouse; rouse, stir up; stir; wake up; prick up; raise; raise, erect; wake; to be awake; stay awake; arising; rouse; stir oneself, be excited; were encouraged; arouse oneself
ἐγείρεται ἐγείρω finite verb 3rd sing., pres. mid-pass. indic. stem: ἐγειρ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εται; derivtype: eirw.
ἐγείρω awaken, rouse; rouse, stir up; stir; wake up; prick up; raise; raise, erect; wake; to be awake; stay awake; arising; rouse; stir oneself, be excited; were encouraged; arouse oneself
Πάλιν πάλιν adverb pos. degree stem: πάλιν; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
πάλῐν back, backwards; back, restore; back; back from; contradiction; gain; unsaid; contrariwise; opposite; the change; again, once more; in turn; again; doubly
οὖν οὖν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: οὖν; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
οὖν certainly, in fact; really; very; at all events; did; at least; I grant you; when once; as soon as; actually; neither.. nor; even; just; in fact; cunque; whoever; whosoever; how; howsoever; be he who he may; so, then; then; well, as I was saying; then, therefore; therefore
αὐτοῖς αὐτός pronoun neut., dat., pl. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: οις.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτοῖς αὐτός pronoun masc., dat., pl. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: οις.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
ἐλάλησεν λαλέω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λαλης; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: ew_denom.
λᾰλ-έω talk, chat, prattle; talk to; talk, speak; talk of; speak; it shall be told; chatter; chirp; sound
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
λέγων λέγος adjective masc., gen., pl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγων λέγος adjective fem., gen., pl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγων λέγος adjective neut., gen., pl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγων λέγω3 participle pres. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ων; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγων λέγω2 participle pres. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ων; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγων λέγω1 participle pres. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ων; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
Ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
Ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
Ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
Ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
εἰμι εἰμί finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: εἰμι; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
τό article neut., nom., sing. stem: τό; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τό article neut., voc., sing. stem: τό; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τό article neut., acc., sing. stem: τό; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
φῶς φάος noun neut., acc., sing. stem: φῶς; stemtype: irreg_decl3; dial: Attic; morph: contr indeclform; decl: 3rd.
φάος light; daylight; day; the light; public; publicity; a day; days; the fire; a light; illuminations; fire; eyes; eye; window; opening; illumination; the dark ring round the nipple
φῶς φάος noun neut., voc., sing. stem: φῶς; stemtype: irreg_decl3; dial: Attic; morph: contr indeclform; decl: 3rd.
φάος light; daylight; day; the light; public; publicity; a day; days; the fire; a light; illuminations; fire; eyes; eye; window; opening; illumination; the dark ring round the nipple
φῶς φάος noun neut., nom., sing. stem: φῶς; stemtype: irreg_decl3; dial: Attic; morph: contr indeclform; decl: 3rd.
φάος light; daylight; day; the light; public; publicity; a day; days; the fire; a light; illuminations; fire; eyes; eye; window; opening; illumination; the dark ring round the nipple
τοῦ τις lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τοῦ τίς lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τοῦ article masc., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τοῦ article neut., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
κόσμου κόσμος noun masc., gen., sing. stem: κοσμ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ου; decl: 2nd.
κόσμος order; order, duly; shamefully; in order; becomingly; in; natural order; good order, good behaviour; discipline; form, fashion; fashion; from; order, government; constitution; ornament, decoration; service; ornaments; epithets; praise; honour, credit; credit; ruler, regulator; body of; world-order, universe; firmament; earth; region; worlds; planets; microcosm; the known; inhabited world; men in g
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἀκολουθῶν ἀκολουθέω participle pres. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: ἀκολουθ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶν; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
ἀκολουθ-έω follow; go after; with; follow, be guided by; obey; follow the thread; follow upon, to be consequent upon, consistent with; follow analogy of; to be consequent; it follows
ἐμοί ἐμός adjective masc., nom., pl. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: οι; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
ἐμοί ἐμός adjective masc., voc., pl. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: οι; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
ἐμοί ἐγώ pronoun fem., dat., sing. stem: ἐμοί; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐμοί ἐγώ pronoun masc., dat., sing. stem: ἐμοί; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
οὐ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
μή μή indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: μή; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
μή mā´; mi; mē´; not; will; thought; fact; statement; wish, command, entreaty, warning; take care you do; not become; I fear.. may prove to be weaving; perhaps; nay but; none of that; no; that so; lest; except; provided only that; D Deor.; that; whoever; such a thing as; such things as; forbid, deny; swear, aver, believe; ut qui nihil sciam; one who; want of; fear; apprehension; shall proveto be; sha
μή μή κοτε
μή lest perchance
περιπατήσῃ περιπατέω finite verb 2nd sing., aor. mid. subj. stem: περιπατης; stemtype: aor1; suff: ῃ; derivtype: ew_denom.
περιπᾰτ-έω walk up and down; walk about; is for walking on; traverse; walk about while teaching, discourse; dispute, argue; walk; live
περιπατήσῃ περιπατέω finite verb 2nd sing., fut. mid. indic. stem: περί:πατης; stemtype: reg_fut; suff: ῃ; derivtype: ew_denom.
περιπᾰτ-έω walk up and down; walk about; is for walking on; traverse; walk about while teaching, discourse; dispute, argue; walk; live
περιπατήσῃ περιπατέω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. subj. stem: περί:πατης; stemtype: aor1; suff: ῃ; derivtype: ew_denom.
περιπᾰτ-έω walk up and down; walk about; is for walking on; traverse; walk about while teaching, discourse; dispute, argue; walk; live
περιπατήσῃ περιπατέω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. subj. stem: περιπατης; stemtype: aor1; suff: ῃ; derivtype: ew_denom.
περιπᾰτ-έω walk up and down; walk about; is for walking on; traverse; walk about while teaching, discourse; dispute, argue; walk; live
περιπατήσῃ περιπατέω finite verb 2nd sing., fut. mid. indic. stem: περιπατης; stemtype: reg_fut; suff: ῃ; derivtype: ew_denom.
περιπᾰτ-έω walk up and down; walk about; is for walking on; traverse; walk about while teaching, discourse; dispute, argue; walk; live
περιπατήσῃ περιπατέω finite verb 2nd sing., aor. mid. subj. stem: περί:πατης; stemtype: aor1; suff: ῃ; derivtype: ew_denom.
περιπᾰτ-έω walk up and down; walk about; is for walking on; traverse; walk about while teaching, discourse; dispute, argue; walk; live
περιπατήσῃ περιπάτησις noun fem., dat., sing. stem: περιπατης; stemtype: is_ews; suff: ηι; dial: epic; decl: 3rd.
ἐν εἰς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰς into; to; into the territory of; in; before; facing; rest in; there; upon; for; up to, until; till; towards; near; up to; against; until; within; throughout; at; on; with; as far as; as much as; so far as; to the number of; deep; abreast; thrice; about; by; towards, in regard to; in regard to; in respect of; to cause; pertinent, to the purpose
ἐν ἐν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐν in, into.; in; in the district of; at the school of; in, within, surrounded by; under; equipped with; on, at; by; on; at; in the number of, amongst; in the presence of; in oneʼs hands, within oneʼs reach; power; with; in the eyes of; in respect of; in point of; towards; into; motion to; position in; fell; coming; going; from; in the form of; as; in the practice of; before; during the time; in the
τῇ article fem., dat., sing. stem: τῇ; stemtype: article; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῇ τῇ adverb pos. degree stem: τῇ; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
τῇ here, there
σκοτίᾳ σκοτία noun fem., nom., pl. stem: σκοτι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: αι; decl: 1st.
σκοτί-α darkness, gloom; scotia, cavetto; the dark shadow
σκοτίᾳ σκοτία noun fem., dat., sing. stem: σκοτι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ|; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st.
σκοτί-α darkness, gloom; scotia, cavetto; the dark shadow
σκοτίᾳ σκοτία noun fem., voc., pl. stem: σκοτι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: αι; decl: 1st.
σκοτί-α darkness, gloom; scotia, cavetto; the dark shadow
σκοτίᾳ σκότιος adjective fem., dat., sing. stem: σκοτι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ|; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
σκότ-ιος dark; in the dark, in secret, secret; clandestine; bastard; dark, obscure
ἀλλ' ἀλλά adverb pos. degree stem: ἀλλά; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ἀλλά otherwise; but; not only.. but; not only not.. but; still, at least; at least; except, but; but=be out, except; not; but, yet; nay but.., well but; it is not [so], but; at all events; well then; but then, however; but really, certainly; quid si.. ?; et quidem
ἕξει ἔχω finite verb 3rd sing., fut. act. indic. stem: ἑξ; stemtype: reg_fut; suff: ει; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἔχω check; seĝh; sáhate; sigis; sĝh; si-sĝh-o; have, hold; possess; propertied class; wealthy man; poor; to have; due to one; to have received; acquire, get; to be possessed; keep, have charge of; having control of; to be engaged in; kept; for; is; himself; inhabit; haunt; ruled; occupiest; have to wife; as husband; have in oneʼs house, entertain; with; keep; get; indulge in; will; for a moment; to be
ἔχω bear, carry, bring; brought as an offering; váhati; veho
ἕξει ἔχω finite verb 2nd sing., fut. mid. indic. stem: ἑξ; stemtype: reg_fut; suff: ει; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἔχω check; seĝh; sáhate; sigis; sĝh; si-sĝh-o; have, hold; possess; propertied class; wealthy man; poor; to have; due to one; to have received; acquire, get; to be possessed; keep, have charge of; having control of; to be engaged in; kept; for; is; himself; inhabit; haunt; ruled; occupiest; have to wife; as husband; have in oneʼs house, entertain; with; keep; get; indulge in; will; for a moment; to be
ἔχω bear, carry, bring; brought as an offering; váhati; veho
ἕξει ἕξις noun fem., dat., sing. stem: ἑξ; stemtype: is_ews; suff: ει; dial: Attic Ionic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
ἕξις having, being in possession of, possession; posture; a being in a certain state, a permanent condition; state; habit; condition; outward appearance; the system; habit of mind; acquired habit; trained habit, skill
ἕξει ἕξις noun fem., acc., dl. stem: ἑξ; stemtype: is_ews; suff: ει; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
ἕξις having, being in possession of, possession; posture; a being in a certain state, a permanent condition; state; habit; condition; outward appearance; the system; habit of mind; acquired habit; trained habit, skill
ἕξει ἕξις noun fem., nom., dl. stem: ἑξ; stemtype: is_ews; suff: ει; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
ἕξις having, being in possession of, possession; posture; a being in a certain state, a permanent condition; state; habit; condition; outward appearance; the system; habit of mind; acquired habit; trained habit, skill
ἕξει ἕξις noun fem., dat., sing. stem: ἑξ; stemtype: is_ews; suff: εϊ; dial: epic; decl: 3rd.
ἕξις having, being in possession of, possession; posture; a being in a certain state, a permanent condition; state; habit; condition; outward appearance; the system; habit of mind; acquired habit; trained habit, skill
ἕξει ἕξις noun fem., voc., dl. stem: ἑξ; stemtype: is_ews; suff: ει; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
ἕξις having, being in possession of, possession; posture; a being in a certain state, a permanent condition; state; habit; condition; outward appearance; the system; habit of mind; acquired habit; trained habit, skill
τό article neut., nom., sing. stem: τό; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τό article neut., voc., sing. stem: τό; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τό article neut., acc., sing. stem: τό; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
φῶς φάος noun neut., acc., sing. stem: φῶς; stemtype: irreg_decl3; dial: Attic; morph: contr indeclform; decl: 3rd.
φάος light; daylight; day; the light; public; publicity; a day; days; the fire; a light; illuminations; fire; eyes; eye; window; opening; illumination; the dark ring round the nipple
φῶς φάος noun neut., voc., sing. stem: φῶς; stemtype: irreg_decl3; dial: Attic; morph: contr indeclform; decl: 3rd.
φάος light; daylight; day; the light; public; publicity; a day; days; the fire; a light; illuminations; fire; eyes; eye; window; opening; illumination; the dark ring round the nipple
φῶς φάος noun neut., nom., sing. stem: φῶς; stemtype: irreg_decl3; dial: Attic; morph: contr indeclform; decl: 3rd.
φάος light; daylight; day; the light; public; publicity; a day; days; the fire; a light; illuminations; fire; eyes; eye; window; opening; illumination; the dark ring round the nipple
τῆς article fem., gen., sing. stem: τῆς; stemtype: article; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ζωῆς ζωή noun fem., gen., sing. stem: ζω; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ης; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; decl: 1st.
ζωή living; substance, property; life, existence; mylife; way of life; the scum on milk
ζωῆς ζωός adjective fem., gen., sing. stem: ζω; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ης; dial: Attic epic Ionic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ζωός alive, living
εἶπον εἶπον finite verb 3rd pl., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: ον; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπον εἶπον finite verb 2nd sing., aor. act. imper. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ον; dial: epic Ionic.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπον εἶπον finite verb 3rd pl., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: ον.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπον εἶπον finite verb 1st sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: ον; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπον εἶπον finite verb 1st sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: ον.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπον εἶπος noun masc., acc., sing. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
εἶπος εἶπος
οὖν οὖν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: οὖν; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
οὖν certainly, in fact; really; very; at all events; did; at least; I grant you; when once; as soon as; actually; neither.. nor; even; just; in fact; cunque; whoever; whosoever; how; howsoever; be he who he may; so, then; then; well, as I was saying; then, therefore; therefore
αὐτῷ αὐτός pronoun masc., dat., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ῳ.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτῷ αὐτός pronoun neut., dat., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ῳ.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
οἱ pronoun masc., dat., sing. stem: οἱ; stemtype: pron3; dial: epic Ionic; morph: enclitic indeclform.
οἱ pronoun fem., dat., sing. stem: οἱ; stemtype: pron3; dial: epic Ionic; morph: enclitic indeclform.
οἱ article masc., voc., pl. stem: οἱ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
οἱ article masc., nom., pl. stem: οἱ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
Φαρισαῖοι Φαρισαῖος noun masc., nom., pl. stem: Φαρισαῑ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: οι; decl: 2nd.
Φαρισαῖοι Φαρισαῖος noun masc., voc., pl. stem: Φαρισαῑ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: οι; decl: 2nd.
Σύ σύ lang: grc; stem: σύ; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: singular; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: nominative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
περί περί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: περί; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
περί round about, all round; on both sides; pári; round about, around; about near; about; for; about, on account of; of; about, concerning; for very; about, in regard to; the circumstances; as for; as to; before, above, beyond; beyond; consequence, worth; worth; on; behalf, PCair. Zen.; by grasping; around; spitted upon; transfixed by; standing over; on account of, by reason of; in; round about; round;
σεαυτοῦ σαυτοῦ pronoun masc., gen., sing. stem: σεαυτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ου.
σαυτοῦ σαυτοῦ
σεαυτοῦ σαυτοῦ pronoun masc., gen., sing. stem: σεαυτοῦ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
σαυτοῦ σαυτοῦ
σεαυτοῦ σαυτοῦ pronoun neut., gen., sing. stem: σεαυτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ου.
σαυτοῦ σαυτοῦ
σεαυτοῦ σαυτοῦ pronoun neut., gen., sing. stem: σεαυτοῦ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
σαυτοῦ σαυτοῦ
μαρτυρεῖς μαρτυρέω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: μαρτυρ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖς; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
μαρτῠρ-έω bear witness, give evidence; bear witness to; in favour of; confirm; bears witness to; bear favourable witness to, give a good report of; testify to; testify that; that; testify to, acknowledge the value of; give; evidence; bear; witness; testimony is borne; testimony has been given; is ascribed; have; ascribed to me; bear a character; whose character is approved by testimony; to be in aspect with
μαρτυρεῖς μαρτύρομαι finite verb 2nd sing., aor. mid-pass. subj. stem: μαρτυρ; stemtype: aor2_pass; suff: εῖς; dial: epic; morph: contr short_subj; derivtype: urw.
μαρτύρομαι call to witness, invoke; call you to witness that; call; to witness; protest, asseverate; protest; cite; as a witness; remind
article fem., nom., sing. stem: ἡ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
article fem., voc., sing. stem: ἡ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
μαρτυρία μαρτυρία noun fem., nom., sing. stem: μαρτυρι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st.
μαρτῠρ-ία testimony; evidence; serve; with a subpoena; commendation; demonstrations of favour; aspect
μαρτυρία μαρτυρία noun fem., nom., dl. stem: μαρτυρι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st.
μαρτῠρ-ία testimony; evidence; serve; with a subpoena; commendation; demonstrations of favour; aspect
μαρτυρία μαρτυρία noun fem., voc., dl. stem: μαρτυρι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st.
μαρτῠρ-ία testimony; evidence; serve; with a subpoena; commendation; demonstrations of favour; aspect
μαρτυρία μαρτυρία noun fem., acc., dl. stem: μαρτυρι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st.
μαρτῠρ-ία testimony; evidence; serve; with a subpoena; commendation; demonstrations of favour; aspect
μαρτυρία μαρτυρία noun fem., voc., sing. stem: μαρτυρι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st.
μαρτῠρ-ία testimony; evidence; serve; with a subpoena; commendation; demonstrations of favour; aspect
σου σύ lang: grc; stem: σου; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: singular; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: enclitic indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
οὐκ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐκ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
ἔστιν εἰμί finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐστιν; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic nu_movable.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
ἀληθής ἀληθής adjective fem., nom., sing. stem: ἀληθ; stemtype: hs_es; suff: ης; decl: 3rd.
ἀληθ-ής unconcealed; true, real; false, apparent; truthful, honest; in vino veritas; true, unerring; genuine; realizing itself, coming to fulfilment; truly; actually, in reality; in the true way, really; indeed? really?; not forgetting, careful; honest
ἀληθής ἀληθής adjective masc., nom., sing. stem: ἀληθ; stemtype: hs_es; suff: ης; decl: 3rd.
ἀληθ-ής unconcealed; true, real; false, apparent; truthful, honest; in vino veritas; true, unerring; genuine; realizing itself, coming to fulfilment; truly; actually, in reality; in the true way, really; indeed? really?; not forgetting, careful; honest
ἀπεκρίθη ἀποκρίνω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. pass. indic. stem: ἀπό:ἐ:κρι^θ; stemtype: aor_pass; suff: η; derivtype: inw.
ἀποκρίνω set apart; to be parted or separated; parted from the throng; to be separated and brought; separated; to be distinctly formed; secretions; determined; ended; alone; are voided; mark by a distinctive form, distinguish; specific; choose; choose from..; having set apart; decreed; exclude; reject on examination; decide; has lost; against; give answer to, reply to; to; to answer; let; be; answer; answe
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: εν; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; dial: epic Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; dial: epic Ionic; morph: nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
αὐτοῖς αὐτός pronoun neut., dat., pl. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: οις.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτοῖς αὐτός pronoun masc., dat., pl. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: οις.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
Κἄν κἀν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: κἄν; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
μαρτυρῶ μαρτύρομαι finite verb 1st sing., aor. mid-pass. subj. stem: μαρτυρ; stemtype: aor2_pass; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: urw.
μαρτύρομαι call to witness, invoke; call you to witness that; call; to witness; protest, asseverate; protest; cite; as a witness; remind
μαρτυρῶ μαρτυρέω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: μαρτυρ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
μαρτῠρ-έω bear witness, give evidence; bear witness to; in favour of; confirm; bears witness to; bear favourable witness to, give a good report of; testify to; testify that; that; testify to, acknowledge the value of; give; evidence; bear; witness; testimony is borne; testimony has been given; is ascribed; have; ascribed to me; bear a character; whose character is approved by testimony; to be in aspect with
μαρτυρῶ μαρτυρέω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: μαρτυρ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
μαρτῠρ-έω bear witness, give evidence; bear witness to; in favour of; confirm; bears witness to; bear favourable witness to, give a good report of; testify to; testify that; that; testify to, acknowledge the value of; give; evidence; bear; witness; testimony is borne; testimony has been given; is ascribed; have; ascribed to me; bear a character; whose character is approved by testimony; to be in aspect with
περί περί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: περί; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
περί round about, all round; on both sides; pári; round about, around; about near; about; for; about, on account of; of; about, concerning; for very; about, in regard to; the circumstances; as for; as to; before, above, beyond; beyond; consequence, worth; worth; on; behalf, PCair. Zen.; by grasping; around; spitted upon; transfixed by; standing over; on account of, by reason of; in; round about; round;
ἐμαυτοῦ ἐμαυτοῦ pronoun masc., gen., sing. stem: ἐμαυτοῦ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐμαυτοῦ of me, of myself; oneself; master of oneself
ἐμαυτοῦ ἐμαυτοῦ pronoun neut., gen., sing. stem: ἐμαυτοῦ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐμαυτοῦ of me, of myself; oneself; master of oneself
ἀληθής ἀληθής adjective fem., nom., sing. stem: ἀληθ; stemtype: hs_es; suff: ης; decl: 3rd.
ἀληθ-ής unconcealed; true, real; false, apparent; truthful, honest; in vino veritas; true, unerring; genuine; realizing itself, coming to fulfilment; truly; actually, in reality; in the true way, really; indeed? really?; not forgetting, careful; honest
ἀληθής ἀληθής adjective masc., nom., sing. stem: ἀληθ; stemtype: hs_es; suff: ης; decl: 3rd.
ἀληθ-ής unconcealed; true, real; false, apparent; truthful, honest; in vino veritas; true, unerring; genuine; realizing itself, coming to fulfilment; truly; actually, in reality; in the true way, really; indeed? really?; not forgetting, careful; honest
ἐστιν εἰμί finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐστιν; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic nu_movable.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
article fem., nom., sing. stem: ἡ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
article fem., voc., sing. stem: ἡ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
μαρτυρία μαρτυρία noun fem., nom., sing. stem: μαρτυρι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st.
μαρτῠρ-ία testimony; evidence; serve; with a subpoena; commendation; demonstrations of favour; aspect
μαρτυρία μαρτυρία noun fem., nom., dl. stem: μαρτυρι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st.
μαρτῠρ-ία testimony; evidence; serve; with a subpoena; commendation; demonstrations of favour; aspect
μαρτυρία μαρτυρία noun fem., voc., dl. stem: μαρτυρι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st.
μαρτῠρ-ία testimony; evidence; serve; with a subpoena; commendation; demonstrations of favour; aspect
μαρτυρία μαρτυρία noun fem., acc., dl. stem: μαρτυρι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st.
μαρτῠρ-ία testimony; evidence; serve; with a subpoena; commendation; demonstrations of favour; aspect
μαρτυρία μαρτυρία noun fem., voc., sing. stem: μαρτυρι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st.
μαρτῠρ-ία testimony; evidence; serve; with a subpoena; commendation; demonstrations of favour; aspect
μου ἐγώ pronoun fem., gen., sing. stem: μου; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
μου ἐγώ pronoun masc., gen., sing. stem: μου; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ὅτι ὅτι2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὅτι; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅτι1 adverb pos. degree stem: ὅτι; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
οἶδα οἶδα finite verb 1st sing., perf. act. indic. stem: οἰδα; stemtype: ath_primary.
οἶδα know; knew; Stadtrecht von Gortyn; Koische Forschungen; know, have knowledge of, be acquainted with; know of; be assured; has; in his heart; had; were; disposed; cunning with; acknowledge; thank; be; my witness; one who knows, one acquainted with the fact; knowing; know how; to be in a condition, be able, have the power; learn; to know that; is; know that; perhaps; know it well; knowʼst
πόθεν πίνω finite verb 3rd pl., aor. pass. indic. stem: ποθ; stemtype: aor_pass; suff: εν; dial: epic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: o_stem.
πίνω drink; drink of; whereof; to drink; from; with; going to drink; to be drunk; drinking; having finished drinking; celebrate by a carouse; drink up; pōy; pī; pāy-áyati; pīti; pōtus
πόθεν ποθεν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: πόθεν; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: enclitic indeclform.
πόθεν πόθεν adverb pos. degree stem: πόθεν; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
πόθεν whence?; from what stock; whence? wherefore?; how can it be? impossible! nonsense!; from some place; other; some; or other
ἦλθον ἔρχομαι finite verb 3rd pl., aor. act. indic. stem: ἐλθ; stemtype: aor2; suff: ον.
ἔρχομαι ibo; start, set out; was setting out; was; starting; walk; walking; come; go; art come; to go; come to, arrive at; traverse; through; across; from; come to; come to aid; relieve; go to; am going to; came; come thither; go and; come and; to rise; have come; rise; came to; ears; was about to happen; comes; passes; pass, fall; pass; falls; arrived; come within a little of, be near; who have gone; go
ἦλθον ἔρχομαι finite verb 1st sing., aor. act. indic. stem: ἐλθ; stemtype: aor2; suff: ον.
ἔρχομαι ibo; start, set out; was setting out; was; starting; walk; walking; come; go; art come; to go; come to, arrive at; traverse; through; across; from; come to; come to aid; relieve; go to; am going to; came; come thither; go and; come and; to rise; have come; rise; came to; ears; was about to happen; comes; passes; pass, fall; pass; falls; arrived; come within a little of, be near; who have gone; go
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
ποῦ ποῦ lang: grc; stem: ποῦ; stemtype: interrog; partOfSpeech: noun; morph: indeclform; decl: 3rd.
ποῦ where?; where; in what part of; at what point; how?; how; how? by what right?
ποῦ πού adverb pos. degree stem: ποῦ; stemtype: adverb; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ὑπάγω ὑπάγω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ὑπό:ἀγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
ὑπάγω lead; bring under; brought; under; yoked; bring under oneʼs power; bring under oneʼs own power, reduce; subsume; bring forward in reply; subject; bring; before the judgement-seat; below; before; accuse, impeach; impeached; lead on by degrees; draw; lead on; on; so as to; lead on for oneʼs own advantage; reduce; give; a lead; take away from beneath, withdraw; draw off; carry off below; purge; bring
ὑπάγω ὑπάγω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: ὑπό:ἀγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
ὑπάγω lead; bring under; brought; under; yoked; bring under oneʼs power; bring under oneʼs own power, reduce; subsume; bring forward in reply; subject; bring; before the judgement-seat; below; before; accuse, impeach; impeached; lead on by degrees; draw; lead on; on; so as to; lead on for oneʼs own advantage; reduce; give; a lead; take away from beneath, withdraw; draw off; carry off below; purge; bring
ὑμεῖς σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμεῖς; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: nominative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
δέ δέ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: δέ; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
δέ but; nay; then; well
οὐκ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐκ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
οἴδατε οἶδα finite verb 2nd pl., perf. act. indic. stem: οἴδατε; stemtype: ath_primary; dial: Ionic.
οἶδα know; knew; Stadtrecht von Gortyn; Koische Forschungen; know, have knowledge of, be acquainted with; know of; be assured; has; in his heart; had; were; disposed; cunning with; acknowledge; thank; be; my witness; one who knows, one acquainted with the fact; knowing; know how; to be in a condition, be able, have the power; learn; to know that; is; know that; perhaps; know it well; knowʼst
πόθεν πίνω finite verb 3rd pl., aor. pass. indic. stem: ποθ; stemtype: aor_pass; suff: εν; dial: epic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: o_stem.
πίνω drink; drink of; whereof; to drink; from; with; going to drink; to be drunk; drinking; having finished drinking; celebrate by a carouse; drink up; pōy; pī; pāy-áyati; pīti; pōtus
πόθεν ποθεν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: πόθεν; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: enclitic indeclform.
πόθεν πόθεν adverb pos. degree stem: πόθεν; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
πόθεν whence?; from what stock; whence? wherefore?; how can it be? impossible! nonsense!; from some place; other; some; or other
ἔρχομαι ἔρχομαι finite verb 1st sing., pres. mid-pass. indic. stem: ἐρχ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ομαι.
ἔρχομαι ibo; start, set out; was setting out; was; starting; walk; walking; come; go; art come; to go; come to, arrive at; traverse; through; across; from; come to; come to aid; relieve; go to; am going to; came; come thither; go and; come and; to rise; have come; rise; came to; ears; was about to happen; comes; passes; pass, fall; pass; falls; arrived; come within a little of, be near; who have gone; go
ἤ2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἤ; stemtype: exclam; partOfSpeech: exclamation; morph: indeclform.
or; than; either.. or; or else, otherwise; than, as; as..; than..; rather than..; either
if; when, after; after; from the time of
or; than; either.. or; or else, otherwise; than, as; as..; than..; rather than..; either
if; when, after; after; from the time of
ἤ1 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἤ; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
or; than; either.. or; or else, otherwise; than, as; as..; than..; rather than..; either
if; when, after; after; from the time of
or; than; either.. or; or else, otherwise; than, as; as..; than..; rather than..; either
if; when, after; after; from the time of
ποῦ ποῦ lang: grc; stem: ποῦ; stemtype: interrog; partOfSpeech: noun; morph: indeclform; decl: 3rd.
ποῦ where?; where; in what part of; at what point; how?; how; how? by what right?
ποῦ πού adverb pos. degree stem: ποῦ; stemtype: adverb; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ὑπάγω ὑπάγω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ὑπό:ἀγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
ὑπάγω lead; bring under; brought; under; yoked; bring under oneʼs power; bring under oneʼs own power, reduce; subsume; bring forward in reply; subject; bring; before the judgement-seat; below; before; accuse, impeach; impeached; lead on by degrees; draw; lead on; on; so as to; lead on for oneʼs own advantage; reduce; give; a lead; take away from beneath, withdraw; draw off; carry off below; purge; bring
ὑπάγω ὑπάγω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: ὑπό:ἀγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
ὑπάγω lead; bring under; brought; under; yoked; bring under oneʼs power; bring under oneʼs own power, reduce; subsume; bring forward in reply; subject; bring; before the judgement-seat; below; before; accuse, impeach; impeached; lead on by degrees; draw; lead on; on; so as to; lead on for oneʼs own advantage; reduce; give; a lead; take away from beneath, withdraw; draw off; carry off below; purge; bring
ὑμεῖς σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμεῖς; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: nominative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
κατά κατά indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: κατά; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
κατά downwards.; down from; downward motion; down upon; over; upon; down over..; along, upon; on..; down into; under; down by; through..; towards; at; by; against; for; in respect of, concerning; bestowed on; of; of.., Int.; of.., Metaph.; downwards; down; with; to leeward; on, over, throughout; to; in; in the region of; opposite, over against; distributively; separately; in separate; to his own; indiv
κατά κατά
τήν article fem., acc., sing. stem: τήν; stemtype: article; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
σάρκα σαρκάω finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: σαρκ; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ᾱ; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: contr unaugmented; derivtype: aw_denom.
σαρκάω σαρκάω
σάρκα σαρκάω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. imper. stem: σαρκ; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ᾱ; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
σαρκάω σαρκάω
σάρκα σάρξ noun fem., acc., sing. stem: σαρ; stemtype: c_kos; suff: κα; decl: 3rd.
σάρξ flesh; body; portions of meat; pieces of flesh; membrane; quick; inner; flesh-side; fleshy, pulpy substance of fruit; fleshly nature; NT; body, Ev. Matt.; physical; natural order; twrk-; warəs-
κρίνετε κρίνω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. imper. stem: κρῑν; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; derivtype: inw.
κρίνω separate, put asunder, distinguish; pick out, choose; to choose; to be chosen out, distinguished; picked out, chosen; distinguished for; approved..; proved; numbered; decide; judge; they decide the question; do you form; judgement; a decision being about to be taken; contest; have; decided, come to issue; dispute, contend; compete; decided, clear, strong; decided, ended; win; adjudge; the sum adju
κρίνετε κρίνω finite verb 2nd pl., aor. act. subj. stem: κρῑν; stemtype: aor1; suff: ετε; dial: epic; morph: short_subj; derivtype: inw.
κρίνω separate, put asunder, distinguish; pick out, choose; to choose; to be chosen out, distinguished; picked out, chosen; distinguished for; approved..; proved; numbered; decide; judge; they decide the question; do you form; judgement; a decision being about to be taken; contest; have; decided, come to issue; dispute, contend; compete; decided, clear, strong; decided, ended; win; adjudge; the sum adju
κρίνετε κρίνω finite verb 2nd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: κρῑν; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: inw.
κρίνω separate, put asunder, distinguish; pick out, choose; to choose; to be chosen out, distinguished; picked out, chosen; distinguished for; approved..; proved; numbered; decide; judge; they decide the question; do you form; judgement; a decision being about to be taken; contest; have; decided, come to issue; dispute, contend; compete; decided, clear, strong; decided, ended; win; adjudge; the sum adju
κρίνετε κρίνω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: κρῑν; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; derivtype: inw.
κρίνω separate, put asunder, distinguish; pick out, choose; to choose; to be chosen out, distinguished; picked out, chosen; distinguished for; approved..; proved; numbered; decide; judge; they decide the question; do you form; judgement; a decision being about to be taken; contest; have; decided, come to issue; dispute, contend; compete; decided, clear, strong; decided, ended; win; adjudge; the sum adju
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
οὐ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
κρίνω κρίνω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: κρῑν; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: inw.
κρίνω separate, put asunder, distinguish; pick out, choose; to choose; to be chosen out, distinguished; picked out, chosen; distinguished for; approved..; proved; numbered; decide; judge; they decide the question; do you form; judgement; a decision being about to be taken; contest; have; decided, come to issue; dispute, contend; compete; decided, clear, strong; decided, ended; win; adjudge; the sum adju
κρίνω κρίνω finite verb 1st sing., aor. act. subj. stem: κρῑν; stemtype: aor1; suff: ω; derivtype: inw.
κρίνω separate, put asunder, distinguish; pick out, choose; to choose; to be chosen out, distinguished; picked out, chosen; distinguished for; approved..; proved; numbered; decide; judge; they decide the question; do you form; judgement; a decision being about to be taken; contest; have; decided, come to issue; dispute, contend; compete; decided, clear, strong; decided, ended; win; adjudge; the sum adju
κρίνω κρίνω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: κρῑν; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: inw.
κρίνω separate, put asunder, distinguish; pick out, choose; to choose; to be chosen out, distinguished; picked out, chosen; distinguished for; approved..; proved; numbered; decide; judge; they decide the question; do you form; judgement; a decision being about to be taken; contest; have; decided, come to issue; dispute, contend; compete; decided, clear, strong; decided, ended; win; adjudge; the sum adju
κρίνω κρίνω finite verb 2nd sing., aor. mid. indic. stem: κρῑν; stemtype: aor1; suff: ω; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: inw.
κρίνω separate, put asunder, distinguish; pick out, choose; to choose; to be chosen out, distinguished; picked out, chosen; distinguished for; approved..; proved; numbered; decide; judge; they decide the question; do you form; judgement; a decision being about to be taken; contest; have; decided, come to issue; dispute, contend; compete; decided, clear, strong; decided, ended; win; adjudge; the sum adju
κρίνω κρίνον noun neut., voc., dl. stem: κριν; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ω; decl: 2nd.
κρίνον white lily, Lilium candidum; Turkʼs cap lily, L. chalcedonicum; Egyptian bean, Nelumbium speciosum; choral dance; loaf; architectural ornament
κρίνω κρίνον noun neut., acc., dl. stem: κριν; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ω; decl: 2nd.
κρίνον white lily, Lilium candidum; Turkʼs cap lily, L. chalcedonicum; Egyptian bean, Nelumbium speciosum; choral dance; loaf; architectural ornament
κρίνω κρίνον noun neut., nom., dl. stem: κριν; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ω; decl: 2nd.
κρίνον white lily, Lilium candidum; Turkʼs cap lily, L. chalcedonicum; Egyptian bean, Nelumbium speciosum; choral dance; loaf; architectural ornament
κρίνω κρίνον noun neut., gen., sing. stem: κριν; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 2nd.
κρίνον white lily, Lilium candidum; Turkʼs cap lily, L. chalcedonicum; Egyptian bean, Nelumbium speciosum; choral dance; loaf; architectural ornament
οὐδένα οὐδείς pronoun neut., nom., pl. stem: οὐδένα; stemtype: pron_adj3; morph: indeclform.
οὐδείς not one; no one, none; no set; every one; every; nothing; naught, good for naught; naught; nobodies; naught, zero; not at all, naught; nothing, never mind, no matter; not at all; not even one; none whatever
οὐδένα οὐδείς pronoun neut., voc., pl. stem: οὐδένα; stemtype: pron_adj3; morph: indeclform.
οὐδείς not one; no one, none; no set; every one; every; nothing; naught, good for naught; naught; nobodies; naught, zero; not at all, naught; nothing, never mind, no matter; not at all; not even one; none whatever
οὐδένα οὐδείς pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: οὐδένα; stemtype: pron_adj3; morph: indeclform.
οὐδείς not one; no one, none; no set; every one; every; nothing; naught, good for naught; naught; nobodies; naught, zero; not at all, naught; nothing, never mind, no matter; not at all; not even one; none whatever
οὐδένα οὐδείς pronoun fem., acc., sing. stem: οὐδένα; stemtype: pron_adj3; morph: indeclform.
οὐδείς not one; no one, none; no set; every one; every; nothing; naught, good for naught; naught; nobodies; naught, zero; not at all, naught; nothing, never mind, no matter; not at all; not even one; none whatever
οὐδένα οὐδείς pronoun neut., acc., pl. stem: οὐδένα; stemtype: pron_adj3; morph: indeclform.
οὐδείς not one; no one, none; no set; every one; every; nothing; naught, good for naught; naught; nobodies; naught, zero; not at all, naught; nothing, never mind, no matter; not at all; not even one; none whatever
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
ἐάν ἐάν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐᾱ ́ν; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ἐάν if haply, if; soever
κρίνω κρίνω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: κρῑν; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: inw.
κρίνω separate, put asunder, distinguish; pick out, choose; to choose; to be chosen out, distinguished; picked out, chosen; distinguished for; approved..; proved; numbered; decide; judge; they decide the question; do you form; judgement; a decision being about to be taken; contest; have; decided, come to issue; dispute, contend; compete; decided, clear, strong; decided, ended; win; adjudge; the sum adju
κρίνω κρίνω finite verb 1st sing., aor. act. subj. stem: κρῑν; stemtype: aor1; suff: ω; derivtype: inw.
κρίνω separate, put asunder, distinguish; pick out, choose; to choose; to be chosen out, distinguished; picked out, chosen; distinguished for; approved..; proved; numbered; decide; judge; they decide the question; do you form; judgement; a decision being about to be taken; contest; have; decided, come to issue; dispute, contend; compete; decided, clear, strong; decided, ended; win; adjudge; the sum adju
κρίνω κρίνω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: κρῑν; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: inw.
κρίνω separate, put asunder, distinguish; pick out, choose; to choose; to be chosen out, distinguished; picked out, chosen; distinguished for; approved..; proved; numbered; decide; judge; they decide the question; do you form; judgement; a decision being about to be taken; contest; have; decided, come to issue; dispute, contend; compete; decided, clear, strong; decided, ended; win; adjudge; the sum adju
κρίνω κρίνω finite verb 2nd sing., aor. mid. indic. stem: κρῑν; stemtype: aor1; suff: ω; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: inw.
κρίνω separate, put asunder, distinguish; pick out, choose; to choose; to be chosen out, distinguished; picked out, chosen; distinguished for; approved..; proved; numbered; decide; judge; they decide the question; do you form; judgement; a decision being about to be taken; contest; have; decided, come to issue; dispute, contend; compete; decided, clear, strong; decided, ended; win; adjudge; the sum adju
κρίνω κρίνον noun neut., voc., dl. stem: κριν; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ω; decl: 2nd.
κρίνον white lily, Lilium candidum; Turkʼs cap lily, L. chalcedonicum; Egyptian bean, Nelumbium speciosum; choral dance; loaf; architectural ornament
κρίνω κρίνον noun neut., acc., dl. stem: κριν; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ω; decl: 2nd.
κρίνον white lily, Lilium candidum; Turkʼs cap lily, L. chalcedonicum; Egyptian bean, Nelumbium speciosum; choral dance; loaf; architectural ornament
κρίνω κρίνον noun neut., nom., dl. stem: κριν; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ω; decl: 2nd.
κρίνον white lily, Lilium candidum; Turkʼs cap lily, L. chalcedonicum; Egyptian bean, Nelumbium speciosum; choral dance; loaf; architectural ornament
κρίνω κρίνον noun neut., gen., sing. stem: κριν; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 2nd.
κρίνον white lily, Lilium candidum; Turkʼs cap lily, L. chalcedonicum; Egyptian bean, Nelumbium speciosum; choral dance; loaf; architectural ornament
δέ δέ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: δέ; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
δέ but; nay; then; well
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
article fem., nom., sing. stem: ἡ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
article fem., voc., sing. stem: ἡ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
κρίσις κρίσις noun fem., nom., sing. stem: κρις; stemtype: is_ews; suff: ις; decl: 3rd.
κρίσις separating, distinguishing; decision, judgement; means of judging; judgement on; respecting; power of judgement; judgement, advisedly; choice, election; interpretation; judgement; trial, suit; trial; result of a trial, condemnation; Judgement; dispute; event, issue; decided; issue; turning point; sudden change
κρίσις κρίσις noun fem., acc., pl. stem: κρις; stemtype: is_ews; suff: ῑς; dial: epic Doric Ionic Aeolic; decl: 3rd.
κρίσις separating, distinguishing; decision, judgement; means of judging; judgement on; respecting; power of judgement; judgement, advisedly; choice, election; interpretation; judgement; trial, suit; trial; result of a trial, condemnation; Judgement; dispute; event, issue; decided; issue; turning point; sudden change
article fem., nom., sing. stem: ἡ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
article fem., voc., sing. stem: ἡ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἐμή ἐμός adjective fem., voc., sing. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: η; dial: Attic epic Ionic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
ἐμή ἐμός adjective fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: η; dial: Attic epic Ionic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
ἀληθινή ἀληθινός adjective fem., nom., sing. stem: ἀληθιν; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: η; dial: Attic epic Ionic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἀληθῐνός agreeable to truth; truthful, trusty; true, genuine; real objects; genuine; true; apparent; truly, really; really; honestly, straightforwardly
ἀληθινή ἀληθινός adjective fem., voc., sing. stem: ἀληθιν; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: η; dial: Attic epic Ionic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἀληθῐνός agreeable to truth; truthful, trusty; true, genuine; real objects; genuine; true; apparent; truly, really; really; honestly, straightforwardly
ἐστιν εἰμί finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐστιν; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic nu_movable.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
ὅτι ὅτι2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὅτι; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅτι1 adverb pos. degree stem: ὅτι; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
μόνος μόνος adjective masc., nom., sing. stem: μον; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ος; decl: 1st & 2nd.
μόνος alone, solitary; bereft of; without; only; single; alone; and no other; unique; one above all others; made in one piece; on one condition only; in one way only; in a unique manner; alone, only; all but, well nigh
οὐκ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐκ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
εἰμί εἰμί finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: εἰμι; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
ἀλλ' ἀλλά adverb pos. degree stem: ἀλλά; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ἀλλά otherwise; but; not only.. but; not only not.. but; still, at least; at least; except, but; but=be out, except; not; but, yet; nay but.., well but; it is not [so], but; at all events; well then; but then, however; but really, certainly; quid si.. ?; et quidem
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
πέμψας πέμπω finite verb 2nd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: πεμψ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ας; dial: epic Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: reg_conj.
πέμπω send; on; over.; to; send for; send to; against.; for; was conducting; convoying; send word; sent him orders; send forward, nominate; send forth; away, dismiss, send home; speed; discharge, shoot; send forth, utter; conduct, escort; convey, carry; conduct; take part in; move in; procession; carried in procession; send up, produce; send in oneʼs own service; cause to be sent
πέμψας πέμπω participle aor. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: πεμψ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ᾱς; dial: Attic epic Ionic; derivtype: reg_conj.
πέμπω send; on; over.; to; send for; send to; against.; for; was conducting; convoying; send word; sent him orders; send forward, nominate; send forth; away, dismiss, send home; speed; discharge, shoot; send forth, utter; conduct, escort; convey, carry; conduct; take part in; move in; procession; carried in procession; send up, produce; send in oneʼs own service; cause to be sent
πέμψας πέμπω participle aor. act. participle, masc. voc. sing. stem: πεμψ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ᾱς; dial: Attic epic Ionic; derivtype: reg_conj.
πέμπω send; on; over.; to; send for; send to; against.; for; was conducting; convoying; send word; sent him orders; send forward, nominate; send forth; away, dismiss, send home; speed; discharge, shoot; send forth, utter; conduct, escort; convey, carry; conduct; take part in; move in; procession; carried in procession; send up, produce; send in oneʼs own service; cause to be sent
με ἐγώ pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
με ἐγώ pronoun fem., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
πατήρ πατήρ noun masc., nom., sing. stem: πατ; stemtype: hr_eros; suff: ηρ; decl: 3rd.
πᾰτήρ pitṛṣu; father; grandfather; by the fatherʼs side; father, author; authors; pater patriae; forefathers; from our fathers’ time; parents; parentnation; pitár; pater
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
ἐν εἰς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰς into; to; into the territory of; in; before; facing; rest in; there; upon; for; up to, until; till; towards; near; up to; against; until; within; throughout; at; on; with; as far as; as much as; so far as; to the number of; deep; abreast; thrice; about; by; towards, in regard to; in regard to; in respect of; to cause; pertinent, to the purpose
ἐν ἐν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐν in, into.; in; in the district of; at the school of; in, within, surrounded by; under; equipped with; on, at; by; on; at; in the number of, amongst; in the presence of; in oneʼs hands, within oneʼs reach; power; with; in the eyes of; in respect of; in point of; towards; into; motion to; position in; fell; coming; going; from; in the form of; as; in the practice of; before; during the time; in the
τῷ τίς lang: grc; stem: τῷ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τῷ τις lang: grc; stem: τῷ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic epic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τῷ article neut., dat., sing. stem: τῷ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῷ article masc., dat., sing. stem: τῷ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῷ τῷ adverb pos. degree stem: τῷ; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
τῷ therefore, in this wise, then; who?; some one.
νόμῳ νόμος noun masc., dat., sing. stem: νομ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ῳ; decl: 2nd.
νόμος that which is in habitual practice, use; possession; usage, custom; the custom; custom; law, ordinance; VT; law; NT; established; the law; by custom, conventionally; formʼs; statute, ordinance made by authority; general laws; to blows, into action; in action; action’; under martial law; melody, strain; melody; composition including both words and melody; nummi sestertii; course
δέ δέ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: δέ; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
δέ but; nay; then; well
τῷ τίς lang: grc; stem: τῷ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τῷ τις lang: grc; stem: τῷ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic epic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τῷ article neut., dat., sing. stem: τῷ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῷ article masc., dat., sing. stem: τῷ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῷ τῷ adverb pos. degree stem: τῷ; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
τῷ therefore, in this wise, then; who?; some one.
ὑμετέρῳ ὑμέτερος adjective neut., dat., sing. stem: ὑ̄μετερ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ῳ; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμέτερος your, yours; of; you; your; to your house; your part, your business; your character; your goods; raised by you
ὑμετέρῳ ὑμέτερος adjective masc., dat., sing. stem: ὑ̄μετερ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ῳ; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμέτερος your, yours; of; you; your; to your house; your part, your business; your character; your goods; raised by you
γέγραπται γράφω finite verb 3rd sing., perf. mid-pass. indic. stem: γεγρα; stemtype: perfp_p; suff: πται; morph: late; derivtype: reg_conj.
γράφω scratch, graze; having marked; drawn; represent by lines, draw, paint; draw; describe; generate; brand, mark; express by written characters, write; it is written; inscribe; to be inscribed with; have my name inscribed; having; branded; write down; set; down; register; invoke a curse upon; institute by a written document; register, enrol; write a letter to; write on; against; address a work; propos
ὅτι ὅτι2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὅτι; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅτι1 adverb pos. degree stem: ὅτι; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
δύο δύο lang: grc; stem: δύο; stemtype: numeral; partOfSpeech: numeral; grammaticalNum: dual; grammaticalCase: accusative; gend: neuter; morph: indeclform.
δύο two; two and two
δύο δύο lang: grc; stem: δύο; stemtype: numeral; partOfSpeech: numeral; grammaticalNum: dual; grammaticalCase: nominative; gend: masculine; morph: indeclform.
δύο two; two and two
δύο δύο lang: grc; stem: δύο; stemtype: numeral; partOfSpeech: numeral; grammaticalNum: dual; grammaticalCase: accusative; gend: feminine; morph: indeclform.
δύο two; two and two
δύο δύο lang: grc; stem: δύο; stemtype: numeral; partOfSpeech: numeral; grammaticalNum: dual; grammaticalCase: nominative; gend: feminine; morph: indeclform.
δύο two; two and two
δύο δύο lang: grc; stem: δύο; stemtype: numeral; partOfSpeech: numeral; grammaticalNum: dual; grammaticalCase: nominative; gend: neuter; morph: indeclform.
δύο two; two and two
δύο δύο lang: grc; stem: δύο; stemtype: numeral; partOfSpeech: numeral; grammaticalNum: dual; grammaticalCase: accusative; gend: masculine; morph: indeclform.
δύο two; two and two
ἀνθρώπων ἄνθρωπος noun masc., gen., pl. stem: ἀνθρωπ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ων; decl: 2nd.
ἄνθρωπος man; gods; the men; the ideal man, humanity; mankind; this life; the world; of all; the man, the fellow; sirrah! you sir!; brother; slave; 1 Ep.Tim.; a man of; any one; plaster; woman
article fem., nom., sing. stem: ἡ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
article fem., voc., sing. stem: ἡ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
μαρτυρία μαρτυρία noun fem., nom., sing. stem: μαρτυρι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st.
μαρτῠρ-ία testimony; evidence; serve; with a subpoena; commendation; demonstrations of favour; aspect
μαρτυρία μαρτυρία noun fem., nom., dl. stem: μαρτυρι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st.
μαρτῠρ-ία testimony; evidence; serve; with a subpoena; commendation; demonstrations of favour; aspect
μαρτυρία μαρτυρία noun fem., voc., dl. stem: μαρτυρι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st.
μαρτῠρ-ία testimony; evidence; serve; with a subpoena; commendation; demonstrations of favour; aspect
μαρτυρία μαρτυρία noun fem., acc., dl. stem: μαρτυρι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st.
μαρτῠρ-ία testimony; evidence; serve; with a subpoena; commendation; demonstrations of favour; aspect
μαρτυρία μαρτυρία noun fem., voc., sing. stem: μαρτυρι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st.
μαρτῠρ-ία testimony; evidence; serve; with a subpoena; commendation; demonstrations of favour; aspect
ἀληθής ἀληθής adjective fem., nom., sing. stem: ἀληθ; stemtype: hs_es; suff: ης; decl: 3rd.
ἀληθ-ής unconcealed; true, real; false, apparent; truthful, honest; in vino veritas; true, unerring; genuine; realizing itself, coming to fulfilment; truly; actually, in reality; in the true way, really; indeed? really?; not forgetting, careful; honest
ἀληθής ἀληθής adjective masc., nom., sing. stem: ἀληθ; stemtype: hs_es; suff: ης; decl: 3rd.
ἀληθ-ής unconcealed; true, real; false, apparent; truthful, honest; in vino veritas; true, unerring; genuine; realizing itself, coming to fulfilment; truly; actually, in reality; in the true way, really; indeed? really?; not forgetting, careful; honest
ἐστιν εἰμί finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐστιν; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic nu_movable.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
εἰμι εἰμί finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: εἰμι; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
μαρτυρῶν μαρτυρέω participle pres. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: μαρτυρ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶν; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
μαρτῠρ-έω bear witness, give evidence; bear witness to; in favour of; confirm; bears witness to; bear favourable witness to, give a good report of; testify to; testify that; that; testify to, acknowledge the value of; give; evidence; bear; witness; testimony is borne; testimony has been given; is ascribed; have; ascribed to me; bear a character; whose character is approved by testimony; to be in aspect with
περί περί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: περί; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
περί round about, all round; on both sides; pári; round about, around; about near; about; for; about, on account of; of; about, concerning; for very; about, in regard to; the circumstances; as for; as to; before, above, beyond; beyond; consequence, worth; worth; on; behalf, PCair. Zen.; by grasping; around; spitted upon; transfixed by; standing over; on account of, by reason of; in; round about; round;
ἐμαυτοῦ ἐμαυτοῦ pronoun masc., gen., sing. stem: ἐμαυτοῦ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐμαυτοῦ of me, of myself; oneself; master of oneself
ἐμαυτοῦ ἐμαυτοῦ pronoun neut., gen., sing. stem: ἐμαυτοῦ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐμαυτοῦ of me, of myself; oneself; master of oneself
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
μαρτυρεῖ μαρτυρέω finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: μαρτυρ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖ; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
μαρτῠρ-έω bear witness, give evidence; bear witness to; in favour of; confirm; bears witness to; bear favourable witness to, give a good report of; testify to; testify that; that; testify to, acknowledge the value of; give; evidence; bear; witness; testimony is borne; testimony has been given; is ascribed; have; ascribed to me; bear a character; whose character is approved by testimony; to be in aspect with
μαρτυρεῖ μαρτυρέω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. indic. stem: μαρτυρ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖ; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
μαρτῠρ-έω bear witness, give evidence; bear witness to; in favour of; confirm; bears witness to; bear favourable witness to, give a good report of; testify to; testify that; that; testify to, acknowledge the value of; give; evidence; bear; witness; testimony is borne; testimony has been given; is ascribed; have; ascribed to me; bear a character; whose character is approved by testimony; to be in aspect with
μαρτυρεῖ μαρτύρομαι finite verb 3rd sing., aor. mid-pass. subj. stem: μαρτυρ; stemtype: aor2_pass; suff: εῖ; dial: epic; morph: contr short_subj; derivtype: urw.
μαρτύρομαι call to witness, invoke; call you to witness that; call; to witness; protest, asseverate; protest; cite; as a witness; remind
μαρτυρεῖ μαρτύρομαι finite verb 2nd sing., fut. mid-pass. indic. stem: μαρτυ^ρ; stemtype: ew_fut; suff: εῖ; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: urw.
μαρτύρομαι call to witness, invoke; call you to witness that; call; to witness; protest, asseverate; protest; cite; as a witness; remind
περί περί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: περί; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
περί round about, all round; on both sides; pári; round about, around; about near; about; for; about, on account of; of; about, concerning; for very; about, in regard to; the circumstances; as for; as to; before, above, beyond; beyond; consequence, worth; worth; on; behalf, PCair. Zen.; by grasping; around; spitted upon; transfixed by; standing over; on account of, by reason of; in; round about; round;
ἐμοῦ ἐμέω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. imper. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic; morph: contr; derivtype: e_stem.
ἐμέω vomit, throw up; vomit, be sick; to make oneself sick; throw up a flood of words; vámiti; vomo, vomitus; vémti
ἐμοῦ ἐμέω finite verb 2nd sing., impf. mid-pass. indic. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic; morph: contr unaugmented poetic; derivtype: e_stem.
ἐμέω vomit, throw up; vomit, be sick; to make oneself sick; throw up a flood of words; vámiti; vomo, vomitus; vémti
ἐμοῦ ἐμός adjective masc., gen., sing. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ου; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
ἐμοῦ ἐμός adjective neut., gen., sing. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ου; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
ἐμοῦ ἐγώ pronoun masc., gen., sing. stem: ἐμοῦ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐμοῦ ἐγώ pronoun fem., gen., sing. stem: ἐμοῦ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
πέμψας πέμπω finite verb 2nd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: πεμψ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ας; dial: epic Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: reg_conj.
πέμπω send; on; over.; to; send for; send to; against.; for; was conducting; convoying; send word; sent him orders; send forward, nominate; send forth; away, dismiss, send home; speed; discharge, shoot; send forth, utter; conduct, escort; convey, carry; conduct; take part in; move in; procession; carried in procession; send up, produce; send in oneʼs own service; cause to be sent
πέμψας πέμπω participle aor. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: πεμψ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ᾱς; dial: Attic epic Ionic; derivtype: reg_conj.
πέμπω send; on; over.; to; send for; send to; against.; for; was conducting; convoying; send word; sent him orders; send forward, nominate; send forth; away, dismiss, send home; speed; discharge, shoot; send forth, utter; conduct, escort; convey, carry; conduct; take part in; move in; procession; carried in procession; send up, produce; send in oneʼs own service; cause to be sent
πέμψας πέμπω participle aor. act. participle, masc. voc. sing. stem: πεμψ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ᾱς; dial: Attic epic Ionic; derivtype: reg_conj.
πέμπω send; on; over.; to; send for; send to; against.; for; was conducting; convoying; send word; sent him orders; send forward, nominate; send forth; away, dismiss, send home; speed; discharge, shoot; send forth, utter; conduct, escort; convey, carry; conduct; take part in; move in; procession; carried in procession; send up, produce; send in oneʼs own service; cause to be sent
με ἐγώ pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
με ἐγώ pronoun fem., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
πατήρ πατήρ noun masc., nom., sing. stem: πατ; stemtype: hr_eros; suff: ηρ; decl: 3rd.
πᾰτήρ pitṛṣu; father; grandfather; by the fatherʼs side; father, author; authors; pater patriae; forefathers; from our fathers’ time; parents; parentnation; pitár; pater
ἔλεγον λέγω2 finite verb 1st sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγον λέγω2 finite verb 3rd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγον λέγω3 finite verb 1st sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγον λέγω1 finite verb 3rd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγον λέγω1 finite verb 1st sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγον λέγω3 finite verb 3rd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγον ἔλεγος noun masc., acc., sing. stem: ἐλεγ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
ἔλεγος song, melody; song; lament, song of mourning; poem in elegiac distichs
οὖν οὖν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: οὖν; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
οὖν certainly, in fact; really; very; at all events; did; at least; I grant you; when once; as soon as; actually; neither.. nor; even; just; in fact; cunque; whoever; whosoever; how; howsoever; be he who he may; so, then; then; well, as I was saying; then, therefore; therefore
αὐτῷ αὐτός pronoun masc., dat., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ῳ.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτῷ αὐτός pronoun neut., dat., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ῳ.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
Ποῦ ποῦ lang: grc; stem: ποῦ; stemtype: interrog; partOfSpeech: noun; morph: indeclform; decl: 3rd.
ποῦ where?; where; in what part of; at what point; how?; how; how? by what right?
Ποῦ πού adverb pos. degree stem: ποῦ; stemtype: adverb; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐστιν εἰμί finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐστιν; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic nu_movable.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
πατήρ πατήρ noun masc., nom., sing. stem: πατ; stemtype: hr_eros; suff: ηρ; decl: 3rd.
πᾰτήρ pitṛṣu; father; grandfather; by the fatherʼs side; father, author; authors; pater patriae; forefathers; from our fathers’ time; parents; parentnation; pitár; pater
σου σύ lang: grc; stem: σου; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: singular; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: enclitic indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
ἀπεκρίθη ἀποκρίνω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. pass. indic. stem: ἀπό:ἐ:κρι^θ; stemtype: aor_pass; suff: η; derivtype: inw.
ἀποκρίνω set apart; to be parted or separated; parted from the throng; to be separated and brought; separated; to be distinctly formed; secretions; determined; ended; alone; are voided; mark by a distinctive form, distinguish; specific; choose; choose from..; having set apart; decreed; exclude; reject on examination; decide; has lost; against; give answer to, reply to; to; to answer; let; be; answer; answe
Οὔτε οὔτε adverb pos. degree stem: οὔτε; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
οὔτε and not; neque enim; neither.., nor; neque.., neque; nor yet; neither; both; not; and; after; nor
ἐμέ ἐμός adjective masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ε; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
ἐμέ ἐγώ pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: ἐμέ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐμέ ἐγώ pronoun fem., acc., sing. stem: ἐμέ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
οἴδατε οἶδα finite verb 2nd pl., perf. act. indic. stem: οἴδατε; stemtype: ath_primary; dial: Ionic.
οἶδα know; knew; Stadtrecht von Gortyn; Koische Forschungen; know, have knowledge of, be acquainted with; know of; be assured; has; in his heart; had; were; disposed; cunning with; acknowledge; thank; be; my witness; one who knows, one acquainted with the fact; knowing; know how; to be in a condition, be able, have the power; learn; to know that; is; know that; perhaps; know it well; knowʼst
οὔτε οὔτε adverb pos. degree stem: οὔτε; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
οὔτε and not; neque enim; neither.., nor; neque.., neque; nor yet; neither; both; not; and; after; nor
τόν article masc., acc., sing. stem: τόν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
πατέρα πατήρ noun masc., acc., sing. stem: πατ; stemtype: hr_eros; suff: ερα; decl: 3rd.
πᾰτήρ pitṛṣu; father; grandfather; by the fatherʼs side; father, author; authors; pater patriae; forefathers; from our fathers’ time; parents; parentnation; pitár; pater
μου ἐγώ pronoun fem., gen., sing. stem: μου; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
μου ἐγώ pronoun masc., gen., sing. stem: μου; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
εἰ εἰ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: εἰ; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰ if; whether.; come now; if ever, whenever; if ever; whenever; un; wonder, delight, indignation, disappointment, contentment; that; as surely as, since; as sure as; since; in case, supposing that; in case; except; otherwise; as much as; more than; siquis alius; any; now if; though; if (although; im; whether
εἰ εἰ δʼ οὖν
ἐμέ ἐμός adjective masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ε; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
ἐμέ ἐγώ pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: ἐμέ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐμέ ἐγώ pronoun fem., acc., sing. stem: ἐμέ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ᾔδειτε οἶδα finite verb 2nd pl., plpf. act. indic. stem: ᾔδειτε; stemtype: perf_act; dial: Attic.
οἶδα know; knew; Stadtrecht von Gortyn; Koische Forschungen; know, have knowledge of, be acquainted with; know of; be assured; has; in his heart; had; were; disposed; cunning with; acknowledge; thank; be; my witness; one who knows, one acquainted with the fact; knowing; know how; to be in a condition, be able, have the power; learn; to know that; is; know that; perhaps; know it well; knowʼst
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
τόν article masc., acc., sing. stem: τόν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
πατέρα πατήρ noun masc., acc., sing. stem: πατ; stemtype: hr_eros; suff: ερα; decl: 3rd.
πᾰτήρ pitṛṣu; father; grandfather; by the fatherʼs side; father, author; authors; pater patriae; forefathers; from our fathers’ time; parents; parentnation; pitár; pater
μου ἐγώ pronoun fem., gen., sing. stem: μου; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
μου ἐγώ pronoun masc., gen., sing. stem: μου; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἄν ἄν1 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἄν; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
ἄν he came; he would have come; he might have come;; may he come; he would come; he might come.; would be; would have been; were; had been; would; have; would have; I should have; should have; could have; would have been likely to happen; might have happened; may; might; had; will likely be; soever; I will; if so; should; might perhaps; could; velim; vellem; can; will; prove to be; is; ever; where; l
ἄν he came; he would have come; he might have come;; may he come; he would come; he might come.; would be; would have been; were; had been; would; have; would have; I should have; should have; could have; would have been likely to happen; might have happened; may; might; had; will likely be; soever; I will; if so; should; might perhaps; could; velim; vellem; can; will; prove to be; is; ever; where; l
ἄν ἀνά indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἄν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: poetic indeclform.
ἀνά on board; on, upon; upon; in; motion upwards:; up, from bottom to top, up along; up to; up; along; up and down, throughout; continually in; among; throughout; all; through; in course of; distributively; by; in order of; at; each; for; at the rate of; in bodies of; each.; in each; apiece, Ev. Matt.; amounting to; multiplied by; vigorously; proportionately; by turns; thereupon; spreading all over; t
ἄν ἐάν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἄν; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: contr indeclform.
ἐάν if haply, if; soever
ἄν ἄν2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἄ—ν; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; dial: Attic; morph: indeclform.
ἄν he came; he would have come; he might have come;; may he come; he would come; he might come.; would be; would have been; were; had been; would; have; would have; I should have; should have; could have; would have been likely to happen; might have happened; may; might; had; will likely be; soever; I will; if so; should; might perhaps; could; velim; vellem; can; will; prove to be; is; ever; where; l
ἄν he came; he would have come; he might have come;; may he come; he would come; he might come.; would be; would have been; were; had been; would; have; would have; I should have; should have; could have; would have been likely to happen; might have happened; may; might; had; will likely be; soever; I will; if so; should; might perhaps; could; velim; vellem; can; will; prove to be; is; ever; where; l
ᾔδειτε οἶδα finite verb 2nd pl., plpf. act. indic. stem: ᾔδειτε; stemtype: perf_act; dial: Attic.
οἶδα know; knew; Stadtrecht von Gortyn; Koische Forschungen; know, have knowledge of, be acquainted with; know of; be assured; has; in his heart; had; were; disposed; cunning with; acknowledge; thank; be; my witness; one who knows, one acquainted with the fact; knowing; know how; to be in a condition, be able, have the power; learn; to know that; is; know that; perhaps; know it well; knowʼst
ταῦτα οὗτος pronoun neut., voc., pl. stem: ταῦτα; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
ταῦτα οὗτος pronoun neut., nom., pl. stem: ταῦτα; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
ταῦτα οὗτος pronoun neut., acc., pl. stem: ταῦτα; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
τά τίς pronoun neut., nom., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τά τίς pronoun neut., acc., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τά τίς pronoun neut., voc., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τά article neut., nom., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τά article fem., nom., dl. stem: τᾱ ́; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τά article neut., acc., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τά article fem., acc., dl. stem: τᾱ ́; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τά article fem., voc., dl. stem: τᾱ ́; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τά article neut., voc., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ῥήματα ῥῆμα noun neut., nom., pl. stem: ῥη—; stemtype: ma_matos; suff: ματα; decl: 3rd.
ῥῆμα that which is said; spoken, word, saying; words; word; the word; in so many words; word for word; phrase; verse, line; subject of speech, matter; NT, Ge.; verb; the predicate; when used as a predicate
ῥήματα ῥῆμα noun neut., voc., pl. stem: ῥη—; stemtype: ma_matos; suff: ματα; decl: 3rd.
ῥῆμα that which is said; spoken, word, saying; words; word; the word; in so many words; word for word; phrase; verse, line; subject of speech, matter; NT, Ge.; verb; the predicate; when used as a predicate
ῥήματα ῥῆμα noun neut., acc., pl. stem: ῥη—; stemtype: ma_matos; suff: ματα; decl: 3rd.
ῥῆμα that which is said; spoken, word, saying; words; word; the word; in so many words; word for word; phrase; verse, line; subject of speech, matter; NT, Ge.; verb; the predicate; when used as a predicate
ἐλάλησεν λαλέω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λαλης; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: ew_denom.
λᾰλ-έω talk, chat, prattle; talk to; talk, speak; talk of; speak; it shall be told; chatter; chirp; sound
ἐν εἰς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰς into; to; into the territory of; in; before; facing; rest in; there; upon; for; up to, until; till; towards; near; up to; against; until; within; throughout; at; on; with; as far as; as much as; so far as; to the number of; deep; abreast; thrice; about; by; towards, in regard to; in regard to; in respect of; to cause; pertinent, to the purpose
ἐν ἐν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐν in, into.; in; in the district of; at the school of; in, within, surrounded by; under; equipped with; on, at; by; on; at; in the number of, amongst; in the presence of; in oneʼs hands, within oneʼs reach; power; with; in the eyes of; in respect of; in point of; towards; into; motion to; position in; fell; coming; going; from; in the form of; as; in the practice of; before; during the time; in the
τῷ τίς lang: grc; stem: τῷ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τῷ τις lang: grc; stem: τῷ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic epic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τῷ article neut., dat., sing. stem: τῷ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῷ article masc., dat., sing. stem: τῷ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῷ τῷ adverb pos. degree stem: τῷ; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
τῷ therefore, in this wise, then; who?; some one.
γαζοφυλακίῳ γαζοφυλάκιον noun neut., dat., sing. stem: γαζοφυλακι; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ῳ; decl: 2nd.
γᾱζο-φῠλάκιον treasury
διδάσκων διδάσκω participle pres. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: διδασκ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ων; morph: pres_redupl; derivtype: skw.
δῐδάσκω instruct; teach; taught; taught how; teach oneself, learn; have; educated; to be taught, learn; trained, skilled; wert taught; indicate, give sign of; explain; show by argument, prove; produce; train oneʼs own
ἐν εἰς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰς into; to; into the territory of; in; before; facing; rest in; there; upon; for; up to, until; till; towards; near; up to; against; until; within; throughout; at; on; with; as far as; as much as; so far as; to the number of; deep; abreast; thrice; about; by; towards, in regard to; in regard to; in respect of; to cause; pertinent, to the purpose
ἐν ἐν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐν in, into.; in; in the district of; at the school of; in, within, surrounded by; under; equipped with; on, at; by; on; at; in the number of, amongst; in the presence of; in oneʼs hands, within oneʼs reach; power; with; in the eyes of; in respect of; in point of; towards; into; motion to; position in; fell; coming; going; from; in the form of; as; in the practice of; before; during the time; in the
τῷ τίς lang: grc; stem: τῷ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τῷ τις lang: grc; stem: τῷ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic epic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τῷ article neut., dat., sing. stem: τῷ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῷ article masc., dat., sing. stem: τῷ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῷ τῷ adverb pos. degree stem: τῷ; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
τῷ therefore, in this wise, then; who?; some one.
ἱερῷ ἱεράζω finite verb 3rd sing., fut. act. opt. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: aw_fut; suff: ῷ; morph: contr; derivtype: azw.
ἱερ-άζω serve as priest
ἱερῷ ἱερόν noun neut., dat., sing. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ῳ; decl: 2nd.
ἱερόν ἱερόν
ἱερῷ ἱερός adjective neut., dat., sing. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ῳ; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἱερός filled with; manifesting divine power, supernatural; great; holy; of God; crusade; hallowed, consecrated; hieroglyphics; Holy; 2 Ep.Tim.; sacrosanctus; of sacrifice; legend; mystical; sacred; profane; under divine protection; under the protection of Zeus; initiated; deuoted, dedicated; sacer, imperial; praefectus Aegypti; worshipful; offerings, victims; omens afforded by sacrifice; sacred objects;
ἱερῷ ἱερός adjective masc., dat., sing. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ῳ; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἱερός filled with; manifesting divine power, supernatural; great; holy; of God; crusade; hallowed, consecrated; hieroglyphics; Holy; 2 Ep.Tim.; sacrosanctus; of sacrifice; legend; mystical; sacred; profane; under divine protection; under the protection of Zeus; initiated; deuoted, dedicated; sacer, imperial; praefectus Aegypti; worshipful; offerings, victims; omens afforded by sacrifice; sacred objects;
ἱερῷ ἱερός adjective fem., dat., sing. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ῳ; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἱερός filled with; manifesting divine power, supernatural; great; holy; of God; crusade; hallowed, consecrated; hieroglyphics; Holy; 2 Ep.Tim.; sacrosanctus; of sacrifice; legend; mystical; sacred; profane; under divine protection; under the protection of Zeus; initiated; deuoted, dedicated; sacer, imperial; praefectus Aegypti; worshipful; offerings, victims; omens afforded by sacrifice; sacred objects;
ἱερῷ ἱερός adjective neut., dat., sing. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ῳ; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἱερός filled with; manifesting divine power, supernatural; great; holy; of God; crusade; hallowed, consecrated; hieroglyphics; Holy; 2 Ep.Tim.; sacrosanctus; of sacrifice; legend; mystical; sacred; profane; under divine protection; under the protection of Zeus; initiated; deuoted, dedicated; sacer, imperial; praefectus Aegypti; worshipful; offerings, victims; omens afforded by sacrifice; sacred objects;
ἱερῷ ἱερός adjective masc., dat., sing. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ῳ; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἱερός filled with; manifesting divine power, supernatural; great; holy; of God; crusade; hallowed, consecrated; hieroglyphics; Holy; 2 Ep.Tim.; sacrosanctus; of sacrifice; legend; mystical; sacred; profane; under divine protection; under the protection of Zeus; initiated; deuoted, dedicated; sacer, imperial; praefectus Aegypti; worshipful; offerings, victims; omens afforded by sacrifice; sacred objects;
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
οὐδείς οὐδείς pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: οὐδείς; stemtype: pron_adj3; morph: indeclform.
οὐδείς not one; no one, none; no set; every one; every; nothing; naught, good for naught; naught; nobodies; naught, zero; not at all, naught; nothing, never mind, no matter; not at all; not even one; none whatever
οὐδείς οὐδείς pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: οὐδείς; stemtype: pron_adj3; morph: indeclform.
οὐδείς not one; no one, none; no set; every one; every; nothing; naught, good for naught; naught; nobodies; naught, zero; not at all, naught; nothing, never mind, no matter; not at all; not even one; none whatever
ἐπίασεν πιέζω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: ἐ:πιας; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; dial: Attic Doric; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: azw.
πῐέζω Ep..; press tight, squeeze; compress; squeezing; to be pressed tight; are compressible; press; weigh down; oppress, distress; to be exhausted; press hard; bear hardly upon; hold fast to; lay stress on; insist upon; determine precisely; repress, stifle; outweigh; lay hold of; by
ἐπίασεν πιάζω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: ἐ:πιας; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: azw.
πιάζω πιάζω
αὐτόν αὐτός pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ον.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
ὅτι ὅτι2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὅτι; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅτι1 adverb pos. degree stem: ὅτι; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
οὔπω οὔπω adverb pos. degree stem: οὔπω; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
οὔπω not yet; not, not at all
ἐληλύθει ἔρχομαι finite verb 3rd sing., plpf. act. indic. stem: ἐληλυθ; stemtype: perf_act; suff: ει; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr unaugmented attic_redupl.
ἔρχομαι ibo; start, set out; was setting out; was; starting; walk; walking; come; go; art come; to go; come to, arrive at; traverse; through; across; from; come to; come to aid; relieve; go to; am going to; came; come thither; go and; come and; to rise; have come; rise; came to; ears; was about to happen; comes; passes; pass, fall; pass; falls; arrived; come within a little of, be near; who have gone; go
article fem., nom., sing. stem: ἡ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
article fem., voc., sing. stem: ἡ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ὥρα ὁράω finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ὁρ; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ᾱ; morph: contr; derivtype: a_stem.
ὁράω Inscr. des tombeaux des rois; I know; a)ware.; see, look; to be of; party; aimed; looking; look towards; looks; have sight; shall have eyes; to be; sighted; see; look; take; give heed; pay heed; seeʼst thou? dʼye see?; do you see.. ?; behold, perceive, observe; to see with; before; keeping; in sight; look to; we see; seeing; see that; see to; look out for, provide; to behold; to be seen; was seen;
ὥρα ὥρα noun fem., nom., dl. stem: ὡρ; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st.
ὥρα sūra.
ὥρα any period; part of the year, season;; seasons; season; spring; summer; winter; prime of the year, springtime; the campaigning season; the year; year; hereafter; next year; the climate; as determined by its seasons; harvest seasons; climatic conditions; time of day; times; the time; hour; day; it being late; late in the day; duration, interval; lapse of time; length of time, term; time; hours; oʼc
ὥρα ὥρα noun fem., nom., sing. stem: ὡρ; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st.
ὥρα sūra.
ὥρα any period; part of the year, season;; seasons; season; spring; summer; winter; prime of the year, springtime; the campaigning season; the year; year; hereafter; next year; the climate; as determined by its seasons; harvest seasons; climatic conditions; time of day; times; the time; hour; day; it being late; late in the day; duration, interval; lapse of time; length of time, term; time; hours; oʼc
ὥρα ὥρα noun fem., acc., dl. stem: ὡρ; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st.
ὥρα sūra.
ὥρα any period; part of the year, season;; seasons; season; spring; summer; winter; prime of the year, springtime; the campaigning season; the year; year; hereafter; next year; the climate; as determined by its seasons; harvest seasons; climatic conditions; time of day; times; the time; hour; day; it being late; late in the day; duration, interval; lapse of time; length of time, term; time; hours; oʼc
ὥρα ὥρα noun fem., voc., dl. stem: ὡρ; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st.
ὥρα sūra.
ὥρα any period; part of the year, season;; seasons; season; spring; summer; winter; prime of the year, springtime; the campaigning season; the year; year; hereafter; next year; the climate; as determined by its seasons; harvest seasons; climatic conditions; time of day; times; the time; hour; day; it being late; late in the day; duration, interval; lapse of time; length of time, term; time; hours; oʼc
ὥρα ὥρα noun fem., voc., sing. stem: ὡρ; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st.
ὥρα sūra.
ὥρα any period; part of the year, season;; seasons; season; spring; summer; winter; prime of the year, springtime; the campaigning season; the year; year; hereafter; next year; the climate; as determined by its seasons; harvest seasons; climatic conditions; time of day; times; the time; hour; day; it being late; late in the day; duration, interval; lapse of time; length of time, term; time; hours; oʼc
αὐτοῦ αὐτός pronoun neut., gen., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ου.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτοῦ αὐτός pronoun masc., gen., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ου.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτοῦ αὐτοῦ adverb pos. degree stem: αὐτοῦ; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
αὐτοῦ just there; just here; there!; here in; there; very; exactly
Εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: εν; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
Εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; dial: epic Ionic; morph: nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
Εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; dial: epic Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
Εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
οὖν οὖν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: οὖν; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
οὖν certainly, in fact; really; very; at all events; did; at least; I grant you; when once; as soon as; actually; neither.. nor; even; just; in fact; cunque; whoever; whosoever; how; howsoever; be he who he may; so, then; then; well, as I was saying; then, therefore; therefore
πάλιν πάλιν adverb pos. degree stem: πάλιν; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
πάλῐν back, backwards; back, restore; back; back from; contradiction; gain; unsaid; contrariwise; opposite; the change; again, once more; in turn; again; doubly
αὐτοῖς αὐτός pronoun neut., dat., pl. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: οις.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτοῖς αὐτός pronoun masc., dat., pl. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: οις.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
Ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
Ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
Ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
Ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ὑπάγω ὑπάγω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ὑπό:ἀγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
ὑπάγω lead; bring under; brought; under; yoked; bring under oneʼs power; bring under oneʼs own power, reduce; subsume; bring forward in reply; subject; bring; before the judgement-seat; below; before; accuse, impeach; impeached; lead on by degrees; draw; lead on; on; so as to; lead on for oneʼs own advantage; reduce; give; a lead; take away from beneath, withdraw; draw off; carry off below; purge; bring
ὑπάγω ὑπάγω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: ὑπό:ἀγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
ὑπάγω lead; bring under; brought; under; yoked; bring under oneʼs power; bring under oneʼs own power, reduce; subsume; bring forward in reply; subject; bring; before the judgement-seat; below; before; accuse, impeach; impeached; lead on by degrees; draw; lead on; on; so as to; lead on for oneʼs own advantage; reduce; give; a lead; take away from beneath, withdraw; draw off; carry off below; purge; bring
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
ζητήσετέ ζητέω finite verb 2nd pl., fut. act. indic. stem: ζητης; stemtype: reg_fut; suff: ετε; derivtype: ew_denom.
ζητ-έω seek, seek for; seeking; what is sought for; inquire for; search after, search out; search; inquire into, investigate, examine; matter of inquiry; question; inquiry; require, demand; requires; seek after, desire; sought after, in great demand; seek to; seek; desire that; have to seek, feel the want of
ζητήσετέ ζητέω finite verb 2nd pl., aor. act. subj. stem: ζητης; stemtype: aor1; suff: ετε; dial: epic; morph: short_subj; derivtype: ew_denom.
ζητ-έω seek, seek for; seeking; what is sought for; inquire for; search after, search out; search; inquire into, investigate, examine; matter of inquiry; question; inquiry; require, demand; requires; seek after, desire; sought after, in great demand; seek to; seek; desire that; have to seek, feel the want of
με ἐγώ pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
με ἐγώ pronoun fem., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
ἐν εἰς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰς into; to; into the territory of; in; before; facing; rest in; there; upon; for; up to, until; till; towards; near; up to; against; until; within; throughout; at; on; with; as far as; as much as; so far as; to the number of; deep; abreast; thrice; about; by; towards, in regard to; in regard to; in respect of; to cause; pertinent, to the purpose
ἐν ἐν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐν in, into.; in; in the district of; at the school of; in, within, surrounded by; under; equipped with; on, at; by; on; at; in the number of, amongst; in the presence of; in oneʼs hands, within oneʼs reach; power; with; in the eyes of; in respect of; in point of; towards; into; motion to; position in; fell; coming; going; from; in the form of; as; in the practice of; before; during the time; in the
τῇ article fem., dat., sing. stem: τῇ; stemtype: article; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῇ τῇ adverb pos. degree stem: τῇ; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
τῇ here, there
ἁμαρτίᾳ ἁμαρτία noun fem., nom., pl. stem: ἁμαρτι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: αι; decl: 1st.
ἁμαρτ-ία a failure, fault; error; guilt, sin
ἁμαρτίᾳ ἁμαρτία noun fem., dat., sing. stem: ἁμαρτι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ|; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st.
ἁμαρτ-ία a failure, fault; error; guilt, sin
ἁμαρτίᾳ ἁμαρτία noun fem., voc., pl. stem: ἁμαρτι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: αι; decl: 1st.
ἁμαρτ-ία a failure, fault; error; guilt, sin
ὑμῶν σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμῶν; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective masc., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective neut., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective fem., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ἀποθανεῖσθε ἀποθνήσκω finite verb 2nd pl., fut. mid. indic. stem: ἀπό:θαν; stemtype: ew_fut; suff: εῖσθε; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr.
ὅπου ὅπου adverb pos. degree stem: ὅπου; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὅπου in some places; somewhere or other; wherever; anywheresoever; anywhere; ubicumque; where; in which; whereas; quandoquidem; quippe; here.., there..
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ὑπάγω ὑπάγω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ὑπό:ἀγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
ὑπάγω lead; bring under; brought; under; yoked; bring under oneʼs power; bring under oneʼs own power, reduce; subsume; bring forward in reply; subject; bring; before the judgement-seat; below; before; accuse, impeach; impeached; lead on by degrees; draw; lead on; on; so as to; lead on for oneʼs own advantage; reduce; give; a lead; take away from beneath, withdraw; draw off; carry off below; purge; bring
ὑπάγω ὑπάγω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: ὑπό:ἀγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
ὑπάγω lead; bring under; brought; under; yoked; bring under oneʼs power; bring under oneʼs own power, reduce; subsume; bring forward in reply; subject; bring; before the judgement-seat; below; before; accuse, impeach; impeached; lead on by degrees; draw; lead on; on; so as to; lead on for oneʼs own advantage; reduce; give; a lead; take away from beneath, withdraw; draw off; carry off below; purge; bring
ὑμεῖς σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμεῖς; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: nominative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
οὐ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
δύνασθε δύναμαι finite verb 2nd pl., pres. mid-pass. indic. stem: δυν; stemtype: ami_short; suff: ασθε; derivtype: a_stem.
δύνᾰμαι to be able, strong enough; canst; powerful, mighty; multum valet; men of power, rank, and influence; having influence; one that can maintain himself; potentialities; to be able, dare, bear; enjoy a legal right; could; possibly can; to be equivalent to; that are as good as; to be worth; pass, be current; to be equal; equivalent to; will be equivalent to; signify, mean; is equivalent to; avail to pr
δύνασθε δύναμαι finite verb 2nd pl., impf. mid-pass. indic. stem: δυν; stemtype: ami_short; suff: ασθε; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: a_stem.
δύνᾰμαι to be able, strong enough; canst; powerful, mighty; multum valet; men of power, rank, and influence; having influence; one that can maintain himself; potentialities; to be able, dare, bear; enjoy a legal right; could; possibly can; to be equivalent to; that are as good as; to be worth; pass, be current; to be equal; equivalent to; will be equivalent to; signify, mean; is equivalent to; avail to pr
δύνασθε δύναμαι finite verb 2nd pl., pres. mid-pass. imper. stem: δυν; stemtype: ami_short; suff: ασθε; derivtype: a_stem.
δύνᾰμαι to be able, strong enough; canst; powerful, mighty; multum valet; men of power, rank, and influence; having influence; one that can maintain himself; potentialities; to be able, dare, bear; enjoy a legal right; could; possibly can; to be equivalent to; that are as good as; to be worth; pass, be current; to be equal; equivalent to; will be equivalent to; signify, mean; is equivalent to; avail to pr
ἐλθεῖν ἔρχομαι infinitive aor. act. stem: ἐλθ; stemtype: aor2; suff: εῖν; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr.
ἔρχομαι ibo; start, set out; was setting out; was; starting; walk; walking; come; go; art come; to go; come to, arrive at; traverse; through; across; from; come to; come to aid; relieve; go to; am going to; came; come thither; go and; come and; to rise; have come; rise; came to; ears; was about to happen; comes; passes; pass, fall; pass; falls; arrived; come within a little of, be near; who have gone; go
ἔλεγον λέγω2 finite verb 1st sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγον λέγω2 finite verb 3rd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγον λέγω3 finite verb 1st sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγον λέγω1 finite verb 3rd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγον λέγω1 finite verb 1st sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγον λέγω3 finite verb 3rd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγον ἔλεγος noun masc., acc., sing. stem: ἐλεγ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
ἔλεγος song, melody; song; lament, song of mourning; poem in elegiac distichs
οὖν οὖν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: οὖν; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
οὖν certainly, in fact; really; very; at all events; did; at least; I grant you; when once; as soon as; actually; neither.. nor; even; just; in fact; cunque; whoever; whosoever; how; howsoever; be he who he may; so, then; then; well, as I was saying; then, therefore; therefore
οἱ pronoun masc., dat., sing. stem: οἱ; stemtype: pron3; dial: epic Ionic; morph: enclitic indeclform.
οἱ pronoun fem., dat., sing. stem: οἱ; stemtype: pron3; dial: epic Ionic; morph: enclitic indeclform.
οἱ article masc., voc., pl. stem: οἱ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
οἱ article masc., nom., pl. stem: οἱ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
Μήτι μήτις lang: grc; stem: μήτι; stemtype: pron_adj3; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: accusative; morph: indeclform.
μήτῐς do I; let alone, much less; not to mention
Μήτι μήτις lang: grc; stem: μήτι; stemtype: pron_adj3; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: nominative; morph: indeclform.
μήτῐς do I; let alone, much less; not to mention
Μήτι μήτις lang: grc; stem: μήτι; stemtype: pron_adj3; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: vocative; morph: indeclform.
μήτῐς do I; let alone, much less; not to mention
Μήτι μῆτις noun fem., dat., sing. stem: μη—τ; stemtype: is_ews; suff: ῑ; dial: epic Doric Ionic Aeolic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
μῆτις wisdom, skill, craft; for craft; craft; counsel, plan, undertaking; mimāti; mitá; metior; mæþ
Μήτι μήτις adverb pos. degree stem: μήτι; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
μήτῐς do I; let alone, much less; not to mention
ἀποκτενεῖ ἀποκτείνω finite verb 2nd sing., fut. mid. indic. stem: ἀπό:κτεν; stemtype: ew_fut; suff: εῖ; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: einw.
ἀποκτείνω kill, slay; condemn to death; put to death
ἀποκτενεῖ ἀποκτείνω finite verb 3rd sing., fut. act. indic. stem: ἀπό:κτεν; stemtype: ew_fut; suff: εῖ; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: einw.
ἀποκτείνω kill, slay; condemn to death; put to death
ἑαυτόν ἑαυτοῦ pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: ἑαυτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ον.
ἑαυτοῦ Stadtrecht von Gortyn; of himself, herself, itself; itself, absolutely; themselves, himself; his own; themselves; ourselves; one another; one; the other
ὅτι ὅτι2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὅτι; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅτι1 adverb pos. degree stem: ὅτι; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
λέγει λέγω1 finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ει; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγει λέγω1 finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ει; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγει λέγω2 finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ει; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγει λέγω3 finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ει; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγει λέγω3 finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ει; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγει λέγω2 finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ει; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
Ὅπου ὅπου adverb pos. degree stem: ὅπου; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὅπου in some places; somewhere or other; wherever; anywheresoever; anywhere; ubicumque; where; in which; whereas; quandoquidem; quippe; here.., there..
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ὑπάγω ὑπάγω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ὑπό:ἀγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
ὑπάγω lead; bring under; brought; under; yoked; bring under oneʼs power; bring under oneʼs own power, reduce; subsume; bring forward in reply; subject; bring; before the judgement-seat; below; before; accuse, impeach; impeached; lead on by degrees; draw; lead on; on; so as to; lead on for oneʼs own advantage; reduce; give; a lead; take away from beneath, withdraw; draw off; carry off below; purge; bring
ὑπάγω ὑπάγω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: ὑπό:ἀγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
ὑπάγω lead; bring under; brought; under; yoked; bring under oneʼs power; bring under oneʼs own power, reduce; subsume; bring forward in reply; subject; bring; before the judgement-seat; below; before; accuse, impeach; impeached; lead on by degrees; draw; lead on; on; so as to; lead on for oneʼs own advantage; reduce; give; a lead; take away from beneath, withdraw; draw off; carry off below; purge; bring
ὑμεῖς σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμεῖς; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: nominative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
οὐ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
δύνασθε δύναμαι finite verb 2nd pl., pres. mid-pass. indic. stem: δυν; stemtype: ami_short; suff: ασθε; derivtype: a_stem.
δύνᾰμαι to be able, strong enough; canst; powerful, mighty; multum valet; men of power, rank, and influence; having influence; one that can maintain himself; potentialities; to be able, dare, bear; enjoy a legal right; could; possibly can; to be equivalent to; that are as good as; to be worth; pass, be current; to be equal; equivalent to; will be equivalent to; signify, mean; is equivalent to; avail to pr
δύνασθε δύναμαι finite verb 2nd pl., impf. mid-pass. indic. stem: δυν; stemtype: ami_short; suff: ασθε; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: a_stem.
δύνᾰμαι to be able, strong enough; canst; powerful, mighty; multum valet; men of power, rank, and influence; having influence; one that can maintain himself; potentialities; to be able, dare, bear; enjoy a legal right; could; possibly can; to be equivalent to; that are as good as; to be worth; pass, be current; to be equal; equivalent to; will be equivalent to; signify, mean; is equivalent to; avail to pr
δύνασθε δύναμαι finite verb 2nd pl., pres. mid-pass. imper. stem: δυν; stemtype: ami_short; suff: ασθε; derivtype: a_stem.
δύνᾰμαι to be able, strong enough; canst; powerful, mighty; multum valet; men of power, rank, and influence; having influence; one that can maintain himself; potentialities; to be able, dare, bear; enjoy a legal right; could; possibly can; to be equivalent to; that are as good as; to be worth; pass, be current; to be equal; equivalent to; will be equivalent to; signify, mean; is equivalent to; avail to pr
ἐλθεῖν ἔρχομαι infinitive aor. act. stem: ἐλθ; stemtype: aor2; suff: εῖν; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr.
ἔρχομαι ibo; start, set out; was setting out; was; starting; walk; walking; come; go; art come; to go; come to, arrive at; traverse; through; across; from; come to; come to aid; relieve; go to; am going to; came; come thither; go and; come and; to rise; have come; rise; came to; ears; was about to happen; comes; passes; pass, fall; pass; falls; arrived; come within a little of, be near; who have gone; go
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
ἔλεγεν λέγω3 finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγεν λέγω1 finite verb 3rd pl., aor. pass. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: aor2_pass; suff: εν; dial: epic.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγεν λέγω2 finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγεν λέγω1 finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
αὐτοῖς αὐτός pronoun neut., dat., pl. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: οις.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτοῖς αὐτός pronoun masc., dat., pl. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: οις.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
Ὑμεῖς σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμεῖς; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: nominative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
ἐκ ἐκ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐκ; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐκ from out of; from.; out of, forth from; in; from; with all; with; after; instead of; out of; one of; above; outside of, beyond; banished from; apart from; on, in; on; with water from; upon; to; dependent upon; by; of; at; over..; since; for; just finished; at the end of; at, in; by the hand of; built by; spontaneous; in consequence; wherefore?; by means of; in accordance with; place; apiece; by th
τῶν article fem., gen., pl. stem: τῶν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῶν article masc., gen., pl. stem: τῶν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῶν article neut., gen., pl. stem: τῶν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
κάτω κατόω finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: κατ; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: contr unaugmented poetic; derivtype: ow_denom.
κάτω κατόω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. imper. stem: κατ; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: contr; derivtype: ow_denom.
κάτω κάτος adjective masc., nom., dl. stem: κατ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κάτω κάτος adjective neut., voc., dl. stem: κατ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κάτω κάτος adjective fem., voc., dl. stem: κατ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κάτω κάτος adjective neut., acc., dl. stem: κατ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κάτω κάτος adjective neut., gen., sing. stem: κατ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κάτω κάτος adjective fem., acc., dl. stem: κατ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κάτω κάτος adjective masc., gen., sing. stem: κατ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κάτω κάτος adjective masc., voc., dl. stem: κατ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κάτω κάτος adjective fem., gen., sing. stem: κατ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κάτω κάτος adjective masc., acc., dl. stem: κατ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κάτω κάτος adjective neut., nom., dl. stem: κατ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κάτω κάτος adjective fem., nom., dl. stem: κατ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
κάτω κάτω adverb pos. degree stem: κάτω; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
κάτω downwards; down; down from; beneath, below; in the world below; the dead; below, southward; on the coast; lower; the starting-place; the lower; miscarry, fail; afterwards, later; later; the lower members; under, below; lower, downwards; lower than, below; at the lowest part
ἐστέ εἰμί finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐστε; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐκ ἐκ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐκ; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐκ from out of; from.; out of, forth from; in; from; with all; with; after; instead of; out of; one of; above; outside of, beyond; banished from; apart from; on, in; on; with water from; upon; to; dependent upon; by; of; at; over..; since; for; just finished; at the end of; at, in; by the hand of; built by; spontaneous; in consequence; wherefore?; by means of; in accordance with; place; apiece; by th
τῶν article fem., gen., pl. stem: τῶν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῶν article masc., gen., pl. stem: τῶν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῶν article neut., gen., pl. stem: τῶν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἄνω ἄνω1 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: ἀν; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω.
ἄνω accomplish, finish; come to an end, be finished; is; drawing to a close; waning
ἄνω upwards; up; upward; up the country; inland; aloft, on high; on earth; the world below; living; dead; above; in heaven; earth; NT; in the upper quarter; above on the roofs; on the upper side; on the north; inward from the coast; upper; the Piraeus; of the upper country; turning-post; formerly, of old; backwards; of olden time; lineal ancestors; proudly; higher, more general; up and down, to and fr
ἄνω accomplish, finish; come to an end, be finished; is; drawing to a close; waning
ἄνω upwards; up; upward; up the country; inland; aloft, on high; on earth; the world below; living; dead; above; in heaven; earth; NT; in the upper quarter; above on the roofs; on the upper side; on the north; inward from the coast; upper; the Piraeus; of the upper country; turning-post; formerly, of old; backwards; of olden time; lineal ancestors; proudly; higher, more general; up and down, to and fr
ἄνω ἄνω1 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ἀν; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω.
ἄνω accomplish, finish; come to an end, be finished; is; drawing to a close; waning
ἄνω upwards; up; upward; up the country; inland; aloft, on high; on earth; the world below; living; dead; above; in heaven; earth; NT; in the upper quarter; above on the roofs; on the upper side; on the north; inward from the coast; upper; the Piraeus; of the upper country; turning-post; formerly, of old; backwards; of olden time; lineal ancestors; proudly; higher, more general; up and down, to and fr
ἄνω accomplish, finish; come to an end, be finished; is; drawing to a close; waning
ἄνω upwards; up; upward; up the country; inland; aloft, on high; on earth; the world below; living; dead; above; in heaven; earth; NT; in the upper quarter; above on the roofs; on the upper side; on the north; inward from the coast; upper; the Piraeus; of the upper country; turning-post; formerly, of old; backwards; of olden time; lineal ancestors; proudly; higher, more general; up and down, to and fr
ἄνω ἄνοος adjective neut., nom., dl. stem: ἀν; stemtype: oos_oon; suff: ω; morph: contr a_priv; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἄνοος without understanding, silly; without wit
ἄνω ἄνοος adjective masc., voc., dl. stem: ἀν; stemtype: oos_oon; suff: ω; morph: contr a_priv; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἄνοος without understanding, silly; without wit
ἄνω ἄνοος adjective fem., nom., dl. stem: ἀν; stemtype: oos_oon; suff: ω; morph: contr a_priv; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἄνοος without understanding, silly; without wit
ἄνω ἄνοος adjective fem., acc., dl. stem: ἀν; stemtype: oos_oon; suff: ω; morph: contr a_priv; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἄνοος without understanding, silly; without wit
ἄνω ἄνοος adjective masc., acc., dl. stem: ἀν; stemtype: oos_oon; suff: ω; morph: contr a_priv; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἄνοος without understanding, silly; without wit
ἄνω ἄνοος adjective masc., nom., dl. stem: ἀν; stemtype: oos_oon; suff: ω; morph: contr a_priv; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἄνοος without understanding, silly; without wit
ἄνω ἄνοος adjective fem., voc., dl. stem: ἀν; stemtype: oos_oon; suff: ω; morph: contr a_priv; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἄνοος without understanding, silly; without wit
ἄνω ἄνοος adjective neut., acc., dl. stem: ἀν; stemtype: oos_oon; suff: ω; morph: contr a_priv; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἄνοος without understanding, silly; without wit
ἄνω ἄνοος adjective neut., voc., dl. stem: ἀν; stemtype: oos_oon; suff: ω; morph: contr a_priv; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἄνοος without understanding, silly; without wit
ἄνω ἄνω2 adverb pos. degree stem: ἄνω; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ἄνω accomplish, finish; come to an end, be finished; is; drawing to a close; waning
ἄνω upwards; up; upward; up the country; inland; aloft, on high; on earth; the world below; living; dead; above; in heaven; earth; NT; in the upper quarter; above on the roofs; on the upper side; on the north; inward from the coast; upper; the Piraeus; of the upper country; turning-post; formerly, of old; backwards; of olden time; lineal ancestors; proudly; higher, more general; up and down, to and fr
ἄνω accomplish, finish; come to an end, be finished; is; drawing to a close; waning
ἄνω upwards; up; upward; up the country; inland; aloft, on high; on earth; the world below; living; dead; above; in heaven; earth; NT; in the upper quarter; above on the roofs; on the upper side; on the north; inward from the coast; upper; the Piraeus; of the upper country; turning-post; formerly, of old; backwards; of olden time; lineal ancestors; proudly; higher, more general; up and down, to and fr
εἰμί εἰμί finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: εἰμι; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
ὑμεῖς σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμεῖς; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: nominative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
ἐκ ἐκ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐκ; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐκ from out of; from.; out of, forth from; in; from; with all; with; after; instead of; out of; one of; above; outside of, beyond; banished from; apart from; on, in; on; with water from; upon; to; dependent upon; by; of; at; over..; since; for; just finished; at the end of; at, in; by the hand of; built by; spontaneous; in consequence; wherefore?; by means of; in accordance with; place; apiece; by th
τούτου οὗτος pronoun neut., gen., sing. stem: τούτου; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
τούτου οὗτος pronoun masc., gen., sing. stem: τούτου; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
τοῦ τις lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τοῦ τίς lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τοῦ article masc., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τοῦ article neut., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
κόσμου κόσμος noun masc., gen., sing. stem: κοσμ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ου; decl: 2nd.
κόσμος order; order, duly; shamefully; in order; becomingly; in; natural order; good order, good behaviour; discipline; form, fashion; fashion; from; order, government; constitution; ornament, decoration; service; ornaments; epithets; praise; honour, credit; credit; ruler, regulator; body of; world-order, universe; firmament; earth; region; worlds; planets; microcosm; the known; inhabited world; men in g
ἐστέ εἰμί finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐστε; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
οὐκ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐκ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
εἰμί εἰμί finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: εἰμι; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
ἐκ ἐκ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐκ; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐκ from out of; from.; out of, forth from; in; from; with all; with; after; instead of; out of; one of; above; outside of, beyond; banished from; apart from; on, in; on; with water from; upon; to; dependent upon; by; of; at; over..; since; for; just finished; at the end of; at, in; by the hand of; built by; spontaneous; in consequence; wherefore?; by means of; in accordance with; place; apiece; by th
τοῦ τις lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τοῦ τίς lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τοῦ article masc., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τοῦ article neut., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
κόσμου κόσμος noun masc., gen., sing. stem: κοσμ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ου; decl: 2nd.
κόσμος order; order, duly; shamefully; in order; becomingly; in; natural order; good order, good behaviour; discipline; form, fashion; fashion; from; order, government; constitution; ornament, decoration; service; ornaments; epithets; praise; honour, credit; credit; ruler, regulator; body of; world-order, universe; firmament; earth; region; worlds; planets; microcosm; the known; inhabited world; men in g
τούτου οὗτος pronoun neut., gen., sing. stem: τούτου; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
τούτου οὗτος pronoun masc., gen., sing. stem: τούτου; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
εἶπον εἶπον finite verb 3rd pl., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: ον; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπον εἶπον finite verb 2nd sing., aor. act. imper. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ον; dial: epic Ionic.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπον εἶπον finite verb 3rd pl., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: ον.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπον εἶπον finite verb 1st sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: ον; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπον εἶπον finite verb 1st sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: ον.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπον εἶπος noun masc., acc., sing. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
εἶπος εἶπος
οὖν οὖν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: οὖν; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
οὖν certainly, in fact; really; very; at all events; did; at least; I grant you; when once; as soon as; actually; neither.. nor; even; just; in fact; cunque; whoever; whosoever; how; howsoever; be he who he may; so, then; then; well, as I was saying; then, therefore; therefore
ὑμῖν σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμῖν; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
ὅτι ὅτι2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὅτι; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅτι1 adverb pos. degree stem: ὅτι; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ἀποθανεῖσθε ἀποθνήσκω finite verb 2nd pl., fut. mid. indic. stem: ἀπό:θαν; stemtype: ew_fut; suff: εῖσθε; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr.
ἐν εἰς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰς into; to; into the territory of; in; before; facing; rest in; there; upon; for; up to, until; till; towards; near; up to; against; until; within; throughout; at; on; with; as far as; as much as; so far as; to the number of; deep; abreast; thrice; about; by; towards, in regard to; in regard to; in respect of; to cause; pertinent, to the purpose
ἐν ἐν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐν in, into.; in; in the district of; at the school of; in, within, surrounded by; under; equipped with; on, at; by; on; at; in the number of, amongst; in the presence of; in oneʼs hands, within oneʼs reach; power; with; in the eyes of; in respect of; in point of; towards; into; motion to; position in; fell; coming; going; from; in the form of; as; in the practice of; before; during the time; in the
ταῖς article fem., dat., pl. stem: ταῖς; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἁμαρτίαις ἁμαρτία noun fem., dat., pl. stem: ἁμαρτι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: αις; decl: 1st.
ἁμαρτ-ία a failure, fault; error; guilt, sin
ὑμῶν σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμῶν; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective masc., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective neut., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective fem., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ἐάν ἐάν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐᾱ ́ν; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ἐάν if haply, if; soever
γάρ γάρ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: γάρ; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
γάρ for; yes,.., no,..; ay doubtless; since, as; yes; no; yet; else; for in that case; why, what; why; what; quid enim; far otherwise], for; hush], for; look out] for
μή μή indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: μή; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
μή mā´; mi; mē´; not; will; thought; fact; statement; wish, command, entreaty, warning; take care you do; not become; I fear.. may prove to be weaving; perhaps; nay but; none of that; no; that so; lest; except; provided only that; D Deor.; that; whoever; such a thing as; such things as; forbid, deny; swear, aver, believe; ut qui nihil sciam; one who; want of; fear; apprehension; shall proveto be; sha
μή μή κοτε
μή lest perchance
πιστεύσητε πιστεύω finite verb 2nd pl., aor. act. subj. stem: πιστευς; stemtype: aor1; suff: ητε; derivtype: euw.
πιστ-εύω trust, put faith in, rely on; believe; to believe; entertain a confident; to be trusted; believed; enjoy; confidence; he would be believed; were believed; were believed to possess; comply; believe that, feel confident that; believed sure to; he trusted; have faith; entrust; have entrusted to one; Berichte der russ. Akad. fuür Gesch. der materiellen Kultur; to be entrusted with; have; committed
ὅτι ὅτι2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὅτι; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅτι1 adverb pos. degree stem: ὅτι; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
εἰμι εἰμί finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: εἰμι; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
ἀποθανεῖσθε ἀποθνήσκω finite verb 2nd pl., fut. mid. indic. stem: ἀπό:θαν; stemtype: ew_fut; suff: εῖσθε; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr.
ἐν εἰς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰς into; to; into the territory of; in; before; facing; rest in; there; upon; for; up to, until; till; towards; near; up to; against; until; within; throughout; at; on; with; as far as; as much as; so far as; to the number of; deep; abreast; thrice; about; by; towards, in regard to; in regard to; in respect of; to cause; pertinent, to the purpose
ἐν ἐν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐν in, into.; in; in the district of; at the school of; in, within, surrounded by; under; equipped with; on, at; by; on; at; in the number of, amongst; in the presence of; in oneʼs hands, within oneʼs reach; power; with; in the eyes of; in respect of; in point of; towards; into; motion to; position in; fell; coming; going; from; in the form of; as; in the practice of; before; during the time; in the
ταῖς article fem., dat., pl. stem: ταῖς; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἁμαρτίαις ἁμαρτία noun fem., dat., pl. stem: ἁμαρτι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: αις; decl: 1st.
ἁμαρτ-ία a failure, fault; error; guilt, sin
ὑμῶν σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμῶν; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective masc., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective neut., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective fem., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ἔλεγον λέγω2 finite verb 1st sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγον λέγω2 finite verb 3rd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγον λέγω3 finite verb 1st sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγον λέγω1 finite verb 3rd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγον λέγω1 finite verb 1st sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγον λέγω3 finite verb 3rd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ον; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγον ἔλεγος noun masc., acc., sing. stem: ἐλεγ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
ἔλεγος song, melody; song; lament, song of mourning; poem in elegiac distichs
οὖν οὖν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: οὖν; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
οὖν certainly, in fact; really; very; at all events; did; at least; I grant you; when once; as soon as; actually; neither.. nor; even; just; in fact; cunque; whoever; whosoever; how; howsoever; be he who he may; so, then; then; well, as I was saying; then, therefore; therefore
αὐτῷ αὐτός pronoun masc., dat., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ῳ.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτῷ αὐτός pronoun neut., dat., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ῳ.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
Σύ σύ lang: grc; stem: σύ; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: singular; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: nominative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
τίς τις pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: τίς; stemtype: indef; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τίς τις pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: τίς; stemtype: indef; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τίς τίς pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: τίς; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τίς τίς pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: τίς; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
εἶ εἶμι finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: εἰ; stemtype: irreg_mi.
εἶμι ibo; shall go, shall come; come; go; go, depart; go to; into; go through; over; going across; went; was going; going in a ship; flight; motion; goes; will pass; to enter; to come; to obey; come now; let it pass, well then; go and
εἶ εἰμί finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: εἶ; stemtype: irreg_mi.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
εἶ εἰ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: εἶ; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰ if; whether.; come now; if ever, whenever; if ever; whenever; un; wonder, delight, indignation, disappointment, contentment; that; as surely as, since; as sure as; since; in case, supposing that; in case; except; otherwise; as much as; more than; siquis alius; any; now if; though; if (although; im; whether
εἰ εἰ δʼ οὖν
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: εν; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; dial: epic Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; dial: epic Ionic; morph: nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
αὐτοῖς αὐτός pronoun neut., dat., pl. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: οις.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτοῖς αὐτός pronoun masc., dat., pl. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: οις.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
Τήν article fem., acc., sing. stem: τήν; stemtype: article; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἀρχήν ἀρχή noun fem., acc., sing. stem: ἀρχ; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ην; dial: Attic epic Ionic; decl: 1st.
ἀρχή beginning, origin; a foundation; source; the beginning; the first; of old; anew, afresh; original; principal sum; first; to begin with, at first; at all; first principle, element; practical principle; principles; end, corner; origin; branch; sum, total; vital organs; first place; power, sovereignty; power over; method of government; empire, realm; magistracy, office; an office; term of office; the
ἀρχήν ἀρχήν adverb pos. degree stem: ἀρχήν; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ἀρχήν ἀρχήν
ὅς pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: ὅ; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὅ; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς pronoun neut., voc., sing. stem: ὅ; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὅ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τι τις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: τι; stemtype: indef; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τι τις pronoun neut., voc., sing. stem: τι; stemtype: indef; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τι τις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: τι; stemtype: indef; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
λαλῶ λαλάζω finite verb 1st sing., fut. act. indic. stem: λαλ; stemtype: aw_fut; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: azw.
λᾰλάζω λαλάζω
λαλῶ λαλέω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: λαλ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
λᾰλ-έω talk, chat, prattle; talk to; talk, speak; talk of; speak; it shall be told; chatter; chirp; sound
λαλῶ λαλέω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λαλ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
λᾰλ-έω talk, chat, prattle; talk to; talk, speak; talk of; speak; it shall be told; chatter; chirp; sound
ὑμῖν σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμῖν; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
πολλά πολύς adjective fem., voc., dl. stem: πολλ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πολύς many; often; frequent; much, mighty; loud; strong; much; great; great, mighty; with full stream; with might; force; all; often mentioned; magni facere; high price; worth much, of great conscquence; large, wide; outstretched wide; far; long; quite; late; numbers; greater number; prevailing; far the most; Aër.; people; commonalty; plebs; of; multitude; vulgus; ordinary man; moyen; average; the best
πολλά πολύς adjective fem., voc., sing. stem: πολλ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πολύς many; often; frequent; much, mighty; loud; strong; much; great; great, mighty; with full stream; with might; force; all; often mentioned; magni facere; high price; worth much, of great conscquence; large, wide; outstretched wide; far; long; quite; late; numbers; greater number; prevailing; far the most; Aër.; people; commonalty; plebs; of; multitude; vulgus; ordinary man; moyen; average; the best
πολλά πολύς adjective fem., acc., dl. stem: πολλ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πολύς many; often; frequent; much, mighty; loud; strong; much; great; great, mighty; with full stream; with might; force; all; often mentioned; magni facere; high price; worth much, of great conscquence; large, wide; outstretched wide; far; long; quite; late; numbers; greater number; prevailing; far the most; Aër.; people; commonalty; plebs; of; multitude; vulgus; ordinary man; moyen; average; the best
πολλά πολύς adjective fem., nom., sing. stem: πολλ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πολύς many; often; frequent; much, mighty; loud; strong; much; great; great, mighty; with full stream; with might; force; all; often mentioned; magni facere; high price; worth much, of great conscquence; large, wide; outstretched wide; far; long; quite; late; numbers; greater number; prevailing; far the most; Aër.; people; commonalty; plebs; of; multitude; vulgus; ordinary man; moyen; average; the best
πολλά πολύς adjective neut., nom., pl. stem: πολλ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: α; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πολύς many; often; frequent; much, mighty; loud; strong; much; great; great, mighty; with full stream; with might; force; all; often mentioned; magni facere; high price; worth much, of great conscquence; large, wide; outstretched wide; far; long; quite; late; numbers; greater number; prevailing; far the most; Aër.; people; commonalty; plebs; of; multitude; vulgus; ordinary man; moyen; average; the best
πολλά πολύς adjective fem., nom., dl. stem: πολλ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πολύς many; often; frequent; much, mighty; loud; strong; much; great; great, mighty; with full stream; with might; force; all; often mentioned; magni facere; high price; worth much, of great conscquence; large, wide; outstretched wide; far; long; quite; late; numbers; greater number; prevailing; far the most; Aër.; people; commonalty; plebs; of; multitude; vulgus; ordinary man; moyen; average; the best
πολλά πολύς adjective neut., acc., pl. stem: πολλ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: α; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πολύς many; often; frequent; much, mighty; loud; strong; much; great; great, mighty; with full stream; with might; force; all; often mentioned; magni facere; high price; worth much, of great conscquence; large, wide; outstretched wide; far; long; quite; late; numbers; greater number; prevailing; far the most; Aër.; people; commonalty; plebs; of; multitude; vulgus; ordinary man; moyen; average; the best
πολλά πολύς adjective neut., voc., pl. stem: πολλ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: α; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πολύς many; often; frequent; much, mighty; loud; strong; much; great; great, mighty; with full stream; with might; force; all; often mentioned; magni facere; high price; worth much, of great conscquence; large, wide; outstretched wide; far; long; quite; late; numbers; greater number; prevailing; far the most; Aër.; people; commonalty; plebs; of; multitude; vulgus; ordinary man; moyen; average; the best
ἔχω ἔχω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐχ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἔχω check; seĝh; sáhate; sigis; sĝh; si-sĝh-o; have, hold; possess; propertied class; wealthy man; poor; to have; due to one; to have received; acquire, get; to be possessed; keep, have charge of; having control of; to be engaged in; kept; for; is; himself; inhabit; haunt; ruled; occupiest; have to wife; as husband; have in oneʼs house, entertain; with; keep; get; indulge in; will; for a moment; to be
ἔχω bear, carry, bring; brought as an offering; váhati; veho
ἔχω χόω finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:χ; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: contr; derivtype: o_stem.
χόω throw; heap up; throwing up; having formed; with heaped up; block up by throwing earth in; to be filled with earth; to be silted up; to be raised on mounds; cover with earth, bury; covered over
ἔχω ἔχω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: ἐχ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἔχω check; seĝh; sáhate; sigis; sĝh; si-sĝh-o; have, hold; possess; propertied class; wealthy man; poor; to have; due to one; to have received; acquire, get; to be possessed; keep, have charge of; having control of; to be engaged in; kept; for; is; himself; inhabit; haunt; ruled; occupiest; have to wife; as husband; have in oneʼs house, entertain; with; keep; get; indulge in; will; for a moment; to be
ἔχω bear, carry, bring; brought as an offering; váhati; veho
περί περί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: περί; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
περί round about, all round; on both sides; pári; round about, around; about near; about; for; about, on account of; of; about, concerning; for very; about, in regard to; the circumstances; as for; as to; before, above, beyond; beyond; consequence, worth; worth; on; behalf, PCair. Zen.; by grasping; around; spitted upon; transfixed by; standing over; on account of, by reason of; in; round about; round;
ὑμῶν σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμῶν; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective masc., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective neut., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective fem., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
λαλεῖν λαλέω infinitive pres. act. stem: λαλ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖν; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
λᾰλ-έω talk, chat, prattle; talk to; talk, speak; talk of; speak; it shall be told; chatter; chirp; sound
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
κρίνειν κρίνω infinitive pres. act. stem: κρῑν; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ειν; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; derivtype: inw.
κρίνω separate, put asunder, distinguish; pick out, choose; to choose; to be chosen out, distinguished; picked out, chosen; distinguished for; approved..; proved; numbered; decide; judge; they decide the question; do you form; judgement; a decision being about to be taken; contest; have; decided, come to issue; dispute, contend; compete; decided, clear, strong; decided, ended; win; adjudge; the sum adju
ἀλλ' ἀλλά adverb pos. degree stem: ἀλλά; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ἀλλά otherwise; but; not only.. but; not only not.. but; still, at least; at least; except, but; but=be out, except; not; but, yet; nay but.., well but; it is not [so], but; at all events; well then; but then, however; but really, certainly; quid si.. ?; et quidem
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
πέμψας πέμπω finite verb 2nd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: πεμψ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ας; dial: epic Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: reg_conj.
πέμπω send; on; over.; to; send for; send to; against.; for; was conducting; convoying; send word; sent him orders; send forward, nominate; send forth; away, dismiss, send home; speed; discharge, shoot; send forth, utter; conduct, escort; convey, carry; conduct; take part in; move in; procession; carried in procession; send up, produce; send in oneʼs own service; cause to be sent
πέμψας πέμπω participle aor. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: πεμψ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ᾱς; dial: Attic epic Ionic; derivtype: reg_conj.
πέμπω send; on; over.; to; send for; send to; against.; for; was conducting; convoying; send word; sent him orders; send forward, nominate; send forth; away, dismiss, send home; speed; discharge, shoot; send forth, utter; conduct, escort; convey, carry; conduct; take part in; move in; procession; carried in procession; send up, produce; send in oneʼs own service; cause to be sent
πέμψας πέμπω participle aor. act. participle, masc. voc. sing. stem: πεμψ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ᾱς; dial: Attic epic Ionic; derivtype: reg_conj.
πέμπω send; on; over.; to; send for; send to; against.; for; was conducting; convoying; send word; sent him orders; send forward, nominate; send forth; away, dismiss, send home; speed; discharge, shoot; send forth, utter; conduct, escort; convey, carry; conduct; take part in; move in; procession; carried in procession; send up, produce; send in oneʼs own service; cause to be sent
με ἐγώ pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
με ἐγώ pronoun fem., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἀληθής ἀληθής adjective fem., nom., sing. stem: ἀληθ; stemtype: hs_es; suff: ης; decl: 3rd.
ἀληθ-ής unconcealed; true, real; false, apparent; truthful, honest; in vino veritas; true, unerring; genuine; realizing itself, coming to fulfilment; truly; actually, in reality; in the true way, really; indeed? really?; not forgetting, careful; honest
ἀληθής ἀληθής adjective masc., nom., sing. stem: ἀληθ; stemtype: hs_es; suff: ης; decl: 3rd.
ἀληθ-ής unconcealed; true, real; false, apparent; truthful, honest; in vino veritas; true, unerring; genuine; realizing itself, coming to fulfilment; truly; actually, in reality; in the true way, really; indeed? really?; not forgetting, careful; honest
ἐστιν εἰμί finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐστιν; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic nu_movable.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
κἀγώ ἀγός noun masc., voc., dl. stem: ἀγ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ω; decl: 2nd.
ἀγός leader, chief
κἀγώ ἀγός noun masc., nom., dl. stem: ἀγ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ω; decl: 2nd.
ἀγός leader, chief
κἀγώ ἀγός noun masc., acc., dl. stem: ἀγ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ω; decl: 2nd.
ἀγός leader, chief
κἀγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
κἀγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
κἀγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
κἀγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ὅς pronoun fem., nom., dl. stem: ἁ̄ ́; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς pronoun fem., acc., dl. stem: ἁ̄ ́; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς pronoun neut., nom., pl. stem: ἅ; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἁ̄ ́; stemtype: relative; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: indeclform.
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς pronoun neut., acc., pl. stem: ἅ; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
article fem., nom., sing. stem: ᾱʽ ́; stemtype: article; dial: Doric; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἤκουσα ἀκούω finite verb 1st sing., aor. act. indic. stem: ἀκους; stemtype: aor1; suff: α; dial: Attic epic Ionic; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἀκούω hear; hear of, hear tell of; hear of; from; should he hear; to hear [generally; what one actually hears; know by hearsay; hearken, give ear; oyez! oyez!; readers of a book; listen to, give ear to; obey; hear and understand; to be a pupil of; hear oneself called, be called; audire; to be ill spoken of by; were said; have; spoken of; hear it; said; at first hearing; understand, take; aspect mutually
παρ' παρά indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: παραί; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; dial: epic; morph: poetic indeclform.
πᾰρά beside; from the side of, from beside, from; from; issuing from; from (given by; of; done by; all that issues from; means; by; advice; the presents of; by, near; without; by the side of; where; at; over; house; place, with; of my household; with me; own; in; hands; right; before, in the presence of; before; judgement; with; beside, near, by; along; past, beyond.; to the side of, to; to the side of
παρ' παρά indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: παρά; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
πᾰρά beside; from the side of, from beside, from; from; issuing from; from (given by; of; done by; all that issues from; means; by; advice; the presents of; by, near; without; by the side of; where; at; over; house; place, with; of my household; with me; own; in; hands; right; before, in the presence of; before; judgement; with; beside, near, by; along; past, beyond.; to the side of, to; to the side of
παρ' πηρός adjective neut., acc., pl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: α; dial: Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρ' πηρός adjective fem., acc., dl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρ' πηρός adjective neut., nom., pl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: α; dial: Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρ' πηρός adjective fem., nom., sing. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρ' πηρός adjective fem., voc., pl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: αι; dial: Doric; morph: poetic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρ' πηρός adjective neut., voc., pl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: α; dial: Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρ' πηρός adjective masc., voc., sing. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ε; dial: Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρ' πηρός adjective fem., nom., dl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρ' πηρός adjective fem., nom., pl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: αι; dial: Doric; morph: poetic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρ' πηρός adjective fem., voc., dl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρ' πηρός adjective fem., voc., sing. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
αὐτοῦ αὐτός pronoun neut., gen., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ου.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτοῦ αὐτός pronoun masc., gen., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ου.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτοῦ αὐτοῦ adverb pos. degree stem: αὐτοῦ; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
αὐτοῦ just there; just here; there!; here in; there; very; exactly
ταῦτα οὗτος pronoun neut., voc., pl. stem: ταῦτα; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
ταῦτα οὗτος pronoun neut., nom., pl. stem: ταῦτα; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
ταῦτα οὗτος pronoun neut., acc., pl. stem: ταῦτα; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
λαλῶ λαλάζω finite verb 1st sing., fut. act. indic. stem: λαλ; stemtype: aw_fut; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: azw.
λᾰλάζω λαλάζω
λαλῶ λαλέω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: λαλ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
λᾰλ-έω talk, chat, prattle; talk to; talk, speak; talk of; speak; it shall be told; chatter; chirp; sound
λαλῶ λαλέω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λαλ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
λᾰλ-έω talk, chat, prattle; talk to; talk, speak; talk of; speak; it shall be told; chatter; chirp; sound
εἰς εἰς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: εἰς; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰς into; to; into the territory of; in; before; facing; rest in; there; upon; for; up to, until; till; towards; near; up to; against; until; within; throughout; at; on; with; as far as; as much as; so far as; to the number of; deep; abreast; thrice; about; by; towards, in regard to; in regard to; in respect of; to cause; pertinent, to the purpose
τόν article masc., acc., sing. stem: τόν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
κόσμον κόσμος noun masc., acc., sing. stem: κοσμ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
κόσμος order; order, duly; shamefully; in order; becomingly; in; natural order; good order, good behaviour; discipline; form, fashion; fashion; from; order, government; constitution; ornament, decoration; service; ornaments; epithets; praise; honour, credit; credit; ruler, regulator; body of; world-order, universe; firmament; earth; region; worlds; planets; microcosm; the known; inhabited world; men in g
οὐκ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐκ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
ἔγνωσαν γιγνώσκω finite verb 3rd pl., aor. act. indic. stem: ἐ:γν; stemtype: ath_w_aor; suff: ωσαν; derivtype: o_stem.
γιγνώσκω come to know, perceive; know; know by reflection; know by observation; perceive; discern, distinguish, recognize; learn; were aware of; perceived; felt that; was; he was aware of; recognize; take; to mean; the perceiver; the objects perceived; one who knows, a prudent person; it were known of them; form a judgement, think; see; I understand; you are right; tenes; judge, determine, decree that; det
ὅτι ὅτι2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὅτι; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅτι1 adverb pos. degree stem: ὅτι; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
τόν article masc., acc., sing. stem: τόν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
πατέρα πατήρ noun masc., acc., sing. stem: πατ; stemtype: hr_eros; suff: ερα; decl: 3rd.
πᾰτήρ pitṛṣu; father; grandfather; by the fatherʼs side; father, author; authors; pater patriae; forefathers; from our fathers’ time; parents; parentnation; pitár; pater
αὐτοῖς αὐτός pronoun neut., dat., pl. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: οις.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτοῖς αὐτός pronoun masc., dat., pl. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: οις.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
ἔλεγεν λέγω3 finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγεν λέγω1 finite verb 3rd pl., aor. pass. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: aor2_pass; suff: εν; dial: epic.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγεν λέγω2 finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἔλεγεν λέγω1 finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: εν; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; dial: epic Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; dial: epic Ionic; morph: nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
οὖν οὖν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: οὖν; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
οὖν certainly, in fact; really; very; at all events; did; at least; I grant you; when once; as soon as; actually; neither.. nor; even; just; in fact; cunque; whoever; whosoever; how; howsoever; be he who he may; so, then; then; well, as I was saying; then, therefore; therefore
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
Ὅταν ὅταν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὅταν; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ὅταν whenever; since; when; such time as; cum primum; Lyr.Alex. Adesp.
ὑψώσητε ὑψόω finite verb 2nd pl., aor. act. subj. stem: ὑψως; stemtype: aor1; suff: ητε; derivtype: ow_denom.
ὑψόω lift high, raise up; elevate, exalt; to be exalted; exalted; represent in the ‘grand manner’; mount; attain exaltation
τόν article masc., acc., sing. stem: τόν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
υἱόν υἱός noun masc., acc., sing. stem: υἱ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
υἱός hυιhυς; Vasen mit Meister-signaturen; ṛ; pitṛṣu; son; a son; sons; child; hostages; A, B; men; man; inheritors of the nature; participants in the glory; Divi; Caesaris; filius; sū-yú-s; sūte; se; soyä; sū-nu-s; sūnūs; sǔ-nu-s; sunu; sūyú-; sǔwyú-; suiwú-;
τοῦ τις lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τοῦ τίς lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τοῦ article masc., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τοῦ article neut., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἀνθρώπου ἄνθρωπος noun masc., gen., sing. stem: ἀνθρωπ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ου; decl: 2nd.
ἄνθρωπος man; gods; the men; the ideal man, humanity; mankind; this life; the world; of all; the man, the fellow; sirrah! you sir!; brother; slave; 1 Ep.Tim.; a man of; any one; plaster; woman
τότε τότε adverb pos. degree stem: τότε; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
τότε at that time, then; in that case; then, next; formerly; just now; at one time or other; then; that time; of that time; on the day, then
γνώσεσθε γιγνώσκω finite verb 2nd pl., fut. mid. indic. stem: γνως; stemtype: reg_fut; suff: εσθε; derivtype: o_stem.
γιγνώσκω come to know, perceive; know; know by reflection; know by observation; perceive; discern, distinguish, recognize; learn; were aware of; perceived; felt that; was; he was aware of; recognize; take; to mean; the perceiver; the objects perceived; one who knows, a prudent person; it were known of them; form a judgement, think; see; I understand; you are right; tenes; judge, determine, decree that; det
ὅτι ὅτι2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὅτι; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅτι1 adverb pos. degree stem: ὅτι; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
εἰμι εἰμί finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: εἰμι; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
ἀπ' ἀπό indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἀπαί; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: poetic indeclform.
ἀπό ápa; ab; ap-ehtre; af; af, cef, of; from.; from, away from; departure from; from; on; back; away from, far from; apart from; far from; without using; away; away from; alien from; without; off; taken; of; upon; and; from being, instead of; free from, without; from, after; after; onwards; from the beginning of; at; fresh from; beyond; consulares; freedman of..; sprung from; in descent from; springs
ἀπ' ἀπό indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἀπό; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
ἀπό ápa; ab; ap-ehtre; af; af, cef, of; from.; from, away from; departure from; from; on; back; away from, far from; apart from; far from; without using; away; away from; alien from; without; off; taken; of; upon; and; from being, instead of; free from, without; from, after; after; onwards; from the beginning of; at; fresh from; beyond; consulares; freedman of..; sprung from; in descent from; springs
ἐμαυτοῦ ἐμαυτοῦ pronoun masc., gen., sing. stem: ἐμαυτοῦ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐμαυτοῦ of me, of myself; oneself; master of oneself
ἐμαυτοῦ ἐμαυτοῦ pronoun neut., gen., sing. stem: ἐμαυτοῦ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐμαυτοῦ of me, of myself; oneself; master of oneself
ποιῶ ποιόω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: ποι; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ῶ; morph: contr; derivtype: ow_denom.
ποιόω make of a certain quality; to be endowed with quality
ποιῶ ποιέω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ποι; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
ποιέω make; do.; make, produce; made; to be made with..; are made; make for oneself; build them; have; made, get; create, bring into existence; the creator; beget; conceive; produce; grow; let it be contrived; postulate, imply; effect a solution of; fulfil, satisfy; compose, write; write poetry, write as a poet; represent in poetry; having represented; describe in verse; put; into verse; invent; bring a
ποιῶ ποιέω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: ποι; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
ποιέω make; do.; make, produce; made; to be made with..; are made; make for oneself; build them; have; made, get; create, bring into existence; the creator; beget; conceive; produce; grow; let it be contrived; postulate, imply; effect a solution of; fulfil, satisfy; compose, write; write poetry, write as a poet; represent in poetry; having represented; describe in verse; put; into verse; invent; bring a
ποιῶ ποιόω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ποι; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ῶ; morph: contr; derivtype: ow_denom.
ποιόω make of a certain quality; to be endowed with quality
ποιῶ ποιός adjective masc., gen., sing. stem: ποι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ποιός of a certain nature, kind; quality; such-and-such
ποιῶ ποιός adjective neut., gen., sing. stem: ποι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ποιός of a certain nature, kind; quality; such-and-such
οὐδέν οὐδείς pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: οὐδέν; stemtype: pron_adj3; morph: indeclform.
οὐδείς not one; no one, none; no set; every one; every; nothing; naught, good for naught; naught; nobodies; naught, zero; not at all, naught; nothing, never mind, no matter; not at all; not even one; none whatever
οὐδέν οὐδείς pronoun neut., voc., sing. stem: οὐδέν; stemtype: pron_adj3; morph: indeclform.
οὐδείς not one; no one, none; no set; every one; every; nothing; naught, good for naught; naught; nobodies; naught, zero; not at all, naught; nothing, never mind, no matter; not at all; not even one; none whatever
οὐδέν οὐδείς pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: οὐδέν; stemtype: pron_adj3; morph: indeclform.
οὐδείς not one; no one, none; no set; every one; every; nothing; naught, good for naught; naught; nobodies; naught, zero; not at all, naught; nothing, never mind, no matter; not at all; not even one; none whatever
ἀλλά ἀλλά adverb pos. degree stem: ἀλλά; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ἀλλά otherwise; but; not only.. but; not only not.. but; still, at least; at least; except, but; but=be out, except; not; but, yet; nay but.., well but; it is not [so], but; at all events; well then; but then, however; but really, certainly; quid si.. ?; et quidem
καθώς καθώς adverb pos. degree stem: καθώς; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
καθώς even as; how; as, when
ἐδίδαξέν διδάσκω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: ἐ:διδαξ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable pres_redupl; derivtype: skw.
δῐδάσκω instruct; teach; taught; taught how; teach oneself, learn; have; educated; to be taught, learn; trained, skilled; wert taught; indicate, give sign of; explain; show by argument, prove; produce; train oneʼs own
με ἐγώ pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
με ἐγώ pronoun fem., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
πατήρ πατήρ noun masc., nom., sing. stem: πατ; stemtype: hr_eros; suff: ηρ; decl: 3rd.
πᾰτήρ pitṛṣu; father; grandfather; by the fatherʼs side; father, author; authors; pater patriae; forefathers; from our fathers’ time; parents; parentnation; pitár; pater
ταῦτα οὗτος pronoun neut., voc., pl. stem: ταῦτα; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
ταῦτα οὗτος pronoun neut., nom., pl. stem: ταῦτα; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
ταῦτα οὗτος pronoun neut., acc., pl. stem: ταῦτα; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
λαλῶ λαλάζω finite verb 1st sing., fut. act. indic. stem: λαλ; stemtype: aw_fut; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: azw.
λᾰλάζω λαλάζω
λαλῶ λαλέω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: λαλ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
λᾰλ-έω talk, chat, prattle; talk to; talk, speak; talk of; speak; it shall be told; chatter; chirp; sound
λαλῶ λαλέω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λαλ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
λᾰλ-έω talk, chat, prattle; talk to; talk, speak; talk of; speak; it shall be told; chatter; chirp; sound
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
πέμψας πέμπω finite verb 2nd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: πεμψ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ας; dial: epic Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: reg_conj.
πέμπω send; on; over.; to; send for; send to; against.; for; was conducting; convoying; send word; sent him orders; send forward, nominate; send forth; away, dismiss, send home; speed; discharge, shoot; send forth, utter; conduct, escort; convey, carry; conduct; take part in; move in; procession; carried in procession; send up, produce; send in oneʼs own service; cause to be sent
πέμψας πέμπω participle aor. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: πεμψ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ᾱς; dial: Attic epic Ionic; derivtype: reg_conj.
πέμπω send; on; over.; to; send for; send to; against.; for; was conducting; convoying; send word; sent him orders; send forward, nominate; send forth; away, dismiss, send home; speed; discharge, shoot; send forth, utter; conduct, escort; convey, carry; conduct; take part in; move in; procession; carried in procession; send up, produce; send in oneʼs own service; cause to be sent
πέμψας πέμπω participle aor. act. participle, masc. voc. sing. stem: πεμψ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ᾱς; dial: Attic epic Ionic; derivtype: reg_conj.
πέμπω send; on; over.; to; send for; send to; against.; for; was conducting; convoying; send word; sent him orders; send forward, nominate; send forth; away, dismiss, send home; speed; discharge, shoot; send forth, utter; conduct, escort; convey, carry; conduct; take part in; move in; procession; carried in procession; send up, produce; send in oneʼs own service; cause to be sent
με ἐγώ pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
με ἐγώ pronoun fem., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
μετ' μετά indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: μεταί; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: poetic indeclform.
μετά mip; miti, mit; in the midst of, among, between; with; among; in common, along with, by aid of; in co-operation with; by aid of; on; side; with, together with; companions; and; in conjunction with; in oneʼs dealings with; by means of; during; between, among; among, in company with; in; belonging to; between; besides, over and above; to complete the number; after; into the middle of, coming into; p
μετ' μετά indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: μετά; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
μετά mip; miti, mit; in the midst of, among, between; with; among; in common, along with, by aid of; in co-operation with; by aid of; on; side; with, together with; companions; and; in conjunction with; in oneʼs dealings with; by means of; during; between, among; among, in company with; in; belonging to; between; besides, over and above; to complete the number; after; into the middle of, coming into; p
μετ' μεταί adverb pos. degree stem: μεταί; stemtype: adverb; morph: poetic indeclform.
ἐμοῦ ἐμέω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. imper. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic; morph: contr; derivtype: e_stem.
ἐμέω vomit, throw up; vomit, be sick; to make oneself sick; throw up a flood of words; vámiti; vomo, vomitus; vémti
ἐμοῦ ἐμέω finite verb 2nd sing., impf. mid-pass. indic. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic; morph: contr unaugmented poetic; derivtype: e_stem.
ἐμέω vomit, throw up; vomit, be sick; to make oneself sick; throw up a flood of words; vámiti; vomo, vomitus; vémti
ἐμοῦ ἐμός adjective masc., gen., sing. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ου; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
ἐμοῦ ἐμός adjective neut., gen., sing. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ου; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
ἐμοῦ ἐγώ pronoun masc., gen., sing. stem: ἐμοῦ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐμοῦ ἐγώ pronoun fem., gen., sing. stem: ἐμοῦ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐστιν εἰμί finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐστιν; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic nu_movable.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
οὐκ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐκ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
ἀφῆκέν ἀφίημι finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: ἀπό:ἡκ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable.
ἀφίημι send forth, discharge; throw oneself; give oneself up; let loose; make; give vent to; vent; shed; change; emit; putting forth; put forth, produce; leave; to be emitted; to be let go, launched; let fall; give up; hand over to; send away; let go, loose, set free; release from; acquit of; acquit; released; let go, dissolve, disband; dismiss; put away, divorce; break off; disown; releasing; dedicate;
ἀφῆκέν ἀφήκω finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἀπό:ἡκ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἀφήκω arrive at or have arrived; is a case; depart
με ἐγώ pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
με ἐγώ pronoun fem., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
μόνον μόνος adjective neut., voc., sing. stem: μον; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
μόνος alone, solitary; bereft of; without; only; single; alone; and no other; unique; one above all others; made in one piece; on one condition only; in one way only; in a unique manner; alone, only; all but, well nigh
μόνον μόνος adjective masc., acc., sing. stem: μον; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
μόνος alone, solitary; bereft of; without; only; single; alone; and no other; unique; one above all others; made in one piece; on one condition only; in one way only; in a unique manner; alone, only; all but, well nigh
μόνον μόνος adjective neut., nom., sing. stem: μον; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
μόνος alone, solitary; bereft of; without; only; single; alone; and no other; unique; one above all others; made in one piece; on one condition only; in one way only; in a unique manner; alone, only; all but, well nigh
μόνον μόνος adjective neut., acc., sing. stem: μον; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
μόνος alone, solitary; bereft of; without; only; single; alone; and no other; unique; one above all others; made in one piece; on one condition only; in one way only; in a unique manner; alone, only; all but, well nigh
ὅτι ὅτι2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὅτι; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅτι1 adverb pos. degree stem: ὅτι; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
τά τίς pronoun neut., nom., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τά τίς pronoun neut., acc., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τά τίς pronoun neut., voc., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τά article neut., nom., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τά article fem., nom., dl. stem: τᾱ ́; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τά article neut., acc., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τά article fem., acc., dl. stem: τᾱ ́; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τά article fem., voc., dl. stem: τᾱ ́; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τά article neut., voc., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἀρεστά ἀρεστής noun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἀρεστ; stemtype: hs_ou; suff: α; decl: 1st.
ἀρεστ-ής ἀρεστής
ἀρεστά ἀρεστής noun masc., voc., dl. stem: ἀρεστ; stemtype: hs_ou; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st.
ἀρεστ-ής ἀρεστής
ἀρεστά ἀρεστής noun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἀρεστ; stemtype: hs_ou; suff: α; dial: epic; decl: 1st.
ἀρεστ-ής ἀρεστής
ἀρεστά ἀρεστής noun masc., nom., dl. stem: ἀρεστ; stemtype: hs_ou; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st.
ἀρεστ-ής ἀρεστής
ἀρεστά ἀρεστής noun masc., acc., dl. stem: ἀρεστ; stemtype: hs_ou; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st.
ἀρεστ-ής ἀρεστής
ἀρεστά ἀρεστός adjective fem., nom., dl. stem: ἀρεστ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἀρεστός acceptable, pleasing; sufficient; satisfactory; acceptable, approved; quite to; satisfaction
ἀρεστά ἀρεστός adjective neut., voc., pl. stem: ἀρεστ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: α; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἀρεστός acceptable, pleasing; sufficient; satisfactory; acceptable, approved; quite to; satisfaction
ἀρεστά ἀρεστός adjective neut., nom., pl. stem: ἀρεστ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: α; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἀρεστός acceptable, pleasing; sufficient; satisfactory; acceptable, approved; quite to; satisfaction
ἀρεστά ἀρεστός adjective fem., voc., sing. stem: ἀρεστ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἀρεστός acceptable, pleasing; sufficient; satisfactory; acceptable, approved; quite to; satisfaction
ἀρεστά ἀρεστός adjective neut., acc., pl. stem: ἀρεστ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: α; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἀρεστός acceptable, pleasing; sufficient; satisfactory; acceptable, approved; quite to; satisfaction
ἀρεστά ἀρεστός adjective fem., nom., sing. stem: ἀρεστ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἀρεστός acceptable, pleasing; sufficient; satisfactory; acceptable, approved; quite to; satisfaction
ἀρεστά ἀρεστός adjective fem., voc., dl. stem: ἀρεστ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἀρεστός acceptable, pleasing; sufficient; satisfactory; acceptable, approved; quite to; satisfaction
ἀρεστά ἀρεστός adjective fem., acc., dl. stem: ἀρεστ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἀρεστός acceptable, pleasing; sufficient; satisfactory; acceptable, approved; quite to; satisfaction
αὐτῷ αὐτός pronoun masc., dat., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ῳ.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτῷ αὐτός pronoun neut., dat., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ῳ.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
ποιῶ ποιόω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: ποι; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ῶ; morph: contr; derivtype: ow_denom.
ποιόω make of a certain quality; to be endowed with quality
ποιῶ ποιέω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ποι; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
ποιέω make; do.; make, produce; made; to be made with..; are made; make for oneself; build them; have; made, get; create, bring into existence; the creator; beget; conceive; produce; grow; let it be contrived; postulate, imply; effect a solution of; fulfil, satisfy; compose, write; write poetry, write as a poet; represent in poetry; having represented; describe in verse; put; into verse; invent; bring a
ποιῶ ποιέω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: ποι; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
ποιέω make; do.; make, produce; made; to be made with..; are made; make for oneself; build them; have; made, get; create, bring into existence; the creator; beget; conceive; produce; grow; let it be contrived; postulate, imply; effect a solution of; fulfil, satisfy; compose, write; write poetry, write as a poet; represent in poetry; having represented; describe in verse; put; into verse; invent; bring a
ποιῶ ποιόω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ποι; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ῶ; morph: contr; derivtype: ow_denom.
ποιόω make of a certain quality; to be endowed with quality
ποιῶ ποιός adjective masc., gen., sing. stem: ποι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ποιός of a certain nature, kind; quality; such-and-such
ποιῶ ποιός adjective neut., gen., sing. stem: ποι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ποιός of a certain nature, kind; quality; such-and-such
πάντοτε πάντοτε adverb pos. degree stem: πάντοτε; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
πάντοτε always
ταῦτα οὗτος pronoun neut., voc., pl. stem: ταῦτα; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
ταῦτα οὗτος pronoun neut., nom., pl. stem: ταῦτα; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
ταῦτα οὗτος pronoun neut., acc., pl. stem: ταῦτα; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
αὐτοῦ αὐτός pronoun neut., gen., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ου.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτοῦ αὐτός pronoun masc., gen., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ου.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτοῦ αὐτοῦ adverb pos. degree stem: αὐτοῦ; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
αὐτοῦ just there; just here; there!; here in; there; very; exactly
λαλοῦντος λαλέω participle pres. act. participle, masc. gen. sing. stem: λαλ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦντος; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
λᾰλ-έω talk, chat, prattle; talk to; talk, speak; talk of; speak; it shall be told; chatter; chirp; sound
λαλοῦντος λαλέω participle pres. act. participle, neut. gen. sing. stem: λαλ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦντος; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
λᾰλ-έω talk, chat, prattle; talk to; talk, speak; talk of; speak; it shall be told; chatter; chirp; sound
πολλοί πολύς adjective masc., voc., pl. stem: πολλ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: οι; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πολύς many; often; frequent; much, mighty; loud; strong; much; great; great, mighty; with full stream; with might; force; all; often mentioned; magni facere; high price; worth much, of great conscquence; large, wide; outstretched wide; far; long; quite; late; numbers; greater number; prevailing; far the most; Aër.; people; commonalty; plebs; of; multitude; vulgus; ordinary man; moyen; average; the best
πολλοί πολύς adjective masc., nom., pl. stem: πολλ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: οι; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πολύς many; often; frequent; much, mighty; loud; strong; much; great; great, mighty; with full stream; with might; force; all; often mentioned; magni facere; high price; worth much, of great conscquence; large, wide; outstretched wide; far; long; quite; late; numbers; greater number; prevailing; far the most; Aër.; people; commonalty; plebs; of; multitude; vulgus; ordinary man; moyen; average; the best
ἐπίστευσαν πιστεύω finite verb 3rd pl., aor. act. indic. stem: ἐ:πιστευς; stemtype: aor1; suff: αν; derivtype: euw.
πιστ-εύω trust, put faith in, rely on; believe; to believe; entertain a confident; to be trusted; believed; enjoy; confidence; he would be believed; were believed; were believed to possess; comply; believe that, feel confident that; believed sure to; he trusted; have faith; entrust; have entrusted to one; Berichte der russ. Akad. fuür Gesch. der materiellen Kultur; to be entrusted with; have; committed
εἰς εἰς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: εἰς; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰς into; to; into the territory of; in; before; facing; rest in; there; upon; for; up to, until; till; towards; near; up to; against; until; within; throughout; at; on; with; as far as; as much as; so far as; to the number of; deep; abreast; thrice; about; by; towards, in regard to; in regard to; in respect of; to cause; pertinent, to the purpose
αὐτόν αὐτός pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ον.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
Ἔλεγεν λέγω1 finite verb 3rd pl., aor. pass. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: aor2_pass; suff: εν; dial: epic.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
Ἔλεγεν λέγω3 finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
Ἔλεγεν λέγω1 finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
Ἔλεγεν λέγω2 finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
οὖν οὖν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: οὖν; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
οὖν certainly, in fact; really; very; at all events; did; at least; I grant you; when once; as soon as; actually; neither.. nor; even; just; in fact; cunque; whoever; whosoever; how; howsoever; be he who he may; so, then; then; well, as I was saying; then, therefore; therefore
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
πρός πρός indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: πρός; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
πρός on the side of, in the direction of; from, at, to; práti; protivǔ; pret; pretium; from; on the side of, towards; towards; on the frontier towards; on the; side; ward side; before, in presence of; in the eyes of; in the sight of; before; in the name of; in; name; from, on the side of; by; line; proceeding from; from, at the hand of; by..; at the hand of; at; hands; by reason of..; dependent on; und
τούς article masc., acc., pl. stem: τούς; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
πεπιστευκότας πιστεύω participle perf. act. participle, masc. acc. pl. stem: πεπιστευκ; stemtype: perf_act; suff: ότας; morph: redupl; derivtype: euw.
πιστ-εύω trust, put faith in, rely on; believe; to believe; entertain a confident; to be trusted; believed; enjoy; confidence; he would be believed; were believed; were believed to possess; comply; believe that, feel confident that; believed sure to; he trusted; have faith; entrust; have entrusted to one; Berichte der russ. Akad. fuür Gesch. der materiellen Kultur; to be entrusted with; have; committed
αὐτῷ αὐτός pronoun masc., dat., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ῳ.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτῷ αὐτός pronoun neut., dat., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ῳ.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
Ἐάν ἐάν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐᾱ ́ν; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ἐάν if haply, if; soever
ὑμεῖς σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμεῖς; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: nominative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
μείνητε μένω finite verb 2nd pl., aor. act. subj. stem: μειν; stemtype: aor1; suff: ητε.
μένω stay, wait; stand fast; stay at home, stay where one is; lodge, stay; stay away, be absent; to be a shirker; stay, tarry; loiter, be idle; to be lasting, remain, stand; is fixed; having no proper motion; are stable, permanent; remain; remain as one was; stand, hold good; remain contented; be content with; keep good; abide; observes; it remains; await, expect; await; bide; awaits; wait for; wait; f
ἐν εἰς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰς into; to; into the territory of; in; before; facing; rest in; there; upon; for; up to, until; till; towards; near; up to; against; until; within; throughout; at; on; with; as far as; as much as; so far as; to the number of; deep; abreast; thrice; about; by; towards, in regard to; in regard to; in respect of; to cause; pertinent, to the purpose
ἐν ἐν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐν in, into.; in; in the district of; at the school of; in, within, surrounded by; under; equipped with; on, at; by; on; at; in the number of, amongst; in the presence of; in oneʼs hands, within oneʼs reach; power; with; in the eyes of; in respect of; in point of; towards; into; motion to; position in; fell; coming; going; from; in the form of; as; in the practice of; before; during the time; in the
τῷ τίς lang: grc; stem: τῷ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τῷ τις lang: grc; stem: τῷ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic epic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τῷ article neut., dat., sing. stem: τῷ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῷ article masc., dat., sing. stem: τῷ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῷ τῷ adverb pos. degree stem: τῷ; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
τῷ therefore, in this wise, then; who?; some one.
λόγῳ λόγος noun masc., dat., sing. stem: λογ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ῳ; decl: 2nd.
λόγος computation, reckoning; account; accounts; audit; public accounts; treasury; treasurer; fiscus; aerarium; account, reckoning; all; accounting; way; measure, tale; point; tale; measure; sum, total; patrimonii modus; esteem, consideration, value; worth; account, repute; esteemed; rationem habere alicujus; value; reputation; regard; reckoned, count; reckoned; relation, correspondence, proportion; rel
τῷ τίς lang: grc; stem: τῷ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τῷ τις lang: grc; stem: τῷ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic epic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τῷ article neut., dat., sing. stem: τῷ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῷ article masc., dat., sing. stem: τῷ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῷ τῷ adverb pos. degree stem: τῷ; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
τῷ therefore, in this wise, then; who?; some one.
ἐμῷ ἐμός adjective neut., dat., sing. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ῳ; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
ἐμῷ ἐμός adjective masc., dat., sing. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ῳ; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
ἀληθῶς ἀληθής adverb pos. degree stem: ἀληθ; stemtype: hs_es; suff: ῶς; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
ἀληθ-ής unconcealed; true, real; false, apparent; truthful, honest; in vino veritas; true, unerring; genuine; realizing itself, coming to fulfilment; truly; actually, in reality; in the true way, really; indeed? really?; not forgetting, careful; honest
μαθηταί μαθητής noun masc., nom., pl. stem: μαθητ; stemtype: hs_ou; suff: αι; decl: 1st.
μᾰθητ-ής learner, pupil; pupils; studento; student; apprentice
μαθηταί μαθητής noun masc., voc., pl. stem: μαθητ; stemtype: hs_ou; suff: αι; decl: 1st.
μᾰθητ-ής learner, pupil; pupils; studento; student; apprentice
μαθηταί μαθητός adjective fem., nom., pl. stem: μαθητ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: αι; decl: 1st & 2nd.
μᾰθητ-ός learnt, that may be learnt; by
μαθηταί μαθητός adjective fem., voc., pl. stem: μαθητ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: αι; decl: 1st & 2nd.
μᾰθητ-ός learnt, that may be learnt; by
μού ἐγώ pronoun masc., gen., sing. stem: μού; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
μού ἐγώ pronoun fem., gen., sing. stem: μού; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐστε εἰμί finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐστε; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
γνώσεσθε γιγνώσκω finite verb 2nd pl., fut. mid. indic. stem: γνως; stemtype: reg_fut; suff: εσθε; derivtype: o_stem.
γιγνώσκω come to know, perceive; know; know by reflection; know by observation; perceive; discern, distinguish, recognize; learn; were aware of; perceived; felt that; was; he was aware of; recognize; take; to mean; the perceiver; the objects perceived; one who knows, a prudent person; it were known of them; form a judgement, think; see; I understand; you are right; tenes; judge, determine, decree that; det
τήν article fem., acc., sing. stem: τήν; stemtype: article; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἀλήθειαν ἀλήθεια noun fem., acc., sing. stem: ἀληθει; stemtype: a_hs; suff: αν; decl: 1st.
ἀλήθ-εια truth; lie; mere appearance; a lie; in vino veritas’; true; truth, reality; appearance; in very truth; in truth and reality; for the sake of truth; according to truth and nature; real war; exercise; parade; true event, realization; truthfulness, sincerity; symbol of truth, jewel
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
article fem., nom., sing. stem: ἡ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
article fem., voc., sing. stem: ἡ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἀλήθεια ἀλήθεια noun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἀληθει; stemtype: a_hs; suff: α; decl: 1st.
ἀλήθ-εια truth; lie; mere appearance; a lie; in vino veritas’; true; truth, reality; appearance; in very truth; in truth and reality; for the sake of truth; according to truth and nature; real war; exercise; parade; true event, realization; truthfulness, sincerity; symbol of truth, jewel
ἀλήθεια ἀλήθεια noun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἀληθει; stemtype: a_hs; suff: α; decl: 1st.
ἀλήθ-εια truth; lie; mere appearance; a lie; in vino veritas’; true; truth, reality; appearance; in very truth; in truth and reality; for the sake of truth; according to truth and nature; real war; exercise; parade; true event, realization; truthfulness, sincerity; symbol of truth, jewel
ἐλευθερώσει ἐλευθερόω finite verb 3rd sing., fut. act. indic. stem: ἐλευθερως; stemtype: reg_fut; suff: ει; derivtype: ow_denom.
ἐλευθερ-όω set free; set; free, clear; release; keeps; free; free from blame, acquit; to be set free; indulge in licence; set free, release from
ἐλευθερώσει ἐλευθερόω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. subj. stem: ἐλευθερως; stemtype: aor1; suff: ει; dial: epic; morph: short_subj; derivtype: ow_denom.
ἐλευθερ-όω set free; set; free, clear; release; keeps; free; free from blame, acquit; to be set free; indulge in licence; set free, release from
ἐλευθερώσει ἐλευθερόω finite verb 2nd sing., fut. mid. indic. stem: ἐλευθερως; stemtype: reg_fut; suff: ει; derivtype: ow_denom.
ἐλευθερ-όω set free; set; free, clear; release; keeps; free; free from blame, acquit; to be set free; indulge in licence; set free, release from
ἐλευθερώσει ἐλευθέρωσις noun fem., voc., dl. stem: ἐλευθερως; stemtype: is_ews; suff: ει; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
ἐλευθέρ-ωσις liberation; licence
ἐλευθερώσει ἐλευθέρωσις noun fem., acc., dl. stem: ἐλευθερως; stemtype: is_ews; suff: ει; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
ἐλευθέρ-ωσις liberation; licence
ἐλευθερώσει ἐλευθέρωσις noun fem., nom., dl. stem: ἐλευθερως; stemtype: is_ews; suff: ει; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
ἐλευθέρ-ωσις liberation; licence
ἐλευθερώσει ἐλευθέρωσις noun fem., dat., sing. stem: ἐλευθερως; stemtype: is_ews; suff: ει; dial: Attic Ionic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
ἐλευθέρ-ωσις liberation; licence
ἐλευθερώσει ἐλευθέρωσις noun fem., dat., sing. stem: ἐλευθερως; stemtype: is_ews; suff: εϊ; dial: epic; decl: 3rd.
ἐλευθέρ-ωσις liberation; licence
ὑμᾶς σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμᾶς; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: accusative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
ὑμᾶς ὑμός adjective fem., gen., sing. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱς; dial: epic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ἀπεκρίθησαν ἀποκρίνω finite verb 3rd pl., aor. pass. indic. stem: ἀπό:ἐ:κρι^θ; stemtype: aor_pass; suff: ησαν; derivtype: inw.
ἀποκρίνω set apart; to be parted or separated; parted from the throng; to be separated and brought; separated; to be distinctly formed; secretions; determined; ended; alone; are voided; mark by a distinctive form, distinguish; specific; choose; choose from..; having set apart; decreed; exclude; reject on examination; decide; has lost; against; give answer to, reply to; to; to answer; let; be; answer; answe
πρός πρός indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: πρός; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
πρός on the side of, in the direction of; from, at, to; práti; protivǔ; pret; pretium; from; on the side of, towards; towards; on the frontier towards; on the; side; ward side; before, in presence of; in the eyes of; in the sight of; before; in the name of; in; name; from, on the side of; by; line; proceeding from; from, at the hand of; by..; at the hand of; at; hands; by reason of..; dependent on; und
αὐτόν αὐτός pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ον.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
Σπέρμα σπέρμα noun neut., nom., sing. stem: σπερ; stemtype: ma_matos; suff: μα; decl: 3rd.
σπέρμ-α seed; the products; germ, origin; elements; seed-time, sowing; seed, semen; by; of; race, origin, descent; seed, offspring
Σπέρμα σπέρμα noun neut., acc., sing. stem: σπερ; stemtype: ma_matos; suff: μα; decl: 3rd.
σπέρμ-α seed; the products; germ, origin; elements; seed-time, sowing; seed, semen; by; of; race, origin, descent; seed, offspring
Σπέρμα σπέρμα noun neut., voc., sing. stem: σπερ; stemtype: ma_matos; suff: μα; decl: 3rd.
σπέρμ-α seed; the products; germ, origin; elements; seed-time, sowing; seed, semen; by; of; race, origin, descent; seed, offspring
ἐσμεν εἰμί finite verb 1st pl., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐσμεν; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
οὐδενί οὐδείς lang: grc; stem: οὐδενί; stemtype: pron_adj3; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: indeclform.
οὐδείς not one; no one, none; no set; every one; every; nothing; naught, good for naught; naught; nobodies; naught, zero; not at all, naught; nothing, never mind, no matter; not at all; not even one; none whatever
δεδουλεύκαμεν δουλεύω finite verb 1st pl., perf. act. indic. stem: δεδουλευκ; stemtype: perf_act; suff: αμεν; morph: redupl; derivtype: euw.
δουλ-εύω to be a slave; serve, be subject; make oneself a slave; accommodate oneself; render a service
πώποτε πώποτε adverb pos. degree stem: πώποτε; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
πώποτε ever yet
πῶς πῶς lang: grc; stem: πῶς; stemtype: interrog; partOfSpeech: noun; morph: indeclform; decl: 3rd.
πῶς how?; how so; how; how? at what price?; how possibly..?; O how; would that; how then?; that cannot be; for how can..?; how in the world?; just how..?; but how? impossible!; how not so..?; surely it is so..; how ever..?; for how is it possible? how can; could it be?; how can it but be?; it must be so; how so?; wonderfully
πῶς how?; how so; how; how? at what price?; how possibly..?; O how; would that; how then?; that cannot be; for how can..?; how in the world?; just how..?; but how? impossible!; how not so..?; surely it is so..; how ever..?; for how is it possible? how can; could it be?; how can it but be?; it must be so; how so?; wonderfully
πῶς πως indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: πῶς; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: enclitic indeclform.
πως in any way, at all, by any means; somehow; in some; way; I suppose; in a certain way; in one way.., in another..; qṷo-
πῶς πῶς2 adverb pos. degree stem: πῶς; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
πῶς how?; how so; how; how? at what price?; how possibly..?; O how; would that; how then?; that cannot be; for how can..?; how in the world?; just how..?; but how? impossible!; how not so..?; surely it is so..; how ever..?; for how is it possible? how can; could it be?; how can it but be?; it must be so; how so?; wonderfully
πῶς how?; how so; how; how? at what price?; how possibly..?; O how; would that; how then?; that cannot be; for how can..?; how in the world?; just how..?; but how? impossible!; how not so..?; surely it is so..; how ever..?; for how is it possible? how can; could it be?; how can it but be?; it must be so; how so?; wonderfully
σύ σύ lang: grc; stem: σύ; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: singular; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: nominative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
λέγεις λέγω2 finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εις; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγεις λέγω3 finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εις; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγεις λέγω1 finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εις; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ὅτι ὅτι2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὅτι; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅτι1 adverb pos. degree stem: ὅτι; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
Ἐλεύθεροι ἐλεύθερος adjective masc., nom., pl. stem: ἐλευθερ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: οι; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐλεύθερος free; of freedom; freedom; to freedom; freed from; independent; married woman; wife; freedwoman; free, open to all; libera custodia; unencumbered; legally permissible, open to; fit for a freeman, free, frank; such as might be used to a freeman; like free men; līber; loufero; e)leudh-ero; liud; liut
Ἐλεύθεροι ἐλεύθερος adjective masc., nom., pl. stem: ἐλευθερ; stemtype: os_on; suff: οι; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐλεύθερος free; of freedom; freedom; to freedom; freed from; independent; married woman; wife; freedwoman; free, open to all; libera custodia; unencumbered; legally permissible, open to; fit for a freeman, free, frank; such as might be used to a freeman; like free men; līber; loufero; e)leudh-ero; liud; liut
Ἐλεύθεροι ἐλεύθερος adjective fem., voc., pl. stem: ἐλευθερ; stemtype: os_on; suff: οι; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐλεύθερος free; of freedom; freedom; to freedom; freed from; independent; married woman; wife; freedwoman; free, open to all; libera custodia; unencumbered; legally permissible, open to; fit for a freeman, free, frank; such as might be used to a freeman; like free men; līber; loufero; e)leudh-ero; liud; liut
Ἐλεύθεροι ἐλεύθερος adjective masc., voc., pl. stem: ἐλευθερ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: οι; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐλεύθερος free; of freedom; freedom; to freedom; freed from; independent; married woman; wife; freedwoman; free, open to all; libera custodia; unencumbered; legally permissible, open to; fit for a freeman, free, frank; such as might be used to a freeman; like free men; līber; loufero; e)leudh-ero; liud; liut
Ἐλεύθεροι ἐλεύθερος adjective masc., voc., pl. stem: ἐλευθερ; stemtype: os_on; suff: οι; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐλεύθερος free; of freedom; freedom; to freedom; freed from; independent; married woman; wife; freedwoman; free, open to all; libera custodia; unencumbered; legally permissible, open to; fit for a freeman, free, frank; such as might be used to a freeman; like free men; līber; loufero; e)leudh-ero; liud; liut
Ἐλεύθεροι ἐλεύθερος adjective fem., nom., pl. stem: ἐλευθερ; stemtype: os_on; suff: οι; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐλεύθερος free; of freedom; freedom; to freedom; freed from; independent; married woman; wife; freedwoman; free, open to all; libera custodia; unencumbered; legally permissible, open to; fit for a freeman, free, frank; such as might be used to a freeman; like free men; līber; loufero; e)leudh-ero; liud; liut
γενήσεσθε γίγνομαι finite verb 2nd pl., fut. mid. indic. stem: γενης; stemtype: reg_fut; suff: εσθε; derivtype: e_stem.
γίγνομαι come into a new state of being; come into being; to be born; born; living; at our birth; to have been born; those of an age; to be produced; were the produce of; were worth; produced by; total; amount to; products; multiplied; elapse; falldue; dues; regular, normal; usual number; take place, come to pass; to be; are held; is passed; are given; taken; God forbid; Amen; suppose it done; it is done;
Ἀπεκρίθη ἀποκρίνω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. pass. indic. stem: ἀπό:ἐ:κρι^θ; stemtype: aor_pass; suff: η; derivtype: inw.
ἀποκρίνω set apart; to be parted or separated; parted from the throng; to be separated and brought; separated; to be distinctly formed; secretions; determined; ended; alone; are voided; mark by a distinctive form, distinguish; specific; choose; choose from..; having set apart; decreed; exclude; reject on examination; decide; has lost; against; give answer to, reply to; to; to answer; let; be; answer; answe
αὐτοῖς αὐτός pronoun neut., dat., pl. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: οις.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτοῖς αὐτός pronoun masc., dat., pl. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: οις.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
Ἀμήν ἀμήν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἀμήν; stemtype: exclam; partOfSpeech: exclamation; morph: indeclform.
ἀμήν verily, of a truth, so be it
Ἀμήν ἁμός1 adjective fem., acc., sing. stem: ᾱʼμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ην; dial: Attic epic Ionic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἁμός ἁμός
ἁμός sṃ-; sums (some one), suman (sometime, once).
Ἀμήν ἡμός adjective fem., acc., sing. stem: ἀμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ην; dial: Attic epic Ionic Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἀμήν ἀμήν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἀμήν; stemtype: exclam; partOfSpeech: exclamation; morph: indeclform.
ἀμήν verily, of a truth, so be it
ἀμήν ἡμός adjective fem., acc., sing. stem: ἀμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ην; dial: Attic epic Ionic Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἀμήν ἁμός1 adjective fem., acc., sing. stem: ᾱʼμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ην; dial: Attic epic Ionic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἁμός ἁμός
ἁμός sṃ-; sums (some one), suman (sometime, once).
λέγω λέγω1 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγω3 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγω1 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγω2 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγω2 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγω3 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγος adjective neut., acc., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective masc., gen., sing. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective neut., nom., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective neut., gen., sing. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective masc., nom., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective masc., acc., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective masc., voc., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective neut., voc., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
ὑμῖν σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμῖν; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
ὅτι ὅτι2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὅτι; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅτι1 adverb pos. degree stem: ὅτι; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
πᾶς πᾶς adjective masc., nom., sing. stem: πᾶς; stemtype: irreg_adj3; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr indeclform; decl: 3rd.
πᾶς all; the whole; every.; all the; consisting; composed wholly of; nothing but, only; all, the whole; sovereign; whole; wide; quite; nought but; every; every single; any one; any; anything; all his; absolutely all; in all points; all of them; the community; all things; integral sum; full; of all kinds; in all; with; in the judgement of all; unanimously; all kinds of things; everything; all in all; i
πᾶς πᾶς
πᾶς πᾶς
πᾶς πᾶς adjective masc., voc., sing. stem: πᾶς; stemtype: irreg_adj3; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr indeclform; decl: 3rd.
πᾶς all; the whole; every.; all the; consisting; composed wholly of; nothing but, only; all, the whole; sovereign; whole; wide; quite; nought but; every; every single; any one; any; anything; all his; absolutely all; in all points; all of them; the community; all things; integral sum; full; of all kinds; in all; with; in the judgement of all; unanimously; all kinds of things; everything; all in all; i
πᾶς πᾶς
πᾶς πᾶς
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ποιῶν πόα noun fem., gen., pl. stem: ποι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ῶν; dial: Doric Ionic; decl: 1st.
πόα grass; herb; herbaceous plants; herbs; lye; plant; the grass; a grassy place; meadow; hay-harvest; summer; summers; pieva
ποιῶν ποιός adjective masc., gen., pl. stem: ποι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ποιός of a certain nature, kind; quality; such-and-such
ποιῶν ποιός adjective neut., gen., pl. stem: ποι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ποιός of a certain nature, kind; quality; such-and-such
ποιῶν ποιός adjective fem., gen., pl. stem: ποι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ποιός of a certain nature, kind; quality; such-and-such
ποιῶν ποιόω infinitive pres. act. stem: ποι; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ῶν; dial: Doric; derivtype: ow_denom.
ποιόω make of a certain quality; to be endowed with quality
ποιῶν ποιόω participle pres. act. participle, masc. voc. sing. stem: ποι; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ῶν; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: contr; derivtype: ow_denom.
ποιόω make of a certain quality; to be endowed with quality
ποιῶν ποιόω participle pres. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: ποι; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ῶν; morph: contr; derivtype: ow_denom.
ποιόω make of a certain quality; to be endowed with quality
ποιῶν ποιόω participle pres. act. participle, neut. acc. sing. stem: ποι; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ῶν; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: contr; derivtype: ow_denom.
ποιόω make of a certain quality; to be endowed with quality
ποιῶν ποιόω participle pres. act. participle, neut. voc. sing. stem: ποι; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ῶν; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: contr; derivtype: ow_denom.
ποιόω make of a certain quality; to be endowed with quality
ποιῶν ποιόω participle pres. act. participle, neut. nom. sing. stem: ποι; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ῶν; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: contr; derivtype: ow_denom.
ποιόω make of a certain quality; to be endowed with quality
ποιῶν ποιέω participle pres. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: ποι; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶν; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
ποιέω make; do.; make, produce; made; to be made with..; are made; make for oneself; build them; have; made, get; create, bring into existence; the creator; beget; conceive; produce; grow; let it be contrived; postulate, imply; effect a solution of; fulfil, satisfy; compose, write; write poetry, write as a poet; represent in poetry; having represented; describe in verse; put; into verse; invent; bring a
τήν article fem., acc., sing. stem: τήν; stemtype: article; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἁμαρτίαν ἁμαρτία noun fem., acc., sing. stem: ἁμαρτι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱν; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st.
ἁμαρτ-ία a failure, fault; error; guilt, sin
δοῦλός δοῦλος noun masc., nom., sing. stem: δουλ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ος; decl: 2nd.
δοῦλος born bondman; slave; one made a slave; bondman, slave; bondwoman; slaves to; slavish, servile, subject; more enslaved; slavery, a slavish life; ancillary
δοῦλος δοῦλος
δοῦλός δοῦλος adjective masc., nom., sing. stem: δουλ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ος; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δοῦλος born bondman; slave; one made a slave; bondman, slave; bondwoman; slaves to; slavish, servile, subject; more enslaved; slavery, a slavish life; ancillary
δοῦλος δοῦλος
ἐστιν εἰμί finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐστιν; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic nu_movable.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
τῆς article fem., gen., sing. stem: τῆς; stemtype: article; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἁμαρτίας ἁμαρτία noun fem., gen., sing. stem: ἁμαρτι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱς; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st.
ἁμαρτ-ία a failure, fault; error; guilt, sin
ἁμαρτίας ἁμαρτία noun fem., acc., pl. stem: ἁμαρτι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱς; decl: 1st.
ἁμαρτ-ία a failure, fault; error; guilt, sin
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
δέ δέ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: δέ; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
δέ but; nay; then; well
δοῦλος δοῦλος noun masc., nom., sing. stem: δουλ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ος; decl: 2nd.
δοῦλος born bondman; slave; one made a slave; bondman, slave; bondwoman; slaves to; slavish, servile, subject; more enslaved; slavery, a slavish life; ancillary
δοῦλος δοῦλος
δοῦλος δοῦλος adjective masc., nom., sing. stem: δουλ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ος; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δοῦλος born bondman; slave; one made a slave; bondman, slave; bondwoman; slaves to; slavish, servile, subject; more enslaved; slavery, a slavish life; ancillary
δοῦλος δοῦλος
οὐ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
μένει μένω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. indic. stem: μεν; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ει.
μένω stay, wait; stand fast; stay at home, stay where one is; lodge, stay; stay away, be absent; to be a shirker; stay, tarry; loiter, be idle; to be lasting, remain, stand; is fixed; having no proper motion; are stable, permanent; remain; remain as one was; stand, hold good; remain contented; be content with; keep good; abide; observes; it remains; await, expect; await; bide; awaits; wait for; wait; f
μένει μένω finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: μεν; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ει.
μένω stay, wait; stand fast; stay at home, stay where one is; lodge, stay; stay away, be absent; to be a shirker; stay, tarry; loiter, be idle; to be lasting, remain, stand; is fixed; having no proper motion; are stable, permanent; remain; remain as one was; stand, hold good; remain contented; be content with; keep good; abide; observes; it remains; await, expect; await; bide; awaits; wait for; wait; f
μένει μένος noun neut., nom., dl. stem: μεν; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: ει; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
μένος might, force; strength, fierceness; spirit; force, might; life; life-blood; spirit, passion; battlerage; spiritual exaltation; intent, purpose; bent; intents; temper, disposition; Antinous; mánas
μένει μένος noun neut., dat., sing. stem: μεν; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: εϊ; dial: epic Ionic; decl: 3rd.
μένος might, force; strength, fierceness; spirit; force, might; life; life-blood; spirit, passion; battlerage; spiritual exaltation; intent, purpose; bent; intents; temper, disposition; Antinous; mánas
μένει μένος noun neut., dat., sing. stem: μεν; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: ει; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
μένος might, force; strength, fierceness; spirit; force, might; life; life-blood; spirit, passion; battlerage; spiritual exaltation; intent, purpose; bent; intents; temper, disposition; Antinous; mánas
μένει μένος noun neut., acc., dl. stem: μεν; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: ει; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
μένος might, force; strength, fierceness; spirit; force, might; life; life-blood; spirit, passion; battlerage; spiritual exaltation; intent, purpose; bent; intents; temper, disposition; Antinous; mánas
μένει μένος noun neut., voc., dl. stem: μεν; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: ει; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
μένος might, force; strength, fierceness; spirit; force, might; life; life-blood; spirit, passion; battlerage; spiritual exaltation; intent, purpose; bent; intents; temper, disposition; Antinous; mánas
ἐν εἰς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰς into; to; into the territory of; in; before; facing; rest in; there; upon; for; up to, until; till; towards; near; up to; against; until; within; throughout; at; on; with; as far as; as much as; so far as; to the number of; deep; abreast; thrice; about; by; towards, in regard to; in regard to; in respect of; to cause; pertinent, to the purpose
ἐν ἐν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐν in, into.; in; in the district of; at the school of; in, within, surrounded by; under; equipped with; on, at; by; on; at; in the number of, amongst; in the presence of; in oneʼs hands, within oneʼs reach; power; with; in the eyes of; in respect of; in point of; towards; into; motion to; position in; fell; coming; going; from; in the form of; as; in the practice of; before; during the time; in the
τῇ article fem., dat., sing. stem: τῇ; stemtype: article; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῇ τῇ adverb pos. degree stem: τῇ; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
τῇ here, there
οἰκίᾳ οἰκία noun fem., voc., pl. stem: οἰκι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: αι; decl: 1st.
οἰκί-α building, house, dwelling; home; house; set of apartments; room; property; estate; dwelling-house; oneʼs own apartments; those let out to lodgers; household, domestic establishment; establishments; the household; inmates of the house; family from which one is descended; school
οἰκίᾳ οἰκία noun fem., nom., pl. stem: οἰκι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: αι; decl: 1st.
οἰκί-α building, house, dwelling; home; house; set of apartments; room; property; estate; dwelling-house; oneʼs own apartments; those let out to lodgers; household, domestic establishment; establishments; the household; inmates of the house; family from which one is descended; school
οἰκίᾳ οἰκία noun fem., dat., sing. stem: οἰκι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ|; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st.
οἰκί-α building, house, dwelling; home; house; set of apartments; room; property; estate; dwelling-house; oneʼs own apartments; those let out to lodgers; household, domestic establishment; establishments; the household; inmates of the house; family from which one is descended; school
εἰς εἰς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: εἰς; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰς into; to; into the territory of; in; before; facing; rest in; there; upon; for; up to, until; till; towards; near; up to; against; until; within; throughout; at; on; with; as far as; as much as; so far as; to the number of; deep; abreast; thrice; about; by; towards, in regard to; in regard to; in respect of; to cause; pertinent, to the purpose
τόν article masc., acc., sing. stem: τόν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
αἰῶνα αἰών noun masc., acc., sing. stem: αἰω; stemtype: n_nos; suff: να; morph: poetic; decl: 3rd.
αἰών aevum; period of existence; lifetime, life; the Aeacidae; age, generation; posterity; oneʼs life, destiny, lot; long space of time, age; an age; of old; perpetually; all oneʼs life long; for ever; eternity; space of time; epoch, age; world; 1 Ep.Tim.; 2 Ep.Tim.; the ages; spinal marrow; life), h.Merc
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
υἱός υἱός noun masc., nom., sing. stem: υἱ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ος; decl: 2nd.
υἱός hυιhυς; Vasen mit Meister-signaturen; ṛ; pitṛṣu; son; a son; sons; child; hostages; A, B; men; man; inheritors of the nature; participants in the glory; Divi; Caesaris; filius; sū-yú-s; sūte; se; soyä; sū-nu-s; sūnūs; sǔ-nu-s; sunu; sūyú-; sǔwyú-; suiwú-;
μένει μένω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. indic. stem: μεν; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ει.
μένω stay, wait; stand fast; stay at home, stay where one is; lodge, stay; stay away, be absent; to be a shirker; stay, tarry; loiter, be idle; to be lasting, remain, stand; is fixed; having no proper motion; are stable, permanent; remain; remain as one was; stand, hold good; remain contented; be content with; keep good; abide; observes; it remains; await, expect; await; bide; awaits; wait for; wait; f
μένει μένω finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: μεν; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ει.
μένω stay, wait; stand fast; stay at home, stay where one is; lodge, stay; stay away, be absent; to be a shirker; stay, tarry; loiter, be idle; to be lasting, remain, stand; is fixed; having no proper motion; are stable, permanent; remain; remain as one was; stand, hold good; remain contented; be content with; keep good; abide; observes; it remains; await, expect; await; bide; awaits; wait for; wait; f
μένει μένος noun neut., nom., dl. stem: μεν; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: ει; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
μένος might, force; strength, fierceness; spirit; force, might; life; life-blood; spirit, passion; battlerage; spiritual exaltation; intent, purpose; bent; intents; temper, disposition; Antinous; mánas
μένει μένος noun neut., dat., sing. stem: μεν; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: εϊ; dial: epic Ionic; decl: 3rd.
μένος might, force; strength, fierceness; spirit; force, might; life; life-blood; spirit, passion; battlerage; spiritual exaltation; intent, purpose; bent; intents; temper, disposition; Antinous; mánas
μένει μένος noun neut., dat., sing. stem: μεν; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: ει; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
μένος might, force; strength, fierceness; spirit; force, might; life; life-blood; spirit, passion; battlerage; spiritual exaltation; intent, purpose; bent; intents; temper, disposition; Antinous; mánas
μένει μένος noun neut., acc., dl. stem: μεν; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: ει; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
μένος might, force; strength, fierceness; spirit; force, might; life; life-blood; spirit, passion; battlerage; spiritual exaltation; intent, purpose; bent; intents; temper, disposition; Antinous; mánas
μένει μένος noun neut., voc., dl. stem: μεν; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: ει; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
μένος might, force; strength, fierceness; spirit; force, might; life; life-blood; spirit, passion; battlerage; spiritual exaltation; intent, purpose; bent; intents; temper, disposition; Antinous; mánas
εἰς εἰς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: εἰς; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰς into; to; into the territory of; in; before; facing; rest in; there; upon; for; up to, until; till; towards; near; up to; against; until; within; throughout; at; on; with; as far as; as much as; so far as; to the number of; deep; abreast; thrice; about; by; towards, in regard to; in regard to; in respect of; to cause; pertinent, to the purpose
τόν article masc., acc., sing. stem: τόν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
αἰῶνα αἰών noun masc., acc., sing. stem: αἰω; stemtype: n_nos; suff: να; morph: poetic; decl: 3rd.
αἰών aevum; period of existence; lifetime, life; the Aeacidae; age, generation; posterity; oneʼs life, destiny, lot; long space of time, age; an age; of old; perpetually; all oneʼs life long; for ever; eternity; space of time; epoch, age; world; 1 Ep.Tim.; 2 Ep.Tim.; the ages; spinal marrow; life), h.Merc
ἐάν ἐάν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐᾱ ́ν; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ἐάν if haply, if; soever
οὖν οὖν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: οὖν; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
οὖν certainly, in fact; really; very; at all events; did; at least; I grant you; when once; as soon as; actually; neither.. nor; even; just; in fact; cunque; whoever; whosoever; how; howsoever; be he who he may; so, then; then; well, as I was saying; then, therefore; therefore
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
υἱός υἱός noun masc., nom., sing. stem: υἱ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ος; decl: 2nd.
υἱός hυιhυς; Vasen mit Meister-signaturen; ṛ; pitṛṣu; son; a son; sons; child; hostages; A, B; men; man; inheritors of the nature; participants in the glory; Divi; Caesaris; filius; sū-yú-s; sūte; se; soyä; sū-nu-s; sūnūs; sǔ-nu-s; sunu; sūyú-; sǔwyú-; suiwú-;
ὑμᾶς σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμᾶς; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: accusative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
ὑμᾶς ὑμός adjective fem., gen., sing. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱς; dial: epic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ἐλευθερώσῃ ἐλευθερόω finite verb 2nd sing., aor. mid. subj. stem: ἐλευθερως; stemtype: aor1; suff: ῃ; derivtype: ow_denom.
ἐλευθερ-όω set free; set; free, clear; release; keeps; free; free from blame, acquit; to be set free; indulge in licence; set free, release from
ἐλευθερώσῃ ἐλευθερόω finite verb 2nd sing., fut. mid. indic. stem: ἐλευθερως; stemtype: reg_fut; suff: ῃ; derivtype: ow_denom.
ἐλευθερ-όω set free; set; free, clear; release; keeps; free; free from blame, acquit; to be set free; indulge in licence; set free, release from
ἐλευθερώσῃ ἐλευθερόω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. subj. stem: ἐλευθερως; stemtype: aor1; suff: ῃ; derivtype: ow_denom.
ἐλευθερ-όω set free; set; free, clear; release; keeps; free; free from blame, acquit; to be set free; indulge in licence; set free, release from
ἐλευθερώσῃ ἐλευθέρωσις noun fem., dat., sing. stem: ἐλευθερως; stemtype: is_ews; suff: ηι; dial: epic; decl: 3rd.
ἐλευθέρ-ωσις liberation; licence
ὄντως ὄντως adverb pos. degree stem: ὄντως; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὄντως (sum), really, actually, verily; really; real
ἐλεύθεροι ἐλεύθερος adjective masc., nom., pl. stem: ἐλευθερ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: οι; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐλεύθερος free; of freedom; freedom; to freedom; freed from; independent; married woman; wife; freedwoman; free, open to all; libera custodia; unencumbered; legally permissible, open to; fit for a freeman, free, frank; such as might be used to a freeman; like free men; līber; loufero; e)leudh-ero; liud; liut
ἐλεύθεροι ἐλεύθερος adjective masc., voc., pl. stem: ἐλευθερ; stemtype: os_on; suff: οι; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐλεύθερος free; of freedom; freedom; to freedom; freed from; independent; married woman; wife; freedwoman; free, open to all; libera custodia; unencumbered; legally permissible, open to; fit for a freeman, free, frank; such as might be used to a freeman; like free men; līber; loufero; e)leudh-ero; liud; liut
ἐλεύθεροι ἐλεύθερος adjective fem., nom., pl. stem: ἐλευθερ; stemtype: os_on; suff: οι; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐλεύθερος free; of freedom; freedom; to freedom; freed from; independent; married woman; wife; freedwoman; free, open to all; libera custodia; unencumbered; legally permissible, open to; fit for a freeman, free, frank; such as might be used to a freeman; like free men; līber; loufero; e)leudh-ero; liud; liut
ἐλεύθεροι ἐλεύθερος adjective fem., voc., pl. stem: ἐλευθερ; stemtype: os_on; suff: οι; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐλεύθερος free; of freedom; freedom; to freedom; freed from; independent; married woman; wife; freedwoman; free, open to all; libera custodia; unencumbered; legally permissible, open to; fit for a freeman, free, frank; such as might be used to a freeman; like free men; līber; loufero; e)leudh-ero; liud; liut
ἐλεύθεροι ἐλεύθερος adjective masc., nom., pl. stem: ἐλευθερ; stemtype: os_on; suff: οι; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐλεύθερος free; of freedom; freedom; to freedom; freed from; independent; married woman; wife; freedwoman; free, open to all; libera custodia; unencumbered; legally permissible, open to; fit for a freeman, free, frank; such as might be used to a freeman; like free men; līber; loufero; e)leudh-ero; liud; liut
ἐλεύθεροι ἐλεύθερος adjective masc., voc., pl. stem: ἐλευθερ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: οι; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐλεύθερος free; of freedom; freedom; to freedom; freed from; independent; married woman; wife; freedwoman; free, open to all; libera custodia; unencumbered; legally permissible, open to; fit for a freeman, free, frank; such as might be used to a freeman; like free men; līber; loufero; e)leudh-ero; liud; liut
ἔσεσθε εἰμί finite verb 2nd pl., fut. mid. indic. stem: ἐς; stemtype: reg_fut; suff: εσθε.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
ἔσεσθε εἰσίημι finite verb 2nd pl., aor. mid. imper. stem: εἰς:εσθε; stemtype: aor2; morph: short_eis.
εἰσίημι send into; let; in; had let; betaking themselves into their own
ἔσεσθε εἰσίημι finite verb 2nd pl., aor. mid. indic. stem: εἰς:εσθε; stemtype: ath_secondary; dial: epic Ionic; morph: unaugmented short_eis.
εἰσίημι send into; let; in; had let; betaking themselves into their own
οἶδα οἶδα finite verb 1st sing., perf. act. indic. stem: οἰδα; stemtype: ath_primary.
οἶδα know; knew; Stadtrecht von Gortyn; Koische Forschungen; know, have knowledge of, be acquainted with; know of; be assured; has; in his heart; had; were; disposed; cunning with; acknowledge; thank; be; my witness; one who knows, one acquainted with the fact; knowing; know how; to be in a condition, be able, have the power; learn; to know that; is; know that; perhaps; know it well; knowʼst
ὅτι ὅτι2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὅτι; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅτι1 adverb pos. degree stem: ὅτι; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
σπέρμα σπέρμα noun neut., acc., sing. stem: σπερ; stemtype: ma_matos; suff: μα; decl: 3rd.
σπέρμ-α seed; the products; germ, origin; elements; seed-time, sowing; seed, semen; by; of; race, origin, descent; seed, offspring
σπέρμα σπέρμα noun neut., nom., sing. stem: σπερ; stemtype: ma_matos; suff: μα; decl: 3rd.
σπέρμ-α seed; the products; germ, origin; elements; seed-time, sowing; seed, semen; by; of; race, origin, descent; seed, offspring
σπέρμα σπέρμα noun neut., voc., sing. stem: σπερ; stemtype: ma_matos; suff: μα; decl: 3rd.
σπέρμ-α seed; the products; germ, origin; elements; seed-time, sowing; seed, semen; by; of; race, origin, descent; seed, offspring
ἐστε εἰμί finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐστε; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
ἀλλά ἀλλά adverb pos. degree stem: ἀλλά; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ἀλλά otherwise; but; not only.. but; not only not.. but; still, at least; at least; except, but; but=be out, except; not; but, yet; nay but.., well but; it is not [so], but; at all events; well then; but then, however; but really, certainly; quid si.. ?; et quidem
ζητεῖτέ ζητέω finite verb 2nd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ζητ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖτε; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr unaugmented; derivtype: ew_denom.
ζητ-έω seek, seek for; seeking; what is sought for; inquire for; search after, search out; search; inquire into, investigate, examine; matter of inquiry; question; inquiry; require, demand; requires; seek after, desire; sought after, in great demand; seek to; seek; desire that; have to seek, feel the want of
ζητεῖτέ ζητέω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: ζητ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖτε; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
ζητ-έω seek, seek for; seeking; what is sought for; inquire for; search after, search out; search; inquire into, investigate, examine; matter of inquiry; question; inquiry; require, demand; requires; seek after, desire; sought after, in great demand; seek to; seek; desire that; have to seek, feel the want of
ζητεῖτέ ζητέω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. imper. stem: ζητ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖτε; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
ζητ-έω seek, seek for; seeking; what is sought for; inquire for; search after, search out; search; inquire into, investigate, examine; matter of inquiry; question; inquiry; require, demand; requires; seek after, desire; sought after, in great demand; seek to; seek; desire that; have to seek, feel the want of
ζητεῖτέ ζητέω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. opt. stem: ζητ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖτε; derivtype: ew_denom.
ζητ-έω seek, seek for; seeking; what is sought for; inquire for; search after, search out; search; inquire into, investigate, examine; matter of inquiry; question; inquiry; require, demand; requires; seek after, desire; sought after, in great demand; seek to; seek; desire that; have to seek, feel the want of
με ἐγώ pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
με ἐγώ pronoun fem., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἀποκτεῖναι ἀποκτείνω infinitive aor. act. stem: ἀπό:κτειν; stemtype: aor1; suff: αι; derivtype: einw.
ἀποκτείνω kill, slay; condemn to death; put to death
ὅτι ὅτι2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὅτι; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅτι1 adverb pos. degree stem: ὅτι; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
λόγος λόγος noun masc., nom., sing. stem: λογ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ος; decl: 2nd.
λόγος computation, reckoning; account; accounts; audit; public accounts; treasury; treasurer; fiscus; aerarium; account, reckoning; all; accounting; way; measure, tale; point; tale; measure; sum, total; patrimonii modus; esteem, consideration, value; worth; account, repute; esteemed; rationem habere alicujus; value; reputation; regard; reckoned, count; reckoned; relation, correspondence, proportion; rel
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἐμός ἐμός adjective masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ος; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
ἐμός ἐμός pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐμός; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
ἐμός ἐμός pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐμός; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
οὐ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
χωρεῖ χωρέω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. indic. stem: χωρ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖ; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
χωρ-έω make room for another, give way, withdraw; gave way; put back, retire; begone!; give way to; make way for; retire before; go forward, advance; go; come; go on oneʼs journey, travel; go and; went off; was passing, near an end; wander about; to be in motion; flux; go forward, make progress; come to an issue, turn out; have come; turn out; advance, succeed; to be possible; to be spread abroad; spread
χωρεῖ χωρέω finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: χωρ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖ; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
χωρ-έω make room for another, give way, withdraw; gave way; put back, retire; begone!; give way to; make way for; retire before; go forward, advance; go; come; go on oneʼs journey, travel; go and; went off; was passing, near an end; wander about; to be in motion; flux; go forward, make progress; come to an issue, turn out; have come; turn out; advance, succeed; to be possible; to be spread abroad; spread
ἐν εἰς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰς into; to; into the territory of; in; before; facing; rest in; there; upon; for; up to, until; till; towards; near; up to; against; until; within; throughout; at; on; with; as far as; as much as; so far as; to the number of; deep; abreast; thrice; about; by; towards, in regard to; in regard to; in respect of; to cause; pertinent, to the purpose
ἐν ἐν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐν in, into.; in; in the district of; at the school of; in, within, surrounded by; under; equipped with; on, at; by; on; at; in the number of, amongst; in the presence of; in oneʼs hands, within oneʼs reach; power; with; in the eyes of; in respect of; in point of; towards; into; motion to; position in; fell; coming; going; from; in the form of; as; in the practice of; before; during the time; in the
ὑμῖν σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμῖν; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
ὅς pronoun fem., nom., dl. stem: ἁ̄ ́; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς pronoun fem., acc., dl. stem: ἁ̄ ́; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς pronoun neut., nom., pl. stem: ἅ; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἁ̄ ́; stemtype: relative; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: indeclform.
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς pronoun neut., acc., pl. stem: ἅ; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
article fem., nom., sing. stem: ᾱʽ ́; stemtype: article; dial: Doric; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἑώρακα ὁράω finite verb 1st sing., perf. act. indic. stem: ἑωρακ; stemtype: perf_act; suff: α; derivtype: a_stem.
ὁράω Inscr. des tombeaux des rois; I know; a)ware.; see, look; to be of; party; aimed; looking; look towards; looks; have sight; shall have eyes; to be; sighted; see; look; take; give heed; pay heed; seeʼst thou? dʼye see?; do you see.. ?; behold, perceive, observe; to see with; before; keeping; in sight; look to; we see; seeing; see that; see to; look out for, provide; to behold; to be seen; was seen;
παρά παρά indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: παρά; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
πᾰρά beside; from the side of, from beside, from; from; issuing from; from (given by; of; done by; all that issues from; means; by; advice; the presents of; by, near; without; by the side of; where; at; over; house; place, with; of my household; with me; own; in; hands; right; before, in the presence of; before; judgement; with; beside, near, by; along; past, beyond.; to the side of, to; to the side of
παρά πηρός adjective fem., nom., dl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρά πηρός adjective fem., nom., sing. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρά πηρός adjective neut., nom., pl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: α; dial: Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρά πηρός adjective fem., voc., dl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρά πηρός adjective neut., voc., pl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: α; dial: Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρά πηρός adjective neut., acc., pl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: α; dial: Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρά πηρός adjective fem., acc., dl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρά πηρός adjective fem., voc., sing. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
τῷ τίς lang: grc; stem: τῷ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τῷ τις lang: grc; stem: τῷ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic epic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τῷ article neut., dat., sing. stem: τῷ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῷ article masc., dat., sing. stem: τῷ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῷ τῷ adverb pos. degree stem: τῷ; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
τῷ therefore, in this wise, then; who?; some one.
πατρί πατήρ noun masc., dat., sing. stem: πατ; stemtype: hr_eros; suff: ρι; morph: syncope; decl: 3rd.
πᾰτήρ pitṛṣu; father; grandfather; by the fatherʼs side; father, author; authors; pater patriae; forefathers; from our fathers’ time; parents; parentnation; pitár; pater
πατρί πατρίς noun fem., voc., sing. stem: πατρ; stemtype: is_idos; suff: ι; decl: 3rd.
πατρίς of oneʼs fathers; oneʼs fatherland, country; of oneʼs sires; the nether world; ubi bene, ibi patria; native town; village
λαλῶ λαλάζω finite verb 1st sing., fut. act. indic. stem: λαλ; stemtype: aw_fut; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: azw.
λᾰλάζω λαλάζω
λαλῶ λαλέω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: λαλ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
λᾰλ-έω talk, chat, prattle; talk to; talk, speak; talk of; speak; it shall be told; chatter; chirp; sound
λαλῶ λαλέω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λαλ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
λᾰλ-έω talk, chat, prattle; talk to; talk, speak; talk of; speak; it shall be told; chatter; chirp; sound
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
ὑμεῖς σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμεῖς; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: nominative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
οὖν οὖν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: οὖν; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
οὖν certainly, in fact; really; very; at all events; did; at least; I grant you; when once; as soon as; actually; neither.. nor; even; just; in fact; cunque; whoever; whosoever; how; howsoever; be he who he may; so, then; then; well, as I was saying; then, therefore; therefore
ὅς pronoun fem., nom., dl. stem: ἁ̄ ́; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς pronoun fem., acc., dl. stem: ἁ̄ ́; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς pronoun neut., nom., pl. stem: ἅ; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἁ̄ ́; stemtype: relative; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: indeclform.
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς pronoun neut., acc., pl. stem: ἅ; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
article fem., nom., sing. stem: ᾱʽ ́; stemtype: article; dial: Doric; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἠκούσατε ἀκούω finite verb 2nd pl., aor. act. indic. stem: ἀκους; stemtype: aor1; suff: ατε; dial: Attic epic Ionic; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἀκούω hear; hear of, hear tell of; hear of; from; should he hear; to hear [generally; what one actually hears; know by hearsay; hearken, give ear; oyez! oyez!; readers of a book; listen to, give ear to; obey; hear and understand; to be a pupil of; hear oneself called, be called; audire; to be ill spoken of by; were said; have; spoken of; hear it; said; at first hearing; understand, take; aspect mutually
παρά παρά indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: παρά; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
πᾰρά beside; from the side of, from beside, from; from; issuing from; from (given by; of; done by; all that issues from; means; by; advice; the presents of; by, near; without; by the side of; where; at; over; house; place, with; of my household; with me; own; in; hands; right; before, in the presence of; before; judgement; with; beside, near, by; along; past, beyond.; to the side of, to; to the side of
παρά πηρός adjective fem., nom., dl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρά πηρός adjective fem., nom., sing. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρά πηρός adjective neut., nom., pl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: α; dial: Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρά πηρός adjective fem., voc., dl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρά πηρός adjective neut., voc., pl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: α; dial: Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρά πηρός adjective neut., acc., pl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: α; dial: Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρά πηρός adjective fem., acc., dl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρά πηρός adjective fem., voc., sing. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
τοῦ τις lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τοῦ τίς lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τοῦ article masc., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τοῦ article neut., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
πατρός πατήρ noun masc., gen., sing. stem: πατ; stemtype: hr_eros; suff: ρος; morph: syncope; decl: 3rd.
πᾰτήρ pitṛṣu; father; grandfather; by the fatherʼs side; father, author; authors; pater patriae; forefathers; from our fathers’ time; parents; parentnation; pitár; pater
ποιεῖτε ποιέω finite verb 2nd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ποι; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖτε; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr unaugmented; derivtype: ew_denom.
ποιέω make; do.; make, produce; made; to be made with..; are made; make for oneself; build them; have; made, get; create, bring into existence; the creator; beget; conceive; produce; grow; let it be contrived; postulate, imply; effect a solution of; fulfil, satisfy; compose, write; write poetry, write as a poet; represent in poetry; having represented; describe in verse; put; into verse; invent; bring a
ποιεῖτε ποιέω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: ποι; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖτε; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
ποιέω make; do.; make, produce; made; to be made with..; are made; make for oneself; build them; have; made, get; create, bring into existence; the creator; beget; conceive; produce; grow; let it be contrived; postulate, imply; effect a solution of; fulfil, satisfy; compose, write; write poetry, write as a poet; represent in poetry; having represented; describe in verse; put; into verse; invent; bring a
ποιεῖτε ποιέω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. imper. stem: ποι; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖτε; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
ποιέω make; do.; make, produce; made; to be made with..; are made; make for oneself; build them; have; made, get; create, bring into existence; the creator; beget; conceive; produce; grow; let it be contrived; postulate, imply; effect a solution of; fulfil, satisfy; compose, write; write poetry, write as a poet; represent in poetry; having represented; describe in verse; put; into verse; invent; bring a
ποιεῖτε ποιέω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. opt. stem: ποι; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖτε; derivtype: ew_denom.
ποιέω make; do.; make, produce; made; to be made with..; are made; make for oneself; build them; have; made, get; create, bring into existence; the creator; beget; conceive; produce; grow; let it be contrived; postulate, imply; effect a solution of; fulfil, satisfy; compose, write; write poetry, write as a poet; represent in poetry; having represented; describe in verse; put; into verse; invent; bring a
Ἀπεκρίθησαν ἀποκρίνω finite verb 3rd pl., aor. pass. indic. stem: ἀπό:ἐ:κρι^θ; stemtype: aor_pass; suff: ησαν; derivtype: inw.
ἀποκρίνω set apart; to be parted or separated; parted from the throng; to be separated and brought; separated; to be distinctly formed; secretions; determined; ended; alone; are voided; mark by a distinctive form, distinguish; specific; choose; choose from..; having set apart; decreed; exclude; reject on examination; decide; has lost; against; give answer to, reply to; to; to answer; let; be; answer; answe
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
εἶπαν εἶπον finite verb 3rd pl., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: αν; dial: epic Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπαν εἶπον finite verb 3rd pl., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: αν; dial: epic Ionic.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπαν εἶπον participle aor. act. participle, neut. acc. sing. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: αν; dial: epic Ionic.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπαν εἶπον participle aor. act. participle, neut. nom. sing. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: αν; dial: epic Ionic.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπαν εἶπον participle aor. act. participle, neut. voc. sing. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: αν; dial: epic Ionic.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
αὐτῷ αὐτός pronoun masc., dat., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ῳ.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτῷ αὐτός pronoun neut., dat., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ῳ.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
πατήρ πατήρ noun masc., nom., sing. stem: πατ; stemtype: hr_eros; suff: ηρ; decl: 3rd.
πᾰτήρ pitṛṣu; father; grandfather; by the fatherʼs side; father, author; authors; pater patriae; forefathers; from our fathers’ time; parents; parentnation; pitár; pater
ἡμῶν ἡμός adjective fem., gen., pl. stem: ἡμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἡμῶν ἡμός adjective masc., gen., pl. stem: ἡμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἡμῶν ἡμός adjective neut., gen., pl. stem: ἡμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἡμῶν ἐγώ pronoun fem., gen., pl. stem: ἡμῶν; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἡμῶν ἐγώ pronoun masc., gen., pl. stem: ἡμῶν; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐστιν εἰμί finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐστιν; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic nu_movable.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
λέγει λέγω1 finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ει; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγει λέγω1 finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ει; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγει λέγω2 finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ει; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγει λέγω3 finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ει; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγει λέγω3 finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ει; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγει λέγω2 finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ει; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
αὐτοῖς αὐτός pronoun neut., dat., pl. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: οις.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτοῖς αὐτός pronoun masc., dat., pl. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: οις.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
Εἰ εἰ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: εἰ; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰ if; whether.; come now; if ever, whenever; if ever; whenever; un; wonder, delight, indignation, disappointment, contentment; that; as surely as, since; as sure as; since; in case, supposing that; in case; except; otherwise; as much as; more than; siquis alius; any; now if; though; if (although; im; whether
εἰ εἰ δʼ οὖν
τέκνα τέκνον noun neut., voc., pl. stem: τεκν; stemtype: os_ou; suff: α; decl: 2nd.
τέκνον child; my son, my child; young
τέκνα τέκνον noun neut., acc., pl. stem: τεκν; stemtype: os_ou; suff: α; decl: 2nd.
τέκνον child; my son, my child; young
τέκνα τέκνον noun neut., nom., pl. stem: τεκν; stemtype: os_ou; suff: α; decl: 2nd.
τέκνον child; my son, my child; young
τοῦ τις lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τοῦ τίς lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τοῦ article masc., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τοῦ article neut., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἐστε εἰμί finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐστε; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
τά τίς pronoun neut., nom., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τά τίς pronoun neut., acc., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τά τίς pronoun neut., voc., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τά article neut., nom., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τά article fem., nom., dl. stem: τᾱ ́; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τά article neut., acc., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τά article fem., acc., dl. stem: τᾱ ́; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τά article fem., voc., dl. stem: τᾱ ́; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τά article neut., voc., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἔργα ἔργον noun neut., voc., pl. stem: ἐργ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: α; decl: 2nd.
ἔργον weorc; varəza; work; tasks; works; deeds; action; battle; contests; works of industry; tillage, tilled lands; lands; farms; the tilled lands; property, wealth, possessions; occupations; mines; deed, action; deed; execution; thing, matter; point; mischief, trouble; matter; thing; mighty; that which is wrought; made, work; machine; buildings; result of work, profit; interest; profit; business; prope
ἔργα ἔργον noun neut., acc., pl. stem: ἐργ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: α; decl: 2nd.
ἔργον weorc; varəza; work; tasks; works; deeds; action; battle; contests; works of industry; tillage, tilled lands; lands; farms; the tilled lands; property, wealth, possessions; occupations; mines; deed, action; deed; execution; thing, matter; point; mischief, trouble; matter; thing; mighty; that which is wrought; made, work; machine; buildings; result of work, profit; interest; profit; business; prope
ἔργα ἔργον noun neut., nom., pl. stem: ἐργ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: α; decl: 2nd.
ἔργον weorc; varəza; work; tasks; works; deeds; action; battle; contests; works of industry; tillage, tilled lands; lands; farms; the tilled lands; property, wealth, possessions; occupations; mines; deed, action; deed; execution; thing, matter; point; mischief, trouble; matter; thing; mighty; that which is wrought; made, work; machine; buildings; result of work, profit; interest; profit; business; prope
τοῦ τις lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τοῦ τίς lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τοῦ article masc., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τοῦ article neut., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἐποιεῖτε ποιέω finite verb 2nd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:ποι; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖτε; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
ποιέω make; do.; make, produce; made; to be made with..; are made; make for oneself; build them; have; made, get; create, bring into existence; the creator; beget; conceive; produce; grow; let it be contrived; postulate, imply; effect a solution of; fulfil, satisfy; compose, write; write poetry, write as a poet; represent in poetry; having represented; describe in verse; put; into verse; invent; bring a
ἐποιεῖτε ἐποίζω finite verb 2nd pl., fut. act. indic. stem: ἐποι; stemtype: ew_fut; suff: εῖτε; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; derivtype: izw.
ἐποίζω lament over
νῦν νῦν adverb pos. degree stem: νῦν; stemtype: adverb; morph: enclitic indeclform.
νῦν now; present moment; present time; of our day; of the present day; the present; just now, but now; presently; as it is; was), as the case stands; stood), as a matter of fact; so; henceforth; but now; now !; now?; nú, nú¯, nūnám; nū
νῦν now, even now; just now; now, without further delay
δέ δέ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: δέ; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
δέ but; nay; then; well
ζητεῖτέ ζητέω finite verb 2nd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ζητ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖτε; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr unaugmented; derivtype: ew_denom.
ζητ-έω seek, seek for; seeking; what is sought for; inquire for; search after, search out; search; inquire into, investigate, examine; matter of inquiry; question; inquiry; require, demand; requires; seek after, desire; sought after, in great demand; seek to; seek; desire that; have to seek, feel the want of
ζητεῖτέ ζητέω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: ζητ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖτε; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
ζητ-έω seek, seek for; seeking; what is sought for; inquire for; search after, search out; search; inquire into, investigate, examine; matter of inquiry; question; inquiry; require, demand; requires; seek after, desire; sought after, in great demand; seek to; seek; desire that; have to seek, feel the want of
ζητεῖτέ ζητέω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. imper. stem: ζητ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖτε; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
ζητ-έω seek, seek for; seeking; what is sought for; inquire for; search after, search out; search; inquire into, investigate, examine; matter of inquiry; question; inquiry; require, demand; requires; seek after, desire; sought after, in great demand; seek to; seek; desire that; have to seek, feel the want of
ζητεῖτέ ζητέω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. opt. stem: ζητ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖτε; derivtype: ew_denom.
ζητ-έω seek, seek for; seeking; what is sought for; inquire for; search after, search out; search; inquire into, investigate, examine; matter of inquiry; question; inquiry; require, demand; requires; seek after, desire; sought after, in great demand; seek to; seek; desire that; have to seek, feel the want of
με ἐγώ pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
με ἐγώ pronoun fem., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἀποκτεῖναι ἀποκτείνω infinitive aor. act. stem: ἀπό:κτειν; stemtype: aor1; suff: αι; derivtype: einw.
ἀποκτείνω kill, slay; condemn to death; put to death
ἄνθρωπον ἄνθρωπος noun masc., acc., sing. stem: ἀνθρωπ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
ἄνθρωπος man; gods; the men; the ideal man, humanity; mankind; this life; the world; of all; the man, the fellow; sirrah! you sir!; brother; slave; 1 Ep.Tim.; a man of; any one; plaster; woman
ὅς ὅς pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ὅς; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς ὅς2 pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ὅς; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς ὅς2 pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ὅς; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
τήν article fem., acc., sing. stem: τήν; stemtype: article; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἀλήθειαν ἀλήθεια noun fem., acc., sing. stem: ἀληθει; stemtype: a_hs; suff: αν; decl: 1st.
ἀλήθ-εια truth; lie; mere appearance; a lie; in vino veritas’; true; truth, reality; appearance; in very truth; in truth and reality; for the sake of truth; according to truth and nature; real war; exercise; parade; true event, realization; truthfulness, sincerity; symbol of truth, jewel
ὑμῖν σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμῖν; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
λελάληκα λαλέω finite verb 1st sing., perf. act. indic. stem: λελαληκ; stemtype: perf_act; suff: α; morph: redupl; derivtype: ew_denom.
λᾰλ-έω talk, chat, prattle; talk to; talk, speak; talk of; speak; it shall be told; chatter; chirp; sound
ἥν ὅς pronoun fem., acc., sing. stem: ἥν; stemtype: relative; dial: Attic Homeric Ionic; morph: indeclform.
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ἤκουσα ἀκούω finite verb 1st sing., aor. act. indic. stem: ἀκους; stemtype: aor1; suff: α; dial: Attic epic Ionic; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἀκούω hear; hear of, hear tell of; hear of; from; should he hear; to hear [generally; what one actually hears; know by hearsay; hearken, give ear; oyez! oyez!; readers of a book; listen to, give ear to; obey; hear and understand; to be a pupil of; hear oneself called, be called; audire; to be ill spoken of by; were said; have; spoken of; hear it; said; at first hearing; understand, take; aspect mutually
παρά παρά indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: παρά; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
πᾰρά beside; from the side of, from beside, from; from; issuing from; from (given by; of; done by; all that issues from; means; by; advice; the presents of; by, near; without; by the side of; where; at; over; house; place, with; of my household; with me; own; in; hands; right; before, in the presence of; before; judgement; with; beside, near, by; along; past, beyond.; to the side of, to; to the side of
παρά πηρός adjective fem., nom., dl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρά πηρός adjective fem., nom., sing. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρά πηρός adjective neut., nom., pl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: α; dial: Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρά πηρός adjective fem., voc., dl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρά πηρός adjective neut., voc., pl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: α; dial: Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρά πηρός adjective neut., acc., pl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: α; dial: Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρά πηρός adjective fem., acc., dl. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
παρά πηρός adjective fem., voc., sing. stem: πᾱρ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
πηρός disabled in a limb, maimed; helpless; blind
τοῦ τις lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τοῦ τίς lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τοῦ article masc., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τοῦ article neut., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
θεοῦ θεάω finite verb 2nd sing., impf. mid-pass. indic. stem: θε; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr unaugmented poetic; derivtype: aw_denom.
θεάω θεάω
θεοῦ θεάομαι finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. imper. stem: θε; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
θεάομαι gaze at, behold; wonder; reconnoitred; do you see?; contemplate; see clearly; view as spectators; the spectators; onlookers, bystanders; to be spectators of; to review; Tombeaux des rois à Thèbes
θεοῦ θεάω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. imper. stem: θε; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
θεάω θεάω
θεοῦ θεάομαι finite verb 2nd sing., impf. mid-pass. indic. stem: θε; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr unaugmented poetic; derivtype: aw_denom.
θεάομαι gaze at, behold; wonder; reconnoitred; do you see?; contemplate; see clearly; view as spectators; the spectators; onlookers, bystanders; to be spectators of; to review; Tombeaux des rois à Thèbes
θεοῦ θεός noun masc., gen., sing. stem: θε; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ου; decl: 2nd.
θεός God, the Deity; against his will; bless you! good heavens! for heavenʼs sake!; weather; Divus; divi Imperatores; Dis Manibus; one set in authority, judge; goddess; divine
τοῦτο οὗτος pronoun neut., voc., sing. stem: τοῦτο; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
τοῦτο οὗτος pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: τοῦτο; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
τοῦτο οὗτος pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: τοῦτο; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
οὐκ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐκ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
ἐποίησεν ποιέω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: ἐ:ποιης; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: ew_denom.
ποιέω make; do.; make, produce; made; to be made with..; are made; make for oneself; build them; have; made, get; create, bring into existence; the creator; beget; conceive; produce; grow; let it be contrived; postulate, imply; effect a solution of; fulfil, satisfy; compose, write; write poetry, write as a poet; represent in poetry; having represented; describe in verse; put; into verse; invent; bring a
ὑμεῖς σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμεῖς; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: nominative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
ποιεῖτε ποιέω finite verb 2nd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ποι; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖτε; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr unaugmented; derivtype: ew_denom.
ποιέω make; do.; make, produce; made; to be made with..; are made; make for oneself; build them; have; made, get; create, bring into existence; the creator; beget; conceive; produce; grow; let it be contrived; postulate, imply; effect a solution of; fulfil, satisfy; compose, write; write poetry, write as a poet; represent in poetry; having represented; describe in verse; put; into verse; invent; bring a
ποιεῖτε ποιέω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: ποι; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖτε; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
ποιέω make; do.; make, produce; made; to be made with..; are made; make for oneself; build them; have; made, get; create, bring into existence; the creator; beget; conceive; produce; grow; let it be contrived; postulate, imply; effect a solution of; fulfil, satisfy; compose, write; write poetry, write as a poet; represent in poetry; having represented; describe in verse; put; into verse; invent; bring a
ποιεῖτε ποιέω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. imper. stem: ποι; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖτε; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
ποιέω make; do.; make, produce; made; to be made with..; are made; make for oneself; build them; have; made, get; create, bring into existence; the creator; beget; conceive; produce; grow; let it be contrived; postulate, imply; effect a solution of; fulfil, satisfy; compose, write; write poetry, write as a poet; represent in poetry; having represented; describe in verse; put; into verse; invent; bring a
ποιεῖτε ποιέω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. opt. stem: ποι; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖτε; derivtype: ew_denom.
ποιέω make; do.; make, produce; made; to be made with..; are made; make for oneself; build them; have; made, get; create, bring into existence; the creator; beget; conceive; produce; grow; let it be contrived; postulate, imply; effect a solution of; fulfil, satisfy; compose, write; write poetry, write as a poet; represent in poetry; having represented; describe in verse; put; into verse; invent; bring a
τά τίς pronoun neut., nom., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τά τίς pronoun neut., acc., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τά τίς pronoun neut., voc., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τά article neut., nom., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τά article fem., nom., dl. stem: τᾱ ́; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τά article neut., acc., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τά article fem., acc., dl. stem: τᾱ ́; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τά article fem., voc., dl. stem: τᾱ ́; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τά article neut., voc., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἔργα ἔργον noun neut., voc., pl. stem: ἐργ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: α; decl: 2nd.
ἔργον weorc; varəza; work; tasks; works; deeds; action; battle; contests; works of industry; tillage, tilled lands; lands; farms; the tilled lands; property, wealth, possessions; occupations; mines; deed, action; deed; execution; thing, matter; point; mischief, trouble; matter; thing; mighty; that which is wrought; made, work; machine; buildings; result of work, profit; interest; profit; business; prope
ἔργα ἔργον noun neut., acc., pl. stem: ἐργ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: α; decl: 2nd.
ἔργον weorc; varəza; work; tasks; works; deeds; action; battle; contests; works of industry; tillage, tilled lands; lands; farms; the tilled lands; property, wealth, possessions; occupations; mines; deed, action; deed; execution; thing, matter; point; mischief, trouble; matter; thing; mighty; that which is wrought; made, work; machine; buildings; result of work, profit; interest; profit; business; prope
ἔργα ἔργον noun neut., nom., pl. stem: ἐργ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: α; decl: 2nd.
ἔργον weorc; varəza; work; tasks; works; deeds; action; battle; contests; works of industry; tillage, tilled lands; lands; farms; the tilled lands; property, wealth, possessions; occupations; mines; deed, action; deed; execution; thing, matter; point; mischief, trouble; matter; thing; mighty; that which is wrought; made, work; machine; buildings; result of work, profit; interest; profit; business; prope
τοῦ τις lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τοῦ τίς lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τοῦ article masc., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τοῦ article neut., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
πατρός πατήρ noun masc., gen., sing. stem: πατ; stemtype: hr_eros; suff: ρος; morph: syncope; decl: 3rd.
πᾰτήρ pitṛṣu; father; grandfather; by the fatherʼs side; father, author; authors; pater patriae; forefathers; from our fathers’ time; parents; parentnation; pitár; pater
ὑμῶν σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμῶν; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective masc., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective neut., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective fem., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
εἶπαν εἶπον finite verb 3rd pl., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: αν; dial: epic Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπαν εἶπον finite verb 3rd pl., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: αν; dial: epic Ionic.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπαν εἶπον participle aor. act. participle, neut. acc. sing. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: αν; dial: epic Ionic.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπαν εἶπον participle aor. act. participle, neut. nom. sing. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: αν; dial: epic Ionic.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπαν εἶπον participle aor. act. participle, neut. voc. sing. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: αν; dial: epic Ionic.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
αὐτῷ αὐτός pronoun masc., dat., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ῳ.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτῷ αὐτός pronoun neut., dat., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ῳ.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
Ἡμεῖς ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., pl. stem: ἡμεῖς; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
Ἡμεῖς ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., pl. stem: ἡμεῖς; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
Ἡμεῖς ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., pl. stem: ἡμεῖς; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
Ἡμεῖς ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., pl. stem: ἡμεῖς; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐκ ἐκ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐκ; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐκ from out of; from.; out of, forth from; in; from; with all; with; after; instead of; out of; one of; above; outside of, beyond; banished from; apart from; on, in; on; with water from; upon; to; dependent upon; by; of; at; over..; since; for; just finished; at the end of; at, in; by the hand of; built by; spontaneous; in consequence; wherefore?; by means of; in accordance with; place; apiece; by th
πορνείας πορνεία noun fem., gen., sing. stem: πορνει; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱς; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st.
πορν-εία prostitution; fornication, unchastity; idolatry
πορνείας πορνεία noun fem., acc., pl. stem: πορνει; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱς; decl: 1st.
πορν-εία prostitution; fornication, unchastity; idolatry
οὐ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
γεγεννήμεθα γεννάω finite verb 1st pl., perf. mid-pass. indic. stem: γεγεννη; stemtype: perfp_vow; suff: μεθα; dial: Attic Ionic; morph: redupl; derivtype: aw_denom.
γενν-άω beget; parents; sprung; bring forth, bear; produce from oneself, create; produce, grow, get; engender, produce; call; into existence; produce
γεγεννήμεθα γεννάω finite verb 1st pl., plpf. mid-pass. indic. stem: γεγεννη; stemtype: perfp_vow; suff: μεθα; dial: Attic Ionic; morph: unaugmented redupl; derivtype: aw_denom.
γενν-άω beget; parents; sprung; bring forth, bear; produce from oneself, create; produce, grow, get; engender, produce; call; into existence; produce
ἕνα εἷς lang: grc; stem: ἕνα; stemtype: numeral; partOfSpeech: numeral; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: accusative; gend: masculine; morph: indeclform.
εἷς sem; sm; i; is; one, one; single man; single; one; by himself; each; singly; list; united; above all; alternately; one by one, separately; one accord; at once; first; the same; possessing unity; another; a, an; many; once; unity; units; One
ἕνα εἷς noun masc., acc., sing. stem: ἕνα; stemtype: irreg_decl3; morph: indeclform; decl: 3rd.
εἷς sem; sm; i; is; one, one; single man; single; one; by himself; each; singly; list; united; above all; alternately; one by one, separately; one accord; at once; first; the same; possessing unity; another; a, an; many; once; unity; units; One
ἕνα ἕνος adjective fem., nom., dl. stem: ἑν; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἕνος belonging to the former of two periods; last yearʼs; a year old; old, by-gone; long ago;; the old and new day; the last day of the month; sẽnas; senex
ἕνα ἕνος adjective neut., voc., pl. stem: ἑν; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: α; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἕνος belonging to the former of two periods; last yearʼs; a year old; old, by-gone; long ago;; the old and new day; the last day of the month; sẽnas; senex
ἕνα ἕνος adjective neut., acc., pl. stem: ἑν; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: α; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἕνος belonging to the former of two periods; last yearʼs; a year old; old, by-gone; long ago;; the old and new day; the last day of the month; sẽnas; senex
ἕνα ἕνος adjective fem., nom., sing. stem: ἑν; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἕνος belonging to the former of two periods; last yearʼs; a year old; old, by-gone; long ago;; the old and new day; the last day of the month; sẽnas; senex
ἕνα ἕνος adjective fem., acc., dl. stem: ἑν; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἕνος belonging to the former of two periods; last yearʼs; a year old; old, by-gone; long ago;; the old and new day; the last day of the month; sẽnas; senex
ἕνα ἕνος adjective neut., nom., pl. stem: ἑν; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: α; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἕνος belonging to the former of two periods; last yearʼs; a year old; old, by-gone; long ago;; the old and new day; the last day of the month; sẽnas; senex
ἕνα ἕνος adjective fem., voc., sing. stem: ἑν; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἕνος belonging to the former of two periods; last yearʼs; a year old; old, by-gone; long ago;; the old and new day; the last day of the month; sẽnas; senex
ἕνα ἕνος adjective fem., voc., dl. stem: ἑν; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἕνος belonging to the former of two periods; last yearʼs; a year old; old, by-gone; long ago;; the old and new day; the last day of the month; sẽnas; senex
πατέρα πατήρ noun masc., acc., sing. stem: πατ; stemtype: hr_eros; suff: ερα; decl: 3rd.
πᾰτήρ pitṛṣu; father; grandfather; by the fatherʼs side; father, author; authors; pater patriae; forefathers; from our fathers’ time; parents; parentnation; pitár; pater
ἔχομεν ἔχω finite verb 1st pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐχ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ομεν; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἔχω check; seĝh; sáhate; sigis; sĝh; si-sĝh-o; have, hold; possess; propertied class; wealthy man; poor; to have; due to one; to have received; acquire, get; to be possessed; keep, have charge of; having control of; to be engaged in; kept; for; is; himself; inhabit; haunt; ruled; occupiest; have to wife; as husband; have in oneʼs house, entertain; with; keep; get; indulge in; will; for a moment; to be
ἔχω bear, carry, bring; brought as an offering; váhati; veho
ἔχομεν ἔχω finite verb 1st pl., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐχ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ομεν; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἔχω check; seĝh; sáhate; sigis; sĝh; si-sĝh-o; have, hold; possess; propertied class; wealthy man; poor; to have; due to one; to have received; acquire, get; to be possessed; keep, have charge of; having control of; to be engaged in; kept; for; is; himself; inhabit; haunt; ruled; occupiest; have to wife; as husband; have in oneʼs house, entertain; with; keep; get; indulge in; will; for a moment; to be
ἔχω bear, carry, bring; brought as an offering; váhati; veho
τόν article masc., acc., sing. stem: τόν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
θεόν θεός noun masc., acc., sing. stem: θε; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
θεός God, the Deity; against his will; bless you! good heavens! for heavenʼs sake!; weather; Divus; divi Imperatores; Dis Manibus; one set in authority, judge; goddess; divine
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: εν; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; dial: epic Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; dial: epic Ionic; morph: nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
αὐτοῖς αὐτός pronoun neut., dat., pl. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: οις.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτοῖς αὐτός pronoun masc., dat., pl. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: οις.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
Εἰ εἰ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: εἰ; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰ if; whether.; come now; if ever, whenever; if ever; whenever; un; wonder, delight, indignation, disappointment, contentment; that; as surely as, since; as sure as; since; in case, supposing that; in case; except; otherwise; as much as; more than; siquis alius; any; now if; though; if (although; im; whether
εἰ εἰ δʼ οὖν
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
θεός θεός noun masc., nom., sing. stem: θε; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ος; decl: 2nd.
θεός God, the Deity; against his will; bless you! good heavens! for heavenʼs sake!; weather; Divus; divi Imperatores; Dis Manibus; one set in authority, judge; goddess; divine
πατήρ πατήρ noun masc., nom., sing. stem: πατ; stemtype: hr_eros; suff: ηρ; decl: 3rd.
πᾰτήρ pitṛṣu; father; grandfather; by the fatherʼs side; father, author; authors; pater patriae; forefathers; from our fathers’ time; parents; parentnation; pitár; pater
ὑμῶν σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμῶν; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective masc., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective neut., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective fem., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ἦν εἰμί finite verb 1st sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἦν; stemtype: irreg_mi.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
ἦν ἠμί finite verb 1st sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἦν; stemtype: irreg_mi; dial: Attic.
ἠμί say; spake; said; aio, ad-agium
ἦν εἰμί finite verb 3rd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ἦν; stemtype: irreg_mi; dial: epic Doric Aeolic.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
ἦν εἰμί finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἦν; stemtype: irreg_mi.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
ἠγαπᾶτε ἀγαπάω finite verb 2nd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ἀγαπ; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ᾶτε; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
ἀγαπάω greet with affection; show affection for; to be regarded with affection; love; to be fond of; persuade, entreat; caress, pet; to be fond of, prize, desire; prefer; highly prized, precious stones; to be well pleased, contented; to be well content; to be contented with; tolerate, put up with; may be content with; to be content; to be fond; wont
ἄν ἄν1 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἄν; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
ἄν he came; he would have come; he might have come;; may he come; he would come; he might come.; would be; would have been; were; had been; would; have; would have; I should have; should have; could have; would have been likely to happen; might have happened; may; might; had; will likely be; soever; I will; if so; should; might perhaps; could; velim; vellem; can; will; prove to be; is; ever; where; l
ἄν he came; he would have come; he might have come;; may he come; he would come; he might come.; would be; would have been; were; had been; would; have; would have; I should have; should have; could have; would have been likely to happen; might have happened; may; might; had; will likely be; soever; I will; if so; should; might perhaps; could; velim; vellem; can; will; prove to be; is; ever; where; l
ἄν ἀνά indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἄν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: poetic indeclform.
ἀνά on board; on, upon; upon; in; motion upwards:; up, from bottom to top, up along; up to; up; along; up and down, throughout; continually in; among; throughout; all; through; in course of; distributively; by; in order of; at; each; for; at the rate of; in bodies of; each.; in each; apiece, Ev. Matt.; amounting to; multiplied by; vigorously; proportionately; by turns; thereupon; spreading all over; t
ἄν ἐάν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἄν; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: contr indeclform.
ἐάν if haply, if; soever
ἄν ἄν2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἄ—ν; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; dial: Attic; morph: indeclform.
ἄν he came; he would have come; he might have come;; may he come; he would come; he might come.; would be; would have been; were; had been; would; have; would have; I should have; should have; could have; would have been likely to happen; might have happened; may; might; had; will likely be; soever; I will; if so; should; might perhaps; could; velim; vellem; can; will; prove to be; is; ever; where; l
ἄν he came; he would have come; he might have come;; may he come; he would come; he might come.; would be; would have been; were; had been; would; have; would have; I should have; should have; could have; would have been likely to happen; might have happened; may; might; had; will likely be; soever; I will; if so; should; might perhaps; could; velim; vellem; can; will; prove to be; is; ever; where; l
ἐμέ ἐμός adjective masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ε; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
ἐμέ ἐγώ pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: ἐμέ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐμέ ἐγώ pronoun fem., acc., sing. stem: ἐμέ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
γάρ γάρ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: γάρ; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
γάρ for; yes,.., no,..; ay doubtless; since, as; yes; no; yet; else; for in that case; why, what; why; what; quid enim; far otherwise], for; hush], for; look out] for
ἐκ ἐκ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐκ; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐκ from out of; from.; out of, forth from; in; from; with all; with; after; instead of; out of; one of; above; outside of, beyond; banished from; apart from; on, in; on; with water from; upon; to; dependent upon; by; of; at; over..; since; for; just finished; at the end of; at, in; by the hand of; built by; spontaneous; in consequence; wherefore?; by means of; in accordance with; place; apiece; by th
τοῦ τις lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τοῦ τίς lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τοῦ article masc., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τοῦ article neut., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
θεοῦ θεάω finite verb 2nd sing., impf. mid-pass. indic. stem: θε; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr unaugmented poetic; derivtype: aw_denom.
θεάω θεάω
θεοῦ θεάομαι finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. imper. stem: θε; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
θεάομαι gaze at, behold; wonder; reconnoitred; do you see?; contemplate; see clearly; view as spectators; the spectators; onlookers, bystanders; to be spectators of; to review; Tombeaux des rois à Thèbes
θεοῦ θεάω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. imper. stem: θε; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
θεάω θεάω
θεοῦ θεάομαι finite verb 2nd sing., impf. mid-pass. indic. stem: θε; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr unaugmented poetic; derivtype: aw_denom.
θεάομαι gaze at, behold; wonder; reconnoitred; do you see?; contemplate; see clearly; view as spectators; the spectators; onlookers, bystanders; to be spectators of; to review; Tombeaux des rois à Thèbes
θεοῦ θεός noun masc., gen., sing. stem: θε; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ου; decl: 2nd.
θεός God, the Deity; against his will; bless you! good heavens! for heavenʼs sake!; weather; Divus; divi Imperatores; Dis Manibus; one set in authority, judge; goddess; divine
ἐξῆλθον ἐξέρχομαι finite verb 1st sing., aor. act. indic. stem: ἐκ:ἐλθ; stemtype: aor2; suff: ον.
ἐξέρχομαι go; come out of; come out; come forth; march out, go forth; withdraw from the country; go out on; went through; pursue their advantages; allow oneself to use; pass off; issue from; stand forth and come; stand forth, be proved to be; execute; exceed all bounds; come to an end, expire; go out of office; to be accomplished, come true; was satisfied; turn out; proceed; to be exported
ἐξῆλθον ἐξέρχομαι finite verb 3rd pl., aor. act. indic. stem: ἐκ:ἐλθ; stemtype: aor2; suff: ον.
ἐξέρχομαι go; come out of; come out; come forth; march out, go forth; withdraw from the country; go out on; went through; pursue their advantages; allow oneself to use; pass off; issue from; stand forth and come; stand forth, be proved to be; execute; exceed all bounds; come to an end, expire; go out of office; to be accomplished, come true; was satisfied; turn out; proceed; to be exported
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
ἥκω ἵημι finite verb 2nd sing., aor. mid. indic. stem: ἡκ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ω; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: unaugmented.
ἵημι Ja-c-io; sēmen; véti; vyánti; vīs; invitus.; release, let go; let; let fall; made; flow; hang; go; utter; to speak; to let loose; throw, hurl; to throw; shoot; throw, shoot; shooting; let flow, spout forth; pours; send; speed oneself, hasten; spring; rushing; to be eager, desire to do; to be set upon, long for; setting thyself toward; eager; he was
ἥκω ἥκω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: ἡκ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἥκω to have come, be present; had come; shall have come; to set upon, attack; to have come to fetch; to have come; are here; to have reached a point; pass; to be; off for; have plenty of; well off; have; sped; degree; to be flourishing; art in; to have come back, returned; shall be back; come back; have come; am going; intend; to have come to be; take oneʼs origin; to have come to table; have come to;
ἥκω ἵημι finite verb 2nd sing., aor. mid. indic. stem: ἡκ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ω.
ἵημι Ja-c-io; sēmen; véti; vyánti; vīs; invitus.; release, let go; let; let fall; made; flow; hang; go; utter; to speak; to let loose; throw, hurl; to throw; shoot; throw, shoot; shooting; let flow, spout forth; pours; send; speed oneself, hasten; spring; rushing; to be eager, desire to do; to be set upon, long for; setting thyself toward; eager; he was
ἥκω ἥκω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ἡκ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἥκω to have come, be present; had come; shall have come; to set upon, attack; to have come to fetch; to have come; are here; to have reached a point; pass; to be; off for; have plenty of; well off; have; sped; degree; to be flourishing; art in; to have come back, returned; shall be back; come back; have come; am going; intend; to have come to be; take oneʼs origin; to have come to table; have come to;
οὐδέ οὐδέ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: οὐδέ; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
οὐδέ but not; nor; and not, nor; and not; or; neither.. nor; no; nor yet; not even; no not; not at all; no not even; and not even; also not, not.. either, nor yet
οὐδέ (and) in no wise; in no wise
οὐδέ and not yet, not as yet
οὐδέ οὐδός1 noun masc., voc., sing. stem: οὐδ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ε; decl: 2nd.
οὐδός threshold; threshold of a house; threshold, entrance; lintel; end
οὐδός way
οὐδός threshold; threshold of a house; threshold, entrance; lintel; end
οὐδός way
οὐδέ οὐδός2 noun fem., voc., sing. stem: οὐδ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ε; dial: Ionic; decl: 2nd.
οὐδός threshold; threshold of a house; threshold, entrance; lintel; end
οὐδός way
οὐδός threshold; threshold of a house; threshold, entrance; lintel; end
οὐδός way
γάρ γάρ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: γάρ; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
γάρ for; yes,.., no,..; ay doubtless; since, as; yes; no; yet; else; for in that case; why, what; why; what; quid enim; far otherwise], for; hush], for; look out] for
ἀπ' ἀπό indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἀπαί; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: poetic indeclform.
ἀπό ápa; ab; ap-ehtre; af; af, cef, of; from.; from, away from; departure from; from; on; back; away from, far from; apart from; far from; without using; away; away from; alien from; without; off; taken; of; upon; and; from being, instead of; free from, without; from, after; after; onwards; from the beginning of; at; fresh from; beyond; consulares; freedman of..; sprung from; in descent from; springs
ἀπ' ἀπό indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἀπό; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
ἀπό ápa; ab; ap-ehtre; af; af, cef, of; from.; from, away from; departure from; from; on; back; away from, far from; apart from; far from; without using; away; away from; alien from; without; off; taken; of; upon; and; from being, instead of; free from, without; from, after; after; onwards; from the beginning of; at; fresh from; beyond; consulares; freedman of..; sprung from; in descent from; springs
ἐμαυτοῦ ἐμαυτοῦ pronoun masc., gen., sing. stem: ἐμαυτοῦ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐμαυτοῦ of me, of myself; oneself; master of oneself
ἐμαυτοῦ ἐμαυτοῦ pronoun neut., gen., sing. stem: ἐμαυτοῦ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐμαυτοῦ of me, of myself; oneself; master of oneself
ἐλήλυθα ἔρχομαι finite verb 1st sing., perf. act. indic. stem: ἐληλυθ; stemtype: perf_act; suff: α; morph: attic_redupl.
ἔρχομαι ibo; start, set out; was setting out; was; starting; walk; walking; come; go; art come; to go; come to, arrive at; traverse; through; across; from; come to; come to aid; relieve; go to; am going to; came; come thither; go and; come and; to rise; have come; rise; came to; ears; was about to happen; comes; passes; pass, fall; pass; falls; arrived; come within a little of, be near; who have gone; go
ἀλλ' ἀλλά adverb pos. degree stem: ἀλλά; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ἀλλά otherwise; but; not only.. but; not only not.. but; still, at least; at least; except, but; but=be out, except; not; but, yet; nay but.., well but; it is not [so], but; at all events; well then; but then, however; but really, certainly; quid si.. ?; et quidem
ἐκεῖνός ἐκεῖνος pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐκειν; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ος.
ἐκεῖνος the person there, that person; thing; the more remote; the nearer; the latter; that point; à propos; the ideal world; so-and-so; there; in that case; in that way; at that place, in that neighbourhood; in that manner; that time; that region; afterwards
με ἐγώ pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
με ἐγώ pronoun fem., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἀπέστειλεν ἀποστέλλω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: ἀπό:ἐ:στειλ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: ellw.
ἀποστέλλω send off; away from; send away, banish; go away, depart; dispatch; put off, doff; retire, withdraw
διά διά indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: διά; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
διά through;; in a line; right through; out through; quite through; straight through; throughout; idly; through; not in a line, throughout, over; through all; in the course of..; in the midst of; between; pre-eminence; along; across; at intervals of; after every; at every; at a distance of; at; a distance; distance apart; Aër.; duration; all; long; in the course of; by; from beginning to end; continua
τί τίς pronoun neut., voc., sing. stem: τί; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τί τις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: τί; stemtype: indef; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τί τις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: τί; stemtype: indef; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τί τις pronoun neut., voc., sing. stem: τί; stemtype: indef; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τί τίς pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: τί; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τί τίς pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: τί; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τήν article fem., acc., sing. stem: τήν; stemtype: article; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
λαλιάν λαλιά noun fem., acc., sing. stem: λαλι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱν; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st.
λᾰλ-ιά talk, chat; common talk, report; discussion; speech, conversation; matter, subject; loquacity; a form of speech, dialect; style
λαλιάν λαλιή noun fem., acc., sing. stem: λαλι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱν; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st.
λαλιάν λαλιός adjective fem., acc., sing. stem: λαλι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱν; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λᾰλ-ιός λαλιός
τήν article fem., acc., sing. stem: τήν; stemtype: article; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἐμήν ἐμός adjective fem., acc., sing. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ην; dial: Attic epic Ionic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
οὐ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
γινώσκετε γιγνώσκω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. imper. stem: γινωσκ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; dial: Ionic; derivtype: o_stem.
γιγνώσκω come to know, perceive; know; know by reflection; know by observation; perceive; discern, distinguish, recognize; learn; were aware of; perceived; felt that; was; he was aware of; recognize; take; to mean; the perceiver; the objects perceived; one who knows, a prudent person; it were known of them; form a judgement, think; see; I understand; you are right; tenes; judge, determine, decree that; det
γινώσκετε γιγνώσκω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: γινωσκ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; dial: Ionic; derivtype: o_stem.
γιγνώσκω come to know, perceive; know; know by reflection; know by observation; perceive; discern, distinguish, recognize; learn; were aware of; perceived; felt that; was; he was aware of; recognize; take; to mean; the perceiver; the objects perceived; one who knows, a prudent person; it were known of them; form a judgement, think; see; I understand; you are right; tenes; judge, determine, decree that; det
γινώσκετε γιγνώσκω finite verb 2nd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: γινωσκ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: o_stem.
γιγνώσκω come to know, perceive; know; know by reflection; know by observation; perceive; discern, distinguish, recognize; learn; were aware of; perceived; felt that; was; he was aware of; recognize; take; to mean; the perceiver; the objects perceived; one who knows, a prudent person; it were known of them; form a judgement, think; see; I understand; you are right; tenes; judge, determine, decree that; det
ὅτι ὅτι2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὅτι; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅτι1 adverb pos. degree stem: ὅτι; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
οὐ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
δύνασθε δύναμαι finite verb 2nd pl., pres. mid-pass. indic. stem: δυν; stemtype: ami_short; suff: ασθε; derivtype: a_stem.
δύνᾰμαι to be able, strong enough; canst; powerful, mighty; multum valet; men of power, rank, and influence; having influence; one that can maintain himself; potentialities; to be able, dare, bear; enjoy a legal right; could; possibly can; to be equivalent to; that are as good as; to be worth; pass, be current; to be equal; equivalent to; will be equivalent to; signify, mean; is equivalent to; avail to pr
δύνασθε δύναμαι finite verb 2nd pl., impf. mid-pass. indic. stem: δυν; stemtype: ami_short; suff: ασθε; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: a_stem.
δύνᾰμαι to be able, strong enough; canst; powerful, mighty; multum valet; men of power, rank, and influence; having influence; one that can maintain himself; potentialities; to be able, dare, bear; enjoy a legal right; could; possibly can; to be equivalent to; that are as good as; to be worth; pass, be current; to be equal; equivalent to; will be equivalent to; signify, mean; is equivalent to; avail to pr
δύνασθε δύναμαι finite verb 2nd pl., pres. mid-pass. imper. stem: δυν; stemtype: ami_short; suff: ασθε; derivtype: a_stem.
δύνᾰμαι to be able, strong enough; canst; powerful, mighty; multum valet; men of power, rank, and influence; having influence; one that can maintain himself; potentialities; to be able, dare, bear; enjoy a legal right; could; possibly can; to be equivalent to; that are as good as; to be worth; pass, be current; to be equal; equivalent to; will be equivalent to; signify, mean; is equivalent to; avail to pr
ἀκούειν ἀκούω infinitive pres. act. stem: ἀκου; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ειν; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἀκούω hear; hear of, hear tell of; hear of; from; should he hear; to hear [generally; what one actually hears; know by hearsay; hearken, give ear; oyez! oyez!; readers of a book; listen to, give ear to; obey; hear and understand; to be a pupil of; hear oneself called, be called; audire; to be ill spoken of by; were said; have; spoken of; hear it; said; at first hearing; understand, take; aspect mutually
τόν article masc., acc., sing. stem: τόν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
λόγον λόγος noun masc., acc., sing. stem: λογ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
λόγος computation, reckoning; account; accounts; audit; public accounts; treasury; treasurer; fiscus; aerarium; account, reckoning; all; accounting; way; measure, tale; point; tale; measure; sum, total; patrimonii modus; esteem, consideration, value; worth; account, repute; esteemed; rationem habere alicujus; value; reputation; regard; reckoned, count; reckoned; relation, correspondence, proportion; rel
τόν article masc., acc., sing. stem: τόν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἐμόν ἐμός adjective neut., voc., sing. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
ἐμόν ἐμός adjective masc., acc., sing. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
ἐμόν ἐμός adjective neut., acc., sing. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
ἐμόν ἐμός adjective neut., nom., sing. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
ὑμεῖς σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμεῖς; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: nominative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
ἐκ ἐκ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐκ; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐκ from out of; from.; out of, forth from; in; from; with all; with; after; instead of; out of; one of; above; outside of, beyond; banished from; apart from; on, in; on; with water from; upon; to; dependent upon; by; of; at; over..; since; for; just finished; at the end of; at, in; by the hand of; built by; spontaneous; in consequence; wherefore?; by means of; in accordance with; place; apiece; by th
τοῦ τις lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τοῦ τίς lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τοῦ article masc., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τοῦ article neut., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
πατρός πατήρ noun masc., gen., sing. stem: πατ; stemtype: hr_eros; suff: ρος; morph: syncope; decl: 3rd.
πᾰτήρ pitṛṣu; father; grandfather; by the fatherʼs side; father, author; authors; pater patriae; forefathers; from our fathers’ time; parents; parentnation; pitár; pater
τοῦ τις lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τοῦ τίς lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τοῦ article masc., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τοῦ article neut., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
διαβόλου διάβολος adjective fem., gen., sing. stem: διαβολ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ου; decl: 1st & 2nd.
διάβολ-ος slanderous, backbiting; aliquid invidiae; slanderer; enemy; Sâtân; the Devil; injuriously, invidiously
διαβόλου διάβολος adjective masc., gen., sing. stem: διαβολ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ου; decl: 1st & 2nd.
διάβολ-ος slanderous, backbiting; aliquid invidiae; slanderer; enemy; Sâtân; the Devil; injuriously, invidiously
διαβόλου διάβολος adjective neut., gen., sing. stem: διαβολ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ου; decl: 1st & 2nd.
διάβολ-ος slanderous, backbiting; aliquid invidiae; slanderer; enemy; Sâtân; the Devil; injuriously, invidiously
ἐστέ εἰμί finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐστε; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
τάς article fem., acc., pl. stem: τᾱ ́ς; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἐπιθυμίας ἐπιθυμιάω finite verb 2nd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐπιθυμι; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ᾱς; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: contr unaugmented; derivtype: iaw_denom.
ἐπιθῡμι-άω offer incense
ἐπιθυμίας ἐπιθυμιάω finite verb 2nd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐπί:θῡμι; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ᾱς; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: contr unaugmented; derivtype: iaw_denom.
ἐπιθῡμι-άω offer incense
ἐπιθυμίας ἐπιθυμία noun fem., acc., pl. stem: ἐπιθῡμι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱς; decl: 1st.
ἐπιθῡμ-ία desire, yearning; by passion; appetite; sexual desire, lust; longing after; desire of; for; an inclination; object of desire
ἐπιθυμίας ἐπιθυμία noun fem., gen., sing. stem: ἐπιθῡμι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱς; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st.
ἐπιθῡμ-ία desire, yearning; by passion; appetite; sexual desire, lust; longing after; desire of; for; an inclination; object of desire
τοῦ τις lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τοῦ τίς lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τοῦ article masc., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τοῦ article neut., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
πατρός πατήρ noun masc., gen., sing. stem: πατ; stemtype: hr_eros; suff: ρος; morph: syncope; decl: 3rd.
πᾰτήρ pitṛṣu; father; grandfather; by the fatherʼs side; father, author; authors; pater patriae; forefathers; from our fathers’ time; parents; parentnation; pitár; pater
ὑμῶν σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμῶν; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective masc., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective neut., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective fem., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
θέλετε ἐθέλω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. imper. stem: θελ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε.
ἐθέλω to be willing; wish; wish to; wish that; intent; cared; were; able; would; willingly, gladly; whoever will; any one; nolens volens; do; please; wilt; maintain, hold; delight in, love; wishers; ordain, decree; future; will; shall; to be naturally disposed, to be wont; accustomed
θέλετε ἐθέλω finite verb 2nd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: θελ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: unaugmented.
ἐθέλω to be willing; wish; wish to; wish that; intent; cared; were; able; would; willingly, gladly; whoever will; any one; nolens volens; do; please; wilt; maintain, hold; delight in, love; wishers; ordain, decree; future; will; shall; to be naturally disposed, to be wont; accustomed
θέλετε ἐθέλω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: θελ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε.
ἐθέλω to be willing; wish; wish to; wish that; intent; cared; were; able; would; willingly, gladly; whoever will; any one; nolens volens; do; please; wilt; maintain, hold; delight in, love; wishers; ordain, decree; future; will; shall; to be naturally disposed, to be wont; accustomed
ποιεῖν ποιέω infinitive pres. act. stem: ποι; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖν; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
ποιέω make; do.; make, produce; made; to be made with..; are made; make for oneself; build them; have; made, get; create, bring into existence; the creator; beget; conceive; produce; grow; let it be contrived; postulate, imply; effect a solution of; fulfil, satisfy; compose, write; write poetry, write as a poet; represent in poetry; having represented; describe in verse; put; into verse; invent; bring a
ἐκεῖνος ἐκεῖνος pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐκειν; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ος.
ἐκεῖνος the person there, that person; thing; the more remote; the nearer; the latter; that point; à propos; the ideal world; so-and-so; there; in that case; in that way; at that place, in that neighbourhood; in that manner; that time; that region; afterwards
ἀνθρωποκτόνος ἀνθρωποκτόνος adjective masc., nom., sing. stem: ἀνθρωποκτον; stemtype: os_on; suff: ος; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἀνθρωπο-κτόνος murdering men, homicide; on slaughtered men
ἀνθρωποκτόνος ἀνθρωποκτόνος adjective fem., nom., sing. stem: ἀνθρωποκτον; stemtype: os_on; suff: ος; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἀνθρωπο-κτόνος murdering men, homicide; on slaughtered men
ἦν εἰμί finite verb 1st sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἦν; stemtype: irreg_mi.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
ἦν ἠμί finite verb 1st sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἦν; stemtype: irreg_mi; dial: Attic.
ἠμί say; spake; said; aio, ad-agium
ἦν εἰμί finite verb 3rd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ἦν; stemtype: irreg_mi; dial: epic Doric Aeolic.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
ἦν εἰμί finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἦν; stemtype: irreg_mi.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
ἀπ' ἀπό indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἀπαί; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: poetic indeclform.
ἀπό ápa; ab; ap-ehtre; af; af, cef, of; from.; from, away from; departure from; from; on; back; away from, far from; apart from; far from; without using; away; away from; alien from; without; off; taken; of; upon; and; from being, instead of; free from, without; from, after; after; onwards; from the beginning of; at; fresh from; beyond; consulares; freedman of..; sprung from; in descent from; springs
ἀπ' ἀπό indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἀπό; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
ἀπό ápa; ab; ap-ehtre; af; af, cef, of; from.; from, away from; departure from; from; on; back; away from, far from; apart from; far from; without using; away; away from; alien from; without; off; taken; of; upon; and; from being, instead of; free from, without; from, after; after; onwards; from the beginning of; at; fresh from; beyond; consulares; freedman of..; sprung from; in descent from; springs
ἀρχῆς ἀρχή noun fem., gen., sing. stem: ἀρχ; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ης; dial: Attic epic Ionic; decl: 1st.
ἀρχή beginning, origin; a foundation; source; the beginning; the first; of old; anew, afresh; original; principal sum; first; to begin with, at first; at all; first principle, element; practical principle; principles; end, corner; origin; branch; sum, total; vital organs; first place; power, sovereignty; power over; method of government; empire, realm; magistracy, office; an office; term of office; the
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
ἐν εἰς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰς into; to; into the territory of; in; before; facing; rest in; there; upon; for; up to, until; till; towards; near; up to; against; until; within; throughout; at; on; with; as far as; as much as; so far as; to the number of; deep; abreast; thrice; about; by; towards, in regard to; in regard to; in respect of; to cause; pertinent, to the purpose
ἐν ἐν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐν in, into.; in; in the district of; at the school of; in, within, surrounded by; under; equipped with; on, at; by; on; at; in the number of, amongst; in the presence of; in oneʼs hands, within oneʼs reach; power; with; in the eyes of; in respect of; in point of; towards; into; motion to; position in; fell; coming; going; from; in the form of; as; in the practice of; before; during the time; in the
τῇ article fem., dat., sing. stem: τῇ; stemtype: article; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῇ τῇ adverb pos. degree stem: τῇ; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
τῇ here, there
ἀληθείᾳ ἀλήθεια noun fem., dat., sing. stem: ἀληθει; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ|; dial: Attic epic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st.
ἀλήθ-εια truth; lie; mere appearance; a lie; in vino veritas’; true; truth, reality; appearance; in very truth; in truth and reality; for the sake of truth; according to truth and nature; real war; exercise; parade; true event, realization; truthfulness, sincerity; symbol of truth, jewel
ἀληθείᾳ ἀλήθεια noun fem., dat., sing. stem: ἀληθει; stemtype: a_hs; suff: ᾱ|; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st.
ἀλήθ-εια truth; lie; mere appearance; a lie; in vino veritas’; true; truth, reality; appearance; in very truth; in truth and reality; for the sake of truth; according to truth and nature; real war; exercise; parade; true event, realization; truthfulness, sincerity; symbol of truth, jewel
οὐκ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐκ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
ἔστηκεν στήκω finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:στηκ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable.
στήκω stand
ὅτι ὅτι2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὅτι; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅτι1 adverb pos. degree stem: ὅτι; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
οὐκ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐκ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
ἔστιν εἰμί finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐστιν; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic nu_movable.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
ἀλήθεια ἀλήθεια noun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἀληθει; stemtype: a_hs; suff: α; decl: 1st.
ἀλήθ-εια truth; lie; mere appearance; a lie; in vino veritas’; true; truth, reality; appearance; in very truth; in truth and reality; for the sake of truth; according to truth and nature; real war; exercise; parade; true event, realization; truthfulness, sincerity; symbol of truth, jewel
ἀλήθεια ἀλήθεια noun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἀληθει; stemtype: a_hs; suff: α; decl: 1st.
ἀλήθ-εια truth; lie; mere appearance; a lie; in vino veritas’; true; truth, reality; appearance; in very truth; in truth and reality; for the sake of truth; according to truth and nature; real war; exercise; parade; true event, realization; truthfulness, sincerity; symbol of truth, jewel
ἐν εἰς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰς into; to; into the territory of; in; before; facing; rest in; there; upon; for; up to, until; till; towards; near; up to; against; until; within; throughout; at; on; with; as far as; as much as; so far as; to the number of; deep; abreast; thrice; about; by; towards, in regard to; in regard to; in respect of; to cause; pertinent, to the purpose
ἐν ἐν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐν; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐν in, into.; in; in the district of; at the school of; in, within, surrounded by; under; equipped with; on, at; by; on; at; in the number of, amongst; in the presence of; in oneʼs hands, within oneʼs reach; power; with; in the eyes of; in respect of; in point of; towards; into; motion to; position in; fell; coming; going; from; in the form of; as; in the practice of; before; during the time; in the
αὐτῷ αὐτός pronoun masc., dat., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ῳ.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτῷ αὐτός pronoun neut., dat., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ῳ.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
ὅταν ὅταν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὅταν; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ὅταν whenever; since; when; such time as; cum primum; Lyr.Alex. Adesp.
λαλῇ λαλέω finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. subj. stem: λαλ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῇ; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
λᾰλ-έω talk, chat, prattle; talk to; talk, speak; talk of; speak; it shall be told; chatter; chirp; sound
λαλῇ λαλέω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. subj. stem: λαλ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῇ; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
λᾰλ-έω talk, chat, prattle; talk to; talk, speak; talk of; speak; it shall be told; chatter; chirp; sound
λαλῇ λαλέω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. indic. stem: λαλ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῇ; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
λᾰλ-έω talk, chat, prattle; talk to; talk, speak; talk of; speak; it shall be told; chatter; chirp; sound
λαλῇ λαλάζω finite verb 2nd sing., fut. mid. indic. stem: λαλ; stemtype: aw_fut; suff: ῇ; dial: Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: azw.
λᾰλάζω λαλάζω
λαλῇ λαλάζω finite verb 3rd sing., fut. act. indic. stem: λαλ; stemtype: aw_fut; suff: ῇ; dial: Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: azw.
λᾰλάζω λαλάζω
τό article neut., nom., sing. stem: τό; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τό article neut., voc., sing. stem: τό; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τό article neut., acc., sing. stem: τό; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ψεῦδος ψεῦδος noun neut., voc., sing. stem: ψεῡδ; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: ος; decl: 3rd.
ψεῦδος falsehood, lie; lie; deceit; false conclusion, fallacy; false doctrine; spots, pimples; white spots
ψεῦδος ψεῦδος noun neut., nom., sing. stem: ψεῡδ; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: ος; decl: 3rd.
ψεῦδος falsehood, lie; lie; deceit; false conclusion, fallacy; false doctrine; spots, pimples; white spots
ψεῦδος ψεῦδος noun neut., acc., sing. stem: ψεῡδ; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: ος; decl: 3rd.
ψεῦδος falsehood, lie; lie; deceit; false conclusion, fallacy; false doctrine; spots, pimples; white spots
ἐκ ἐκ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐκ; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐκ from out of; from.; out of, forth from; in; from; with all; with; after; instead of; out of; one of; above; outside of, beyond; banished from; apart from; on, in; on; with water from; upon; to; dependent upon; by; of; at; over..; since; for; just finished; at the end of; at, in; by the hand of; built by; spontaneous; in consequence; wherefore?; by means of; in accordance with; place; apiece; by th
τῶν article fem., gen., pl. stem: τῶν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῶν article masc., gen., pl. stem: τῶν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τῶν article neut., gen., pl. stem: τῶν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἰδίων ἶδος noun neut., gen., pl. stem: ἰ̄δ; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: ίων; dial: Doric; decl: 3rd.
ἶδος sweat; sweats; warmth; violent heat
ἰδίων ἴδιος adjective neut., gen., pl. stem: ἰδι; stemtype: os_on; suff: ων; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἴδιος oneʼs own, pertaining to oneself; private, personal; private; a private man; private buildings; private persons; oneʼs own; private interests; oneʼs own property; oneʼs own business; self; personal; for my own part; personally attached; members of oneʼs family, relatives; place of origin; natural; Cities and Bishoprics; separate, distinct; peculiar; unique and different; private account; special a
ἰδίων ἴδιος adjective neut., gen., pl. stem: ἰδι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἴδιος oneʼs own, pertaining to oneself; private, personal; private; a private man; private buildings; private persons; oneʼs own; private interests; oneʼs own property; oneʼs own business; self; personal; for my own part; personally attached; members of oneʼs family, relatives; place of origin; natural; Cities and Bishoprics; separate, distinct; peculiar; unique and different; private account; special a
ἰδίων ἴδιος adjective masc., gen., pl. stem: ἰδι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἴδιος oneʼs own, pertaining to oneself; private, personal; private; a private man; private buildings; private persons; oneʼs own; private interests; oneʼs own property; oneʼs own business; self; personal; for my own part; personally attached; members of oneʼs family, relatives; place of origin; natural; Cities and Bishoprics; separate, distinct; peculiar; unique and different; private account; special a
ἰδίων ἴδιος adjective masc., gen., pl. stem: ἰδι; stemtype: os_on; suff: ων; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἴδιος oneʼs own, pertaining to oneself; private, personal; private; a private man; private buildings; private persons; oneʼs own; private interests; oneʼs own property; oneʼs own business; self; personal; for my own part; personally attached; members of oneʼs family, relatives; place of origin; natural; Cities and Bishoprics; separate, distinct; peculiar; unique and different; private account; special a
ἰδίων ἴδιος adjective fem., gen., pl. stem: ἰδι; stemtype: os_on; suff: ων; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἴδιος oneʼs own, pertaining to oneself; private, personal; private; a private man; private buildings; private persons; oneʼs own; private interests; oneʼs own property; oneʼs own business; self; personal; for my own part; personally attached; members of oneʼs family, relatives; place of origin; natural; Cities and Bishoprics; separate, distinct; peculiar; unique and different; private account; special a
ἰδίων ἴδιος adjective fem., gen., pl. stem: ἰδι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἴδιος oneʼs own, pertaining to oneself; private, personal; private; a private man; private buildings; private persons; oneʼs own; private interests; oneʼs own property; oneʼs own business; self; personal; for my own part; personally attached; members of oneʼs family, relatives; place of origin; natural; Cities and Bishoprics; separate, distinct; peculiar; unique and different; private account; special a
ἰδίων ἰδίω participle pres. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: ἰ̄δι; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ων.
ἰδίω sweat; svidyati; sudo; sweat.
ἰδίων ἰδέω participle pres. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: ἰδ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ίων; dial: Doric; derivtype: ew_denom.
λαλεῖ λαλέω finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λαλ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖ; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
λᾰλ-έω talk, chat, prattle; talk to; talk, speak; talk of; speak; it shall be told; chatter; chirp; sound
λαλεῖ λαλέω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. indic. stem: λαλ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖ; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
λᾰλ-έω talk, chat, prattle; talk to; talk, speak; talk of; speak; it shall be told; chatter; chirp; sound
ὅτι ὅτι2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὅτι; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅτι1 adverb pos. degree stem: ὅτι; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ψεύστης ψευστέω finite verb 2nd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ψευστ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ης; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: contr unaugmented poetic; derivtype: ew_denom.
ψευσ-τέω to be a liar
ψεύστης ψεύστης noun masc., nom., sing. stem: ψευστ; stemtype: hs_ou; suff: ης; decl: 1st.
ψεύσ-της liar, cheat; liars; lying, false
ἐστίν εἰμί finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐστιν; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic nu_movable.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
πατήρ πατήρ noun masc., nom., sing. stem: πατ; stemtype: hr_eros; suff: ηρ; decl: 3rd.
πᾰτήρ pitṛṣu; father; grandfather; by the fatherʼs side; father, author; authors; pater patriae; forefathers; from our fathers’ time; parents; parentnation; pitár; pater
αὐτοῦ αὐτός pronoun neut., gen., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ου.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτοῦ αὐτός pronoun masc., gen., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ου.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτοῦ αὐτοῦ adverb pos. degree stem: αὐτοῦ; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
αὐτοῦ just there; just here; there!; here in; there; very; exactly
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
δέ δέ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: δέ; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
δέ but; nay; then; well
ὅτι ὅτι2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὅτι; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅτι1 adverb pos. degree stem: ὅτι; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
τήν article fem., acc., sing. stem: τήν; stemtype: article; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἀλήθειαν ἀλήθεια noun fem., acc., sing. stem: ἀληθει; stemtype: a_hs; suff: αν; decl: 1st.
ἀλήθ-εια truth; lie; mere appearance; a lie; in vino veritas’; true; truth, reality; appearance; in very truth; in truth and reality; for the sake of truth; according to truth and nature; real war; exercise; parade; true event, realization; truthfulness, sincerity; symbol of truth, jewel
λέγω λέγω1 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγω3 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγω1 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγω2 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγω2 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγω3 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγος adjective neut., acc., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective masc., gen., sing. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective neut., nom., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective neut., gen., sing. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective masc., nom., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective masc., acc., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective masc., voc., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective neut., voc., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
οὐ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
πιστεύετέ πιστεύω finite verb 2nd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: πιστευ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: euw.
πιστ-εύω trust, put faith in, rely on; believe; to believe; entertain a confident; to be trusted; believed; enjoy; confidence; he would be believed; were believed; were believed to possess; comply; believe that, feel confident that; believed sure to; he trusted; have faith; entrust; have entrusted to one; Berichte der russ. Akad. fuür Gesch. der materiellen Kultur; to be entrusted with; have; committed
πιστεύετέ πιστεύω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: πιστευ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; derivtype: euw.
πιστ-εύω trust, put faith in, rely on; believe; to believe; entertain a confident; to be trusted; believed; enjoy; confidence; he would be believed; were believed; were believed to possess; comply; believe that, feel confident that; believed sure to; he trusted; have faith; entrust; have entrusted to one; Berichte der russ. Akad. fuür Gesch. der materiellen Kultur; to be entrusted with; have; committed
πιστεύετέ πιστεύω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. imper. stem: πιστευ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; derivtype: euw.
πιστ-εύω trust, put faith in, rely on; believe; to believe; entertain a confident; to be trusted; believed; enjoy; confidence; he would be believed; were believed; were believed to possess; comply; believe that, feel confident that; believed sure to; he trusted; have faith; entrust; have entrusted to one; Berichte der russ. Akad. fuür Gesch. der materiellen Kultur; to be entrusted with; have; committed
μοι ἐγώ pronoun fem., dat., sing. stem: μοι; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
μοι ἐγώ pronoun masc., dat., sing. stem: μοι; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
τίς τις pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: τίς; stemtype: indef; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τίς τις pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: τίς; stemtype: indef; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τίς τίς pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: τίς; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τίς τίς pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: τίς; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
ἐξ ἐκ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐξ; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐκ from out of; from.; out of, forth from; in; from; with all; with; after; instead of; out of; one of; above; outside of, beyond; banished from; apart from; on, in; on; with water from; upon; to; dependent upon; by; of; at; over..; since; for; just finished; at the end of; at, in; by the hand of; built by; spontaneous; in consequence; wherefore?; by means of; in accordance with; place; apiece; by th
ὑμῶν σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμῶν; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective masc., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective neut., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective fem., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ἐλέγχει ἐλέγχω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. indic. stem: ἐλεγχ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ει; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἐλέγχω disgrace, put to shame; treat; with contempt; put; to shame; cross-examine, question; accuse; to be convicted; test, bring to the proof; prove; bring convincing proof; refute, confute; proves that; avail not; put right, correct, prove by a reductio ad impossibile; get the better of; expose; betray; decide
ἐλέγχει ἐλέγχω finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐλεγχ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ει; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἐλέγχω disgrace, put to shame; treat; with contempt; put; to shame; cross-examine, question; accuse; to be convicted; test, bring to the proof; prove; bring convincing proof; refute, confute; proves that; avail not; put right, correct, prove by a reductio ad impossibile; get the better of; expose; betray; decide
ἐλέγχει ἔλεγχος1 noun neut., nom., dl. stem: ἐλεγχ; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: ει; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
ἔλεγχος reproach, disgrace, dishonour; reproaches
ἔλεγχος argument of disproof; refutation; ignoratio elenchi; cross-examining, testing, scrutiny; disproof; as a test; an opportunity of refuting; scrutiny; a proof; test; an account; trial; tests; convicted; proof; the evidence on which; was convicted; Conscience; catalogue, inventory; drop-pearl
ἐλέγχει ἔλεγχος1 noun neut., dat., sing. stem: ἐλεγχ; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: εϊ; dial: epic Ionic; decl: 3rd.
ἔλεγχος reproach, disgrace, dishonour; reproaches
ἔλεγχος argument of disproof; refutation; ignoratio elenchi; cross-examining, testing, scrutiny; disproof; as a test; an opportunity of refuting; scrutiny; a proof; test; an account; trial; tests; convicted; proof; the evidence on which; was convicted; Conscience; catalogue, inventory; drop-pearl
ἐλέγχει ἔλεγχος1 noun neut., dat., sing. stem: ἐλεγχ; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: ει; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
ἔλεγχος reproach, disgrace, dishonour; reproaches
ἔλεγχος argument of disproof; refutation; ignoratio elenchi; cross-examining, testing, scrutiny; disproof; as a test; an opportunity of refuting; scrutiny; a proof; test; an account; trial; tests; convicted; proof; the evidence on which; was convicted; Conscience; catalogue, inventory; drop-pearl
ἐλέγχει ἔλεγχος1 noun neut., acc., dl. stem: ἐλεγχ; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: ει; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
ἔλεγχος reproach, disgrace, dishonour; reproaches
ἔλεγχος argument of disproof; refutation; ignoratio elenchi; cross-examining, testing, scrutiny; disproof; as a test; an opportunity of refuting; scrutiny; a proof; test; an account; trial; tests; convicted; proof; the evidence on which; was convicted; Conscience; catalogue, inventory; drop-pearl
ἐλέγχει ἔλεγχος1 noun neut., voc., dl. stem: ἐλεγχ; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: ει; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
ἔλεγχος reproach, disgrace, dishonour; reproaches
ἔλεγχος argument of disproof; refutation; ignoratio elenchi; cross-examining, testing, scrutiny; disproof; as a test; an opportunity of refuting; scrutiny; a proof; test; an account; trial; tests; convicted; proof; the evidence on which; was convicted; Conscience; catalogue, inventory; drop-pearl
με ἐγώ pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
με ἐγώ pronoun fem., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
περί περί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: περί; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
περί round about, all round; on both sides; pári; round about, around; about near; about; for; about, on account of; of; about, concerning; for very; about, in regard to; the circumstances; as for; as to; before, above, beyond; beyond; consequence, worth; worth; on; behalf, PCair. Zen.; by grasping; around; spitted upon; transfixed by; standing over; on account of, by reason of; in; round about; round;
ἁμαρτίας ἁμαρτία noun fem., gen., sing. stem: ἁμαρτι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱς; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st.
ἁμαρτ-ία a failure, fault; error; guilt, sin
ἁμαρτίας ἁμαρτία noun fem., acc., pl. stem: ἁμαρτι; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱς; decl: 1st.
ἁμαρτ-ία a failure, fault; error; guilt, sin
εἰ εἰ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: εἰ; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰ if; whether.; come now; if ever, whenever; if ever; whenever; un; wonder, delight, indignation, disappointment, contentment; that; as surely as, since; as sure as; since; in case, supposing that; in case; except; otherwise; as much as; more than; siquis alius; any; now if; though; if (although; im; whether
εἰ εἰ δʼ οὖν
ἀλήθειαν ἀλήθεια noun fem., acc., sing. stem: ἀληθει; stemtype: a_hs; suff: αν; decl: 1st.
ἀλήθ-εια truth; lie; mere appearance; a lie; in vino veritas’; true; truth, reality; appearance; in very truth; in truth and reality; for the sake of truth; according to truth and nature; real war; exercise; parade; true event, realization; truthfulness, sincerity; symbol of truth, jewel
λέγω λέγω1 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγω3 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγω1 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγω2 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγω2 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγω3 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγος adjective neut., acc., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective masc., gen., sing. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective neut., nom., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective neut., gen., sing. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective masc., nom., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective masc., acc., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective masc., voc., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective neut., voc., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
διά διά indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: διά; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
διά through;; in a line; right through; out through; quite through; straight through; throughout; idly; through; not in a line, throughout, over; through all; in the course of..; in the midst of; between; pre-eminence; along; across; at intervals of; after every; at every; at a distance of; at; a distance; distance apart; Aër.; duration; all; long; in the course of; by; from beginning to end; continua
τί τίς pronoun neut., voc., sing. stem: τί; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τί τις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: τί; stemtype: indef; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τί τις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: τί; stemtype: indef; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τί τις pronoun neut., voc., sing. stem: τί; stemtype: indef; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τί τίς pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: τί; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τί τίς pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: τί; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
ὑμεῖς σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμεῖς; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: nominative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
οὐ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
πιστεύετέ πιστεύω finite verb 2nd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: πιστευ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: euw.
πιστ-εύω trust, put faith in, rely on; believe; to believe; entertain a confident; to be trusted; believed; enjoy; confidence; he would be believed; were believed; were believed to possess; comply; believe that, feel confident that; believed sure to; he trusted; have faith; entrust; have entrusted to one; Berichte der russ. Akad. fuür Gesch. der materiellen Kultur; to be entrusted with; have; committed
πιστεύετέ πιστεύω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: πιστευ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; derivtype: euw.
πιστ-εύω trust, put faith in, rely on; believe; to believe; entertain a confident; to be trusted; believed; enjoy; confidence; he would be believed; were believed; were believed to possess; comply; believe that, feel confident that; believed sure to; he trusted; have faith; entrust; have entrusted to one; Berichte der russ. Akad. fuür Gesch. der materiellen Kultur; to be entrusted with; have; committed
πιστεύετέ πιστεύω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. imper. stem: πιστευ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; derivtype: euw.
πιστ-εύω trust, put faith in, rely on; believe; to believe; entertain a confident; to be trusted; believed; enjoy; confidence; he would be believed; were believed; were believed to possess; comply; believe that, feel confident that; believed sure to; he trusted; have faith; entrust; have entrusted to one; Berichte der russ. Akad. fuür Gesch. der materiellen Kultur; to be entrusted with; have; committed
μοι ἐγώ pronoun fem., dat., sing. stem: μοι; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
μοι ἐγώ pronoun masc., dat., sing. stem: μοι; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ὤν εἰμί participle pres. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: ὤν; stemtype: irreg_mi.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
ἐκ ἐκ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐκ; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐκ from out of; from.; out of, forth from; in; from; with all; with; after; instead of; out of; one of; above; outside of, beyond; banished from; apart from; on, in; on; with water from; upon; to; dependent upon; by; of; at; over..; since; for; just finished; at the end of; at, in; by the hand of; built by; spontaneous; in consequence; wherefore?; by means of; in accordance with; place; apiece; by th
τοῦ τις lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τοῦ τίς lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τοῦ article masc., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τοῦ article neut., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
θεοῦ θεάω finite verb 2nd sing., impf. mid-pass. indic. stem: θε; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr unaugmented poetic; derivtype: aw_denom.
θεάω θεάω
θεοῦ θεάομαι finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. imper. stem: θε; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
θεάομαι gaze at, behold; wonder; reconnoitred; do you see?; contemplate; see clearly; view as spectators; the spectators; onlookers, bystanders; to be spectators of; to review; Tombeaux des rois à Thèbes
θεοῦ θεάω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. imper. stem: θε; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
θεάω θεάω
θεοῦ θεάομαι finite verb 2nd sing., impf. mid-pass. indic. stem: θε; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr unaugmented poetic; derivtype: aw_denom.
θεάομαι gaze at, behold; wonder; reconnoitred; do you see?; contemplate; see clearly; view as spectators; the spectators; onlookers, bystanders; to be spectators of; to review; Tombeaux des rois à Thèbes
θεοῦ θεός noun masc., gen., sing. stem: θε; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ου; decl: 2nd.
θεός God, the Deity; against his will; bless you! good heavens! for heavenʼs sake!; weather; Divus; divi Imperatores; Dis Manibus; one set in authority, judge; goddess; divine
τά τίς pronoun neut., nom., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τά τίς pronoun neut., acc., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τά τίς pronoun neut., voc., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τά article neut., nom., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τά article fem., nom., dl. stem: τᾱ ́; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τά article neut., acc., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τά article fem., acc., dl. stem: τᾱ ́; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τά article fem., voc., dl. stem: τᾱ ́; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τά article neut., voc., pl. stem: τά; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ῥήματα ῥῆμα noun neut., nom., pl. stem: ῥη—; stemtype: ma_matos; suff: ματα; decl: 3rd.
ῥῆμα that which is said; spoken, word, saying; words; word; the word; in so many words; word for word; phrase; verse, line; subject of speech, matter; NT, Ge.; verb; the predicate; when used as a predicate
ῥήματα ῥῆμα noun neut., voc., pl. stem: ῥη—; stemtype: ma_matos; suff: ματα; decl: 3rd.
ῥῆμα that which is said; spoken, word, saying; words; word; the word; in so many words; word for word; phrase; verse, line; subject of speech, matter; NT, Ge.; verb; the predicate; when used as a predicate
ῥήματα ῥῆμα noun neut., acc., pl. stem: ῥη—; stemtype: ma_matos; suff: ματα; decl: 3rd.
ῥῆμα that which is said; spoken, word, saying; words; word; the word; in so many words; word for word; phrase; verse, line; subject of speech, matter; NT, Ge.; verb; the predicate; when used as a predicate
τοῦ τις lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τοῦ τίς lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τοῦ article masc., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τοῦ article neut., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
θεοῦ θεάω finite verb 2nd sing., impf. mid-pass. indic. stem: θε; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr unaugmented poetic; derivtype: aw_denom.
θεάω θεάω
θεοῦ θεάομαι finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. imper. stem: θε; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
θεάομαι gaze at, behold; wonder; reconnoitred; do you see?; contemplate; see clearly; view as spectators; the spectators; onlookers, bystanders; to be spectators of; to review; Tombeaux des rois à Thèbes
θεοῦ θεάω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. imper. stem: θε; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
θεάω θεάω
θεοῦ θεάομαι finite verb 2nd sing., impf. mid-pass. indic. stem: θε; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr unaugmented poetic; derivtype: aw_denom.
θεάομαι gaze at, behold; wonder; reconnoitred; do you see?; contemplate; see clearly; view as spectators; the spectators; onlookers, bystanders; to be spectators of; to review; Tombeaux des rois à Thèbes
θεοῦ θεός noun masc., gen., sing. stem: θε; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ου; decl: 2nd.
θεός God, the Deity; against his will; bless you! good heavens! for heavenʼs sake!; weather; Divus; divi Imperatores; Dis Manibus; one set in authority, judge; goddess; divine
ἀκούει ἀκούω finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ἀκου; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ει; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἀκούω hear; hear of, hear tell of; hear of; from; should he hear; to hear [generally; what one actually hears; know by hearsay; hearken, give ear; oyez! oyez!; readers of a book; listen to, give ear to; obey; hear and understand; to be a pupil of; hear oneself called, be called; audire; to be ill spoken of by; were said; have; spoken of; hear it; said; at first hearing; understand, take; aspect mutually
ἀκούει ἀκούω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. indic. stem: ἀκου; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ει; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἀκούω hear; hear of, hear tell of; hear of; from; should he hear; to hear [generally; what one actually hears; know by hearsay; hearken, give ear; oyez! oyez!; readers of a book; listen to, give ear to; obey; hear and understand; to be a pupil of; hear oneself called, be called; audire; to be ill spoken of by; were said; have; spoken of; hear it; said; at first hearing; understand, take; aspect mutually
διά διά indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: διά; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
διά through;; in a line; right through; out through; quite through; straight through; throughout; idly; through; not in a line, throughout, over; through all; in the course of..; in the midst of; between; pre-eminence; along; across; at intervals of; after every; at every; at a distance of; at; a distance; distance apart; Aër.; duration; all; long; in the course of; by; from beginning to end; continua
τοῦτο οὗτος pronoun neut., voc., sing. stem: τοῦτο; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
τοῦτο οὗτος pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: τοῦτο; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
τοῦτο οὗτος pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: τοῦτο; stemtype: pron_adj1; morph: indeclform.
οὗτος this; u; this man here; here; these; this that.. ?; the nearer; that, the more remote; things round and about us, earthly things; familiar; the opponent; the opposite party; the judges, the court; here?; ho; there!; he; it; yes; even so, true; so; that; therefore, that is why; just because of this; so then, therefore; and that; anyhow, no matter what happens; happened; anyhow; on the one hand.., o
ὑμεῖς σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμεῖς; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: nominative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
οὐκ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐκ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
ἀκούετε ἀκούω finite verb 2nd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ἀκου; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; dial: Doric Aeolic; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἀκούω hear; hear of, hear tell of; hear of; from; should he hear; to hear [generally; what one actually hears; know by hearsay; hearken, give ear; oyez! oyez!; readers of a book; listen to, give ear to; obey; hear and understand; to be a pupil of; hear oneself called, be called; audire; to be ill spoken of by; were said; have; spoken of; hear it; said; at first hearing; understand, take; aspect mutually
ἀκούετε ἀκούω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. imper. stem: ἀκου; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἀκούω hear; hear of, hear tell of; hear of; from; should he hear; to hear [generally; what one actually hears; know by hearsay; hearken, give ear; oyez! oyez!; readers of a book; listen to, give ear to; obey; hear and understand; to be a pupil of; hear oneself called, be called; audire; to be ill spoken of by; were said; have; spoken of; hear it; said; at first hearing; understand, take; aspect mutually
ἀκούετε ἀκούω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: ἀκου; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἀκούω hear; hear of, hear tell of; hear of; from; should he hear; to hear [generally; what one actually hears; know by hearsay; hearken, give ear; oyez! oyez!; readers of a book; listen to, give ear to; obey; hear and understand; to be a pupil of; hear oneself called, be called; audire; to be ill spoken of by; were said; have; spoken of; hear it; said; at first hearing; understand, take; aspect mutually
ἀκούετε ἀκούω finite verb 2nd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ἀκου; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; dial: epic Doric Ionic Aeolic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἀκούω hear; hear of, hear tell of; hear of; from; should he hear; to hear [generally; what one actually hears; know by hearsay; hearken, give ear; oyez! oyez!; readers of a book; listen to, give ear to; obey; hear and understand; to be a pupil of; hear oneself called, be called; audire; to be ill spoken of by; were said; have; spoken of; hear it; said; at first hearing; understand, take; aspect mutually
ὅτι ὅτι2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὅτι; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅτι1 adverb pos. degree stem: ὅτι; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ἐκ ἐκ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐκ; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐκ from out of; from.; out of, forth from; in; from; with all; with; after; instead of; out of; one of; above; outside of, beyond; banished from; apart from; on, in; on; with water from; upon; to; dependent upon; by; of; at; over..; since; for; just finished; at the end of; at, in; by the hand of; built by; spontaneous; in consequence; wherefore?; by means of; in accordance with; place; apiece; by th
τοῦ τις lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τοῦ τίς lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τοῦ article masc., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τοῦ article neut., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
θεοῦ θεάω finite verb 2nd sing., impf. mid-pass. indic. stem: θε; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr unaugmented poetic; derivtype: aw_denom.
θεάω θεάω
θεοῦ θεάομαι finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. imper. stem: θε; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
θεάομαι gaze at, behold; wonder; reconnoitred; do you see?; contemplate; see clearly; view as spectators; the spectators; onlookers, bystanders; to be spectators of; to review; Tombeaux des rois à Thèbes
θεοῦ θεάω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. imper. stem: θε; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
θεάω θεάω
θεοῦ θεάομαι finite verb 2nd sing., impf. mid-pass. indic. stem: θε; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr unaugmented poetic; derivtype: aw_denom.
θεάομαι gaze at, behold; wonder; reconnoitred; do you see?; contemplate; see clearly; view as spectators; the spectators; onlookers, bystanders; to be spectators of; to review; Tombeaux des rois à Thèbes
θεοῦ θεός noun masc., gen., sing. stem: θε; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ου; decl: 2nd.
θεός God, the Deity; against his will; bless you! good heavens! for heavenʼs sake!; weather; Divus; divi Imperatores; Dis Manibus; one set in authority, judge; goddess; divine
οὐκ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐκ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
ἐστέ εἰμί finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐστε; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
Ἀπεκρίθησαν ἀποκρίνω finite verb 3rd pl., aor. pass. indic. stem: ἀπό:ἐ:κρι^θ; stemtype: aor_pass; suff: ησαν; derivtype: inw.
ἀποκρίνω set apart; to be parted or separated; parted from the throng; to be separated and brought; separated; to be distinctly formed; secretions; determined; ended; alone; are voided; mark by a distinctive form, distinguish; specific; choose; choose from..; having set apart; decreed; exclude; reject on examination; decide; has lost; against; give answer to, reply to; to; to answer; let; be; answer; answe
οἱ pronoun masc., dat., sing. stem: οἱ; stemtype: pron3; dial: epic Ionic; morph: enclitic indeclform.
οἱ pronoun fem., dat., sing. stem: οἱ; stemtype: pron3; dial: epic Ionic; morph: enclitic indeclform.
οἱ article masc., voc., pl. stem: οἱ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
οἱ article masc., nom., pl. stem: οἱ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
εἶπαν εἶπον finite verb 3rd pl., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: αν; dial: epic Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπαν εἶπον finite verb 3rd pl., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: αν; dial: epic Ionic.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπαν εἶπον participle aor. act. participle, neut. acc. sing. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: αν; dial: epic Ionic.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπαν εἶπον participle aor. act. participle, neut. nom. sing. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: αν; dial: epic Ionic.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπαν εἶπον participle aor. act. participle, neut. voc. sing. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: αν; dial: epic Ionic.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
αὐτῷ αὐτός pronoun masc., dat., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ῳ.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτῷ αὐτός pronoun neut., dat., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ῳ.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
Οὐ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
καλῶς καλός adverb pos. degree stem: καλ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ως; decl: 1st & 2nd.
καλός beautiful; beauteous; fair, shapely; beauty; the proprieties; elegancies; good, of fine quality; fair; genuine; good; favourable circumstances; good time; season; bona fide; auspicious; beautiful, noble, honourable; noble; excellences; moral beauty, virtue, honour; 2 Ep.Tim.; fine, specious; well, rightly; right; fairly, on the merits of the case; well, happily; well; well off in; respect to; thor
λέγομεν λέγω1 finite verb 1st pl., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ομεν; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγομεν λέγω2 finite verb 1st pl., impf. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ομεν; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγομεν λέγω2 finite verb 1st pl., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ομεν; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγομεν λέγω3 finite verb 1st pl., impf. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ομεν; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγομεν λέγω1 finite verb 1st pl., impf. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ομεν; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγομεν λέγω3 finite verb 1st pl., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ομεν; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ἡμεῖς ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., pl. stem: ἡμεῖς; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἡμεῖς ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., pl. stem: ἡμεῖς; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἡμεῖς ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., pl. stem: ἡμεῖς; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἡμεῖς ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., pl. stem: ἡμεῖς; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ὅτι ὅτι2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὅτι; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅτι1 adverb pos. degree stem: ὅτι; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
Σαμαρίτης Σαμαρίτης noun masc., nom., sing. stem: Σαμαριτ; stemtype: hs_ou; suff: ης; decl: 1st.
εἶ εἶμι finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: εἰ; stemtype: irreg_mi.
εἶμι ibo; shall go, shall come; come; go; go, depart; go to; into; go through; over; going across; went; was going; going in a ship; flight; motion; goes; will pass; to enter; to come; to obey; come now; let it pass, well then; go and
εἶ εἰμί finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: εἶ; stemtype: irreg_mi.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
εἶ εἰ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: εἶ; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰ if; whether.; come now; if ever, whenever; if ever; whenever; un; wonder, delight, indignation, disappointment, contentment; that; as surely as, since; as sure as; since; in case, supposing that; in case; except; otherwise; as much as; more than; siquis alius; any; now if; though; if (although; im; whether
εἰ εἰ δʼ οὖν
σύ σύ lang: grc; stem: σύ; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: singular; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: nominative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
δαιμόνιον δαιμονάω finite verb 1st sing., impf. act. indic. stem: δαιμον; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ιον; dial: epic Doric Ionic; morph: unaugmented poetic; derivtype: aw_denom.
δαιμονάω to be under the power of a; to suffer by a divine visitation; to be possessed, to be mad
δαιμόνιον δαιμονάω finite verb 3rd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: δαιμον; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ιον; dial: epic Doric Ionic; morph: unaugmented poetic; derivtype: aw_denom.
δαιμονάω to be under the power of a; to suffer by a divine visitation; to be possessed, to be mad
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιον noun neut., acc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
δαιμόνιον divine Power, Divinity; fatality; fortune; inferior divine being; ‘genius’; evil spirit
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιον noun neut., nom., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
δαιμόνιον divine Power, Divinity; fatality; fortune; inferior divine being; ‘genius’; evil spirit
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιον noun neut., voc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
δαιμόνιον divine Power, Divinity; fatality; fortune; inferior divine being; ‘genius’; evil spirit
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective neut., voc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective fem., acc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective neut., nom., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective neut., nom., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective neut., acc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective masc., acc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective neut., acc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective neut., voc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective masc., acc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
ἔχεις χέω finite verb 2nd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:χ; stemtype: evw_pr; suff: εις; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; derivtype: ev_stem.
χέω pour; pour out, let flow; snows; gush forth; to flow with; shed; flow; to be shed, drip; smelt; cast; become liquid, melt, dissolve; moist, languishing; shed, scatter; was on the ground; has spread through; throw up; shower; showered their; let fall, drop; to shed; to let; hang down; streaming down, falling; to be heaped up, massed together; stream in a dense throng; throwing herself; to be wholly
ἔχεις χάω finite verb 2nd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:χ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εις; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
χάω χάω
ἔχεις ἔχω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐχ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εις; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἔχω check; seĝh; sáhate; sigis; sĝh; si-sĝh-o; have, hold; possess; propertied class; wealthy man; poor; to have; due to one; to have received; acquire, get; to be possessed; keep, have charge of; having control of; to be engaged in; kept; for; is; himself; inhabit; haunt; ruled; occupiest; have to wife; as husband; have in oneʼs house, entertain; with; keep; get; indulge in; will; for a moment; to be
ἔχω bear, carry, bring; brought as an offering; váhati; veho
ἔχεις ἔχις noun masc., nom., pl. stem: ἐχ; stemtype: is_ews; suff: εις; dial: Attic; decl: 3rd.
ἔχῐς viper
ἔχεις ἔχις noun masc., voc., pl. stem: ἐχ; stemtype: is_ews; suff: εις; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
ἔχῐς viper
ἔχεις ἔχις noun masc., nom., pl. stem: ἐχ; stemtype: is_ews; suff: εις; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
ἔχῐς viper
ἔχεις ἔχις noun masc., acc., pl. stem: ἐχ; stemtype: is_ews; suff: εις; dial: Attic; decl: 3rd.
ἔχῐς viper
ἀπεκρίθη ἀποκρίνω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. pass. indic. stem: ἀπό:ἐ:κρι^θ; stemtype: aor_pass; suff: η; derivtype: inw.
ἀποκρίνω set apart; to be parted or separated; parted from the throng; to be separated and brought; separated; to be distinctly formed; secretions; determined; ended; alone; are voided; mark by a distinctive form, distinguish; specific; choose; choose from..; having set apart; decreed; exclude; reject on examination; decide; has lost; against; give answer to, reply to; to; to answer; let; be; answer; answe
Ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
Ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
Ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
Ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
δαιμόνιον δαιμονάω finite verb 1st sing., impf. act. indic. stem: δαιμον; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ιον; dial: epic Doric Ionic; morph: unaugmented poetic; derivtype: aw_denom.
δαιμονάω to be under the power of a; to suffer by a divine visitation; to be possessed, to be mad
δαιμόνιον δαιμονάω finite verb 3rd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: δαιμον; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ιον; dial: epic Doric Ionic; morph: unaugmented poetic; derivtype: aw_denom.
δαιμονάω to be under the power of a; to suffer by a divine visitation; to be possessed, to be mad
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιον noun neut., acc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
δαιμόνιον divine Power, Divinity; fatality; fortune; inferior divine being; ‘genius’; evil spirit
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιον noun neut., nom., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
δαιμόνιον divine Power, Divinity; fatality; fortune; inferior divine being; ‘genius’; evil spirit
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιον noun neut., voc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
δαιμόνιον divine Power, Divinity; fatality; fortune; inferior divine being; ‘genius’; evil spirit
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective neut., voc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective fem., acc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective neut., nom., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective neut., nom., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective neut., acc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective masc., acc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective neut., acc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective neut., voc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective masc., acc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
οὐκ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐκ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
ἔχω ἔχω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐχ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἔχω check; seĝh; sáhate; sigis; sĝh; si-sĝh-o; have, hold; possess; propertied class; wealthy man; poor; to have; due to one; to have received; acquire, get; to be possessed; keep, have charge of; having control of; to be engaged in; kept; for; is; himself; inhabit; haunt; ruled; occupiest; have to wife; as husband; have in oneʼs house, entertain; with; keep; get; indulge in; will; for a moment; to be
ἔχω bear, carry, bring; brought as an offering; váhati; veho
ἔχω χόω finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:χ; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: contr; derivtype: o_stem.
χόω throw; heap up; throwing up; having formed; with heaped up; block up by throwing earth in; to be filled with earth; to be silted up; to be raised on mounds; cover with earth, bury; covered over
ἔχω ἔχω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: ἐχ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἔχω check; seĝh; sáhate; sigis; sĝh; si-sĝh-o; have, hold; possess; propertied class; wealthy man; poor; to have; due to one; to have received; acquire, get; to be possessed; keep, have charge of; having control of; to be engaged in; kept; for; is; himself; inhabit; haunt; ruled; occupiest; have to wife; as husband; have in oneʼs house, entertain; with; keep; get; indulge in; will; for a moment; to be
ἔχω bear, carry, bring; brought as an offering; váhati; veho
ἀλλά ἀλλά adverb pos. degree stem: ἀλλά; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ἀλλά otherwise; but; not only.. but; not only not.. but; still, at least; at least; except, but; but=be out, except; not; but, yet; nay but.., well but; it is not [so], but; at all events; well then; but then, however; but really, certainly; quid si.. ?; et quidem
τιμῶ τιμάω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: τῑμ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
τῑμάω honour, revere, reverence; bestow honours; reward; will honour; with; to be honoured, held in honour; quattuor militiis); men of rank, men in office; the honour enjoyed by; hold in honour; esteem, value, prize; estimate; value at; have; valued; estimated; at..; value, estimate; award; give as an honour; estimate the amount of punishment due; award the penalty; penalty; give sentence; against; cond
τιμῶ τιμάω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: τῑμ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
τῑμάω honour, revere, reverence; bestow honours; reward; will honour; with; to be honoured, held in honour; quattuor militiis); men of rank, men in office; the honour enjoyed by; hold in honour; esteem, value, prize; estimate; value at; have; valued; estimated; at..; value, estimate; award; give as an honour; estimate the amount of punishment due; award the penalty; penalty; give sentence; against; cond
τιμῶ τιμέω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: τιμ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
τῑμ-έω τιμέω
τιμῶ τιμάω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: τῑμ; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
τῑμάω honour, revere, reverence; bestow honours; reward; will honour; with; to be honoured, held in honour; quattuor militiis); men of rank, men in office; the honour enjoyed by; hold in honour; esteem, value, prize; estimate; value at; have; valued; estimated; at..; value, estimate; award; give as an honour; estimate the amount of punishment due; award the penalty; penalty; give sentence; against; cond
τιμῶ τιμόω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: τιμ; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ῶ; morph: contr; derivtype: ow_denom.
τιμόω τιμόω
τιμῶ τιμέω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: τιμ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
τῑμ-έω τιμέω
τιμῶ τιμάω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. imper. stem: τῑμ; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ῶ; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
τῑμάω honour, revere, reverence; bestow honours; reward; will honour; with; to be honoured, held in honour; quattuor militiis); men of rank, men in office; the honour enjoyed by; hold in honour; esteem, value, prize; estimate; value at; have; valued; estimated; at..; value, estimate; award; give as an honour; estimate the amount of punishment due; award the penalty; penalty; give sentence; against; cond
τιμῶ τιμάω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: τῑμ; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
τῑμάω honour, revere, reverence; bestow honours; reward; will honour; with; to be honoured, held in honour; quattuor militiis); men of rank, men in office; the honour enjoyed by; hold in honour; esteem, value, prize; estimate; value at; have; valued; estimated; at..; value, estimate; award; give as an honour; estimate the amount of punishment due; award the penalty; penalty; give sentence; against; cond
τιμῶ τιμάω finite verb 2nd sing., impf. mid-pass. indic. stem: τῑμ; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ῶ; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: contr unaugmented; derivtype: aw_denom.
τῑμάω honour, revere, reverence; bestow honours; reward; will honour; with; to be honoured, held in honour; quattuor militiis); men of rank, men in office; the honour enjoyed by; hold in honour; esteem, value, prize; estimate; value at; have; valued; estimated; at..; value, estimate; award; give as an honour; estimate the amount of punishment due; award the penalty; penalty; give sentence; against; cond
τιμῶ τιμόω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: τιμ; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ῶ; morph: contr; derivtype: ow_denom.
τιμόω τιμόω
τόν article masc., acc., sing. stem: τόν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
πατέρα πατήρ noun masc., acc., sing. stem: πατ; stemtype: hr_eros; suff: ερα; decl: 3rd.
πᾰτήρ pitṛṣu; father; grandfather; by the fatherʼs side; father, author; authors; pater patriae; forefathers; from our fathers’ time; parents; parentnation; pitár; pater
μου ἐγώ pronoun fem., gen., sing. stem: μου; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
μου ἐγώ pronoun masc., gen., sing. stem: μου; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
ὑμεῖς σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμεῖς; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: nominative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
ἀτιμάζετέ ἀτιμάζω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. imper. stem: ἀτῑμαζ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; derivtype: azw.
ἀτῑμ-άζω hold in no honour, esteem lightly; bring dishonour upon; speakest in dishonour of; suffer dishonour, insult; put to shame by; treat as unworthy of; do; deem; unworthy; will; disdain; disfranchise; punish with ignominia
ἀτιμάζετέ ἀτιμάζω finite verb 2nd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ἀτῑμαζ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: azw.
ἀτῑμ-άζω hold in no honour, esteem lightly; bring dishonour upon; speakest in dishonour of; suffer dishonour, insult; put to shame by; treat as unworthy of; do; deem; unworthy; will; disdain; disfranchise; punish with ignominia
ἀτιμάζετέ ἀτιμάζω finite verb 2nd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: ἀτῑμαζ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; dial: Doric Aeolic; derivtype: azw.
ἀτῑμ-άζω hold in no honour, esteem lightly; bring dishonour upon; speakest in dishonour of; suffer dishonour, insult; put to shame by; treat as unworthy of; do; deem; unworthy; will; disdain; disfranchise; punish with ignominia
ἀτιμάζετέ ἀτιμάζω finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: ἀτῑμαζ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; derivtype: azw.
ἀτῑμ-άζω hold in no honour, esteem lightly; bring dishonour upon; speakest in dishonour of; suffer dishonour, insult; put to shame by; treat as unworthy of; do; deem; unworthy; will; disdain; disfranchise; punish with ignominia
με ἐγώ pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
με ἐγώ pronoun fem., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
δέ δέ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: δέ; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
δέ but; nay; then; well
οὐ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
ζητῶ ζητέω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ζητ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
ζητ-έω seek, seek for; seeking; what is sought for; inquire for; search after, search out; search; inquire into, investigate, examine; matter of inquiry; question; inquiry; require, demand; requires; seek after, desire; sought after, in great demand; seek to; seek; desire that; have to seek, feel the want of
ζητῶ ζητέω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: ζητ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
ζητ-έω seek, seek for; seeking; what is sought for; inquire for; search after, search out; search; inquire into, investigate, examine; matter of inquiry; question; inquiry; require, demand; requires; seek after, desire; sought after, in great demand; seek to; seek; desire that; have to seek, feel the want of
τήν article fem., acc., sing. stem: τήν; stemtype: article; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
δόξαν δοκέω finite verb 3rd pl., aor. act. indic. stem: δοξ; stemtype: aor1; suff: αν; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: reg_conj.
δοκέω expect; think, suppose, imagine; thought; methought; think; purpose; have; form an opinion; seem to myself, methinks; am determined, resolved; think fit; seem, pretend; to be considered; current opinions; seem; seemed; felt; seem likely; be thought; to be convicted; seem good, be resolved on; it seems; methinks; opinion; to; thinking; it seems good; it is; pleasure; when it was decreed; resolved;
δόξαν δόξα noun fem., acc., sing. stem: δοξ; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱν; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st.
δόξᾰ expectation; one expects; hoping for; expect; spe excidere; notion, opinion, judgement; opinion; maxims; axioms; mere opinion, conjecture; imagine, suppose; by guess; fancy, vision; hallucinations; the opinion which others have of one, estimation, repute; good repute, honour, glory; for; ill repute; popular repute; estimate; glory, splendour; Shechinah; magnificence; celestial beatitude; illustrio
δόξαν δοκέω participle aor. act. participle, neut. nom. sing. stem: δοξ; stemtype: aor1; suff: αν; derivtype: reg_conj.
δοκέω expect; think, suppose, imagine; thought; methought; think; purpose; have; form an opinion; seem to myself, methinks; am determined, resolved; think fit; seem, pretend; to be considered; current opinions; seem; seemed; felt; seem likely; be thought; to be convicted; seem good, be resolved on; it seems; methinks; opinion; to; thinking; it seems good; it is; pleasure; when it was decreed; resolved;
δόξαν δοκέω participle aor. act. participle, neut. voc. sing. stem: δοξ; stemtype: aor1; suff: αν; derivtype: reg_conj.
δοκέω expect; think, suppose, imagine; thought; methought; think; purpose; have; form an opinion; seem to myself, methinks; am determined, resolved; think fit; seem, pretend; to be considered; current opinions; seem; seemed; felt; seem likely; be thought; to be convicted; seem good, be resolved on; it seems; methinks; opinion; to; thinking; it seems good; it is; pleasure; when it was decreed; resolved;
δόξαν δοκέω participle aor. act. participle, neut. acc. sing. stem: δοξ; stemtype: aor1; suff: αν; derivtype: reg_conj.
δοκέω expect; think, suppose, imagine; thought; methought; think; purpose; have; form an opinion; seem to myself, methinks; am determined, resolved; think fit; seem, pretend; to be considered; current opinions; seem; seemed; felt; seem likely; be thought; to be convicted; seem good, be resolved on; it seems; methinks; opinion; to; thinking; it seems good; it is; pleasure; when it was decreed; resolved;
μου ἐγώ pronoun fem., gen., sing. stem: μου; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
μου ἐγώ pronoun masc., gen., sing. stem: μου; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἔστιν εἰμί finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐστιν; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic nu_movable.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ζητῶν ζητέω participle pres. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: ζητ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶν; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
ζητ-έω seek, seek for; seeking; what is sought for; inquire for; search after, search out; search; inquire into, investigate, examine; matter of inquiry; question; inquiry; require, demand; requires; seek after, desire; sought after, in great demand; seek to; seek; desire that; have to seek, feel the want of
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
κρίνων κρίνον noun neut., gen., pl. stem: κριν; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ων; decl: 2nd.
κρίνον white lily, Lilium candidum; Turkʼs cap lily, L. chalcedonicum; Egyptian bean, Nelumbium speciosum; choral dance; loaf; architectural ornament
κρίνων κρίνω participle pres. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: κρῑν; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ων; derivtype: inw.
κρίνω separate, put asunder, distinguish; pick out, choose; to choose; to be chosen out, distinguished; picked out, chosen; distinguished for; approved..; proved; numbered; decide; judge; they decide the question; do you form; judgement; a decision being about to be taken; contest; have; decided, come to issue; dispute, contend; compete; decided, clear, strong; decided, ended; win; adjudge; the sum adju
ἀμήν ἀμήν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἀμήν; stemtype: exclam; partOfSpeech: exclamation; morph: indeclform.
ἀμήν verily, of a truth, so be it
ἀμήν ἡμός adjective fem., acc., sing. stem: ἀμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ην; dial: Attic epic Ionic Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἀμήν ἁμός1 adjective fem., acc., sing. stem: ᾱʼμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ην; dial: Attic epic Ionic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἁμός ἁμός
ἁμός sṃ-; sums (some one), suman (sometime, once).
ἀμήν ἀμήν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἀμήν; stemtype: exclam; partOfSpeech: exclamation; morph: indeclform.
ἀμήν verily, of a truth, so be it
ἀμήν ἡμός adjective fem., acc., sing. stem: ἀμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ην; dial: Attic epic Ionic Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἀμήν ἁμός1 adjective fem., acc., sing. stem: ᾱʼμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ην; dial: Attic epic Ionic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἁμός ἁμός
ἁμός sṃ-; sums (some one), suman (sometime, once).
λέγω λέγω1 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγω3 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγω1 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγω2 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγω2 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγω3 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγος adjective neut., acc., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective masc., gen., sing. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective neut., nom., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective neut., gen., sing. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective masc., nom., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective masc., acc., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective masc., voc., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective neut., voc., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
ὑμῖν σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμῖν; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
ἐάν ἐάν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐᾱ ́ν; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ἐάν if haply, if; soever
τις τις pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: τις; stemtype: indef; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τις τις pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: τις; stemtype: indef; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τόν article masc., acc., sing. stem: τόν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἐμόν ἐμός adjective neut., voc., sing. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
ἐμόν ἐμός adjective masc., acc., sing. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
ἐμόν ἐμός adjective neut., acc., sing. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
ἐμόν ἐμός adjective neut., nom., sing. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
λόγον λόγος noun masc., acc., sing. stem: λογ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
λόγος computation, reckoning; account; accounts; audit; public accounts; treasury; treasurer; fiscus; aerarium; account, reckoning; all; accounting; way; measure, tale; point; tale; measure; sum, total; patrimonii modus; esteem, consideration, value; worth; account, repute; esteemed; rationem habere alicujus; value; reputation; regard; reckoned, count; reckoned; relation, correspondence, proportion; rel
τηρήσῃ τηρέω finite verb 2nd sing., aor. mid. subj. stem: τηρης; stemtype: aor1; suff: ῃ; derivtype: ew_denom.
τηρ-έω watch over, take care of, guard; maintain; was constantly guarded; take care that..; cavere ne..; protect; give heed to, watch narrowly, observe; watch for; having watched; watching; was watched for; watch, keep watch; watch; look out; observe, notice; test by observation; trial; approved; observe; keep; preserve, retain
τηρήσῃ τηρέω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. subj. stem: τηρης; stemtype: aor1; suff: ῃ; derivtype: ew_denom.
τηρ-έω watch over, take care of, guard; maintain; was constantly guarded; take care that..; cavere ne..; protect; give heed to, watch narrowly, observe; watch for; having watched; watching; was watched for; watch, keep watch; watch; look out; observe, notice; test by observation; trial; approved; observe; keep; preserve, retain
τηρήσῃ τηρέω finite verb 2nd sing., fut. mid. indic. stem: τηρης; stemtype: reg_fut; suff: ῃ; derivtype: ew_denom.
τηρ-έω watch over, take care of, guard; maintain; was constantly guarded; take care that..; cavere ne..; protect; give heed to, watch narrowly, observe; watch for; having watched; watching; was watched for; watch, keep watch; watch; look out; observe, notice; test by observation; trial; approved; observe; keep; preserve, retain
τηρήσῃ τήρησις noun fem., dat., sing. stem: τηρης; stemtype: is_ews; suff: ηι; dial: epic; decl: 3rd.
τήρ-ησις watching, safe-keeping, guarding; preservation; observance; vigilance; means of keeping; guarding; place of custody; observing, observation
θάνατον θάνατος noun masc., acc., sing. stem: θανατ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
θάνᾰτος death; the death threatened; to death; death-penalty; sentence of death; execution; of death; kinds of death; the deaths; Apoc.; violent death; Death; corpse
οὐ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
μή μή indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: μή; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
μή mā´; mi; mē´; not; will; thought; fact; statement; wish, command, entreaty, warning; take care you do; not become; I fear.. may prove to be weaving; perhaps; nay but; none of that; no; that so; lest; except; provided only that; D Deor.; that; whoever; such a thing as; such things as; forbid, deny; swear, aver, believe; ut qui nihil sciam; one who; want of; fear; apprehension; shall proveto be; sha
μή μή κοτε
μή lest perchance
θεωρήσῃ θεωρέω finite verb 2nd sing., aor. mid. subj. stem: θεωρης; stemtype: aor1; suff: ῃ; derivtype: ew_denom.
θεωρ-έω to be a; to be sent to consult an oracle; to see; act; to go as a spectator; look at, behold; inspect, review; gaze, gape; contemplate, consider; to judge of; compare; with; observe; perceive; speculate, theorize; to conclude by observation
θεωρήσῃ θεωρέω finite verb 2nd sing., fut. mid. indic. stem: θεωρης; stemtype: reg_fut; suff: ῃ; derivtype: ew_denom.
θεωρ-έω to be a; to be sent to consult an oracle; to see; act; to go as a spectator; look at, behold; inspect, review; gaze, gape; contemplate, consider; to judge of; compare; with; observe; perceive; speculate, theorize; to conclude by observation
θεωρήσῃ θεωρέω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. subj. stem: θεωρης; stemtype: aor1; suff: ῃ; derivtype: ew_denom.
θεωρ-έω to be a; to be sent to consult an oracle; to see; act; to go as a spectator; look at, behold; inspect, review; gaze, gape; contemplate, consider; to judge of; compare; with; observe; perceive; speculate, theorize; to conclude by observation
θεωρήσῃ θεώρησις noun fem., dat., sing. stem: θεωρης; stemtype: is_ews; suff: ηι; dial: epic; decl: 3rd.
θεώρ-ησις viewing
εἰς εἰς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: εἰς; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰς into; to; into the territory of; in; before; facing; rest in; there; upon; for; up to, until; till; towards; near; up to; against; until; within; throughout; at; on; with; as far as; as much as; so far as; to the number of; deep; abreast; thrice; about; by; towards, in regard to; in regard to; in respect of; to cause; pertinent, to the purpose
τόν article masc., acc., sing. stem: τόν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
αἰῶνα αἰών noun masc., acc., sing. stem: αἰω; stemtype: n_nos; suff: να; morph: poetic; decl: 3rd.
αἰών aevum; period of existence; lifetime, life; the Aeacidae; age, generation; posterity; oneʼs life, destiny, lot; long space of time, age; an age; of old; perpetually; all oneʼs life long; for ever; eternity; space of time; epoch, age; world; 1 Ep.Tim.; 2 Ep.Tim.; the ages; spinal marrow; life), h.Merc
εἶπον εἶπον finite verb 3rd pl., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: ον; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπον εἶπον finite verb 2nd sing., aor. act. imper. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ον; dial: epic Ionic.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπον εἶπον finite verb 3rd pl., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: ον.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπον εἶπον finite verb 1st sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: ον; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπον εἶπον finite verb 1st sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: ον.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπον εἶπος noun masc., acc., sing. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
εἶπος εἶπος
αὐτῷ αὐτός pronoun masc., dat., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ῳ.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτῷ αὐτός pronoun neut., dat., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ῳ.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
οἱ pronoun masc., dat., sing. stem: οἱ; stemtype: pron3; dial: epic Ionic; morph: enclitic indeclform.
οἱ pronoun fem., dat., sing. stem: οἱ; stemtype: pron3; dial: epic Ionic; morph: enclitic indeclform.
οἱ article masc., voc., pl. stem: οἱ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
οἱ article masc., nom., pl. stem: οἱ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
Νῦν νῦν adverb pos. degree stem: νῦν; stemtype: adverb; morph: enclitic indeclform.
νῦν now; present moment; present time; of our day; of the present day; the present; just now, but now; presently; as it is; was), as the case stands; stood), as a matter of fact; so; henceforth; but now; now !; now?; nú, nú¯, nūnám; nū
νῦν now, even now; just now; now, without further delay
ἐγνώκαμεν γιγνώσκω finite verb 1st pl., perf. act. indic. stem: ἐγνωκ; stemtype: perf_act; suff: αμεν; derivtype: o_stem.
γιγνώσκω come to know, perceive; know; know by reflection; know by observation; perceive; discern, distinguish, recognize; learn; were aware of; perceived; felt that; was; he was aware of; recognize; take; to mean; the perceiver; the objects perceived; one who knows, a prudent person; it were known of them; form a judgement, think; see; I understand; you are right; tenes; judge, determine, decree that; det
ὅτι ὅτι2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὅτι; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅτι1 adverb pos. degree stem: ὅτι; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
δαιμόνιον δαιμονάω finite verb 1st sing., impf. act. indic. stem: δαιμον; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ιον; dial: epic Doric Ionic; morph: unaugmented poetic; derivtype: aw_denom.
δαιμονάω to be under the power of a; to suffer by a divine visitation; to be possessed, to be mad
δαιμόνιον δαιμονάω finite verb 3rd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: δαιμον; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ιον; dial: epic Doric Ionic; morph: unaugmented poetic; derivtype: aw_denom.
δαιμονάω to be under the power of a; to suffer by a divine visitation; to be possessed, to be mad
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιον noun neut., acc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
δαιμόνιον divine Power, Divinity; fatality; fortune; inferior divine being; ‘genius’; evil spirit
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιον noun neut., nom., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
δαιμόνιον divine Power, Divinity; fatality; fortune; inferior divine being; ‘genius’; evil spirit
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιον noun neut., voc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
δαιμόνιον divine Power, Divinity; fatality; fortune; inferior divine being; ‘genius’; evil spirit
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective neut., voc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective fem., acc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective neut., nom., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective neut., nom., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective neut., acc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective masc., acc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective neut., acc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective neut., voc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
δαιμόνιον δαιμόνιος adjective masc., acc., sing. stem: δαιμονι; stemtype: os_on; suff: ον; decl: 1st & 2nd.
δαιμόνιος of; belonging to a; miraculous, marvellous; good sir; lady; heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous; a divine intervention; visitations of heaven, ways of God; ill; by Divine power; marvellously; most clearly by the hand of the gods
ἔχεις χέω finite verb 2nd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:χ; stemtype: evw_pr; suff: εις; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; derivtype: ev_stem.
χέω pour; pour out, let flow; snows; gush forth; to flow with; shed; flow; to be shed, drip; smelt; cast; become liquid, melt, dissolve; moist, languishing; shed, scatter; was on the ground; has spread through; throw up; shower; showered their; let fall, drop; to shed; to let; hang down; streaming down, falling; to be heaped up, massed together; stream in a dense throng; throwing herself; to be wholly
ἔχεις χάω finite verb 2nd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:χ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εις; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
χάω χάω
ἔχεις ἔχω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐχ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εις; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἔχω check; seĝh; sáhate; sigis; sĝh; si-sĝh-o; have, hold; possess; propertied class; wealthy man; poor; to have; due to one; to have received; acquire, get; to be possessed; keep, have charge of; having control of; to be engaged in; kept; for; is; himself; inhabit; haunt; ruled; occupiest; have to wife; as husband; have in oneʼs house, entertain; with; keep; get; indulge in; will; for a moment; to be
ἔχω bear, carry, bring; brought as an offering; váhati; veho
ἔχεις ἔχις noun masc., nom., pl. stem: ἐχ; stemtype: is_ews; suff: εις; dial: Attic; decl: 3rd.
ἔχῐς viper
ἔχεις ἔχις noun masc., voc., pl. stem: ἐχ; stemtype: is_ews; suff: εις; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
ἔχῐς viper
ἔχεις ἔχις noun masc., nom., pl. stem: ἐχ; stemtype: is_ews; suff: εις; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
ἔχῐς viper
ἔχεις ἔχις noun masc., acc., pl. stem: ἐχ; stemtype: is_ews; suff: εις; dial: Attic; decl: 3rd.
ἔχῐς viper
ἀπέθανεν ἀποθνήσκω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: ἀπό:ἐ:θαν; stemtype: aor2; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable.
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
οἱ pronoun masc., dat., sing. stem: οἱ; stemtype: pron3; dial: epic Ionic; morph: enclitic indeclform.
οἱ pronoun fem., dat., sing. stem: οἱ; stemtype: pron3; dial: epic Ionic; morph: enclitic indeclform.
οἱ article masc., voc., pl. stem: οἱ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
οἱ article masc., nom., pl. stem: οἱ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
προφῆται προφάω finite verb 3rd sing., pres. mid-pass. indic. stem: προφ; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ῆται; dial: Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
προφάω shine forth
προφῆται προφάω finite verb 3rd sing., pres. mid-pass. indic. stem: προφ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῆται; dial: epic Doric Ionic Aeolic; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
προφάω shine forth
προφῆται προφάω finite verb 3rd sing., pres. mid-pass. subj. stem: προφ; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ῆται; dial: Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
προφάω shine forth
προφῆται προφάω finite verb 3rd sing., pres. mid-pass. subj. stem: προφ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῆται; dial: epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
προφάω shine forth
προφῆται προφήτης noun masc., voc., pl. stem: προφητ; stemtype: hs_ou; suff: αι; decl: 1st.
προφήτ-ης one who speaks for a god and interprets his will; interpreter, expounder of the will; minister; interpreter; keepers of the oracle; member of the highest order of the clergy, priest; interpreter, expounder; possessor of oracular powers; interpreter, declarer; spokesman; proclaimer, harbinger; herald; revealer of Godʼs will, prophet; NT, inspired preacher and teacher, organ of special revelations f
προφῆται προφήτης noun masc., nom., pl. stem: προφητ; stemtype: hs_ou; suff: αι; decl: 1st.
προφήτ-ης one who speaks for a god and interprets his will; interpreter, expounder of the will; minister; interpreter; keepers of the oracle; member of the highest order of the clergy, priest; interpreter, expounder; possessor of oracular powers; interpreter, declarer; spokesman; proclaimer, harbinger; herald; revealer of Godʼs will, prophet; NT, inspired preacher and teacher, organ of special revelations f
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
σύ σύ lang: grc; stem: σύ; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: singular; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: nominative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
λέγεις λέγω2 finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εις; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγεις λέγω3 finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εις; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγεις λέγω1 finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εις; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
Ἐάν ἐάν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐᾱ ́ν; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ἐάν if haply, if; soever
τις τις pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: τις; stemtype: indef; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τις τις pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: τις; stemtype: indef; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τόν article masc., acc., sing. stem: τόν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
λόγον λόγος noun masc., acc., sing. stem: λογ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
λόγος computation, reckoning; account; accounts; audit; public accounts; treasury; treasurer; fiscus; aerarium; account, reckoning; all; accounting; way; measure, tale; point; tale; measure; sum, total; patrimonii modus; esteem, consideration, value; worth; account, repute; esteemed; rationem habere alicujus; value; reputation; regard; reckoned, count; reckoned; relation, correspondence, proportion; rel
μου ἐγώ pronoun fem., gen., sing. stem: μου; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
μου ἐγώ pronoun masc., gen., sing. stem: μου; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
τηρήσῃ τηρέω finite verb 2nd sing., aor. mid. subj. stem: τηρης; stemtype: aor1; suff: ῃ; derivtype: ew_denom.
τηρ-έω watch over, take care of, guard; maintain; was constantly guarded; take care that..; cavere ne..; protect; give heed to, watch narrowly, observe; watch for; having watched; watching; was watched for; watch, keep watch; watch; look out; observe, notice; test by observation; trial; approved; observe; keep; preserve, retain
τηρήσῃ τηρέω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. subj. stem: τηρης; stemtype: aor1; suff: ῃ; derivtype: ew_denom.
τηρ-έω watch over, take care of, guard; maintain; was constantly guarded; take care that..; cavere ne..; protect; give heed to, watch narrowly, observe; watch for; having watched; watching; was watched for; watch, keep watch; watch; look out; observe, notice; test by observation; trial; approved; observe; keep; preserve, retain
τηρήσῃ τηρέω finite verb 2nd sing., fut. mid. indic. stem: τηρης; stemtype: reg_fut; suff: ῃ; derivtype: ew_denom.
τηρ-έω watch over, take care of, guard; maintain; was constantly guarded; take care that..; cavere ne..; protect; give heed to, watch narrowly, observe; watch for; having watched; watching; was watched for; watch, keep watch; watch; look out; observe, notice; test by observation; trial; approved; observe; keep; preserve, retain
τηρήσῃ τήρησις noun fem., dat., sing. stem: τηρης; stemtype: is_ews; suff: ηι; dial: epic; decl: 3rd.
τήρ-ησις watching, safe-keeping, guarding; preservation; observance; vigilance; means of keeping; guarding; place of custody; observing, observation
οὐ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
μή μή indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: μή; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
μή mā´; mi; mē´; not; will; thought; fact; statement; wish, command, entreaty, warning; take care you do; not become; I fear.. may prove to be weaving; perhaps; nay but; none of that; no; that so; lest; except; provided only that; D Deor.; that; whoever; such a thing as; such things as; forbid, deny; swear, aver, believe; ut qui nihil sciam; one who; want of; fear; apprehension; shall proveto be; sha
μή μή κοτε
μή lest perchance
γεύσηται γεύω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. mid. subj. stem: γευς; stemtype: aor1; suff: ηται; derivtype: reg_conj.
γεύω give a taste; taste; they had tasted, eaten of; take food; dine, PLond. ined.; taste, make proof of, feel; let us try; taste the sweets of; to have experience of; make trial of; juṣáte; gusto.
θανάτου θανατόω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. imper. stem: θανατ; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ου; morph: contr; derivtype: ow_denom.
θᾰνᾰτ-όω put to death; to be made dead; murdered; to be mortified; mortify; condemn to death by sentence; condemned to death; to be fatal, cause death
θανάτου θανατόω finite verb 3rd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: θανατ; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ου; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: contr unaugmented; derivtype: ow_denom.
θᾰνᾰτ-όω put to death; to be made dead; murdered; to be mortified; mortify; condemn to death by sentence; condemned to death; to be fatal, cause death
θανάτου θάνατος noun masc., gen., sing. stem: θανατ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ου; decl: 2nd.
θάνᾰτος death; the death threatened; to death; death-penalty; sentence of death; execution; of death; kinds of death; the deaths; Apoc.; violent death; Death; corpse
εἰς εἰς indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: εἰς; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰς into; to; into the territory of; in; before; facing; rest in; there; upon; for; up to, until; till; towards; near; up to; against; until; within; throughout; at; on; with; as far as; as much as; so far as; to the number of; deep; abreast; thrice; about; by; towards, in regard to; in regard to; in respect of; to cause; pertinent, to the purpose
τόν article masc., acc., sing. stem: τόν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
αἰῶνα αἰών noun masc., acc., sing. stem: αἰω; stemtype: n_nos; suff: να; morph: poetic; decl: 3rd.
αἰών aevum; period of existence; lifetime, life; the Aeacidae; age, generation; posterity; oneʼs life, destiny, lot; long space of time, age; an age; of old; perpetually; all oneʼs life long; for ever; eternity; space of time; epoch, age; world; 1 Ep.Tim.; 2 Ep.Tim.; the ages; spinal marrow; life), h.Merc
μή μή indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: μή; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
μή mā´; mi; mē´; not; will; thought; fact; statement; wish, command, entreaty, warning; take care you do; not become; I fear.. may prove to be weaving; perhaps; nay but; none of that; no; that so; lest; except; provided only that; D Deor.; that; whoever; such a thing as; such things as; forbid, deny; swear, aver, believe; ut qui nihil sciam; one who; want of; fear; apprehension; shall proveto be; sha
μή μή κοτε
μή lest perchance
σύ σύ lang: grc; stem: σύ; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: singular; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: nominative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
μείζων μέγας adjective fem., nom., sing. stem: μειζ; stemtype: wn_on_comp; suff: ων; decl: 3rd.
μέγᾰς big; full-grown; elder; vast, high; wide; long; great, mighty; to greatness; strong; epilepsy; great, loud; great; difficult; weighty, important; of great importance; great importance; most important; most pressing; large; over-great; impressive; more striking; greatly, mightily; very much, exceedingly; all; loudly; far; by far; greater, longer, taller; too great; the elder; headman; the higher au
μείζων μέγας adjective masc., nom., sing. stem: μειζ; stemtype: wn_on_comp; suff: ων; decl: 3rd.
μέγᾰς big; full-grown; elder; vast, high; wide; long; great, mighty; to greatness; strong; epilepsy; great, loud; great; difficult; weighty, important; of great importance; great importance; most important; most pressing; large; over-great; impressive; more striking; greatly, mightily; very much, exceedingly; all; loudly; far; by far; greater, longer, taller; too great; the elder; headman; the higher au
εἶ εἶμι finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: εἰ; stemtype: irreg_mi.
εἶμι ibo; shall go, shall come; come; go; go, depart; go to; into; go through; over; going across; went; was going; going in a ship; flight; motion; goes; will pass; to enter; to come; to obey; come now; let it pass, well then; go and
εἶ εἰμί finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: εἶ; stemtype: irreg_mi.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
εἶ εἰ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: εἶ; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: proclitic indeclform.
εἰ if; whether.; come now; if ever, whenever; if ever; whenever; un; wonder, delight, indignation, disappointment, contentment; that; as surely as, since; as sure as; since; in case, supposing that; in case; except; otherwise; as much as; more than; siquis alius; any; now if; though; if (although; im; whether
εἰ εἰ δʼ οὖν
τοῦ τις lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τοῦ τίς lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τοῦ article masc., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τοῦ article neut., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
πατρός πατήρ noun masc., gen., sing. stem: πατ; stemtype: hr_eros; suff: ρος; morph: syncope; decl: 3rd.
πᾰτήρ pitṛṣu; father; grandfather; by the fatherʼs side; father, author; authors; pater patriae; forefathers; from our fathers’ time; parents; parentnation; pitár; pater
ἡμῶν ἡμός adjective fem., gen., pl. stem: ἡμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἡμῶν ἡμός adjective masc., gen., pl. stem: ἡμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἡμῶν ἡμός adjective neut., gen., pl. stem: ἡμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἡμῶν ἐγώ pronoun fem., gen., pl. stem: ἡμῶν; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἡμῶν ἐγώ pronoun masc., gen., pl. stem: ἡμῶν; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ὅστις ὅστις pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ὅστις; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ἀπέθανεν ἀποθνήσκω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: ἀπό:ἐ:θαν; stemtype: aor2; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable.
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
οἱ pronoun masc., dat., sing. stem: οἱ; stemtype: pron3; dial: epic Ionic; morph: enclitic indeclform.
οἱ pronoun fem., dat., sing. stem: οἱ; stemtype: pron3; dial: epic Ionic; morph: enclitic indeclform.
οἱ article masc., voc., pl. stem: οἱ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
οἱ article masc., nom., pl. stem: οἱ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
προφῆται προφάω finite verb 3rd sing., pres. mid-pass. indic. stem: προφ; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ῆται; dial: Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
προφάω shine forth
προφῆται προφάω finite verb 3rd sing., pres. mid-pass. indic. stem: προφ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῆται; dial: epic Doric Ionic Aeolic; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
προφάω shine forth
προφῆται προφάω finite verb 3rd sing., pres. mid-pass. subj. stem: προφ; stemtype: aw_pr; suff: ῆται; dial: Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
προφάω shine forth
προφῆται προφάω finite verb 3rd sing., pres. mid-pass. subj. stem: προφ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῆται; dial: epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
προφάω shine forth
προφῆται προφήτης noun masc., voc., pl. stem: προφητ; stemtype: hs_ou; suff: αι; decl: 1st.
προφήτ-ης one who speaks for a god and interprets his will; interpreter, expounder of the will; minister; interpreter; keepers of the oracle; member of the highest order of the clergy, priest; interpreter, expounder; possessor of oracular powers; interpreter, declarer; spokesman; proclaimer, harbinger; herald; revealer of Godʼs will, prophet; NT, inspired preacher and teacher, organ of special revelations f
προφῆται προφήτης noun masc., nom., pl. stem: προφητ; stemtype: hs_ou; suff: αι; decl: 1st.
προφήτ-ης one who speaks for a god and interprets his will; interpreter, expounder of the will; minister; interpreter; keepers of the oracle; member of the highest order of the clergy, priest; interpreter, expounder; possessor of oracular powers; interpreter, declarer; spokesman; proclaimer, harbinger; herald; revealer of Godʼs will, prophet; NT, inspired preacher and teacher, organ of special revelations f
ἀπέθανον ἀποθνήσκω finite verb 3rd pl., aor. act. indic. stem: ἀπό:ἐ:θαν; stemtype: aor2; suff: ον.
ἀπέθανον ἀποθνήσκω finite verb 1st sing., aor. act. indic. stem: ἀπό:ἐ:θαν; stemtype: aor2; suff: ον.
τίνα τις pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: τίνα; stemtype: indef; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τίνα τίς pronoun fem., acc., sing. stem: τίνα; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τίνα τις pronoun fem., acc., sing. stem: τίνα; stemtype: indef; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τίνα τίς pronoun neut., acc., pl. stem: τίνα; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τίνα τις pronoun neut., nom., pl. stem: τίνα; stemtype: indef; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τίνα τίς pronoun neut., nom., pl. stem: τίνα; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τίνα τίς pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: τίνα; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τίνα τίς pronoun neut., voc., pl. stem: τίνα; stemtype: indecl; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τίνα τις pronoun neut., voc., pl. stem: τίνα; stemtype: indef; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τίνα τις pronoun neut., acc., pl. stem: τίνα; stemtype: indef; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
σεαυτόν σαυτοῦ pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: σεαυτόν; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
σαυτοῦ σαυτοῦ
σεαυτόν σαυτοῦ pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: σεαυτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ον.
σαυτοῦ σαυτοῦ
σεαυτόν σαυτοῦ pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: σεαυτόν; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
σαυτοῦ σαυτοῦ
ποιεῖς ποιέω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ποι; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εῖς; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
ποιέω make; do.; make, produce; made; to be made with..; are made; make for oneself; build them; have; made, get; create, bring into existence; the creator; beget; conceive; produce; grow; let it be contrived; postulate, imply; effect a solution of; fulfil, satisfy; compose, write; write poetry, write as a poet; represent in poetry; having represented; describe in verse; put; into verse; invent; bring a
ἀπεκρίθη ἀποκρίνω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. pass. indic. stem: ἀπό:ἐ:κρι^θ; stemtype: aor_pass; suff: η; derivtype: inw.
ἀποκρίνω set apart; to be parted or separated; parted from the throng; to be separated and brought; separated; to be distinctly formed; secretions; determined; ended; alone; are voided; mark by a distinctive form, distinguish; specific; choose; choose from..; having set apart; decreed; exclude; reject on examination; decide; has lost; against; give answer to, reply to; to; to answer; let; be; answer; answe
Ἐάν ἐάν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐᾱ ́ν; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ἐάν if haply, if; soever
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
δοξάσω δοξάζω finite verb 2nd sing., aor. mid. indic. stem: δοξας; stemtype: aor1; suff: ω; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: azw.
δοξ-άζω think, imagine; can I suppose; expecting; to be supposed; will suppose that; entertain; hold; opinions; form; hold an opinion; to be matter of opinion; magnify, extol; to be distinguished, held in honour, magnified
δοξάσω δοξάζω finite verb 1st sing., aor. act. subj. stem: δοξας; stemtype: aor1; suff: ω; derivtype: azw.
δοξ-άζω think, imagine; can I suppose; expecting; to be supposed; will suppose that; entertain; hold; opinions; form; hold an opinion; to be matter of opinion; magnify, extol; to be distinguished, held in honour, magnified
δοξάσω δοξάζω finite verb 1st sing., fut. act. indic. stem: δοξας; stemtype: reg_fut; suff: ω; derivtype: azw.
δοξ-άζω think, imagine; can I suppose; expecting; to be supposed; will suppose that; entertain; hold; opinions; form; hold an opinion; to be matter of opinion; magnify, extol; to be distinguished, held in honour, magnified
ἐμαυτόν ἐμαυτοῦ pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: ἐμαυτόν; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐμαυτοῦ of me, of myself; oneself; master of oneself
ἐμαυτόν ἐμαυτοῦ pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ἐμαυτόν; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐμαυτοῦ of me, of myself; oneself; master of oneself
article fem., nom., sing. stem: ἡ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
article fem., voc., sing. stem: ἡ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
δόξα δοκέω finite verb 1st sing., aor. act. indic. stem: δοξ; stemtype: aor1; suff: α; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: reg_conj.
δοκέω expect; think, suppose, imagine; thought; methought; think; purpose; have; form an opinion; seem to myself, methinks; am determined, resolved; think fit; seem, pretend; to be considered; current opinions; seem; seemed; felt; seem likely; be thought; to be convicted; seem good, be resolved on; it seems; methinks; opinion; to; thinking; it seems good; it is; pleasure; when it was decreed; resolved;
δόξα δόξα noun fem., nom., sing. stem: δοξ; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st.
δόξᾰ expectation; one expects; hoping for; expect; spe excidere; notion, opinion, judgement; opinion; maxims; axioms; mere opinion, conjecture; imagine, suppose; by guess; fancy, vision; hallucinations; the opinion which others have of one, estimation, repute; good repute, honour, glory; for; ill repute; popular repute; estimate; glory, splendour; Shechinah; magnificence; celestial beatitude; illustrio
δόξα δόξα noun fem., voc., sing. stem: δοξ; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st.
δόξᾰ expectation; one expects; hoping for; expect; spe excidere; notion, opinion, judgement; opinion; maxims; axioms; mere opinion, conjecture; imagine, suppose; by guess; fancy, vision; hallucinations; the opinion which others have of one, estimation, repute; good repute, honour, glory; for; ill repute; popular repute; estimate; glory, splendour; Shechinah; magnificence; celestial beatitude; illustrio
δόξα δόξα noun fem., nom., dl. stem: δοξ; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st.
δόξᾰ expectation; one expects; hoping for; expect; spe excidere; notion, opinion, judgement; opinion; maxims; axioms; mere opinion, conjecture; imagine, suppose; by guess; fancy, vision; hallucinations; the opinion which others have of one, estimation, repute; good repute, honour, glory; for; ill repute; popular repute; estimate; glory, splendour; Shechinah; magnificence; celestial beatitude; illustrio
δόξα δόξα noun fem., acc., dl. stem: δοξ; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st.
δόξᾰ expectation; one expects; hoping for; expect; spe excidere; notion, opinion, judgement; opinion; maxims; axioms; mere opinion, conjecture; imagine, suppose; by guess; fancy, vision; hallucinations; the opinion which others have of one, estimation, repute; good repute, honour, glory; for; ill repute; popular repute; estimate; glory, splendour; Shechinah; magnificence; celestial beatitude; illustrio
δόξα δόξα noun fem., voc., dl. stem: δοξ; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱ; decl: 1st.
δόξᾰ expectation; one expects; hoping for; expect; spe excidere; notion, opinion, judgement; opinion; maxims; axioms; mere opinion, conjecture; imagine, suppose; by guess; fancy, vision; hallucinations; the opinion which others have of one, estimation, repute; good repute, honour, glory; for; ill repute; popular repute; estimate; glory, splendour; Shechinah; magnificence; celestial beatitude; illustrio
μου ἐγώ pronoun fem., gen., sing. stem: μου; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
μου ἐγώ pronoun masc., gen., sing. stem: μου; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
οὐδέν οὐδείς pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: οὐδέν; stemtype: pron_adj3; morph: indeclform.
οὐδείς not one; no one, none; no set; every one; every; nothing; naught, good for naught; naught; nobodies; naught, zero; not at all, naught; nothing, never mind, no matter; not at all; not even one; none whatever
οὐδέν οὐδείς pronoun neut., voc., sing. stem: οὐδέν; stemtype: pron_adj3; morph: indeclform.
οὐδείς not one; no one, none; no set; every one; every; nothing; naught, good for naught; naught; nobodies; naught, zero; not at all, naught; nothing, never mind, no matter; not at all; not even one; none whatever
οὐδέν οὐδείς pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: οὐδέν; stemtype: pron_adj3; morph: indeclform.
οὐδείς not one; no one, none; no set; every one; every; nothing; naught, good for naught; naught; nobodies; naught, zero; not at all, naught; nothing, never mind, no matter; not at all; not even one; none whatever
ἐστιν εἰμί finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐστιν; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic nu_movable.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
ἔστιν εἰμί finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐστιν; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic nu_movable.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
πατήρ πατήρ noun masc., nom., sing. stem: πατ; stemtype: hr_eros; suff: ηρ; decl: 3rd.
πᾰτήρ pitṛṣu; father; grandfather; by the fatherʼs side; father, author; authors; pater patriae; forefathers; from our fathers’ time; parents; parentnation; pitár; pater
μου ἐγώ pronoun fem., gen., sing. stem: μου; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
μου ἐγώ pronoun masc., gen., sing. stem: μου; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
δοξάζων δοξάζω participle pres. act. participle, masc. nom. sing. stem: δοξαζ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ων; derivtype: azw.
δοξ-άζω think, imagine; can I suppose; expecting; to be supposed; will suppose that; entertain; hold; opinions; form; hold an opinion; to be matter of opinion; magnify, extol; to be distinguished, held in honour, magnified
με ἐγώ pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
με ἐγώ pronoun fem., acc., sing. stem: με; stemtype: pron1; morph: enclitic indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ὅν ὅς pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὅν; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅν ὅς pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: ὅν; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὅς yas, yā, yad; jis, ji (he, she); i, ja, je (he, she, it; this, that; he, she, it; he; she; they; such and such a person; who, which.; of the Laestrygonians, who..; of Thebes, which..; of Heracles, who..; of me whom..; one of the thousands, which..; one of those who..; which..; where of..; a thing which..; a name which..; dealings with whom; being the second river which..; any one; who..; what a he
ὅς his, her; thy, thine; my, mine; ‘a manʼs own; svo-; swo-; sewo-
ὑμεῖς σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμεῖς; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: nominative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
λέγετε λέγω1 finite verb 2nd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγετε λέγω2 finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγετε λέγω2 finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. imper. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγετε λέγω1 finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγετε λέγω1 finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. imper. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγετε λέγω3 finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. imper. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγετε λέγω3 finite verb 2nd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγετε λέγω2 finite verb 2nd pl., impf. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: unaugmented; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγετε λέγω3 finite verb 2nd pl., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ετε; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
ὅτι ὅτι2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὅτι; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅτι1 adverb pos. degree stem: ὅτι; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
θεός θεός noun masc., nom., sing. stem: θε; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ος; decl: 2nd.
θεός God, the Deity; against his will; bless you! good heavens! for heavenʼs sake!; weather; Divus; divi Imperatores; Dis Manibus; one set in authority, judge; goddess; divine
ἡμῶν ἡμός adjective fem., gen., pl. stem: ἡμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἡμῶν ἡμός adjective masc., gen., pl. stem: ἡμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἡμῶν ἡμός adjective neut., gen., pl. stem: ἡμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἡμῶν ἐγώ pronoun fem., gen., pl. stem: ἡμῶν; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἡμῶν ἐγώ pronoun masc., gen., pl. stem: ἡμῶν; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐστιν εἰμί finite verb 3rd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐστιν; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic nu_movable.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
οὐκ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐκ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
ἐγνώκατε γιγνώσκω finite verb 2nd pl., perf. act. indic. stem: ἐγνωκ; stemtype: perf_act; suff: ατε; derivtype: o_stem.
γιγνώσκω come to know, perceive; know; know by reflection; know by observation; perceive; discern, distinguish, recognize; learn; were aware of; perceived; felt that; was; he was aware of; recognize; take; to mean; the perceiver; the objects perceived; one who knows, a prudent person; it were known of them; form a judgement, think; see; I understand; you are right; tenes; judge, determine, decree that; det
αὐτόν αὐτός pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ον.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
δέ δέ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: δέ; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
δέ but; nay; then; well
οἶδα οἶδα finite verb 1st sing., perf. act. indic. stem: οἰδα; stemtype: ath_primary.
οἶδα know; knew; Stadtrecht von Gortyn; Koische Forschungen; know, have knowledge of, be acquainted with; know of; be assured; has; in his heart; had; were; disposed; cunning with; acknowledge; thank; be; my witness; one who knows, one acquainted with the fact; knowing; know how; to be in a condition, be able, have the power; learn; to know that; is; know that; perhaps; know it well; knowʼst
αὐτόν αὐτός pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ον.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
κἄν κἀν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: κἄν; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
εἴπω εἶπον finite verb 1st sing., aor. act. subj. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: ω.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἴπω εἶπον finite verb 2nd sing., aor. mid. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ω; dial: epic Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἴπω εἶπον finite verb 2nd sing., aor. mid. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ω; dial: epic Ionic.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἴπω εἶπον finite verb 1st sing., aor. act. subj. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ω; dial: epic Ionic.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἴπω εἶπος noun masc., acc., dl. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ω; decl: 2nd.
εἶπος εἶπος
εἴπω εἶπος noun masc., gen., sing. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 2nd.
εἶπος εἶπος
εἴπω εἶπος noun masc., nom., dl. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ω; decl: 2nd.
εἶπος εἶπος
εἴπω εἶπος noun masc., voc., dl. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ω; decl: 2nd.
εἶπος εἶπος
ὅτι ὅτι2 indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ὅτι; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., nom., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅστις pronoun neut., acc., sing. stem: ὅτι; stemtype: relative; morph: indeclform.
ὅστις that; any one who, anything which, whosoever, whichsoever; everything; the man through whom; one through whom; who am one; who it was that; why?; being one who; to some one or other; anybody (anything) whatsoever; any; person; the least mite; whatsoever; whoever (whatever; at all; whoever; from which time; since; until..; from what cause
ὅτι ὅτι1 adverb pos. degree stem: ὅτι; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
ὅτῐ that; with regard to the fact that; not only; although; for that, because; why?; because why?; seeing that; as is proved by the fact that
οὐκ οὐ adverb pos. degree stem: οὐκ; stemtype: adverb; morph: proclitic indeclform.
οὐ fact; statement; will; thought; withhold; prevent; refuse; deny; non; of their not; ; dost; not; no
οὐ for not; no indeed; yes; well; ; yes; well), and arenʼt they?; not
οὐ indeed; really am; more than that
οὐ for surely not
οὐ no, —certainly not
οὐ for I donʼt suppose
οὐ οὐ γάρ τοι
οὐ certainly not, in sooth not; surely not.. ?
οὐ οὐ δή που
οὐ no truly
οὐ assuredly not
οὐ no truly, nay verily
οὐ on the contrary.. not; not me, but rather
οὐ surely not, verily not; not however; not but that; ; surely.., is it not so?
οὐ since; let me not; nonne; keep silent and say nothing; ; submit silently and do not play the coward
οὐ not however; nor on the other hand; no nor even yet; I cannot, it is true
οὐ nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still; not only so, but what is more
οὐ never yet ai any time
οἶδα οἶδα finite verb 1st sing., perf. act. indic. stem: οἰδα; stemtype: ath_primary.
οἶδα know; knew; Stadtrecht von Gortyn; Koische Forschungen; know, have knowledge of, be acquainted with; know of; be assured; has; in his heart; had; were; disposed; cunning with; acknowledge; thank; be; my witness; one who knows, one acquainted with the fact; knowing; know how; to be in a condition, be able, have the power; learn; to know that; is; know that; perhaps; know it well; knowʼst
αὐτόν αὐτός pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ον.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
ἔσομαι εἰμί finite verb 1st sing., fut. mid. indic. stem: ἐς; stemtype: reg_fut; suff: ομαι.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
ὅμοιος ὁμοῖος adjective masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁμοι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ος; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὅμοιος ὅμοιος adjective masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁμοι; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ος; dial: Attic Ionic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὅμοιος like, resembling; similar; more like; most like; the same; always the same, unchanging; the same as ever; equal in force, a match for one; suiting, according with; all the same, all one; ‘tit for tat’; a like return; in like esteem; in like fashion, likewise; ceteris paribus; on equal terms, in fair fight; of the same rank; station; peers, all citizens who had equal right to hold state-offices; eq
ὑμῖν σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμῖν; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
ψεύστης ψευστέω finite verb 2nd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ψευστ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ης; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: contr unaugmented poetic; derivtype: ew_denom.
ψευσ-τέω to be a liar
ψεύστης ψεύστης noun masc., nom., sing. stem: ψευστ; stemtype: hs_ou; suff: ης; decl: 1st.
ψεύσ-της liar, cheat; liars; lying, false
ἀλλά ἀλλά adverb pos. degree stem: ἀλλά; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ἀλλά otherwise; but; not only.. but; not only not.. but; still, at least; at least; except, but; but=be out, except; not; but, yet; nay but.., well but; it is not [so], but; at all events; well then; but then, however; but really, certainly; quid si.. ?; et quidem
οἶδα οἶδα finite verb 1st sing., perf. act. indic. stem: οἰδα; stemtype: ath_primary.
οἶδα know; knew; Stadtrecht von Gortyn; Koische Forschungen; know, have knowledge of, be acquainted with; know of; be assured; has; in his heart; had; were; disposed; cunning with; acknowledge; thank; be; my witness; one who knows, one acquainted with the fact; knowing; know how; to be in a condition, be able, have the power; learn; to know that; is; know that; perhaps; know it well; knowʼst
αὐτόν αὐτός pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ον.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
τόν article masc., acc., sing. stem: τόν; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
λόγον λόγος noun masc., acc., sing. stem: λογ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
λόγος computation, reckoning; account; accounts; audit; public accounts; treasury; treasurer; fiscus; aerarium; account, reckoning; all; accounting; way; measure, tale; point; tale; measure; sum, total; patrimonii modus; esteem, consideration, value; worth; account, repute; esteemed; rationem habere alicujus; value; reputation; regard; reckoned, count; reckoned; relation, correspondence, proportion; rel
αὐτοῦ αὐτός pronoun neut., gen., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ου.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτοῦ αὐτός pronoun masc., gen., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ου.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτοῦ αὐτοῦ adverb pos. degree stem: αὐτοῦ; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
αὐτοῦ just there; just here; there!; here in; there; very; exactly
τηρῶ τηρέω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: τηρ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
τηρ-έω watch over, take care of, guard; maintain; was constantly guarded; take care that..; cavere ne..; protect; give heed to, watch narrowly, observe; watch for; having watched; watching; was watched for; watch, keep watch; watch; look out; observe, notice; test by observation; trial; approved; observe; keep; preserve, retain
τηρῶ τηρέω finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: τηρ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: ῶ; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; derivtype: ew_denom.
τηρ-έω watch over, take care of, guard; maintain; was constantly guarded; take care that..; cavere ne..; protect; give heed to, watch narrowly, observe; watch for; having watched; watching; was watched for; watch, keep watch; watch; look out; observe, notice; test by observation; trial; approved; observe; keep; preserve, retain
τηρῶ τηρός noun masc., gen., sing. stem: τηρ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 2nd.
τηρ-ός warden, guard
article masc., nom., sing. stem: ὁ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
πατήρ πατήρ noun masc., nom., sing. stem: πατ; stemtype: hr_eros; suff: ηρ; decl: 3rd.
πᾰτήρ pitṛṣu; father; grandfather; by the fatherʼs side; father, author; authors; pater patriae; forefathers; from our fathers’ time; parents; parentnation; pitár; pater
ὑμῶν σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμῶν; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective masc., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective neut., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ὑμῶν ὑμός adjective fem., gen., pl. stem: ὑ̄μ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ων; dial: epic Doric; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ὑμός your
ἠγαλλιάσατο ἀγαλλιάω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. mid. indic. stem: ἀγαλλιας; stemtype: aor1; suff: ατο; dial: Attic epic Ionic; derivtype: azw.
ἀγαλλι-άω rejoice exceedingly; in malam partem
ἠγαλλιάσατο ἀγαλλιάω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. mid. indic. stem: ἀγαλλιᾱς; stemtype: aor1; suff: ατο; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; derivtype: iaw_denom.
ἀγαλλι-άω rejoice exceedingly; in malam partem
ἵνα ἵνα indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἵνα; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ἵνα in that place, there; in which place, where; wherever; in what; whither; at which, when; when; that, in order that; that not; because; that; granted that..; order; to what end?; to think that.. !
ἵνα ἵνα adverb pos. degree stem: ἵνα; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ἵνα in that place, there; in which place, where; wherever; in what; whither; at which, when; when; that, in order that; that not; because; that; granted that..; order; to what end?; to think that.. !
ἴδῃ εἶδον finite verb 2nd sing., aor. mid-pass. subj. stem: ἰδ; stemtype: aor2; suff: ῃ.
εἶδον see; to be seen; seem; know.; videre; véda; wait; wát; behold; see, perceive, behold; mark, observe; to behold; meet; speak with; experience; saw; enjoyed; look; looking; look to; see mentally, perceive; to see; examine, investigate; consider
ἴδῃ εἶδον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. subj. stem: ἰδ; stemtype: aor2; suff: ῃ.
εἶδον see; to be seen; seem; know.; videre; véda; wait; wát; behold; see, perceive, behold; mark, observe; to behold; meet; speak with; experience; saw; enjoyed; look; looking; look to; see mentally, perceive; to see; examine, investigate; consider
ἴδῃ ἴδη noun fem., dat., sing. stem: ἰ̄δ; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ῃ; dial: Attic epic Doric Ionic; decl: 1st.
ἴδη timber-tree; wood; the wood; timber; the wooded hill; from Ida; from I.; Ruscus Hypoglossum; of the forest
ἴδη sheen of metal
τήν article fem., acc., sing. stem: τήν; stemtype: article; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἡμέραν ἡμέρα noun fem., acc., sing. stem: ἡμερ; stemtype: h_hs; suff: ᾱν; dial: Attic Doric Ionic Aeolic; decl: 1st.
ἡμέρα day; at daybreak; in the day; a state; time of life; a life; age; days; life; life-like; time; in the days; birthday; a fixed day; tribunal; within; by day; daily; every day; daytime; from early in the day; yearly; in a single day; sufficient for the day; day by day; to-day; in broad daylight; some days; every other day; day-break; for the day, daily; the goddess of day
ἡμέραν ἥμερος adjective fem., acc., sing. stem: ἡμερ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ᾱν; dial: Attic Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἥμερος tame; cultivated; cultivated, reclaimed; Aër.; smooth, easy; civilized, gentle; benign
τήν article fem., acc., sing. stem: τήν; stemtype: article; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἐμήν ἐμός adjective fem., acc., sing. stem: ἐμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ην; dial: Attic epic Ionic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἐμός mine; mine, of me; possessive; favourable to me; relating to me, against me; for me; to me; against me; by me; my word; my counsel; my duty, my business; my friends; my dear; my property; my part, my affairs, my interest; with me; my conduct; for my part, as far as concerns me; my country; my opinion
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
εἶδεν εἶδον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: ἰδ; stemtype: aor2; suff: εν; morph: syll_augment nu_movable.
εἶδον see; to be seen; seem; know.; videre; véda; wait; wát; behold; see, perceive, behold; mark, observe; to behold; meet; speak with; experience; saw; enjoyed; look; looking; look to; see mentally, perceive; to see; examine, investigate; consider
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
ἐχάρη χαίρω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. pass. indic. stem: ἐ:χαρ; stemtype: aor2_pass; suff: η; derivtype: airw.
χαίρω rejoice, be glad; to rejoice; rejoice at, take pleasure in; express oneʼs joy; I rejoice at; am glad to; delight in; to be wont; thou wilt; shalt; rejoice; thou shalt; go unpunished, shalt repent; hail, welcome; accept the greeting; hear the word; welcome; have thy pleasure; fare-thee-well; have done with.., away with; dismiss from oneʼs mind, put away, renounce; be of good cheer; good luck be; gl
εἶπον εἶπον finite verb 3rd pl., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: ον; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπον εἶπον finite verb 2nd sing., aor. act. imper. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ον; dial: epic Ionic.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπον εἶπον finite verb 3rd pl., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: ον.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπον εἶπον finite verb 1st sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: ον; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπον εἶπον finite verb 1st sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: ον.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπον εἶπος noun masc., acc., sing. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ον; decl: 2nd.
εἶπος εἶπος
οὖν οὖν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: οὖν; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
οὖν certainly, in fact; really; very; at all events; did; at least; I grant you; when once; as soon as; actually; neither.. nor; even; just; in fact; cunque; whoever; whosoever; how; howsoever; be he who he may; so, then; then; well, as I was saying; then, therefore; therefore
οἱ pronoun masc., dat., sing. stem: οἱ; stemtype: pron3; dial: epic Ionic; morph: enclitic indeclform.
οἱ pronoun fem., dat., sing. stem: οἱ; stemtype: pron3; dial: epic Ionic; morph: enclitic indeclform.
οἱ article masc., voc., pl. stem: οἱ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
οἱ article masc., nom., pl. stem: οἱ; stemtype: article; morph: proclitic indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
πρός πρός indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: πρός; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
πρός on the side of, in the direction of; from, at, to; práti; protivǔ; pret; pretium; from; on the side of, towards; towards; on the frontier towards; on the; side; ward side; before, in presence of; in the eyes of; in the sight of; before; in the name of; in; name; from, on the side of; by; line; proceeding from; from, at the hand of; by..; at the hand of; at; hands; by reason of..; dependent on; und
αὐτόν αὐτός pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ον.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
Πεντήκοντα πεντήκοντα lang: grc; stem: πεντήκοντα; stemtype: numeral; partOfSpeech: numeral; morph: indeclform.
πεντήκοντα fifty
ἔτη ἔτος noun neut., voc., pl. stem: ἐτ; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: η; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
ἔτος year; years; annually; yearly; within a period; regnal year; vetus.
ἔτη ἔτος noun neut., acc., dl. stem: ἐτ; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: η; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
ἔτος year; years; annually; yearly; within a period; regnal year; vetus.
ἔτη ἔτος noun neut., nom., pl. stem: ἐτ; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: η; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
ἔτος year; years; annually; yearly; within a period; regnal year; vetus.
ἔτη ἔτος noun neut., acc., pl. stem: ἐτ; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: η; dial: Attic epic Doric; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
ἔτος year; years; annually; yearly; within a period; regnal year; vetus.
ἔτη ἔτης noun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐτ; stemtype: hs_ou; suff: η; decl: 1st.
ἔτης clansmen; kinsmen and dependents of a great house; citizen; a private citizen
ἔτη ἔτος noun neut., voc., dl. stem: ἐτ; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: η; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
ἔτος year; years; annually; yearly; within a period; regnal year; vetus.
ἔτη ἔτος noun neut., nom., dl. stem: ἐτ; stemtype: hs_eos; suff: η; dial: Doric Aeolic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
ἔτος year; years; annually; yearly; within a period; regnal year; vetus.
οὔπω οὔπω adverb pos. degree stem: οὔπω; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
οὔπω not yet; not, not at all
ἔχεις χέω finite verb 2nd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:χ; stemtype: evw_pr; suff: εις; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; derivtype: ev_stem.
χέω pour; pour out, let flow; snows; gush forth; to flow with; shed; flow; to be shed, drip; smelt; cast; become liquid, melt, dissolve; moist, languishing; shed, scatter; was on the ground; has spread through; throw up; shower; showered their; let fall, drop; to shed; to let; hang down; streaming down, falling; to be heaped up, massed together; stream in a dense throng; throwing herself; to be wholly
ἔχεις χάω finite verb 2nd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: ἐ:χ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: εις; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
χάω χάω
ἔχεις ἔχω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. act. indic. stem: ἐχ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: εις; derivtype: reg_conj.
ἔχω check; seĝh; sáhate; sigis; sĝh; si-sĝh-o; have, hold; possess; propertied class; wealthy man; poor; to have; due to one; to have received; acquire, get; to be possessed; keep, have charge of; having control of; to be engaged in; kept; for; is; himself; inhabit; haunt; ruled; occupiest; have to wife; as husband; have in oneʼs house, entertain; with; keep; get; indulge in; will; for a moment; to be
ἔχω bear, carry, bring; brought as an offering; váhati; veho
ἔχεις ἔχις noun masc., nom., pl. stem: ἐχ; stemtype: is_ews; suff: εις; dial: Attic; decl: 3rd.
ἔχῐς viper
ἔχεις ἔχις noun masc., voc., pl. stem: ἐχ; stemtype: is_ews; suff: εις; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
ἔχῐς viper
ἔχεις ἔχις noun masc., nom., pl. stem: ἐχ; stemtype: is_ews; suff: εις; dial: Attic epic; morph: contr; decl: 3rd.
ἔχῐς viper
ἔχεις ἔχις noun masc., acc., pl. stem: ἐχ; stemtype: is_ews; suff: εις; dial: Attic; decl: 3rd.
ἔχῐς viper
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
ἑώρακας ὁράω finite verb 2nd sing., perf. act. indic. stem: ἑωρακ; stemtype: perf_act; suff: ας; derivtype: a_stem.
ὁράω Inscr. des tombeaux des rois; I know; a)ware.; see, look; to be of; party; aimed; looking; look towards; looks; have sight; shall have eyes; to be; sighted; see; look; take; give heed; pay heed; seeʼst thou? dʼye see?; do you see.. ?; behold, perceive, observe; to see with; before; keeping; in sight; look to; we see; seeing; see that; see to; look out for, provide; to behold; to be seen; was seen;
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor2; suff: εν; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; dial: epic Ionic; morph: syll_augment unaugmented nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
εἶπεν εἶπον finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: εἰπ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; dial: epic Ionic; morph: nu_movable.
εἶπον said; avocam; vac-; speak, say; speak; of; to say; recite; speaking loosely; as; might say; address, accost; name, mention; call; tell; proclaim; speak of; celebrate; order; command; NT; propose, move; plead; promise, offer
αὐτοῖς αὐτός pronoun neut., dat., pl. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: οις.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
αὐτοῖς αὐτός pronoun masc., dat., pl. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: οις.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
Ἀμήν ἀμήν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἀμήν; stemtype: exclam; partOfSpeech: exclamation; morph: indeclform.
ἀμήν verily, of a truth, so be it
Ἀμήν ἁμός1 adjective fem., acc., sing. stem: ᾱʼμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ην; dial: Attic epic Ionic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἁμός ἁμός
ἁμός sṃ-; sums (some one), suman (sometime, once).
Ἀμήν ἡμός adjective fem., acc., sing. stem: ἀμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ην; dial: Attic epic Ionic Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἀμήν ἀμήν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἀμήν; stemtype: exclam; partOfSpeech: exclamation; morph: indeclform.
ἀμήν verily, of a truth, so be it
ἀμήν ἡμός adjective fem., acc., sing. stem: ἀμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ην; dial: Attic epic Ionic Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἀμήν ἁμός1 adjective fem., acc., sing. stem: ᾱʼμ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ην; dial: Attic epic Ionic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἁμός ἁμός
ἁμός sṃ-; sums (some one), suman (sometime, once).
λέγω λέγω1 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγω3 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγω1 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγω2 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγω2 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγω3 finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. subj. stem: λεγ; stemtype: w_stem; suff: ω; derivtype: reg_conj.
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω lay
λέγω pick up; gather, pick up; picking out stones for building; gather for oneself; choose for oneself, pick out; to be chosen; count, tell; counted; reckoned myself; told him over; was counted; count; recount, tell over; repeated; tell the tale; say, speak; oral; speak, say on; say, declare; indicates; express; say; speak of; of; speak; revile; call by name; call; tell, command; say something; speak t
λέγω λέγος adjective neut., acc., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective masc., gen., sing. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective neut., nom., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective neut., gen., sing. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; dial: Doric Aeolic; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective masc., nom., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective masc., acc., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective masc., voc., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
λέγω λέγος adjective neut., voc., dl. stem: λεγ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ω; decl: 1st & 2nd.
λέγος lewd
ὑμῖν σύ lang: grc; stem: ὑμῖν; stemtype: pron1; partOfSpeech: pronoun; grammaticalNum: plural; pers: 2nd; grammaticalCase: dative; morph: indeclform.
σύ thou; thou at least, for thy part; you two, both of you; ye, you; one; tu; pu; te; yusmān.
πρίν πρίν adverb pos. degree stem: πρίν; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
πρίν before, until.; before; sooner; formerly, erst; formerly, once; formerly; of old; gone before; hitherto; until that time; meanwhile; before, ere; began to be hit; until
γενέσθαι γίγνομαι infinitive aor. mid. stem: γεν; stemtype: aor2; suff: έσθαι.
γίγνομαι come into a new state of being; come into being; to be born; born; living; at our birth; to have been born; those of an age; to be produced; were the produce of; were worth; produced by; total; amount to; products; multiplied; elapse; falldue; dues; regular, normal; usual number; take place, come to pass; to be; are held; is passed; are given; taken; God forbid; Amen; suppose it done; it is done;
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun fem., voc., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
ἐγώ ἐγώ pronoun masc., nom., sing. stem: ἐγώ; stemtype: pron1; morph: indeclform.
ἐγώ I at least, for my part, indeed, for myself; me; we two; ahám; asmā´n; nau; myself; the Self, the Ego; quid mea hoc refert; the self
εἰμί εἰμί finite verb 1st sing., pres. act. indic. stem: εἰμι; stemtype: irreg_mi; morph: enclitic.
εἰμί sum; exist; are; in being; is; was; lived; those who are; living; Eternal; posterity; might continue in being; censeo Carthaginem esse delendam; be in existence; to be in hand; property; future revenue; local; current; in office; that be, Ep. Rom.; real; be; Being; world of things; of Being; to happen; was there; last; came; to pass; be the fact; the case; really is; in its essence; true; truth; i
ἦραν αἴρω finite verb 3rd pl., aor. act. indic. stem: ἀ̄ρ; stemtype: aor1; suff: αν; dial: Attic epic Ionic; derivtype: airw.
αἴρω αἴρω
οὖν οὖν indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: οὖν; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
οὖν certainly, in fact; really; very; at all events; did; at least; I grant you; when once; as soon as; actually; neither.. nor; even; just; in fact; cunque; whoever; whosoever; how; howsoever; be he who he may; so, then; then; well, as I was saying; then, therefore; therefore
λίθους λιθόω finite verb 2nd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: λιθ; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ους; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: contr unaugmented; derivtype: ow_denom.
λῐθ-όω to be petrified; petrifaction takes place
λίθους λιθόομαι finite verb 2nd sing., impf. act. indic. stem: λιθ; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: ους; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: contr unaugmented; derivtype: ow_denom.
λίθους λίθος noun masc., acc., pl. stem: λιθ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ους; decl: 2nd.
λίθος stone; stones; stonequoit; stone, petrified; some special stone; touchstone; a piece of crystal; glass; precious stone; marble; tufa; grave-stone; blocks of stone used for rostra; platforms; altar; piece on a draughtboard; stone in the bladder, calculus; Jovem lapidem jurare
ἵνα ἵνα indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἵνα; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
ἵνα in that place, there; in which place, where; wherever; in what; whither; at which, when; when; that, in order that; that not; because; that; granted that..; order; to what end?; to think that.. !
ἵνα ἵνα adverb pos. degree stem: ἵνα; stemtype: adverb; morph: indeclform.
ἵνα in that place, there; in which place, where; wherever; in what; whither; at which, when; when; that, in order that; that not; because; that; granted that..; order; to what end?; to think that.. !
βάλωσιν βάλλω finite verb 3rd pl., aor. act. subj. stem: βαλ; stemtype: aor2; suff: ωσιν; morph: nu_movable.
βάλλω throw; throw so as to hit, hit; striking; smote upon; strike; smite; praise; cast, hurl; shoot with; hitting; throw out; cast; manure; on a sick-bed; let fall; cast, shed; aiming at; directing oneʼs gaze; push forward; in front; put, place; lay; pour; may put; putting round; put on; place; on deposit; pay; by its throw; to be lucky, successful; lr.; fall; having run; arrive; enter; lie down and; a
βάλωσιν βάλλω finite verb 3rd pl., aor. act. subj. stem: βᾱλ; stemtype: aor1; suff: ωσιν; dial: Doric; morph: nu_movable; derivtype: allw.
βάλλω throw; throw so as to hit, hit; striking; smote upon; strike; smite; praise; cast, hurl; shoot with; hitting; throw out; cast; manure; on a sick-bed; let fall; cast, shed; aiming at; directing oneʼs gaze; push forward; in front; put, place; lay; pour; may put; putting round; put on; place; on deposit; pay; by its throw; to be lucky, successful; lr.; fall; having run; arrive; enter; lie down and; a
ἐπ' ἐπί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐπί; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: indeclform.
ἐπί being upon; supported upon a surface; point.; upon; on; support; in; at; near; off; ward; in the passage concerning; by; in..; in dependence upon an; dependent upon; interest; depth; deep; in file; line; file; length; under; wide; before, in presence of; before; in the case of; and left it there; to; and leave there; towards; wards; leading to; to meet; with a view to..; in the time of; time; in t
αὐτόν αὐτός pronoun masc., acc., sing. stem: αὐτ; stemtype: art_adj; suff: ον.
αὐτός self; him, her, it; the very one, the same.; self, myself, thyself; oneʼs true self; soul; body; oneself; the Master; Ipse dixit; the result; the very; just, exactly; close; very; the point; even; of oneself, of oneʼs own accord; in person; by oneself; itself, alone; alone; without a mother; by himself; by ourselves; among friends; and no others; himself; by; in itself; the ideal, abstract; its ve
δέ δέ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: δέ; stemtype: particle; partOfSpeech: particle; morph: indeclform.
δέ but; nay; then; well
ἐκρύβη κρύπτω finite verb 3rd sing., aor. pass. indic. stem: ἐ:κρυβ; stemtype: aor2_pass; suff: η; derivtype: ptw.
κρύπ-τω hide, cover; hide; cover; having cloaked his; hides in its own bosom; hide oneself, lie hidden; cover in the earth, bury; occult; setting; conceal, keep secret; secret; in secret; connive at; conceal; argue so that the opponent is unwarily led to an adverse conclusion; to be suppressed; lie hidden; conceal oneself from..; keep covered
καί καί indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: καί; stemtype: conj; partOfSpeech: conjunction; morph: indeclform.
καί and; even, also, just; and specially; and above all..; or; too..; pray; but; and yet; as; not only.., but also..; even; full; also; likewise; b; a; also..; even so much as, were it but, just; so much as; just; how long ago; where; even, just; eʼen; even if; although, notwithstanding that; had; and if..; although, albeit; how much soever; although
καί and now
καί and so
καί and indeed, and further; and yet
ἐξῆλθεν ἐξέρχομαι finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: ἐκ:ἐλθ; stemtype: aor2; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable.
ἐξέρχομαι go; come out of; come out; come forth; march out, go forth; withdraw from the country; go out on; went through; pursue their advantages; allow oneself to use; pass off; issue from; stand forth and come; stand forth, be proved to be; execute; exceed all bounds; come to an end, expire; go out of office; to be accomplished, come true; was satisfied; turn out; proceed; to be exported
ἐξῆλθεν ἐξέρχομαι finite verb 3rd sing., aor. act. indic. stem: ἐκ:ἐλθ; stemtype: aor1; suff: εν; morph: nu_movable late.
ἐξέρχομαι go; come out of; come out; come forth; march out, go forth; withdraw from the country; go out on; went through; pursue their advantages; allow oneself to use; pass off; issue from; stand forth and come; stand forth, be proved to be; execute; exceed all bounds; come to an end, expire; go out of office; to be accomplished, come true; was satisfied; turn out; proceed; to be exported
ἐκ ἐκ indeclinable form lang: grc; stem: ἐκ; stemtype: prep; partOfSpeech: preposition; morph: proclitic indeclform.
ἐκ from out of; from.; out of, forth from; in; from; with all; with; after; instead of; out of; one of; above; outside of, beyond; banished from; apart from; on, in; on; with water from; upon; to; dependent upon; by; of; at; over..; since; for; just finished; at the end of; at, in; by the hand of; built by; spontaneous; in consequence; wherefore?; by means of; in accordance with; place; apiece; by th
τοῦ τις lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indef; partOfSpeech: pronoun; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: enclitic indeclform.
τις any one, any thing; who? what?; si se; qṷi-; quis, quid; any one, any thing, some one, some thing; any, some; a, an; some one; many a one; all; men; any one concerned, every one; every man; any others; they; on; somebody; somebody, something; some great one, some great thing; something; one named; one; one of the same sort; an; a; ard; fashion; thing; some; or so; several; of a certain amount, con
τοῦ τίς lang: grc; stem: τοῦ; stemtype: indecl; partOfSpeech: irregular; dial: Attic; grammaticalNum: singular; grammaticalCase: genitive; morph: indeclform.
τίς what? which?; who? which?; what; who; with what means; would that some one..; why who? who possibly?; who then?; who in the world? who ever?; what?; how? why? wherefore?; how do you mean; forsooth!; what about; why not? how else?; of course, no doubt; why ever? why in the world? what do you mean?; how, pray?; yes certainly; why; why not?; how so?; wherefore?; b; whoever, whatever; whatever; whomso
τοῦ article masc., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
τοῦ article neut., gen., sing. stem: τοῦ; stemtype: article; morph: indeclform.
the following; sa, sā; sa, sō; sá, sú; sum, sam; tat (tad); is-tud; pata; te; tĩe; pá; tāsām; is-tarum; that; he; famous; that venerable man; that which is called; namely that; and he; those; I mean; he, she, it; above those to wit; those women to wit; the former; the latter; the one.., the other..; sas; sa; such and such; so and so; now one thing, now another; there, on that spot, here, this way,
ἱεροῦ ἱεράομαι finite verb 2nd sing., impf. mid-pass. indic. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
ἱεράομαι to be a priest; priestess
ἱεροῦ ἱερόω finite verb 2nd sing., impf. mid-pass. indic. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Homeric Ionic; morph: contr unaugmented; derivtype: ow_denom.
ἱερ-όω consecrate, dedicate; to be consecrated
ἱεροῦ ἱερόω finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. imper. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: οῦ; morph: contr; derivtype: ow_denom.
ἱερ-όω consecrate, dedicate; to be consecrated
ἱεροῦ ἱεράομαι finite verb 2nd sing., pres. mid-pass. imper. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: ew_pr; suff: οῦ; dial: Attic epic Ionic; morph: contr; derivtype: aw_denom.
ἱεράομαι to be a priest; priestess
ἱεροῦ ἱερόω finite verb 2nd sing., impf. mid-pass. indic. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: ow_pr; suff: οῦ; morph: contr; derivtype: ow_denom.
ἱερ-όω consecrate, dedicate; to be consecrated
ἱεροῦ ἱερόν noun neut., gen., sing. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: os_ou; suff: ου; decl: 2nd.
ἱερόν ἱερόν
ἱεροῦ ἱερός adjective fem., gen., sing. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ου; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἱερός filled with; manifesting divine power, supernatural; great; holy; of God; crusade; hallowed, consecrated; hieroglyphics; Holy; 2 Ep.Tim.; sacrosanctus; of sacrifice; legend; mystical; sacred; profane; under divine protection; under the protection of Zeus; initiated; deuoted, dedicated; sacer, imperial; praefectus Aegypti; worshipful; offerings, victims; omens afforded by sacrifice; sacred objects;
ἱεροῦ ἱερός adjective masc., gen., sing. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ου; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἱερός filled with; manifesting divine power, supernatural; great; holy; of God; crusade; hallowed, consecrated; hieroglyphics; Holy; 2 Ep.Tim.; sacrosanctus; of sacrifice; legend; mystical; sacred; profane; under divine protection; under the protection of Zeus; initiated; deuoted, dedicated; sacer, imperial; praefectus Aegypti; worshipful; offerings, victims; omens afforded by sacrifice; sacred objects;
ἱεροῦ ἱερός adjective neut., gen., sing. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: os_h_on; suff: ου; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἱερός filled with; manifesting divine power, supernatural; great; holy; of God; crusade; hallowed, consecrated; hieroglyphics; Holy; 2 Ep.Tim.; sacrosanctus; of sacrifice; legend; mystical; sacred; profane; under divine protection; under the protection of Zeus; initiated; deuoted, dedicated; sacer, imperial; praefectus Aegypti; worshipful; offerings, victims; omens afforded by sacrifice; sacred objects;
ἱεροῦ ἱερός adjective neut., gen., sing. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ου; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἱερός filled with; manifesting divine power, supernatural; great; holy; of God; crusade; hallowed, consecrated; hieroglyphics; Holy; 2 Ep.Tim.; sacrosanctus; of sacrifice; legend; mystical; sacred; profane; under divine protection; under the protection of Zeus; initiated; deuoted, dedicated; sacer, imperial; praefectus Aegypti; worshipful; offerings, victims; omens afforded by sacrifice; sacred objects;
ἱεροῦ ἱερός adjective masc., gen., sing. stem: ἱερ; stemtype: os_on; suff: ου; decl: 1st & 2nd.
ἱερός filled with; manifesting divine power, supernatural; great; holy; of God; crusade; hallowed, consecrated; hieroglyphics; Holy; 2 Ep.Tim.; sacrosanctus; of sacrifice; legend; mystical; sacred; profane; under divine protection; under the protection of Zeus; initiated; deuoted, dedicated; sacer, imperial; praefectus Aegypti; worshipful; offerings, victims; omens afforded by sacrifice; sacred objects;
grc New Testament John Greek: Westcott & Hort: Tokenized online chapter/verse/token urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:
8.1 Ἰησοῦς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.1.0 δὲ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.1.1 ἐπορεύθη urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.1.2 εἰς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.1.3 τὸ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.1.4 Ὄρος urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.1.5 τῶν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.1.6 Ἐλαιῶν.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.1.7
8.2 Ὄρθρου urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.2.0 δὲ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.2.1 πάλιν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.2.2 παρεγένετο urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.2.3 εἰς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.2.4 τὸ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.2.5 ἱερόν, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.2.6 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.2.7 πᾶς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.2.8 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.2.9 λαὸς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.2.10 ἤρχετο urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.2.11 πρὸς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.2.12 αὐτόν, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.2.13 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.2.14 καθίσας urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.2.15 ἐδίδασκεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.2.16 αὐτούς.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.2.17
8.3 Ἄγουσιν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.3.0 δὲ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.3.1 οἱ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.3.2 γραμματεῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.3.3 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.3.4 οἱ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.3.5 Φαρισαῖοι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.3.6 γυναῖκα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.3.7 ἐπὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.3.8 μοιχείᾳ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.3.9 κατειλημμένην, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.3.10 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.3.11 στήσαντες urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.3.12 αὐτὴν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.3.13 ἐν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.3.14 μέσῳ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.3.15
8.4 λέγουσιν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.4.0 αὐτῷ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.4.1 Διδάσκαλε, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.4.2 αὕτη urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.4.3 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.4.4 γυνὴ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.4.5 κατείληπται urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.4.6 ἐπ᾽ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.4.7 αὐτοφώρῳ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.4.8 μοιχευομένη: urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.4.9
8.5 ἐν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.5.0 δὲ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.5.1 τῷ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.5.2 νόμῳ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.5.3 ἡμῖν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.5.4 Μωυσῆς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.5.5 ἐνετείλατο urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.5.6 τὰς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.5.7 τοιαύτας urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.5.8 λιθάζειν: urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.5.9 σὺ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.5.10 οὖν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.5.11 τί urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.5.12 λέγεις;urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.5.13
8.6 τοῦτο urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.6.0 δὲ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.6.1 ἔλεγον urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.6.2 πειράζοντες urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.6.3 αὐτόν, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.6.4 ἵνα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.6.5 ἔχωσιν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.6.6 κατηγορεῖν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.6.7 αὐτοῦ.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.6.8 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.6.10 δὲ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.6.11 Ἰησοῦς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.6.12 κάτω urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.6.13 κύψας urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.6.14 τῷ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.6.15 δακτύλῳ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.6.16 κατέγραφεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.6.17 εἰς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.6.18 τὴν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.6.19 γῆν.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.6.20
8.7 ὡς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.7.0 δὲ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.7.1 ἐπέμενον urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.7.2 ἐρωτῶντες urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.7.3 αὐτόν, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.7.4 ἀνέκυψεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.7.5 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.7.6 εἶπεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.7.7 αὐτοῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.7.8 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.7.9 ἀναμάρτητος urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.7.10 ὑμῶν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.7.11 πρῶτος urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.7.12 ἐπ᾽ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.7.13 αὐτὴν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.7.14 βαλέτω urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.7.15 λίθον: urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.7.16
8.8 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.8.0 πάλιν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.8.1 κατακύψας urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.8.2 ἔγραφεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.8.3 εἰς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.8.4 τὴν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.8.5 γῆν.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.8.6
8.9 οἱ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.9.0 δὲ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.9.1 ἀκούσαντες urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.9.2 ἐξήρχοντο urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.9.3 εἷς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.9.4 καθ᾽ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.9.5 εἷς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.9.6 ἀρξάμενοι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.9.7 ἀπὸ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.9.8 τῶν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.9.9 πρεσβυτέρων, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.9.10 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.9.11 κατελείφθη urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.9.12 μόνος, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.9.13 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.9.14 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.9.15 γυνὴ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.9.16 ἐν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.9.17 μέσῳ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.9.18 οὖσα.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.9.19
8.10 ἀνακύψας urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.10.0 δὲ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.10.1 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.10.2 Ἰησοῦς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.10.3 εἶπεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.10.4 αὐτῇ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.10.5 Γύναι, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.10.6 ποῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.10.7 εἰσίν;urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.10.8 οὐδείς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.10.10 σε urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.10.11 κατέκρινεν;urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.10.12
8.11 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.11.0 δὲ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.11.1 εἶπεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.11.2 Οὐδείς, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.11.3 κύριε.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.11.4 εἶπεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.11.6 δὲ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.11.7 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.11.8 Ἰησοῦς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.11.9 Οὐδὲ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.11.10 ἐγώ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.11.11 σε urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.11.12 κατακρίνω: urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.11.13 πορεύου, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.11.14 ἀπὸ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.11.15 τοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.11.16 νῦν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.11.17 μηκέτι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.11.18 ἁμάρτανε.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.11.19 οὐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.11.21 ἐγείρεται.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.11.22
8.12 Πάλιν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.0 οὖν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.1 αὐτοῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.2 ἐλάλησεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.3 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.4 Ἰησοῦς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.5 λέγων·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.6 Ἐγώ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.8 εἰμι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.9 τὸ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.10 φῶς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.11 τοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.12 κόσμου·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.13 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.15 ἀκολουθῶν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.16 ἐμοὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.17 οὐ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.18 μὴ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.19 περιπατήσῃ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.20 ἐν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.21 τῇ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.22 σκοτίᾳ, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.23 ἀλλ’ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.24 ἕξει urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.25 τὸ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.26 φῶς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.27 τῆς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.28 ζωῆς.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.12.29
8.13 εἶπον urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.13.0 οὖν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.13.1 αὐτῷ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.13.2 οἱ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.13.3 Φαρισαῖοι·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.13.4 Σὺ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.13.6 περὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.13.7 σεαυτοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.13.8 μαρτυρεῖς·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.13.9 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.13.11 μαρτυρία urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.13.12 σου urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.13.13 οὐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.13.14 ἔστιν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.13.15 ἀληθής.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.13.16
8.14 ἀπεκρίθη urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.0 Ἰησοῦς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.1 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.2 εἶπεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.3 αὐτοῖς·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.4 Κἂν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.6 ἐγὼ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.7 μαρτυρῶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.8 περὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.9 ἐμαυτοῦ, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.10 ἀληθής urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.11 ἐστιν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.12 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.13 μαρτυρία urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.14 μου, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.15 ὅτι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.16 οἶδα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.17 πόθεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.18 ἦλθον urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.19 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.20 ποῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.21 ὑπάγω·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.22 ὑμεῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.24 δὲ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.25 οὐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.26 οἴδατε urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.27 πόθεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.28 ἔρχομαι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.29 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.30 ποῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.31 ὑπάγω.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.14.32
8.15 ὑμεῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.15.0 κατὰ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.15.1 τὴν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.15.2 σάρκα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.15.3 κρίνετε, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.15.4 ἐγὼ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.15.5 οὐ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.15.6 κρίνω urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.15.7 οὐδένα.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.15.8
8.16 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.16.0 ἐὰν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.16.1 κρίνω urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.16.2 δὲ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.16.3 ἐγώ, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.16.4 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.16.5 κρίσις urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.16.6 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.16.7 ἐμὴ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.16.8 ἀληθινή urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.16.9 ἐστιν, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.16.10 ὅτι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.16.11 μόνος urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.16.12 οὐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.16.13 εἰμί, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.16.14 ἀλλ’ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.16.15 ἐγὼ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.16.16 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.16.17 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.16.18 πέμψας urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.16.19 με urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.16.20 πατήρ.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.16.21
8.17 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.17.0 ἐν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.17.1 τῷ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.17.2 νόμῳ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.17.3 δὲ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.17.4 τῷ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.17.5 ὑμετέρῳ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.17.6 γέγραπται urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.17.7 ὅτι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.17.8 δύο urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.17.9 ἀνθρώπων urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.17.10 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.17.11 μαρτυρία urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.17.12 ἀληθής urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.17.13 ἐστιν.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.17.14
8.18 ἐγώ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.18.0 εἰμι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.18.1 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.18.2 μαρτυρῶν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.18.3 περὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.18.4 ἐμαυτοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.18.5 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.18.6 μαρτυρεῖ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.18.7 περὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.18.8 ἐμοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.18.9 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.18.10 πέμψας urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.18.11 με urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.18.12 πατήρ.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.18.13
8.19 ἔλεγον urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.0 οὖν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.1 αὐτῷ·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.2 Ποῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.4 ἐστιν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.5 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.6 πατήρ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.7 σου;urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.8 ἀπεκρίθη urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.10 Ἰησοῦς·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.11 Οὔτε urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.13 ἐμὲ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.14 οἴδατε urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.15 οὔτε urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.16 τὸν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.17 πατέρα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.18 μου·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.19 εἰ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.21 ἐμὲ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.22 ᾔδειτε, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.23 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.24 τὸν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.25 πατέρα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.26 μου urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.27 ἂν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.28 ᾔδειτε.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.19.29
8.20 ταῦτα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.20.0 τὰ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.20.1 ῥήματα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.20.2 ἐλάλησεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.20.3 ἐν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.20.4 τῷ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.20.5 γαζοφυλακίῳ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.20.6 διδάσκων urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.20.7 ἐν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.20.8 τῷ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.20.9 ἱερῷ·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.20.10 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.20.12 οὐδεὶς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.20.13 ἐπίασεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.20.14 αὐτόν, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.20.15 ὅτι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.20.16 οὔπω urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.20.17 ἐληλύθει urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.20.18 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.20.19 ὥρα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.20.20 αὐτοῦ.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.20.21
8.21 Εἶπεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.21.0 οὖν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.21.1 πάλιν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.21.2 αὐτοῖς·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.21.3 Ἐγὼ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.21.5 ὑπάγω urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.21.6 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.21.7 ζητήσετέ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.21.8 με, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.21.9 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.21.10 ἐν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.21.11 τῇ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.21.12 ἁμαρτίᾳ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.21.13 ὑμῶν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.21.14 ἀποθανεῖσθε·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.21.15 ὅπου urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.21.17 ἐγὼ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.21.18 ὑπάγω urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.21.19 ὑμεῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.21.20 οὐ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.21.21 δύνασθε urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.21.22 ἐλθεῖν.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.21.23
8.22 ἔλεγον urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.22.0 οὖν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.22.1 οἱ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.22.2 Ἰουδαῖοι·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.22.3 Μήτι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.22.5 ἀποκτενεῖ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.22.6 ἑαυτὸν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.22.7 ὅτι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.22.8 λέγει·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.22.9 Ὅπου urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.22.11 ἐγὼ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.22.12 ὑπάγω urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.22.13 ὑμεῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.22.14 οὐ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.22.15 δύνασθε urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.22.16 ἐλθεῖν;urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.22.17
8.23 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.0 ἔλεγεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.1 αὐτοῖς·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.2 Ὑμεῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.4 ἐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.5 τῶν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.6 κάτω urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.7 ἐστέ, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.8 ἐγὼ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.9 ἐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.10 τῶν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.11 ἄνω urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.12 εἰμί·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.13 ὑμεῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.15 ἐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.16 τούτου urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.17 τοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.18 κόσμου urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.19 ἐστέ, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.20 ἐγὼ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.21 οὐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.22 εἰμὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.23 ἐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.24 τοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.25 κόσμου urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.26 τούτου.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.23.27
8.24 εἶπον urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.24.0 οὖν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.24.1 ὑμῖν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.24.2 ὅτι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.24.3 ἀποθανεῖσθε urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.24.4 ἐν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.24.5 ταῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.24.6 ἁμαρτίαις urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.24.7 ὑμῶν·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.24.8 ἐὰν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.24.10 γὰρ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.24.11 μὴ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.24.12 πιστεύσητε urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.24.13 ὅτι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.24.14 ἐγώ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.24.15 εἰμι, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.24.16 ἀποθανεῖσθε urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.24.17 ἐν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.24.18 ταῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.24.19 ἁμαρτίαις urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.24.20 ὑμῶν.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.24.21
8.25 ἔλεγον urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.25.0 οὖν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.25.1 αὐτῷ·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.25.2 Σὺ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.25.4 τίς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.25.5 εἶ;urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.25.6 εἶπεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.25.8 αὐτοῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.25.9 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.25.10 Ἰησοῦς·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.25.11 Τὴν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.25.13 ἀρχὴν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.25.14 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.25.15 τι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.25.16 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.25.17 λαλῶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.25.18 ὑμῖν;urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.25.19
8.26 πολλὰ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.26.0 ἔχω urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.26.1 περὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.26.2 ὑμῶν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.26.3 λαλεῖν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.26.4 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.26.5 κρίνειν·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.26.6 ἀλλ’ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.26.8 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.26.9 πέμψας urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.26.10 με urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.26.11 ἀληθής urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.26.12 ἐστιν, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.26.13 κἀγὼ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.26.14 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.26.15 ἤκουσα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.26.16 παρ’ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.26.17 αὐτοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.26.18 ταῦτα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.26.19 λαλῶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.26.20 εἰς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.26.21 τὸν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.26.22 κόσμον.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.26.23
8.27 οὐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.27.0 ἔγνωσαν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.27.1 ὅτι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.27.2 τὸν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.27.3 πατέρα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.27.4 αὐτοῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.27.5 ἔλεγεν.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.27.6
8.28 εἶπεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.0 οὖν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.1 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.2 Ἰησοῦς·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.3 Ὅταν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.5 ὑψώσητε urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.6 τὸν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.7 υἱὸν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.8 τοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.9 ἀνθρώπου, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.10 τότε urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.11 γνώσεσθε urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.12 ὅτι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.13 ἐγώ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.14 εἰμι, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.15 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.16 ἀπ’ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.17 ἐμαυτοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.18 ποιῶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.19 οὐδέν, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.20 ἀλλὰ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.21 καθὼς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.22 ἐδίδαξέν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.23 με urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.24 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.25 πατὴρ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.26 ταῦτα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.27 λαλῶ.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.28.28
8.29 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.29.0 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.29.1 πέμψας urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.29.2 με urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.29.3 μετ’ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.29.4 ἐμοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.29.5 ἐστιν·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.29.6 οὐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.29.8 ἀφῆκέν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.29.9 με urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.29.10 μόνον, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.29.11 ὅτι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.29.12 ἐγὼ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.29.13 τὰ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.29.14 ἀρεστὰ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.29.15 αὐτῷ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.29.16 ποιῶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.29.17 πάντοτε.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.29.18
8.30 ταῦτα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.30.0 αὐτοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.30.1 λαλοῦντος urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.30.2 πολλοὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.30.3 ἐπίστευσαν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.30.4 εἰς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.30.5 αὐτόν.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.30.6
8.31 Ἔλεγεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.31.0 οὖν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.31.1 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.31.2 Ἰησοῦς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.31.3 πρὸς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.31.4 τοὺς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.31.5 πεπιστευκότας urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.31.6 αὐτῷ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.31.7 Ἰουδαίους·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.31.8 Ἐὰν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.31.10 ὑμεῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.31.11 μείνητε urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.31.12 ἐν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.31.13 τῷ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.31.14 λόγῳ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.31.15 τῷ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.31.16 ἐμῷ, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.31.17 ἀληθῶς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.31.18 μαθηταί urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.31.19 μού urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.31.20 ἐστε, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.31.21
8.32 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.32.0 γνώσεσθε urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.32.1 τὴν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.32.2 ἀλήθειαν, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.32.3 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.32.4 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.32.5 ἀλήθεια urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.32.6 ἐλευθερώσει urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.32.7 ὑμᾶς.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.32.8
8.33 ἀπεκρίθησαν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.33.0 πρὸς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.33.1 αὐτόν·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.33.2 Σπέρμα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.33.4 Ἀβραάμ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.33.5 ἐσμεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.33.6 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.33.7 οὐδενὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.33.8 δεδουλεύκαμεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.33.9 πώποτε·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.33.10 πῶς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.33.12 σὺ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.33.13 λέγεις urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.33.14 ὅτι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.33.15 Ἐλεύθεροι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.33.16 γενήσεσθε;urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.33.17
8.34 Ἀπεκρίθη urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.34.0 αὐτοῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.34.1 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.34.2 Ἰησοῦς·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.34.3 Ἀμὴν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.34.5 ἀμὴν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.34.6 λέγω urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.34.7 ὑμῖν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.34.8 ὅτι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.34.9 πᾶς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.34.10 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.34.11 ποιῶν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.34.12 τὴν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.34.13 ἁμαρτίαν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.34.14 δοῦλός urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.34.15 ἐστιν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.34.16 τῆς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.34.17 ἁμαρτίας·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.34.18
8.35 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.35.0 δὲ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.35.1 δοῦλος urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.35.2 οὐ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.35.3 μένει urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.35.4 ἐν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.35.5 τῇ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.35.6 οἰκίᾳ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.35.7 εἰς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.35.8 τὸν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.35.9 αἰῶνα·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.35.10 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.35.12 υἱὸς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.35.13 μένει urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.35.14 εἰς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.35.15 τὸν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.35.16 αἰῶνα.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.35.17
8.36 ἐὰν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.36.0 οὖν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.36.1 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.36.2 υἱὸς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.36.3 ὑμᾶς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.36.4 ἐλευθερώσῃ, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.36.5 ὄντως urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.36.6 ἐλεύθεροι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.36.7 ἔσεσθε.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.36.8
8.37 οἶδα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.37.0 ὅτι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.37.1 σπέρμα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.37.2 Ἀβραάμ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.37.3 ἐστε·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.37.4 ἀλλὰ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.37.6 ζητεῖτέ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.37.7 με urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.37.8 ἀποκτεῖναι, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.37.9 ὅτι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.37.10 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.37.11 λόγος urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.37.12 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.37.13 ἐμὸς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.37.14 οὐ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.37.15 χωρεῖ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.37.16 ἐν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.37.17 ὑμῖν.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.37.18
8.38 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.38.0 ἐγὼ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.38.1 ἑώρακα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.38.2 παρὰ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.38.3 τῷ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.38.4 πατρὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.38.5 λαλῶ·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.38.6 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.38.8 ὑμεῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.38.9 οὖν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.38.10 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.38.11 ἠκούσατε urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.38.12 παρὰ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.38.13 τοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.38.14 πατρὸς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.38.15 ποιεῖτε.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.38.16
8.39 Ἀπεκρίθησαν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.39.0 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.39.1 εἶπαν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.39.2 αὐτῷ·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.39.3 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.39.5 πατὴρ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.39.6 ἡμῶν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.39.7 Ἀβραάμ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.39.8 ἐστιν.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.39.9 λέγει urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.39.11 αὐτοῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.39.12 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.39.13 Ἰησοῦς·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.39.14 Εἰ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.39.16 τέκνα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.39.17 τοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.39.18 Ἀβραάμ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.39.19 ἐστε, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.39.20 τὰ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.39.21 ἔργα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.39.22 τοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.39.23 Ἀβραὰμ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.39.24 ἐποιεῖτε·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.39.25
8.40 νῦν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.40.0 δὲ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.40.1 ζητεῖτέ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.40.2 με urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.40.3 ἀποκτεῖναι, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.40.4 ἄνθρωπον urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.40.5 ὃς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.40.6 τὴν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.40.7 ἀλήθειαν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.40.8 ὑμῖν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.40.9 λελάληκα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.40.10 ἣν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.40.11 ἤκουσα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.40.12 παρὰ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.40.13 τοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.40.14 θεοῦ·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.40.15 τοῦτο urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.40.17 Ἀβραὰμ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.40.18 οὐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.40.19 ἐποίησεν.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.40.20
8.41 ὑμεῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.41.0 ποιεῖτε urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.41.1 τὰ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.41.2 ἔργα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.41.3 τοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.41.4 πατρὸς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.41.5 ὑμῶν.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.41.6 εἶπαν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.41.8 αὐτῷ·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.41.9 Ἡμεῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.41.11 ἐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.41.12 πορνείας urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.41.13 οὐ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.41.14 γεγεννήμεθα·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.41.15 ἕνα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.41.17 πατέρα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.41.18 ἔχομεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.41.19 τὸν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.41.20 θεόν.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.41.21
8.42 εἶπεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.0 αὐτοῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.1 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.2 Ἰησοῦς·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.3 Εἰ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.5 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.6 θεὸς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.7 πατὴρ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.8 ὑμῶν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.9 ἦν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.10 ἠγαπᾶτε urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.11 ἂν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.12 ἐμέ, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.13 ἐγὼ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.14 γὰρ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.15 ἐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.16 τοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.17 θεοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.18 ἐξῆλθον urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.19 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.20 ἥκω·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.21 οὐδὲ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.23 γὰρ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.24 ἀπ’ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.25 ἐμαυτοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.26 ἐλήλυθα, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.27 ἀλλ’ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.28 ἐκεῖνός urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.29 με urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.30 ἀπέστειλεν.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.42.31
8.43 διὰ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.43.0 τί urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.43.1 τὴν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.43.2 λαλιὰν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.43.3 τὴν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.43.4 ἐμὴν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.43.5 οὐ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.43.6 γινώσκετε;urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.43.7 ὅτι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.43.9 οὐ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.43.10 δύνασθε urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.43.11 ἀκούειν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.43.12 τὸν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.43.13 λόγον urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.43.14 τὸν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.43.15 ἐμόν.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.43.16
8.44 ὑμεῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.0 ἐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.1 τοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.2 πατρὸς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.3 τοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.4 διαβόλου urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.5 ἐστὲ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.6 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.7 τὰς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.8 ἐπιθυμίας urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.9 τοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.10 πατρὸς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.11 ὑμῶν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.12 θέλετε urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.13 ποιεῖν.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.14 ἐκεῖνος urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.16 ἀνθρωποκτόνος urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.17 ἦν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.18 ἀπ’ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.19 ἀρχῆς, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.20 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.21 ἐν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.22 τῇ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.23 ἀληθείᾳ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.24 οὐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.25 ἔστηκεν, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.26 ὅτι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.27 οὐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.28 ἔστιν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.29 ἀλήθεια urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.30 ἐν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.31 αὐτῷ.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.32 ὅταν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.34 λαλῇ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.35 τὸ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.36 ψεῦδος, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.37 ἐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.38 τῶν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.39 ἰδίων urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.40 λαλεῖ, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.41 ὅτι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.42 ψεύστης urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.43 ἐστὶν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.44 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.45 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.46 πατὴρ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.47 αὐτοῦ.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.44.48
8.45 ἐγὼ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.45.0 δὲ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.45.1 ὅτι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.45.2 τὴν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.45.3 ἀλήθειαν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.45.4 λέγω, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.45.5 οὐ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.45.6 πιστεύετέ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.45.7 μοι.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.45.8
8.46 τίς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.46.0 ἐξ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.46.1 ὑμῶν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.46.2 ἐλέγχει urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.46.3 με urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.46.4 περὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.46.5 ἁμαρτίας;urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.46.6 εἰ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.46.8 ἀλήθειαν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.46.9 λέγω, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.46.10 διὰ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.46.11 τί urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.46.12 ὑμεῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.46.13 οὐ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.46.14 πιστεύετέ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.46.15 μοι;urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.46.16
8.47 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.47.0 ὢν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.47.1 ἐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.47.2 τοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.47.3 θεοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.47.4 τὰ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.47.5 ῥήματα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.47.6 τοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.47.7 θεοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.47.8 ἀκούει·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.47.9 διὰ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.47.11 τοῦτο urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.47.12 ὑμεῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.47.13 οὐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.47.14 ἀκούετε urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.47.15 ὅτι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.47.16 ἐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.47.17 τοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.47.18 θεοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.47.19 οὐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.47.20 ἐστέ.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.47.21
8.48 Ἀπεκρίθησαν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.48.0 οἱ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.48.1 Ἰουδαῖοι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.48.2 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.48.3 εἶπαν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.48.4 αὐτῷ·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.48.5 Οὐ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.48.7 καλῶς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.48.8 λέγομεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.48.9 ἡμεῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.48.10 ὅτι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.48.11 Σαμαρίτης urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.48.12 εἶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.48.13 σὺ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.48.14 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.48.15 δαιμόνιον urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.48.16 ἔχεις;urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.48.17
8.49 ἀπεκρίθη urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.49.0 Ἰησοῦς·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.49.1 Ἐγὼ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.49.3 δαιμόνιον urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.49.4 οὐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.49.5 ἔχω, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.49.6 ἀλλὰ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.49.7 τιμῶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.49.8 τὸν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.49.9 πατέρα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.49.10 μου, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.49.11 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.49.12 ὑμεῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.49.13 ἀτιμάζετέ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.49.14 με.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.49.15
8.50 ἐγὼ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.50.0 δὲ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.50.1 οὐ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.50.2 ζητῶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.50.3 τὴν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.50.4 δόξαν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.50.5 μου·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.50.6 ἔστιν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.50.8 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.50.9 ζητῶν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.50.10 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.50.11 κρίνων.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.50.12
8.51 ἀμὴν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.51.0 ἀμὴν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.51.1 λέγω urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.51.2 ὑμῖν, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.51.3 ἐάν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.51.4 τις urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.51.5 τὸν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.51.6 ἐμὸν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.51.7 λόγον urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.51.8 τηρήσῃ, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.51.9 θάνατον urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.51.10 οὐ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.51.11 μὴ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.51.12 θεωρήσῃ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.51.13 εἰς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.51.14 τὸν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.51.15 αἰῶνα.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.51.16
8.52 εἶπον urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.0 αὐτῷ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.1 οἱ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.2 Ἰουδαῖοι·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.3 Νῦν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.5 ἐγνώκαμεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.6 ὅτι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.7 δαιμόνιον urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.8 ἔχεις.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.9 Ἀβραὰμ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.11 ἀπέθανεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.12 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.13 οἱ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.14 προφῆται, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.15 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.16 σὺ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.17 λέγεις·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.18 Ἐάν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.20 τις urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.21 τὸν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.22 λόγον urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.23 μου urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.24 τηρήσῃ, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.25 οὐ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.26 μὴ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.27 γεύσηται urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.28 θανάτου urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.29 εἰς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.30 τὸν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.31 αἰῶνα·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.52.32
8.53 μὴ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.53.0 σὺ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.53.1 μείζων urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.53.2 εἶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.53.3 τοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.53.4 πατρὸς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.53.5 ἡμῶν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.53.6 Ἀβραάμ, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.53.7 ὅστις urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.53.8 ἀπέθανεν;urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.53.9 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.53.11 οἱ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.53.12 προφῆται urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.53.13 ἀπέθανον·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.53.14 τίνα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.53.16 σεαυτὸν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.53.17 ποιεῖς;urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.53.18
8.54 ἀπεκρίθη urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.54.0 Ἰησοῦς·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.54.1 Ἐὰν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.54.3 ἐγὼ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.54.4 δοξάσω urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.54.5 ἐμαυτόν, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.54.6 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.54.7 δόξα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.54.8 μου urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.54.9 οὐδέν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.54.10 ἐστιν·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.54.11 ἔστιν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.54.13 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.54.14 πατήρ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.54.15 μου urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.54.16 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.54.17 δοξάζων urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.54.18 με, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.54.19 ὃν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.54.20 ὑμεῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.54.21 λέγετε urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.54.22 ὅτι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.54.23 θεὸς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.54.24 ἡμῶν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.54.25 ἐστιν,urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.54.26
8.55 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.0 οὐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.1 ἐγνώκατε urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.2 αὐτόν, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.3 ἐγὼ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.4 δὲ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.5 οἶδα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.6 αὐτόν·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.7 κἂν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.9 εἴπω urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.10 ὅτι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.11 οὐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.12 οἶδα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.13 αὐτόν, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.14 ἔσομαι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.15 ὅμοιος urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.16 ὑμῖν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.17 ψεύστης·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.18 ἀλλὰ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.20 οἶδα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.21 αὐτὸν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.22 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.23 τὸν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.24 λόγον urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.25 αὐτοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.26 τηρῶ.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.55.27
8.56 Ἀβραὰμ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.56.0 urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.56.1 πατὴρ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.56.2 ὑμῶν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.56.3 ἠγαλλιάσατο urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.56.4 ἵνα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.56.5 ἴδῃ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.56.6 τὴν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.56.7 ἡμέραν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.56.8 τὴν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.56.9 ἐμήν, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.56.10 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.56.11 εἶδεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.56.12 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.56.13 ἐχάρη.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.56.14
8.57 εἶπον urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.57.0 οὖν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.57.1 οἱ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.57.2 Ἰουδαῖοι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.57.3 πρὸς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.57.4 αὐτόν·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.57.5 Πεντήκοντα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.57.7 ἔτη urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.57.8 οὔπω urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.57.9 ἔχεις urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.57.10 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.57.11 Ἀβραὰμ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.57.12 ἑώρακας;urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.57.13
8.58 εἶπεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.58.0 αὐτοῖς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.58.1 Ἰησοῦς·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.58.2 Ἀμὴν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.58.4 ἀμὴν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.58.5 λέγω urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.58.6 ὑμῖν, urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.58.7 πρὶν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.58.8 Ἀβραὰμ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.58.9 γενέσθαι urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.58.10 ἐγὼ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.58.11 εἰμί.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.58.12
8.59 ἦραν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.59.0 οὖν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.59.1 λίθους urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.59.2 ἵνα urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.59.3 βάλωσιν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.59.4 ἐπ’ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.59.5 αὐτόν·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.59.6 Ἰησοῦς urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.59.8 δὲ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.59.9 ἐκρύβη urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.59.10 καὶ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.59.11 ἐξῆλθεν urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.59.12 ἐκ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.59.13 τοῦ urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.59.14 ἱεροῦ.urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg004.wh_fu.token:8.59.15